
565 lines
21 KiB

../../eth/keys, ../../eth/p2p/discoveryv5/[routing_table, node, enr],
func customDistance*(a, b: NodeId): UInt256 =
if a >= b:
a - b
b - a
func customLogDistance*(a, b: NodeId): uint16 =
let distance = customDistance(a, b)
let modulo = distance mod (u256(uint8.high))
func customIdAdDist*(id: NodeId, dist: uint16): NodeId =
id + u256(dist)
suite "Routing Table Tests":
let rng = newRng()
# Used for testing. Could also at runtime check whether the address is the
# loopback address as these are only allowed to be added when coming from
# another loopback nodes, however that check is done in the protocol code and
# thus independent of routing_table.
let ipLimits = TableIpLimits(tableIpLimit: 200,
let customDistanceCalculator = DistanceCalculator(
calculateDistance: customDistance,
calculateLogDistance: customLogDistance,
calculateIdAtDistance: customIdAdDist)
test "Add local node":
let node = generateNode(PrivateKey.random(rng[]))
var table = RoutingTable.init(node, 1, ipLimits, rng = rng)
check table.addNode(node) == LocalNode
test "Bucket splitting in range branch b=1":
let node = generateNode(PrivateKey.random(rng[]))
# bitsPerHop = 1 -> Split only the branch in range of own id
var table = RoutingTable.init(node, 1, ipLimits, rng = rng)
for j in 0..5'u32:
for i in 0..<BUCKET_SIZE:
check table.addNode(node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 256-j)) == Added
check table.addNode(node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 256-j)) == ReplacementAdded
test "Bucket splitting off range branch b=1":
let node = generateNode(PrivateKey.random(rng[]))
# bitsPerHop = 1 -> Split only the branch in range of own id
var table = RoutingTable.init(node, 1, ipLimits, rng = rng)
# Add 16 nodes, distance 256
for i in 0..<BUCKET_SIZE:
check table.addNode(node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 256)) == Added
# This should split the bucket in the distance 256 branch, and the distance
# <=255 branch. But not add the node, as distance 256 bucket is already full
# and b=1 will not allow it to spit any further
check table.addNode(node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 256)) == ReplacementAdded
# This add should be allowed as it is on the branch where the own node's id
# id belongs to.
check table.addNode(node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 255)) == Added
test "Bucket splitting off range branch b=2":
let node = generateNode(PrivateKey.random(rng[]))
# bitsPerHop = 2, allow not in range branch to split once (2 buckets).
var table = RoutingTable.init(node, 2, ipLimits, rng = rng)
# Add 16 nodes, distance 256 from `node`, but all with 2 bits shared prefix
# among themselves.
let firstNode = node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 256)
check table.addNode(firstNode) == Added
for n in 1..<BUCKET_SIZE:
check table.addNode(firstNode.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 254)) == Added
# Add 16 more nodes with only 1 bit shared prefix with previous 16. This
# should cause the initial bucket to split and and fill the second bucket
# with the 16 new entries.
for n in 0..<BUCKET_SIZE:
check table.addNode(firstNode.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 255)) == Added
# Adding another should fail as both buckets will be full and not be
# allowed to split another time.
check table.addNode(node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 256)) == ReplacementAdded
# And also when targetting one of the two specific buckets.
check table.addNode(firstNode.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 255)) == ReplacementAdded
check table.addNode(firstNode.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 254)) == ReplacementAdded
# This add should be allowed as it is on the branch where the own node's id
# id belongs to.
check table.addNode(node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 255)) == Added
test "Replacement cache":
let node = generateNode(PrivateKey.random(rng[]))
# bitsPerHop = 1 -> Split only the branch in range of own id
var table = RoutingTable.init(node, 1, ipLimits, rng = rng)
# create a full bucket
let bucketNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(rng[], 256, BUCKET_SIZE)
for n in bucketNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == Added
# create a full replacement cache
let replacementNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(rng[], 256, REPLACEMENT_CACHE_SIZE)
for n in replacementNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == ReplacementAdded
# Add one more node to replacement (would drop first one)
let lastNode = node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 256)
check table.addNode(lastNode) == ReplacementAdded
# This should replace the last node in the bucket, with the last one of
# the replacement cache.
# Should return the last node of the replacement cache successfully.
let result = table.getNode(
result.get() == lastNode
# This node should be removed
check (table.getNode(bucketNodes[bucketNodes.high].id)).isNone()
test "Empty bucket":
let node = generateNode(PrivateKey.random(rng[]))
# bitsPerHop = 1 -> Split only the branch in range of own id
var table = RoutingTable.init(node, 1, ipLimits, rng = rng)
check table.nodeToRevalidate().isNil()
# try to replace not existing node
check table.len == 0
let addedNode = generateNode(PrivateKey.random(rng[]))
check table.addNode(addedNode) == Added
check table.len == 1
# try to replace not existing node
check table.len == 1
check table.len == 0
test "Empty replacement cache":
let node = generateNode(PrivateKey.random(rng[]))
# bitsPerHop = 1 -> Split only the branch in range of own id
var table = RoutingTable.init(node, 1, ipLimits, rng = rng)
# create a full bucket TODO: no need to store bucketNodes
let bucketNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(rng[], 256, BUCKET_SIZE)
for n in bucketNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == Added
# This node should still be removed
check (table.getNode(bucketNodes[bucketNodes.high].id)).isNone()
test "Double add":
let node = generateNode(PrivateKey.random(rng[]))
# bitsPerHop = 1 -> Split only the branch in range of own id
var table = RoutingTable.init(node, 1, ipLimits, rng = rng)
let doubleNode = node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 256)
# Try to add the node twice
check table.addNode(doubleNode) == Added
check table.addNode(doubleNode) == Existing
for n in 0..<BUCKET_SIZE-1:
check table.addNode(node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 256)) == Added
check table.addNode(node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 256)) == ReplacementAdded
# Check when adding again once the bucket is full
check table.addNode(doubleNode) == Existing
# Test if its order is preserved, there is one node in replacement cache
# which is why we run `BUCKET_SIZE` times.
for n in 0..<BUCKET_SIZE:
let result = table.getNode(
result.get() == doubleNode
table.len == 1
test "Double replacement add":
let node = generateNode(PrivateKey.random(rng[]))
# bitsPerHop = 1 -> Split only the branch in range of own id
var table = RoutingTable.init(node, 1, ipLimits, rng = rng)
# create a full bucket
let bucketNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(rng[], 256, BUCKET_SIZE)
for n in bucketNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == Added
# create a full replacement cache
let replacementNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(rng[], 256, REPLACEMENT_CACHE_SIZE)
for n in replacementNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == ReplacementAdded
check table.addNode(replacementNodes[0]) == ReplacementExisting
# Should return the last node of the replacement cache successfully.
let result = table.getNode(replacementNodes[0].id)
result.get() == replacementNodes[0]
# This node should be removed
check (table.getNode(bucketNodes[bucketNodes.high].id)).isNone()
test "Just seen":
let node = generateNode(PrivateKey.random(rng[]))
# bitsPerHop = 1 -> Split only the branch in range of own id
var table = RoutingTable.init(node, 1, ipLimits, rng = rng)
# create a full bucket
let bucketNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(rng[], 256, BUCKET_SIZE)
for n in bucketNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == Added
# swap seen order
for n in bucketNodes:
for n in bucketNodes:
check (table.getNode(
test "Just seen replacement":
let node = generateNode(PrivateKey.random(rng[]))
# bitsPerHop = 1 -> Split only the branch in range of own id
var table = RoutingTable.init(node, 1, ipLimits, rng = rng)
# create a full bucket
let bucketNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(rng[], 256, BUCKET_SIZE)
for n in bucketNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == Added
# create a full replacement cache
let replacementNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(rng[], 256, REPLACEMENT_CACHE_SIZE)
for n in replacementNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == ReplacementAdded
for i in countdown(replacementNodes.high, 0):
for n in replacementNodes:
let result = table.getNode(
result.get() == n
for i in 0..<int(BUCKET_SIZE/2):
let result = table.getNode(bucketNodes[i].id)
result.get() == bucketNodes[i]
test "Ip limits on bucket":
let node = generateNode(PrivateKey.random(rng[]))
# bitsPerHop = 1 -> Split only the branch in range of own id
var table = RoutingTable.init(node, 1, DefaultTableIpLimits, rng = rng)
block: # First bucket
let sameIpNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(rng[], 256,
for n in sameIpNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == Added
# Try to add a node, which should fail due to ip bucket limit
let anotherSameIpNode = node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 256)
check table.addNode(anotherSameIpNode) == IpLimitReached
# Remove one and try add again
check table.addNode(anotherSameIpNode) == Added
# Further fill the bucket with nodes with different ip.
let diffIpNodes = node.nodesAtDistanceUniqueIp(rng[], 256,
int(BUCKET_SIZE - DefaultTableIpLimits.bucketIpLimit),
for n in diffIpNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == Added
block: # Second bucket
# Try to add another node with the same IP, but different distance.
# This should split the bucket and add it.
let anotherSameIpNode = node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 255)
check table.addNode(anotherSameIpNode) == Added
# Add more nodes with different ip and distance 255 to get in the new bucket
let diffIpNodes = node.nodesAtDistanceUniqueIp(rng[], 255,
int(BUCKET_SIZE - DefaultTableIpLimits.bucketIpLimit - 1),
for n in diffIpNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == Added
let sameIpNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(rng[], 255,
int(DefaultTableIpLimits.bucketIpLimit - 1))
for n in sameIpNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == Added
# Adding in another one should fail again
let anotherSameIpNode2 = node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 255)
check table.addNode(anotherSameIpNode2) == IpLimitReached
test "Ip limits on routing table":
let node = generateNode(PrivateKey.random(rng[]))
# bitsPerHop = 1 -> Split only the branch in range of own id
var table = RoutingTable.init(node, 1, DefaultTableIpLimits, rng = rng)
let amount = uint32(DefaultTableIpLimits.tableIpLimit div
# Fill `amount` of buckets, each with 14 nodes with different ips and 2
# with equal ones.
for j in 0..<amount:
let nodes = node.nodesAtDistanceUniqueIp(rng[], 256 - j,
int(BUCKET_SIZE - DefaultTableIpLimits.bucketIpLimit),
for n in nodes:
check table.addNode(n) == Added
let sameIpNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(rng[], 256 - j,
for n in sameIpNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == Added
# Add a node with a different IP, should work and split a bucket once more.
let anotherDiffIpNode = node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 256 - amount,
check table.addNode(anotherDiffIpNode) == Added
let amountLeft = int(DefaultTableIpLimits.tableIpLimit mod
let sameIpNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(rng[], 256 - amount, amountLeft)
for n in sameIpNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == Added
# Add a node with same ip to this fresh bucket, should fail because of total
# ip limit of routing table is reached.
let anotherSameIpNode = node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 256 - amount)
check table.addNode(anotherSameIpNode) == IpLimitReached
test "Ip limits on replacement cache":
let node = generateNode(PrivateKey.random(rng[]))
var table = RoutingTable.init(node, 1, DefaultTableIpLimits, rng = rng)
let diffIpNodes = node.nodesAtDistanceUniqueIp(rng[], 256,
int(BUCKET_SIZE - DefaultTableIpLimits.bucketIpLimit + 1),
for n in diffIpNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == Added
let sameIpNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(rng[], 256,
int(DefaultTableIpLimits.bucketIpLimit - 1))
for n in sameIpNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == Added
let anotherSameIpNode1 = node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 256)
check table.addNode(anotherSameIpNode1) == ReplacementAdded
let anotherSameIpNode2 = node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 256)
check table.addNode(anotherSameIpNode2) == IpLimitReached
block: # Replace node to see if the first one becomes available
let res = table.getNode(
res.get() == anotherSameIpNode1
block: # Replace again to see if the first one never becomes available
test "Ip limits on replacement cache: deletion":
let node = generateNode(PrivateKey.random(rng[]))
var table = RoutingTable.init(node, 1, DefaultTableIpLimits, rng = rng)
block: # Fill bucket
let sameIpNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(rng[], 256,
int(DefaultTableIpLimits.bucketIpLimit - 1))
for n in sameIpNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == Added
let diffIpNodes = node.nodesAtDistanceUniqueIp(rng[], 256,
int(BUCKET_SIZE - DefaultTableIpLimits.bucketIpLimit + 1),
for n in diffIpNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == Added
block: # Fill bucket replacement cache
let sameIpNode = node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 256)
check table.addNode(sameIpNode) == ReplacementAdded
let diffIpNodes = node.nodesAtDistanceUniqueIp(rng[], 256,
for n in diffIpNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == ReplacementAdded
# Try to add node to replacement, but limit is reached
let sameIpNode = node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 256)
check table.addNode(sameIpNode) == IpLimitReached
# Add one with different ip, to remove the first
let diffIpNode = node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 256,
check table.addNode(diffIpNode) == ReplacementAdded
# Now the add should work
check table.addNode(sameIpNode) == ReplacementAdded
test "Ip limits on replacement cache: double add":
let node = generateNode(PrivateKey.random(rng[]))
var table = RoutingTable.init(node, 1, DefaultTableIpLimits, rng = rng)
# Fill bucket
let diffIpNodes = node.nodesAtDistanceUniqueIp(rng[], 256, BUCKET_SIZE,
for n in diffIpNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == Added
# Test if double add does not account for the ip limits.
for i in 0..<DefaultTableIpLimits.bucketIpLimit:
let sameIpNode = node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 256)
check table.addNode(sameIpNode) == ReplacementAdded
# Add it again
check table.addNode(sameIpNode) == ReplacementExisting
let sameIpNode = node.nodeAtDistance(rng[], 256)
check table.addNode(sameIpNode) == IpLimitReached
test "Ip limits on bucket: double add with new ip":
let node = generateNode(PrivateKey.random(rng[]))
var table = RoutingTable.init(node, 1, DefaultTableIpLimits, rng = rng)
let pk = PrivateKey.random(rng[])
let sameIpNode1 = generateNode(pk)
check table.addNode(sameIpNode1) == Added
let updatedNode1 = generateNode(pk)
# Need to do an update to get seqNum increased
let updated = updatedNode1.update(pk,
some(Port(9000)), some(Port(9000)))
check updated.isOk()
check table.addNode(updatedNode1) == Existing
let sameIpNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(rng[], 256,
for n in sameIpNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == Added
check table.len == int(DefaultTableIpLimits.bucketIpLimit) + 1
test "Ip limits on replacement cache: double add with new ip":
let node = generateNode(PrivateKey.random(rng[]))
var table = RoutingTable.init(node, 1, DefaultTableIpLimits, rng = rng)
# Fill bucket
let diffIpNodes = node.nodesAtDistanceUniqueIp(rng[], 256, BUCKET_SIZE,
for n in diffIpNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == Added
let (sameIpNode1, pk) = node.nodeAndPrivKeyAtDistance(rng[], 256)
check table.addNode(sameIpNode1) == ReplacementAdded
# For replacements we don't need to get seqNum increased as the node will
# still get pushed in front of the queue.
let updatedNode1 = generateNode(pk, ip = ValidIpAddress.init(""))
check table.addNode(updatedNode1) == ReplacementExisting
let sameIpNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(rng[], 256,
for n in sameIpNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == ReplacementAdded
test "Ip limits on bucket: even more adds with new ip":
# This tests against an issue where the ip of the nodes would not get updated
let node = generateNode(PrivateKey.random(rng[]))
var table = RoutingTable.init(node, 1, DefaultTableIpLimits, rng = rng)
let pk = PrivateKey.random(rng[])
let sameIpNode1 = generateNode(pk)
check table.addNode(sameIpNode1) == Added
let updatedNode1 = generateNode(pk)
for i in 0..<DefaultTableIpLimits.bucketIpLimit + 1:
# Need to do an update to get seqNum increased
let updated = updatedNode1.update(pk,
some(Port(9000+i)), some(Port(9000+i)))
check updated.isOk()
check table.addNode(updatedNode1) == Existing
let sameIpNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(rng[], 256,
for n in sameIpNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == Added
check table.len == int(DefaultTableIpLimits.bucketIpLimit) + 1
test "Custom distance calculator: distance":
let numNodes = 10
let local = generateNode(PrivateKey.random(rng[]))
var table = RoutingTable.init(local, 1, ipLimits, rng = rng,
distanceCalculator = customDistanceCalculator)
let nodes = generateNRandomNodes(rng, numNodes)
for n in nodes:
check table.addNode(n) == Added
let neighbours = table.neighbours(
check len(neighbours) == numNodes
# check that neighbours are sorted by provdied custom distance funciton
for i in 0..numNodes-2:
let prevDist = customDistance(, neighbours[i].id)
let nextDist = customDistance(, neighbours[i + 1].id)
check prevDist <= nextDist
test "Custom distance calculator: at log distance":
let numNodes = 10
let local = generateNode(PrivateKey.random(rng[]))
var table = RoutingTable.init(local, 1, ipLimits, rng = rng,
distanceCalculator = customDistanceCalculator)
let nodes = generateNRandomNodes(rng, numNodes)
for n in nodes:
check table.addNode(n) == Added
let neighbours = table.neighbours(
check len(neighbours) == numNodes
for n in neighbours:
let cLogDist = customLogDistance(,
let neighboursAtLogDist = table.neighboursAtDistance(cLogDist)
# there may be more than one node at provided distance
check len(neighboursAtLogDist) >= 1
check neighboursAtLogDist.contains(n)