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synced 2025-01-09 22:05:55 +00:00
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std/tables, nimcrypto, stint, chronicles,
types, node, enr, hkdf, ../enode, eth/[rlp, keys]
idNoncePrefix = "discovery-id-nonce"
gcmNonceSize* = 12
keyAgreementPrefix = "discovery v5 key agreement"
authSchemeName* = "gcm"
AuthResponse = object
version: int
signature: array[64, byte]
record: Record
Codec* = object
localNode*: Node
privKey*: PrivateKey
db*: Database
handshakes*: Table[string, Whoareyou] # TODO: Implement hash for NodeID
HandshakeSecrets = object
writeKey: array[16, byte]
readKey: array[16, byte]
authRespKey: array[16, byte]
AuthHeader* = object
auth*: array[12, byte]
idNonce*: array[32, byte]
scheme*: string
ephemeralKey*: array[64, byte]
response*: seq[byte]
RandomSourceDepleted* = object of CatchableError
gcmTagSize = 16
proc randomBytes(v: var openarray[byte]) =
if nimcrypto.randomBytes(v) != v.len:
raise newException(RandomSourceDepleted, "Could not randomize bytes")
proc idNonceHash(nonce, ephkey: openarray[byte]): array[32, byte] =
var ctx: sha256
proc signIDNonce(c: Codec, idNonce, ephKey: openarray[byte]): SignatureNR =
if signRawMessage(idNonceHash(idNonce, ephKey), c.privKey, result) != EthKeysStatus.Success:
raise newException(EthKeysException, "Could not sign idNonce")
proc deriveKeys(n1, n2: NodeID, priv: PrivateKey, pub: PublicKey, challenge: Whoareyou, result: var HandshakeSecrets) =
var eph: SharedSecretFull
if ecdhAgree(priv, pub, eph) != EthKeysStatus.Success:
raise newException(EthKeysException, "ecdhAgree failed")
# TODO: Unneeded allocation here
var info = newSeqOfCap[byte](idNoncePrefix.len + 32 * 2)
for i, c in keyAgreementPrefix: info.add(byte(c))
# echo "EPH: ", eph.data.toHex, " idNonce: ", challenge.idNonce.toHex, "info: ", info.toHex
static: assert(sizeof(result) == 16 * 3)
var res = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[byte]](addr result)
hkdf(sha256, eph.data, challenge.idNonce, info, toOpenArray(res, 0, sizeof(result) - 1))
proc encryptGCM(key, nonce, pt, authData: openarray[byte]): seq[byte] =
var ectx: GCM[aes128]
ectx.init(key, nonce, authData)
result = newSeq[byte](pt.len + gcmTagSize)
ectx.encrypt(pt, result)
ectx.getTag(result.toOpenArray(pt.len, result.high))
proc makeAuthHeader(c: Codec, toNode: Node, nonce: array[gcmNonceSize, byte],
handhsakeSecrets: var HandshakeSecrets, challenge: Whoareyou): seq[byte] =
var resp = AuthResponse(version: 5)
let ln = c.localNode
if challenge.recordSeq < ln.record.seqNum:
resp.record = ln.record
let ephKey = newPrivateKey()
let ephPubkey = ephKey.getPublicKey().getRaw
resp.signature = c.signIDNonce(challenge.idNonce, ephPubkey).getRaw
deriveKeys(ln.id, toNode.id, ephKey, toNode.node.pubKey, challenge, handhsakeSecrets)
let respRlp = rlp.encode(resp)
var zeroNonce: array[gcmNonceSize, byte]
let respEnc = encryptGCM(handhsakeSecrets.authRespKey, zeroNonce, respRLP, [])
let header = AuthHeader(auth: nonce, idNonce: challenge.idNonce, scheme: authSchemeName,
ephemeralKey: ephPubkey, response: respEnc)
proc `xor`[N: static[int], T](a, b: array[N, T]): array[N, T] =
for i in 0 .. a.high:
result[i] = a[i] xor b[i]
proc packetTag(destNode, srcNode: NodeID): array[32, byte] =
let destId = destNode.toByteArrayBE()
let srcId = srcNode.toByteArrayBE()
let destidHash = sha256.digest(destId)
result = srcId xor destidHash.data
proc encodeEncrypted*(c: Codec, toNode: Node, packetData: seq[byte], challenge: Whoareyou): (seq[byte], array[gcmNonceSize, byte]) =
var nonce: array[gcmNonceSize, byte]
var headEnc: seq[byte]
var writeKey: array[16, byte]
if challenge.isNil:
headEnc = rlp.encode(nonce)
var readKey: array[16, byte]
# We might not have the node's keys if the handshake hasn't been performed
# yet. That's fine, we will be responded with whoareyou.
discard c.db.loadKeys(toNode.id, toNode.address, readKey, writeKey)
var sec: HandshakeSecrets
headEnc = c.makeAuthHeader(toNode, nonce, sec, challenge)
writeKey = sec.writeKey
# TODO: is it safe to ignore the error here?
discard c.db.storeKeys(toNode.id, toNode.address, sec.readKey, sec.writeKey)
var body = packetData
let tag = packetTag(toNode.id, c.localNode.id)
var headBuf = newSeqOfCap[byte](tag.len + headEnc.len)
headBuf.add(encryptGCM(writeKey, nonce, body, tag))
return (headBuf, nonce)
proc decryptGCM(key: array[16, byte], nonce, ct, authData: openarray[byte]): seq[byte] =
var dctx: GCM[aes128]
dctx.init(key, nonce, authData)
result = newSeq[byte](ct.len - gcmTagSize)
var tag: array[gcmTagSize, byte]
dctx.decrypt(ct.toOpenArray(0, ct.high - gcmTagSize), result)
if tag != ct.toOpenArray(ct.len - gcmTagSize, ct.high):
result = @[]
proc decodePacketBody(typ: byte, body: openarray[byte], res: var Packet): bool =
if typ >= PacketKind.low.byte and typ <= PacketKind.high.byte:
let kind = cast[PacketKind](typ)
res = Packet(kind: kind)
var rlp = rlpFromBytes(@body.toRange)
res.reqId = rlp.read(RequestId)
proc decode[T](rlp: var Rlp, v: var T) {.inline, nimcall.} =
for k, v in v.fieldPairs:
v = rlp.read(typeof(v))
template decode(k: untyped) =
if k == kind:
decode(rlp, res.k)
result = true
debug "unknown packet type ", typ
return true
proc decodeAuthResp(c: Codec, fromId: NodeId, head: AuthHeader, challenge: Whoareyou, secrets: var HandshakeSecrets, newNode: var Node): bool =
if head.scheme != authSchemeName:
warn "Unknown auth scheme"
return false
var ephKey: PublicKey
if recoverPublicKey(head.ephemeralKey, ephKey) != EthKeysStatus.Success:
return false
deriveKeys(fromId, c.localNode.id, c.privKey, ephKey, challenge, secrets)
var zeroNonce: array[gcmNonceSize, byte]
let respData = decryptGCM(secrets.authRespKey, zeroNonce, head.response, [])
let authResp = rlp.decode(respData, AuthResponse)
newNode = newNode(authResp.record)
return true
proc decodeEncrypted*(c: var Codec, fromId: NodeID, fromAddr: Address, input: seq[byte], authTag: var array[12, byte], newNode: var Node, packet: var Packet): bool =
let input = input.toRange
var r = rlpFromBytes(input[32 .. ^1])
var auth: AuthHeader
var readKey: array[16, byte]
if r.isList:
# Handshake - rlp list indicates auth-header
# TODO: Auth failure will result in resending whoareyou. Do we really want this?
auth = r.read(AuthHeader)
authTag = auth.auth
let challenge = c.handshakes.getOrDefault($fromId)
if challenge.isNil:
return false
if auth.idNonce != challenge.idNonce:
return false
var sec: HandshakeSecrets
if not c.decodeAuthResp(fromId, auth, challenge, sec, newNode):
return false
# Swap keys to match remote
swap(sec.readKey, sec.writeKey)
# TODO: is it safe to ignore the error here?
discard c.db.storeKeys(fromId, fromAddr, sec.readKey, sec.writeKey)
readKey = sec.readKey
# Message packet or random packet - rlp bytes (size 12) indicates auth-tag
authTag = r.read(array[12, byte])
auth.auth = authTag
var writeKey: array[16, byte]
if not c.db.loadKeys(fromId, fromAddr, readKey, writeKey):
return false
# doAssert(false, "TODO: HANDLE ME!")
let headSize = 32 + r.position
let bodyEnc = input[headSize .. ^1]
let body = decryptGCM(readKey, auth.auth, bodyEnc.toOpenArray, input[0 .. 31].toOpenArray)
if body.len > 1:
result = decodePacketBody(body[0], body.toOpenArray(1, body.high), packet)
proc newRequestId*(): RequestId =
if randomBytes(addr result, sizeof(result)) != sizeof(result):
raise newException(RandomSourceDepleted, "Could not randomize bytes") # TODO:
proc numFields(T: typedesc): int =
for k, v in fieldPairs(default(T)): inc result
proc encodePacket*[T: SomePacket](p: T, reqId: RequestId): seq[byte] =
result = newSeqOfCap[byte](64)
# result.add(rlp.encode(p))
const sz = numFields(T)
var writer = initRlpList(sz + 1)
for k, v in fieldPairs(p):
proc encodePacket*[T: SomePacket](p: T): seq[byte] =
encodePacket(p, newRequestId())