#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu VERSIONS=( "v1.1.5" ) FLAVOURS=( "general" "minimal" "mainnet" ) # signal handler (we only care about the Ctrl+C generated SIGINT) REL_PATH="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" ABS_PATH="$(cd "${REL_PATH}"; pwd)" cleanup() { echo -e "\nCtrl+C pressed. Cleaning up." cd "$ABS_PATH" rm -rf tarballs tests-* exit 1 } trap cleanup SIGINT dl_version() { [[ -z "$1" ]] && { echo "usage: dl_version() vX.Y.Z"; exit 1; } version="$1" mkdir -p "tarballs/${version}" pushd "tarballs/${version}" >/dev/null for flavour in "${FLAVOURS[@]}"; do if [[ ! -e "${flavour}.tar.gz" ]]; then echo "Downloading: ${version}/${flavour}.tar.gz" curl --location --remote-name --silent --show-error \ "https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-spec-tests/releases/download/${version}/${flavour}.tar.gz" \ || { echo "Curl failed. Aborting" rm -f "${flavour}.tar.gz" exit 1 } fi done popd >/dev/null } unpack_version() { [[ -z "$1" ]] && { echo "usage: unpack_version() vX.Y.Z"; exit 1; } version="$1" dl_version "$version" # suppress warnings when unpacking with GNU tar an archive created with BSD tar (probably on macOS) EXTRA_TAR_PARAMS="" tar --version | grep -qi 'gnu' && EXTRA_TAR_PARAMS="--warning=no-unknown-keyword --ignore-zeros" if [[ ! -d "tests-${version}" ]]; then for flavour in "${FLAVOURS[@]}"; do echo "Unpacking: ${version}/${flavour}.tar.gz" mkdir -p "tests-${version}" tar -C "tests-${version}" --strip-components 1 ${EXTRA_TAR_PARAMS} --exclude=phase1 -xzf \ "tarballs/${version}/${flavour}.tar.gz" \ || { echo "Tar failed. Aborting." rm -rf "tests-${version}" exit 1 } done fi } # download and unpack for version in "${VERSIONS[@]}"; do unpack_version "$version" done # delete tarballs and unpacked data from old versions for tpath in tarballs/*; do tdir="$(basename "$tpath")" if [[ ! " ${VERSIONS[@]} " =~ " $tdir " ]]; then rm -rf "$tpath" fi done for tpath in tests-*; do tver="$(echo "$tpath" | sed -e's/^tests-//')" if [[ ! " ${VERSIONS[@]} " =~ " $tver " ]]; then rm -rf "$tpath" fi done