mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 22:20:37 +00:00
Test contracts with polling
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,179 +15,185 @@ type
method mint(token: TestToken, holder: Address, amount: UInt256): ?TransactionResponse {.base, contract.}
method myBalance(token: TestToken): UInt256 {.contract, view.}
suite "Contracts":
for url in ["ws://localhost:8545", "http://localhost:8545"]:
var token: TestToken
var provider: JsonRpcProvider
var snapshot: JsonNode
var accounts: seq[Address]
suite "Contracts (" & url & ")":
provider = JsonRpcProvider.new("ws://localhost:8545")
snapshot = await provider.send("evm_snapshot")
accounts = await provider.listAccounts()
let deployment = readDeployment()
token = TestToken.new(!deployment.address(TestToken), provider)
var token: TestToken
var provider: JsonRpcProvider
var snapshot: JsonNode
var accounts: seq[Address]
discard await provider.send("evm_revert", @[snapshot])
provider = JsonRpcProvider.new(url, pollingInterval = 100.millis)
snapshot = await provider.send("evm_snapshot")
accounts = await provider.listAccounts()
let deployment = readDeployment()
token = TestToken.new(!deployment.address(TestToken), provider)
test "can call constant functions":
check (await token.name()) == "TestToken"
check (await token.totalSupply()) == 0.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[0])) == 0.u256
check (await token.allowance(accounts[0], accounts[1])) == 0.u256
discard await provider.send("evm_revert", @[snapshot])
test "can call non-constant functions":
token = TestToken.new(token.address, provider.getSigner())
discard await token.mint(accounts[1], 100.u256)
check (await token.totalSupply()) == 100.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[1])) == 100.u256
test "can call constant functions":
check (await token.name()) == "TestToken"
check (await token.totalSupply()) == 0.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[0])) == 0.u256
check (await token.allowance(accounts[0], accounts[1])) == 0.u256
test "can call constant functions with a signer and the account is used for the call":
let signer0 = provider.getSigner(accounts[0])
let signer1 = provider.getSigner(accounts[1])
discard await token.connect(signer0).mint(accounts[1], 100.u256)
check (await token.connect(signer0).myBalance()) == 0.u256
check (await token.connect(signer1).myBalance()) == 100.u256
test "can call non-constant functions":
token = TestToken.new(token.address, provider.getSigner())
discard await token.mint(accounts[1], 100.u256)
check (await token.totalSupply()) == 100.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[1])) == 100.u256
test "can call non-constant functions without a signer":
discard await token.mint(accounts[1], 100.u256)
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[1])) == 0.u256
test "can call constant functions with a signer and the account is used for the call":
let signer0 = provider.getSigner(accounts[0])
let signer1 = provider.getSigner(accounts[1])
discard await token.connect(signer0).mint(accounts[1], 100.u256)
check (await token.connect(signer0).myBalance()) == 0.u256
check (await token.connect(signer1).myBalance()) == 100.u256
test "can call constant functions without a return type":
token = TestToken.new(token.address, provider.getSigner())
proc mint(token: TestToken, holder: Address, amount: UInt256) {.contract, view.}
await mint(token, accounts[1], 100.u256)
check (await balanceOf(token, accounts[1])) == 0.u256
test "can call non-constant functions without a signer":
discard await token.mint(accounts[1], 100.u256)
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[1])) == 0.u256
test "can call non-constant functions without a return type":
token = TestToken.new(token.address, provider.getSigner())
proc mint(token: TestToken, holder: Address, amount: UInt256) {.contract.}
await token.mint(accounts[1], 100.u256)
check (await balanceOf(token, accounts[1])) == 100.u256
test "can call constant functions without a return type":
token = TestToken.new(token.address, provider.getSigner())
proc mint(token: TestToken, holder: Address, amount: UInt256) {.contract, view.}
await mint(token, accounts[1], 100.u256)
check (await balanceOf(token, accounts[1])) == 0.u256
test "can call non-constant functions with a ?TransactionResponse return type":
token = TestToken.new(token.address, provider.getSigner())
proc mint(token: TestToken,
holder: Address,
amount: UInt256): ?TransactionResponse {.contract.}
let txResp = await token.mint(accounts[1], 100.u256)
check txResp is (?TransactionResponse)
check txResp.isSome
test "can call non-constant functions without a return type":
token = TestToken.new(token.address, provider.getSigner())
proc mint(token: TestToken, holder: Address, amount: UInt256) {.contract.}
await token.mint(accounts[1], 100.u256)
check (await balanceOf(token, accounts[1])) == 100.u256
test "can call non-constant functions with a Confirmable return type":
test "can call non-constant functions with a ?TransactionResponse return type":
token = TestToken.new(token.address, provider.getSigner())
proc mint(token: TestToken,
holder: Address,
amount: UInt256): ?TransactionResponse {.contract.}
let txResp = await token.mint(accounts[1], 100.u256)
check txResp is (?TransactionResponse)
check txResp.isSome
token = TestToken.new(token.address, provider.getSigner())
proc mint(token: TestToken,
holder: Address,
amount: UInt256): Confirmable {.contract.}
let txResp = await token.mint(accounts[1], 100.u256)
check txResp is Confirmable
check txResp.isSome
test "can call non-constant functions with a Confirmable return type":
test "fails to compile when function has an implementation":
let works = compiles:
proc foo(token: TestToken, bar: Address) {.contract.} = discard
check not works
token = TestToken.new(token.address, provider.getSigner())
proc mint(token: TestToken,
holder: Address,
amount: UInt256): Confirmable {.contract.}
let txResp = await token.mint(accounts[1], 100.u256)
check txResp is Confirmable
check txResp.isSome
test "fails to compile when function has no parameters":
let works = compiles:
proc foo() {.contract.}
check not works
test "fails to compile when function has an implementation":
let works = compiles:
proc foo(token: TestToken, bar: Address) {.contract.} = discard
check not works
test "fails to compile when non-constant function has a return type":
let works = compiles:
proc foo(token: TestToken, bar: Address): UInt256 {.contract.}
check not works
test "fails to compile when function has no parameters":
let works = compiles:
proc foo() {.contract.}
check not works
test "can connect to different providers and signers":
let signer0 = provider.getSigner(accounts[0])
let signer1 = provider.getSigner(accounts[1])
discard await token.connect(signer0).mint(accounts[0], 100.u256)
await token.connect(signer0).transfer(accounts[1], 50.u256)
await token.connect(signer1).transfer(accounts[2], 25.u256)
check (await token.connect(provider).balanceOf(accounts[0])) == 50.u256
check (await token.connect(provider).balanceOf(accounts[1])) == 25.u256
check (await token.connect(provider).balanceOf(accounts[2])) == 25.u256
test "fails to compile when non-constant function has a return type":
let works = compiles:
proc foo(token: TestToken, bar: Address): UInt256 {.contract.}
check not works
test "takes custom values for nonce, gasprice and gaslimit":
let overrides = TransactionOverrides(
nonce: some 100.u256,
gasPrice: some 200.u256,
gasLimit: some 300.u256
let signer = MockSigner.new(provider)
discard await token.connect(signer).mint(accounts[0], 42.u256, overrides)
check signer.transactions.len == 1
check signer.transactions[0].nonce == overrides.nonce
check signer.transactions[0].gasPrice == overrides.gasPrice
check signer.transactions[0].gasLimit == overrides.gasLimit
test "can connect to different providers and signers":
let signer0 = provider.getSigner(accounts[0])
let signer1 = provider.getSigner(accounts[1])
discard await token.connect(signer0).mint(accounts[0], 100.u256)
await token.connect(signer0).transfer(accounts[1], 50.u256)
await token.connect(signer1).transfer(accounts[2], 25.u256)
check (await token.connect(provider).balanceOf(accounts[0])) == 50.u256
check (await token.connect(provider).balanceOf(accounts[1])) == 25.u256
check (await token.connect(provider).balanceOf(accounts[2])) == 25.u256
test "can call functions for different block heights":
let block1 = await provider.getBlockNumber()
let signer = provider.getSigner(accounts[0])
discard await token.connect(signer).mint(accounts[0], 100.u256)
let block2 = await provider.getBlockNumber()
test "takes custom values for nonce, gasprice and gaslimit":
let overrides = TransactionOverrides(
nonce: some 100.u256,
gasPrice: some 200.u256,
gasLimit: some 300.u256
let signer = MockSigner.new(provider)
discard await token.connect(signer).mint(accounts[0], 42.u256, overrides)
check signer.transactions.len == 1
check signer.transactions[0].nonce == overrides.nonce
check signer.transactions[0].gasPrice == overrides.gasPrice
check signer.transactions[0].gasLimit == overrides.gasLimit
let beforeMint = CallOverrides(blockTag: some BlockTag.init(block1))
let afterMint = CallOverrides(blockTag: some BlockTag.init(block2))
test "can call functions for different block heights":
let block1 = await provider.getBlockNumber()
let signer = provider.getSigner(accounts[0])
discard await token.connect(signer).mint(accounts[0], 100.u256)
let block2 = await provider.getBlockNumber()
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[0], beforeMint)) == 0
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[0], afterMint)) == 100
let beforeMint = CallOverrides(blockTag: some BlockTag.init(block1))
let afterMint = CallOverrides(blockTag: some BlockTag.init(block2))
test "receives events when subscribed":
var transfers: seq[Transfer]
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[0], beforeMint)) == 0
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[0], afterMint)) == 100
proc handleTransfer(transfer: Transfer) =
test "receives events when subscribed":
var transfers: seq[Transfer]
let signer0 = provider.getSigner(accounts[0])
let signer1 = provider.getSigner(accounts[1])
proc handleTransfer(transfer: Transfer) =
let subscription = await token.subscribe(Transfer, handleTransfer)
discard await token.connect(signer0).mint(accounts[0], 100.u256)
await token.connect(signer0).transfer(accounts[1], 50.u256)
await token.connect(signer1).transfer(accounts[2], 25.u256)
await subscription.unsubscribe()
let signer0 = provider.getSigner(accounts[0])
let signer1 = provider.getSigner(accounts[1])
check transfers == @[
Transfer(receiver: accounts[0], value: 100.u256),
Transfer(sender: accounts[0], receiver: accounts[1], value: 50.u256),
Transfer(sender: accounts[1], receiver: accounts[2], value: 25.u256)
let subscription = await token.subscribe(Transfer, handleTransfer)
discard await token.connect(signer0).mint(accounts[0], 100.u256)
await token.connect(signer0).transfer(accounts[1], 50.u256)
await token.connect(signer1).transfer(accounts[2], 25.u256)
test "stops receiving events when unsubscribed":
var transfers: seq[Transfer]
check eventually transfers == @[
Transfer(receiver: accounts[0], value: 100.u256),
Transfer(sender: accounts[0], receiver: accounts[1], value: 50.u256),
Transfer(sender: accounts[1], receiver: accounts[2], value: 25.u256)
proc handleTransfer(transfer: Transfer) =
await subscription.unsubscribe()
let signer0 = provider.getSigner(accounts[0])
test "stops receiving events when unsubscribed":
var transfers: seq[Transfer]
let subscription = await token.subscribe(Transfer, handleTransfer)
discard await token.connect(signer0).mint(accounts[0], 100.u256)
await subscription.unsubscribe()
proc handleTransfer(transfer: Transfer) =
await token.connect(signer0).transfer(accounts[1], 50.u256)
let signer0 = provider.getSigner(accounts[0])
check transfers == @[Transfer(receiver: accounts[0], value: 100.u256)]
let subscription = await token.subscribe(Transfer, handleTransfer)
discard await token.connect(signer0).mint(accounts[0], 100.u256)
test "can wait for contract interaction tx to be mined":
# must not be awaited so we can get newHeads inside of .wait
let futMined = provider.mineBlocks(10)
check eventually transfers.len == 1
await subscription.unsubscribe()
let signer0 = provider.getSigner(accounts[0])
let receipt = await token.connect(signer0)
.mint(accounts[1], 100.u256)
.confirm(3) # wait for 3 confirmations
let endBlock = await provider.getBlockNumber()
await token.connect(signer0).transfer(accounts[1], 50.u256)
await sleepAsync(100.millis)
check receipt.blockNumber.isSome # was eventually mined
check transfers.len == 1
# >= 3 because more blocks may have been mined by the time the
# check in `.wait` was done.
# +1 for the block the tx was mined in
check (endBlock - !receipt.blockNumber) + 1 >= 3
test "can wait for contract interaction tx to be mined":
# must not be awaited so we can get newHeads inside of .wait
let futMined = provider.mineBlocks(10)
await futMined
let signer0 = provider.getSigner(accounts[0])
let receipt = await token.connect(signer0)
.mint(accounts[1], 100.u256)
.confirm(3) # wait for 3 confirmations
let endBlock = await provider.getBlockNumber()
check receipt.blockNumber.isSome # was eventually mined
# >= 3 because more blocks may have been mined by the time the
# check in `.wait` was done.
# +1 for the block the tx was mined in
check (endBlock - !receipt.blockNumber) + 1 >= 3
await futMined
@ -13,84 +13,86 @@ type
method mint(token: TestToken, holder: Address, amount: UInt256): ?TransactionResponse {.base, contract.}
suite "ERC20":
for url in ["ws://localhost:8545", "http://localhost:8545"]:
var token, token1: Erc20Token
var testToken: TestToken
var provider: JsonRpcProvider
var snapshot: JsonNode
var accounts: seq[Address]
suite "ERC20 (" & url & ")":
provider = JsonRpcProvider.new("ws://localhost:8545")
snapshot = await provider.send("evm_snapshot")
accounts = await provider.listAccounts()
let deployment = readDeployment()
testToken = TestToken.new(!deployment.address(TestToken), provider.getSigner())
token = Erc20Token.new(!deployment.address(TestToken), provider.getSigner())
var token, token1: Erc20Token
var testToken: TestToken
var provider: JsonRpcProvider
var snapshot: JsonNode
var accounts: seq[Address]
discard await provider.send("evm_revert", @[snapshot])
provider = JsonRpcProvider.new(url, pollingInterval = 100.millis)
snapshot = await provider.send("evm_snapshot")
accounts = await provider.listAccounts()
let deployment = readDeployment()
testToken = TestToken.new(!deployment.address(TestToken), provider.getSigner())
token = Erc20Token.new(!deployment.address(TestToken), provider.getSigner())
test "retrieves basic information":
check (await token.name()) == "TestToken"
check (await token.symbol()) == "TST"
check (await token.decimals()) == 12
check (await token.totalSupply()) == 0.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[0])) == 0.u256
check (await token.allowance(accounts[0], accounts[1])) == 0.u256
discard await provider.send("evm_revert", @[snapshot])
test "transfer tokens":
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[0])) == 0.u256
check (await token.allowance(accounts[0], accounts[1])) == 0.u256
test "retrieves basic information":
check (await token.name()) == "TestToken"
check (await token.symbol()) == "TST"
check (await token.decimals()) == 12
check (await token.totalSupply()) == 0.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[0])) == 0.u256
check (await token.allowance(accounts[0], accounts[1])) == 0.u256
discard await testToken.mint(accounts[0], 100.u256)
test "transfer tokens":
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[0])) == 0.u256
check (await token.allowance(accounts[0], accounts[1])) == 0.u256
check (await token.totalSupply()) == 100.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[0])) == 100.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[1])) == 0.u256
discard await testToken.mint(accounts[0], 100.u256)
await token.transfer(accounts[1], 50.u256)
check (await token.totalSupply()) == 100.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[0])) == 100.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[1])) == 0.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[0])) == 50.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[1])) == 50.u256
await token.transfer(accounts[1], 50.u256)
test "approve tokens":
discard await testToken.mint(accounts[0], 100.u256)
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[0])) == 50.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[1])) == 50.u256
check (await token.allowance(accounts[0], accounts[1])) == 0.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[0])) == 100.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[1])) == 0.u256
test "approve tokens":
discard await testToken.mint(accounts[0], 100.u256)
await token.approve(accounts[1], 50.u256)
check (await token.allowance(accounts[0], accounts[1])) == 0.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[0])) == 100.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[1])) == 0.u256
check (await token.allowance(accounts[0], accounts[1])) == 50.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[0])) == 100.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[1])) == 0.u256
await token.approve(accounts[1], 50.u256)
test "transferFrom tokens":
let senderAccount = accounts[0]
let receiverAccount = accounts[1]
let receiverAccountSigner = provider.getSigner(receiverAccount)
check (await token.allowance(accounts[0], accounts[1])) == 50.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[0])) == 100.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(accounts[1])) == 0.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(senderAccount)) == 0.u256
check (await token.allowance(senderAccount, receiverAccount)) == 0.u256
test "transferFrom tokens":
let senderAccount = accounts[0]
let receiverAccount = accounts[1]
let receiverAccountSigner = provider.getSigner(receiverAccount)
discard await testToken.mint(senderAccount, 100.u256)
check (await token.balanceOf(senderAccount)) == 0.u256
check (await token.allowance(senderAccount, receiverAccount)) == 0.u256
check (await token.totalSupply()) == 100.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(senderAccount)) == 100.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(receiverAccount)) == 0.u256
discard await testToken.mint(senderAccount, 100.u256)
await token.approve(receiverAccount, 50.u256)
check (await token.totalSupply()) == 100.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(senderAccount)) == 100.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(receiverAccount)) == 0.u256
check (await token.allowance(senderAccount, receiverAccount)) == 50.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(senderAccount)) == 100.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(receiverAccount)) == 0.u256
await token.approve(receiverAccount, 50.u256)
await token.connect(receiverAccountSigner).transferFrom(senderAccount, receiverAccount, 50.u256)
check (await token.allowance(senderAccount, receiverAccount)) == 50.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(senderAccount)) == 100.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(receiverAccount)) == 0.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(senderAccount)) == 50.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(receiverAccount)) == 50.u256
check (await token.allowance(senderAccount, receiverAccount)) == 0.u256
await token.connect(receiverAccountSigner).transferFrom(senderAccount, receiverAccount, 50.u256)
check (await token.balanceOf(senderAccount)) == 50.u256
check (await token.balanceOf(receiverAccount)) == 50.u256
check (await token.allowance(senderAccount, receiverAccount)) == 0.u256
Reference in New Issue
Block a user