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124 lines
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sequtils, unittest, math,
nimcrypto/[hash, sha2],
template toSszType(x: auto): auto =
proc h(a: openArray[byte]): Digest =
var h: sha256
type TestObject = object
digest: array[32, byte]
num: uint64
proc genObject(num: uint64): TestObject =
let numAsHash = h(num.toBytesLE())
TestObject(digest: numAsHash.data, num: num)
proc genNObjects(n: int): seq[TestObject] =
var objs = newSeq[TestObject]()
for i in 1..n:
let obj = genObject(uint64 i)
proc getGenIndex(idx: int, depth: uint64): uint64 =
uint64 (math.pow(2'f64, float64 depth) + float64 idx)
# Normal hash_tree_root add list length to final hash calculation. Proofs by default
# are generated without it. If necessary length of the list can be added manually
# at the end of the proof but here we are just hashing list with no mixin.
proc getListRootNoMixin(list: List): Digest =
var merk = createMerkleizer(list.maxLen)
for e in list:
let hash = hash_tree_root(e)
type TestCase = object
numOfElements: int
limit: int
const TestCases = (
TestCase(numOfElements: 0, limit: 2),
TestCase(numOfElements: 1, limit: 2),
TestCase(numOfElements: 2, limit: 2),
TestCase(numOfElements: 0, limit: 4),
TestCase(numOfElements: 1, limit: 4),
TestCase(numOfElements: 2, limit: 4),
TestCase(numOfElements: 3, limit: 4),
TestCase(numOfElements: 4, limit: 4),
TestCase(numOfElements: 0, limit: 8),
TestCase(numOfElements: 1, limit: 8),
TestCase(numOfElements: 2, limit: 8),
TestCase(numOfElements: 3, limit: 8),
TestCase(numOfElements: 4, limit: 8),
TestCase(numOfElements: 5, limit: 8),
TestCase(numOfElements: 6, limit: 8),
TestCase(numOfElements: 7, limit: 8),
TestCase(numOfElements: 8, limit: 8),
TestCase(numOfElements: 0, limit: 16),
TestCase(numOfElements: 1, limit: 16),
TestCase(numOfElements: 2, limit: 16),
TestCase(numOfElements: 3, limit: 16),
TestCase(numOfElements: 4, limit: 16),
TestCase(numOfElements: 5, limit: 16),
TestCase(numOfElements: 6, limit: 16),
TestCase(numOfElements: 7, limit: 16),
TestCase(numOfElements: 16, limit: 16),
TestCase(numOfElements: 32, limit: 32),
TestCase(numOfElements: 64, limit: 64)
suite "Merkle Proof generation":
test "generation of proof for various tree sizes":
for testCase in TestCases.fields:
let testObjects = genNObjects(testCase.numOfElements)
let treeDepth = uint64 binaryTreeHeight(testCase.limit) - 1
# Create List and and genereate root by using merkelizer
let list = List.init(testObjects, testCase.limit)
let listRoot = getListRootNoMixin(list)
# Create sparse merkle tree from list elements and generate root
let listDigests = map(testObjects, proc(x: TestObject): Digest = hash_tree_root(x))
let tree = createTree(listDigests, treeDepth)
let treeHash = tree.hash()
# Assert that by using both methods we get same hash
check listRoot == treeHash
for i, e in list:
# generate proof by using merkelizer
let merkleizerProof = generateAndGetProofWithIdx(list, i)
# generate proof by sparse merkle tree
let sparseTreeProof = genProof(tree, uint64 i, treeDepth)
let leafHash = hash_tree_root(e)
let genIndex = getGenIndex(i, treeDepth)
# both proof are valid. If both are valid that means that both proof are
# effectivly the same
let isValidProof = isValidProof(leafHash , merkleizerProof, genIndex, listRoot)
let isValidProof1 = isValidProof(leafHash , sparseTreeProof, genIndex, listRoot)
check isValidProof
check isValidProof1