
19 lines
588 B

# TODO: make this configurable when more fuzzing targets
cd "discovery"
if not dirExists("generated-input"):
exec "nim c -r generate"
if not fileExists("fuzz"):
# Requires afl-gcc to be installed
# TODO: add + test option for clang
exec "nim c --cc=gcc --gcc.exe=afl-gcc --gcc.linkerexe=afl-gcc fuzz"
if dirExists("output"):
exec "afl-fuzz -i - -o output -M fuzzer01 -- ./fuzz"
exec "afl-fuzz -i generated-input -o output -M fuzzer01 -- ./fuzz"
# TODO: how to add slaves for multiple cores in nimscript?
# afl-fuzz -i generated-input -o output -S fuzzer02 -- ./fuzz