Add documentation about events

This commit is contained in:
Mark Spanbroek 2022-02-02 17:49:50 +01:00 committed by markspanbroek
parent 72ccb57b98
commit 5cc1f4b71d
1 changed files with 38 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -90,6 +90,44 @@ await writableToken.transfer(accounts[7], 42.u256)
Which transfers 42 tokens from account 3 to account 7 Which transfers 42 tokens from account 3 to account 7
You can subscribe to events that are emitted by a smart contract. For instance,
to get notified about token transfers you define the `Transfer` event:
type Transfer = object of Event
sender {.indexed.}: Address
receiver {.indexed.}: Address
value: UInt256
Notice that `Transfer` inherits from `Event`, and that some event parameters are
marked with `{.indexed.}` to match the definition in Solidity.
You can now subscribe to Transfer events by calling `subscribe` on the contract
proc handleTransfer(transfer: Transfer) =
echo "received transfer: ", transfer
let subscription = await token.subscribe(Transfer, handleTransfer)
When a Transfer event is emitted, the `handleTransfer` proc that you just
defined will be called.
When you're no longer interested in these events, you can unsubscribe:
await subscription.unsubscribe()
Subscriptions are currently only supported when using a JSON RPC provider that
is created with a websockets URL such as `ws://localhost:8545`.
Thanks Thanks
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