Kim De Mey 6b17531d48
Improvements on dropping of challenges and handling of too large distance (#296)
- drop handshake challenge on invalid handshake
- send empty nodes reponse when distance is > 256
- misc
2020-09-30 09:43:51 +02:00

402 lines
13 KiB

std/[tables, options],
nimcrypto, stint, chronicles, stew/results, bearssl,
eth/[rlp, keys], types, node, enr, hkdf, sessions
export keys
{.push raises: [Defect].}
idNoncePrefix = "discovery-id-nonce"
keyAgreementPrefix = "discovery v5 key agreement"
authSchemeName* = "gcm"
gcmNonceSize* = 12
gcmTagSize* = 16
tagSize* = 32 ## size of the tag where each message (except whoareyou) starts
## with
PacketTag* = array[tagSize, byte]
AuthResponse* = object
version*: int
signature*: array[64, byte]
record*: Option[enr.Record]
Codec* = object
localNode*: Node
privKey*: PrivateKey
handshakes*: Table[HandShakeKey, Whoareyou]
sessions*: Sessions
HandshakeSecrets = object
writeKey: AesKey
readKey: AesKey
authRespKey: AesKey
AuthHeader* = object
auth*: AuthTag
idNonce*: IdNonce
scheme*: string
ephemeralKey*: array[64, byte]
response*: seq[byte]
DecodeError* = enum
HandshakeError = "discv5: handshake failed"
PacketError = "discv5: invalid packet"
DecryptError = "discv5: decryption failed"
UnsupportedMessage = "discv5: unsupported message"
DecodeResult*[T] = Result[T, DecodeError]
EncodeResult*[T] = Result[T, cstring]
proc mapErrTo[T, E](r: Result[T, E], v: static DecodeError):
DecodeResult[T] =
r.mapErr(proc (e: E): DecodeError = v)
proc idNonceHash(nonce, ephkey: openarray[byte]): MDigest[256] =
var ctx: sha256
result = ctx.finish()
proc signIDNonce*(privKey: PrivateKey, idNonce, ephKey: openarray[byte]):
SignatureNR =
signNR(privKey, SkMessage(idNonceHash(idNonce, ephKey).data))
proc deriveKeys(n1, n2: NodeID, priv: PrivateKey, pub: PublicKey,
idNonce: openarray[byte]): HandshakeSecrets =
let eph = ecdhRawFull(priv, pub)
var info = newSeqOfCap[byte](keyAgreementPrefix.len + 32 * 2)
for i, c in keyAgreementPrefix: info.add(byte(c))
var secrets: HandshakeSecrets
static: assert(sizeof(secrets) == aesKeySize * 3)
var res = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[byte]](addr secrets)
hkdf(sha256,, idNonce, info, toOpenArray(res, 0, sizeof(secrets) - 1))
proc encryptGCM*(key, nonce, pt, authData: openarray[byte]): seq[byte] =
var ectx: GCM[aes128]
ectx.init(key, nonce, authData)
result = newSeq[byte](pt.len + gcmTagSize)
ectx.encrypt(pt, result)
ectx.getTag(result.toOpenArray(pt.len, result.high))
proc encodeAuthHeader*(rng: var BrHmacDrbgContext,
c: Codec,
toId: NodeID,
nonce: array[gcmNonceSize, byte],
challenge: Whoareyou):
(seq[byte], HandshakeSecrets) =
## Encodes the auth-header, which is required for the packet in response to a
## WHOAREYOU packet. Requires the id-nonce and the enr-seq that were in the
## WHOAREYOU packet, and the public key of the node sending it.
var resp = AuthResponse(version: 5)
let ln = c.localNode
if challenge.recordSeq < ln.record.seqNum:
resp.record = some(ln.record)
resp.record = none(enr.Record)
let ephKeys = KeyPair.random(rng)
let signature = signIDNonce(c.privKey, challenge.idNonce,
resp.signature = signature.toRaw
# Calling `encodePacket` for handshake should always be with a challenge
# with the pubkey of the node we are targetting.
let secrets = deriveKeys(, toId, ephKeys.seckey, challenge.pubKey.get(),
let respRlp = rlp.encode(resp)
var zeroNonce: array[gcmNonceSize, byte]
let respEnc = encryptGCM(secrets.authRespKey, zeroNonce, respRlp, [])
let header = AuthHeader(auth: nonce, idNonce: challenge.idNonce,
scheme: authSchemeName, ephemeralKey: ephKeys.pubkey.toRaw,
response: respEnc)
(rlp.encode(header), secrets)
proc `xor`[N: static[int], T](a, b: array[N, T]): array[N, T] =
for i in 0 .. a.high:
result[i] = a[i] xor b[i]
proc packetTag(destNode, srcNode: NodeID): PacketTag =
destId = destNode.toByteArrayBE()
srcId = srcNode.toByteArrayBE()
destidHash = sha256.digest(destId)
result = srcId xor
proc encodePacket*(
rng: var BrHmacDrbgContext,
c: var Codec,
toId: NodeID,
toAddr: Address,
message: openarray[byte],
challenge: Whoareyou):
(seq[byte], array[gcmNonceSize, byte]) =
## Encode a packet. This can be a regular packet or a packet in response to a
## WHOAREYOU packet. The latter is the case when the `challenge` parameter is
## provided.
var nonce: array[gcmNonceSize, byte]
brHmacDrbgGenerate(rng, nonce)
let tag = packetTag(toId,
var packet: seq[byte]
if challenge.isNil:
# Message packet or random packet
let headEnc = rlp.encode(nonce)
# TODO: Should we change API to get just the key we need?
var writeKey, readKey: AesKey
if c.sessions.load(toId, toAddr, readKey, writeKey):
packet.add(encryptGCM(writeKey, nonce, message, tag))
# We might not have the node's keys if the handshake hasn't been performed
# yet. That's fine, we send a random-packet and we will be responded with
# a WHOAREYOU packet.
var randomData: array[44, byte]
brHmacDrbgGenerate(rng, randomData)
# Handshake
let (headEnc, secrets) = encodeAuthHeader(rng, c, toId, nonce, challenge)
packet.add(headEnc), toAddr, secrets.readKey, secrets.writeKey)
packet.add(encryptGCM(secrets.writeKey, nonce, message, tag))
(packet, nonce)
proc decryptGCM*(key: AesKey, nonce, ct, authData: openarray[byte]):
Option[seq[byte]] =
if ct.len <= gcmTagSize:
debug "cipher is missing tag", len = ct.len
var dctx: GCM[aes128]
dctx.init(key, nonce, authData)
var res = newSeq[byte](ct.len - gcmTagSize)
var tag: array[gcmTagSize, byte]
dctx.decrypt(ct.toOpenArray(0, ct.high - gcmTagSize), res)
if tag != ct.toOpenArray(ct.len - gcmTagSize, ct.high):
return some(res)
proc decodeMessage*(body: openarray[byte]): DecodeResult[Message] =
## Decodes to the specific `Message` type.
if body.len < 1:
return err(PacketError)
if body[0] < MessageKind.low.byte or body[0] > MessageKind.high.byte:
return err(PacketError)
# This cast is covered by the above check (else we could get enum with invalid
# data!). However, can't we do this in a cleaner way?
let kind = cast[MessageKind](body[0])
var message = Message(kind: kind)
var rlp = rlpFromBytes(body.toOpenArray(1, body.high))
if rlp.enterList:
message.reqId =
except RlpError:
return err(PacketError)
proc decode[T](rlp: var Rlp, v: var T)
{.inline, nimcall, raises:[RlpError, ValueError, Defect].} =
for k, v in v.fieldPairs:
v =
case kind
of unused: return err(PacketError)
of ping: rlp.decode(
of pong: rlp.decode(message.pong)
of findNode: rlp.decode(message.findNode)
of nodes: rlp.decode(message.nodes)
of regtopic, ticket, regconfirmation, topicquery:
# TODO: Implement support for topic advertisement
return err(UnsupportedMessage)
except RlpError, ValueError:
return err(PacketError)
proc decodeAuthResp*(c: Codec, fromId: NodeId, head: AuthHeader,
challenge: Whoareyou, newNode: var Node): DecodeResult[HandshakeSecrets] =
## Decrypts and decodes the auth-response, which is part of the auth-header.
## Requires the id-nonce from the WHOAREYOU packet that was send.
## newNode can be nil in case node was already known (no was ENR send).
if head.scheme != authSchemeName:
warn "Unknown auth scheme"
return err(HandshakeError)
let ephKey = ? PublicKey.fromRaw(head.ephemeralKey).mapErrTo(HandshakeError)
let secrets =
deriveKeys(fromId,, c.privKey, ephKey, challenge.idNonce)
var zeroNonce: array[gcmNonceSize, byte]
let respData = decryptGCM(secrets.authRespKey, zeroNonce, head.response, [])
if respData.isNone():
return err(HandshakeError)
var authResp: AuthResponse
# Signature check of record happens in decode.
authResp = rlp.decode(respData.get(), AuthResponse)
except RlpError, ValueError:
return err(HandshakeError)
var pubKey: PublicKey
if authResp.record.isSome():
# Node returned might not have an address or not a valid address.
newNode = ? newNode(authResp.record.get()).mapErrTo(HandshakeError)
if != fromId:
return err(HandshakeError)
pubKey = newNode.pubKey
if challenge.pubKey.isSome():
pubKey = challenge.pubKey.get()
# We should have received a Record in this case.
return err(HandshakeError)
# Verify the id-nonce-sig
let sig = ? SignatureNR.fromRaw(authResp.signature).mapErrTo(HandshakeError)
let h = idNonceHash(head.idNonce, head.ephemeralKey)
if verify(sig, SkMessage(, pubkey):
proc decodePacket*(c: var Codec,
fromId: NodeID,
fromAddr: Address,
input: openArray[byte],
authTag: var AuthTag,
newNode: var Node): DecodeResult[Message] =
## Decode a packet. This can be a regular packet or a packet in response to a
## WHOAREYOU packet. In case of the latter a `newNode` might be provided.
var r = rlpFromBytes(input.toOpenArray(tagSize, input.high))
var auth: AuthHeader
var readKey: AesKey
logScope: sender = $fromAddr
if r.isList:
# Handshake - rlp list indicates auth-header
auth =
except RlpError:
return err(PacketError)
authTag = auth.auth
let key = HandShakeKey(nodeId: fromId, address: $fromAddr)
var challenge: Whoareyou
# Note: We remove (pop) the stored handshake data here on failure on purpose
# as mitigation for a DoS attack where an invalid handshake is send
# repeatedly, which causes the signature verification to be done until
# handshake timeout, in case the stored data is not removed at first fail.
# See also more info here:
# It should be noted though that this means that now it might be possible to
# drop a handshake on purpose by a malicious party. But only if that
# attacker manages to spoof the IP-address of a peer A, and manages to
# listen to traffic between peer A and B that are starting a handshake, and
# next manages to be faster in sending out the (invalid) handshake. And this
# for each attempt in order to deny the peers setting up a session.
# However, this looks like a much more difficult scenario to pull off than
# the more convenient DoS attack. The DoS attack might have less heavy
# consequences though.
if not c.handshakes.pop(key, challenge):
debug "Decoding failed (no previous stored handshake challenge)"
return err(HandshakeError)
if auth.idNonce != challenge.idNonce:
trace "Decoding failed (different nonce)"
return err(HandshakeError)
let secrets = c.decodeAuthResp(fromId, auth, challenge, newNode)
if secrets.isErr:
trace "Decoding failed (invalid auth response)"
return err(HandshakeError)
var sec = secrets[]
# Swap keys to match remote
swap(sec.readKey, sec.writeKey), fromAddr, sec.readKey, sec.writeKey)
readKey = sec.readKey
# Message packet or random packet - rlp bytes (size 12) indicates auth-tag
authTag =
except RlpError:
return err(PacketError)
auth.auth = authTag
# TODO: Should we change API to get just the key we need?
var writeKey: AesKey
if not c.sessions.load(fromId, fromAddr, readKey, writeKey):
trace "Decoding failed (no keys)"
return err(DecryptError)
let headSize = tagSize + r.position
let message = decryptGCM(
readKey, auth.auth,
input.toOpenArray(headSize, input.high),
input.toOpenArray(0, tagSize - 1))
if message.isNone():
c.sessions.del(fromId, fromAddr)
return err(DecryptError)
proc init*(T: type RequestId, rng: var BrHmacDrbgContext): T =
var buf: array[sizeof(T), byte]
brHmacDrbgGenerate(rng, buf)
var id: T
copyMem(addr id, addr buf[0], sizeof(id))
proc numFields(T: typedesc): int =
for k, v in fieldPairs(default(T)): inc result
proc encodeMessage*[T: SomeMessage](p: T, reqId: RequestId): seq[byte] =
result = newSeqOfCap[byte](64)
const sz = numFields(T)
var writer = initRlpList(sz + 1)
for k, v in fieldPairs(p):