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synced 2025-02-22 02:38:16 +00:00
Instead of patching BlockHeader or BlockBody codec each time it get additional optional fields, this PR make the rlp codec automatically handle optional fields. Thus rlp codec overloading of EthBlock, BlockHeader, and BlockBody can be removed.
376 lines
11 KiB
376 lines
11 KiB
stew/[shims/macros, results],
./object_serialization, ./priv/defs
RlpWriter* = object
pendingLists: seq[tuple[remainingItems, outBytes: int]]
output: seq[byte]
IntLike* = concept x, y
type T = type(x)
# arithmetic ops
x + y is T
x * y is T
x - y is T
x div y is T
x mod y is T
# some int compatibility required for big endian encoding:
x shr int is T
x shl int is T
x and 0xff is int
x < 128 is bool
Integer* = SomeInteger # or IntLike
wrapObjsInList* = true
proc bytesNeeded(num: Integer): int =
type IntType = type(num)
var n = num
while n != IntType(0):
inc result
n = n shr 8
proc writeBigEndian(outStream: var seq[byte], number: Integer,
lastByteIdx: int, numberOfBytes: int) =
mixin `and`, `shr`
var n = number
for i in countdown(lastByteIdx, lastByteIdx - int(numberOfBytes) + 1):
outStream[i] = byte(n and 0xff)
n = n shr 8
proc writeBigEndian(outStream: var seq[byte], number: Integer,
numberOfBytes: int) {.inline.} =
outStream.setLen(outStream.len + numberOfBytes)
outStream.writeBigEndian(number, outStream.len - 1, numberOfBytes)
proc writeCount(bytes: var seq[byte], count: int, baseMarker: byte) =
bytes.add(baseMarker + byte(count))
origLen = bytes.len
lenPrefixBytes = count.bytesNeeded
bytes.setLen(origLen + int(lenPrefixBytes) + 1)
bytes[origLen] = baseMarker + (THRESHOLD_LIST_LEN - 1) + byte(lenPrefixBytes)
bytes.writeBigEndian(count, bytes.len - 1, lenPrefixBytes)
proc initRlpWriter*: RlpWriter =
newSeq(result.pendingLists, 0)
newSeq(result.output, 0)
proc decRet(n: var int, delta: int): int =
n -= delta
return n
proc maybeClosePendingLists(self: var RlpWriter) =
while self.pendingLists.len > 0:
let lastListIdx = self.pendingLists.len - 1
doAssert self.pendingLists[lastListIdx].remainingItems >= 1
if decRet(self.pendingLists[lastListIdx].remainingItems, 1) == 0:
# A list have been just finished. It was started in `startList`.
let listStartPos = self.pendingLists[lastListIdx].outBytes
self.pendingLists.setLen lastListIdx
# How many bytes were written since the start?
let listLen = self.output.len - listStartPos
# Compute the number of bytes required to write down the list length
let totalPrefixBytes = if listLen < int(THRESHOLD_LIST_LEN): 1
else: int(listLen.bytesNeeded) + 1
# Shift the written data to make room for the prefix length
self.output.setLen(self.output.len + totalPrefixBytes)
moveMem(addr self.output[listStartPos + totalPrefixBytes],
unsafeAddr self.output[listStartPos],
# Write out the prefix length
self.output[listStartPos] = LIST_START_MARKER + byte(listLen)
let listLenBytes = totalPrefixBytes - 1
self.output[listStartPos] = LEN_PREFIXED_LIST_MARKER + byte(listLenBytes)
self.output.writeBigEndian(listLen, listStartPos + listLenBytes, listLenBytes)
# The currently open list is not finished yet. Nothing to do.
proc appendRawList(self: var RlpWriter, bytes: openArray[byte]) =
self.output.writeCount(bytes.len, LIST_START_MARKER)
proc appendRawBytes*(self: var RlpWriter, bytes: openArray[byte]) =
proc startList*(self: var RlpWriter, listSize: int) =
if listSize == 0:
self.pendingLists.add((listSize, self.output.len))
proc appendBlob(self: var RlpWriter, data: openArray[byte], startMarker: byte) =
if data.len == 1 and byte(data[0]) < BLOB_START_MARKER:
self.output.add byte(data[0])
self.output.writeCount(data.len, startMarker)
self.output.add data
proc appendImpl(self: var RlpWriter, data: string) =
appendBlob(self, data.toOpenArrayByte(0, data.high), BLOB_START_MARKER)
proc appendBlob(self: var RlpWriter, data: openArray[byte]) =
appendBlob(self, data, BLOB_START_MARKER)
proc appendBlob(self: var RlpWriter, data: openArray[char]) =
appendBlob(self, data.toOpenArrayByte(0, data.high), BLOB_START_MARKER)
proc appendInt(self: var RlpWriter, i: Integer) =
# this is created as a separate proc as an extra precaution against
# any overloading resolution problems when matching the IntLike concept.
type IntType = type(i)
if i == IntType(0):
self.output.add BLOB_START_MARKER
elif i < BLOB_START_MARKER.Integer:
self.output.add byte(i)
let bytesNeeded = i.bytesNeeded
self.output.writeCount(bytesNeeded, BLOB_START_MARKER)
self.output.writeBigEndian(i, bytesNeeded)
proc appendFloat(self: var RlpWriter, data: float64) =
# This is not covered in the RLP spec, but Geth uses Go's
# `math.Float64bits`, which is defined here:
# https://github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/blob/master/compiler/natives/src/math/math.go
let uintWords = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[uint32]](unsafeAddr data)
let uint64bits = (uint64(uintWords[1]) shl 32) or uint64(uintWords[0])
template appendImpl(self: var RlpWriter, i: Integer) =
appendInt(self, i)
template appendImpl(self: var RlpWriter, e: enum) =
appendImpl(self, int(e))
template appendImpl(self: var RlpWriter, b: bool) =
appendImpl(self, int(b))
proc appendImpl[T](self: var RlpWriter, listOrBlob: openArray[T]) =
mixin append
# TODO: This append proc should be overloaded by `openArray[byte]` after
# nim bug #7416 is fixed.
when T is (byte or char):
self.startList listOrBlob.len
for i in 0 ..< listOrBlob.len:
self.append listOrBlob[i]
proc hasOptionalFields(T: type): bool =
mixin enumerateRlpFields
proc helper: bool =
var dummy: T
template detectOptionalField(RT, n, x) =
when x is Option or x is Opt:
return true
enumerateRlpFields(dummy, detectOptionalField)
const res = helper()
return res
proc optionalFieldsNum(x: openArray[bool]): int =
# count optional fields backward
for i in countdown(x.len-1, 0):
if x[i]: inc result
else: break
proc checkedOptionalFields(T: type, FC: static[int]): int =
mixin enumerateRlpFields
i = 0
dummy: T
res: array[FC, bool]
template op(RT, fN, f) =
res[i] = f is Option or f is Opt
inc i
enumerateRlpFields(dummy, op)
# ignoring first optional fields
optionalFieldsNum(res) - 1
proc genPrevFields(obj: NimNode, fd: openArray[FieldDescription], hi, lo: int): NimNode =
result = newStmtList()
for i in countdown(hi, lo):
let fieldName = fd[i].name
let msg = fieldName.strVal & " expected"
result.add quote do:
doAssert(`obj`.`fieldName`.isSome, `msg`)
macro genOptionalFieldsValidation(obj: untyped, T: type, num: static[int]): untyped =
Tresolved = getType(T)[1]
fd = recordFields(Tresolved.getImpl)
loidx = fd.len-num
result = newStmtList()
for i in countdown(fd.high, loidx):
let fieldName = fd[i].name
let prevFields = genPrevFields(obj, fd, i-1, loidx-1)
result.add quote do:
if `obj`.`fieldName`.isSome:
# generate something like
when false:
if obj.excessDataGas.isSome:
doAssert(obj.withdrawalsRoot.isSome, "withdrawalsRoot expected")
doAssert(obj.fee.isSome, "fee expected")
if obj.withdrawalsRoot.isSome:
doAssert(obj.fee.isSome, "fee expected")
macro countFieldsRuntimeImpl(obj: untyped, T: type, num: static[int]): untyped =
Tresolved = getType(T)[1]
fd = recordFields(Tresolved.getImpl)
res = ident("result")
mlen = fd.len - num
result = newStmtList()
result.add quote do:
`res` = `mlen`
for i in countdown(fd.high, fd.len-num):
let fieldName = fd[i].name
result.add quote do:
`res` += `obj`.`fieldName`.isSome.ord
proc countFieldsRuntime(obj: object|tuple): int =
# count mandatory fields and non empty optional fields
type ObjType = type obj
fieldsCount = ObjType.rlpFieldsCount
# include first optional fields
cof = checkedOptionalFields(ObjType, fieldsCount) + 1
countFieldsRuntimeImpl(obj, ObjType, cof)
proc appendRecordType*(self: var RlpWriter, obj: object|tuple, wrapInList = wrapObjsInList) =
mixin enumerateRlpFields, append
type ObjType = type obj
hasOptional = hasOptionalFields(ObjType)
fieldsCount = ObjType.rlpFieldsCount
when hasOptional:
cof = checkedOptionalFields(ObjType, fieldsCount)
when cof > 0:
genOptionalFieldsValidation(obj, ObjType, cof)
if wrapInList:
when hasOptional:
template op(RecordType, fieldName, field) =
when hasCustomPragmaFixed(RecordType, fieldName, rlpCustomSerialization):
append(self, obj, field)
elif (field is Option or field is Opt) and hasOptional:
# this works for optional fields at the end of an object/tuple
# if the optional field is followed by a mandatory field,
# custom serialization for a field or for the parent object
# will be better
if field.isSome:
append(self, field.unsafeGet)
append(self, field)
enumerateRlpFields(obj, op)
proc appendImpl(self: var RlpWriter, data: object) {.inline.} =
proc appendImpl(self: var RlpWriter, data: tuple) {.inline.} =
# We define a single `append` template with a pretty low specificity
# score in order to facilitate easier overloading with user types:
template append*[T](w: var RlpWriter; data: T) =
when data is float64:
# XXX: This works around an overloading bug.
# Apparently, integer literals will be converted to `float64`
# values with higher precedence than the generic match to Integer
appendFloat(w, data)
appendImpl(w, data)
proc initRlpList*(listSize: int): RlpWriter =
result = initRlpWriter()
startList(result, listSize)
# TODO: This should return a lent value
template finish*(self: RlpWriter): seq[byte] =
doAssert self.pendingLists.len == 0, "Insufficient number of elements written to a started list"
proc encode*[T](v: T): seq[byte] =
mixin append
var writer = initRlpWriter()
return writer.finish
proc encodeInt*(i: Integer): seq[byte] =
var writer = initRlpWriter()
return writer.finish
macro encodeList*(args: varargs[untyped]): seq[byte] =
listLen = args.len
writer = genSym(nskVar, "rlpWriter")
body = newStmtList()
append = bindSym("append", brForceOpen)
for arg in args:
body.add quote do:
`append`(`writer`, `arg`)
result = quote do:
var `writer` = initRlpList(`listLen`)
when false:
# XXX: Currently fails with a malformed AST error on the args.len expression
template encodeList*(args: varargs[untyped]): seq[byte] =
mixin append
var writer = initRlpList(args.len)
for arg in args: