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unittest, chronos, sequtils, chronicles, tables, stint,
eth/[keys, rlp], eth/p2p/enode, eth/trie/db,
eth/p2p/discoveryv5/[discovery_db, enr, node, types, routing_table, encoding],
eth/p2p/discoveryv5/protocol as discv5_protocol,
proc initDiscoveryNode*(privKey: PrivateKey, address: Address,
bootstrapRecords: openarray[Record] = []):
discv5_protocol.Protocol =
var db = DiscoveryDB.init(newMemoryDB())
result = newProtocol(privKey, db,
address.tcpPort, address.udpPort,
bootstrapRecords = bootstrapRecords)
proc nodeIdInNodes(id: NodeId, nodes: openarray[Node]): bool =
for n in nodes:
if id == n.id: return true
# Creating a random packet with specific nodeid each time
proc randomPacket(tag: PacketTag): seq[byte] =
authTag: AuthTag
msg: array[44, byte]
proc generateNode(privKey = PrivateKey.random()[], port: int = 20302): Node =
let port = Port(port)
let enr = enr.Record.init(1, privKey, some(parseIpAddress("")),
port, port)
result = newNode(enr)
proc nodeAtDistance(n: Node, d: uint32): Node =
while true:
let node = generateNode()
if logDist(n.id, node.id) == d:
return node
proc nodesAtDistance(n: Node, d: uint32, amount: int): seq[Node] =
for i in 0..<amount:
result.add(nodeAtDistance(n, d))
suite "Discovery v5 Tests":
asyncTest "GetNode":
# TODO: This could be tested in just a routing table only context
node = initDiscoveryNode(PrivateKey.random()[], localAddress(20302))
targetNode = generateNode()
for i in 0..<1000:
check node.getNode(targetNode.id) == targetNode
await node.closeWait()
asyncTest "Node deletion":
bootnode = initDiscoveryNode(PrivateKey.random()[], localAddress(20301))
node1 = initDiscoveryNode(PrivateKey.random()[], localAddress(20302),
node2 = initDiscoveryNode(PrivateKey.random()[], localAddress(20303),
pong1 = await discv5_protocol.ping(node1, bootnode.localNode)
pong2 = await discv5_protocol.ping(node1, node2.localNode)
check pong1.isSome() and pong2.isSome()
await bootnode.closeWait()
await node2.closeWait()
await node1.revalidateNode(bootnode.localNode)
await node1.revalidateNode(node2.localNode)
check node1.getNode(bootnode.localNode.id) == bootnode.localNode
check node1.getNode(node2.localNode.id) == nil
await node1.closeWait()
asyncTest "Handshake cleanup":
let node = initDiscoveryNode(PrivateKey.random()[], localAddress(20302))
var tag: PacketTag
let a = localAddress(20303)
for i in 0 ..< 5:
node.receive(a, randomPacket(tag))
# Checking different nodeIds but same address
check node.codec.handshakes.len == 5
# TODO: Could get rid of the sleep by storing the timeout future of the
# handshake
await sleepAsync(handshakeTimeout)
# Checking handshake cleanup
check node.codec.handshakes.len == 0
await node.closeWait()
asyncTest "Handshake different address":
let node = initDiscoveryNode(PrivateKey.random()[], localAddress(20302))
var tag: PacketTag
for i in 0 ..< 5:
let a = localAddress(20303 + i)
node.receive(a, randomPacket(tag))
check node.codec.handshakes.len == 5
await node.closeWait()
asyncTest "Handshake duplicates":
let node = initDiscoveryNode(PrivateKey.random()[], localAddress(20302))
var tag: PacketTag
let a = localAddress(20303)
for i in 0 ..< 5:
node.receive(a, randomPacket(tag))
# Checking handshake duplicates
check node.codec.handshakes.len == 1
# TODO: add check that gets the Whoareyou value and checks if its authTag
# is that of the first packet.
await node.closeWait()
test "Distance check":
targetId = "0x0000"
testValues = [
("0x0001", 1'u32),
("0x0002", 2'u32),
("0x0003", 2'u32),
("0x0004", 3'u32),
("0x0007", 3'u32),
("0x0008", 4'u32),
("0x000f", 4'u32),
("0x0080", 8'u32),
("0x00ff", 8'u32),
("0x0100", 9'u32),
("0x01ff", 9'u32),
("0x8000", 16'u32),
("0xffff", 16'u32)
for (id, d) in testValues:
check logDist(parse(targetId, UInt256, 16), parse(id, UInt256, 16)) == d
test "Distance check with keys":
targetKey = "5d485bdcbe9bc89314a10ae9231e429d33853e3a8fa2af39f5f827370a2e4185e344ace5d16237491dad41f278f1d3785210d29ace76cd627b9147ee340b1125"
testValues = [
("29738ba0c1a4397d6a65f292eee07f02df8e58d41594ba2be3cf84ce0fc58169", 251'u32),
("1c9b1cafbec00848d2c174b858219914b42a7d5c9359b1ca03fd650e8239ae94", 252'u32),
("2d0511ae9bf590166597eeab86b6f27b1ab761761eaea8965487b162f8703847", 253'u32),
("dec742079ec00ff4ec1284d7905bc3de2366f67a0769431fd16f80fd68c58a7c", 254'u32),
("da8645f90826e57228d9ea72aff84500060ad111a5d62e4af831ed8e4b5acfb8", 255'u32),
("8c5b422155d33ea8e9d46f71d1ad3e7b24cb40051413ffa1a81cff613d243ba9", 256'u32)
let targetId = toNodeId(PublicKey.fromHex(targetKey)[])
for (key, d) in testValues:
let id = toNodeId(PrivateKey.fromHex(key)[].toPublicKey()[])
check logDist(targetId, id) == d
test "Distance to id check":
targetId = "0x0000"
testValues = [ # possible id in that distance range
("0x0001", 1'u32),
("0x0002", 2'u32),
("0x0004", 3'u32),
("0x0008", 4'u32),
("0x0080", 8'u32),
("0x0100", 9'u32),
("0x8000", 16'u32)
for (id, d) in testValues:
check idAtDistance(parse(targetId, UInt256, 16), d) == parse(id, UInt256, 16)
test "Distance to id check with keys":
targetKey = "5d485bdcbe9bc89314a10ae9231e429d33853e3a8fa2af39f5f827370a2e4185e344ace5d16237491dad41f278f1d3785210d29ace76cd627b9147ee340b1125"
testValues = [ # possible id in that distance range
("9e5b34809116e3790b2258a45e7ef03b11af786503fb1a6d4b4a8ca021ad653c", 251'u32),
("925b34809116e3790b2258a45e7ef03b11af786503fb1a6d4b4a8ca021ad653c", 252'u32),
("8a5b34809116e3790b2258a45e7ef03b11af786503fb1a6d4b4a8ca021ad653c", 253'u32),
("ba5b34809116e3790b2258a45e7ef03b11af786503fb1a6d4b4a8ca021ad653c", 254'u32),
("da5b34809116e3790b2258a45e7ef03b11af786503fb1a6d4b4a8ca021ad653c", 255'u32),
("1a5b34809116e3790b2258a45e7ef03b11af786503fb1a6d4b4a8ca021ad653c", 256'u32)
let targetId = toNodeId(PublicKey.fromHex(targetKey)[])
for (id, d) in testValues:
check idAtDistance(targetId, d) == parse(id, UInt256, 16)
asyncTest "FindNode Test":
const dist = 253
mainNodeKey = PrivateKey.fromHex(
testNodeKey = PrivateKey.fromHex(
mainNode = initDiscoveryNode(mainNodeKey, localAddress(20301))
testNode = initDiscoveryNode(testNodeKey, localAddress(20302))
# logarithmic distance between mainNode and testNode is 256
let nodes = nodesAtDistance(mainNode.localNode, dist, 10)
for n in nodes:
# Get ENR of the node itself
var discovered =
await discv5_protocol.findNode(testNode, mainNode.localNode, 0)
discovered.len == 1
discovered[0] == mainNode.localNode
# Get ENRs of nodes added at provided logarithmic distance
discovered =
await discv5_protocol.findNode(testNode, mainNode.localNode, dist)
check discovered.len == 10
for n in nodes:
check discovered.contains(n)
# Too high logarithmic distance, caps at 256
discovered =
await discv5_protocol.findNode(testNode, mainNode.localNode, 4294967295'u32)
discovered.len == 1
discovered[0] == testNode.localNode
# Empty bucket
discovered =
await discv5_protocol.findNode(testNode, mainNode.localNode, 254)
check discovered.len == 0
let moreNodes = nodesAtDistance(mainNode.localNode, dist, 10)
for n in moreNodes:
# Full bucket
discovered =
await discv5_protocol.findNode(testNode, mainNode.localNode, dist)
check discovered.len == 16
await mainNode.closeWait()
await testNode.closeWait()
asyncTest "FindNode with test table":
let mainNode = initDiscoveryNode(PrivateKey.random()[], localAddress(20301))
# Generate 1000 random nodes and add to our main node's routing table
for i in 0..<1000:
neighbours = mainNode.neighbours(mainNode.localNode.id)
closest = neighbours[0]
closestDistance = logDist(closest.id, mainNode.localNode.id)
debug "Closest neighbour", closestDistance, id=closest.id.toHex()
testNode = initDiscoveryNode(PrivateKey.random()[], localAddress(20302),
discovered = await discv5_protocol.findNode(testNode, mainNode.localNode,
check closest in discovered
await mainNode.closeWait()
await testNode.closeWait()
asyncTest "Lookup targets":
nodeCount = 17
let bootNode = initDiscoveryNode(PrivateKey.random()[], localAddress(20301))
var nodes = newSeqOfCap[discv5_protocol.Protocol](nodeCount)
for i in 1 ..< nodeCount:
nodes.add(initDiscoveryNode(PrivateKey.random()[], localAddress(20301 + i),
for i in 0..<nodeCount-1:
let target = nodes[i]
let discovered = await nodes[nodeCount-1].lookup(target.localNode.id)
debug "Lookup result", target = target.localNode, discovered
# if lookUp would return ordered on distance we could check discovered[0]
check discovered.contains(target.localNode)
for node in nodes:
await node.closeWait()