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synced 2025-03-03 15:10:35 +00:00
by removing test wrappers that are no longer used and renaming a helper file that had a name starting with the "test_" prefix
227 lines
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227 lines
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unittest, random,
eth/trie/[trie_defs, db, sparse_binary, sparse_proofs],
suite "sparse binary trie":
var kv_pairs = randKVPair(20)
var numbers = randList(int, randGen(1, 99), randGen(50, 100))
var db = newMemoryDB()
var trie = initSparseBinaryTrie(db)
test "basic set":
for c in kv_pairs:
check trie.exists(c.key) == false
trie.set(c.key, c.value)
let prevRoot = trie.getRootHash()
test "basic get":
for c in kv_pairs:
let x = trie.get(c.key)
let y = toRange(c.value)
check x == y
for c in kv_pairs:
check trie.exists(c.key) == false
check trie.getRootHash() == keccakHash(emptyNodeHashes[0].toOpenArray, emptyNodeHashes[0].toOpenArray).toRange
test "single update set":
for c in kv_pairs:
trie.set(c.key, c.value)
# Check trie root remains the same even in different insert order
check trie.getRootHash() == prevRoot
let prior_to_update_root = trie.getRootHash()
test "single update get":
for i in numbers:
# If new value is the same as current value, skip the update
if toRange($i) == trie.get(kv_pairs[i].key):
# Update
trie.set(kv_pairs[i].key, $i)
check trie.get(kv_pairs[i].key) == toRange($i)
check trie.getRootHash() != prior_to_update_root
# Un-update
trie.set(kv_pairs[i].key, kv_pairs[i].value)
check trie.getRootHash == prior_to_update_root
test "batch update with different update order":
# First batch update
for i in numbers:
trie.set(kv_pairs[i].key, $i)
let batch_updated_root = trie.getRootHash()
# Un-update
for i in numbers:
trie.set(kv_pairs[i].key, kv_pairs[i].value)
check trie.getRootHash() == prior_to_update_root
# Second batch update
for i in numbers:
trie.set(kv_pairs[i].key, $i)
check trie.getRootHash() == batch_updated_root
test "dictionary API":
trie[kv_pairs[0].key] = kv_pairs[0].value
let x = trie[kv_pairs[0].key]
let y = toRange(kv_pairs[0].value)
check x == y
check kv_pairs[0].key in trie
test "get/set for specific root":
db = newMemoryDB()
trie = initSparseBinaryTrie(db)
testKey = toRange(kv_pairs[0].key)
testValue = toRange(kv_pairs[0].value)
testKey2 = toRange(kv_pairs[1].key)
testValue2 = toRange(kv_pairs[1].value)
trie.set(testKey, testValue)
var root = trie.getRootHash()
var value = trie.get(testKey, root)
check value == testValue
root = trie.set(testKey2, testValue2, root)
value = trie.get(testKey2, root)
check value == testValue2
value = trie.get(testKey, root)
check value == testValue
proc makeBadProof(size: int, width = 32): seq[BytesRange] =
let badProofStr = randList(string, randGen(width, width), randGen(size, size))
result = newSeq[BytesRange](size)
for i in 0 ..< result.len:
result[i] = toRange(badProofStr[i])
test "proofs":
MaxBadProof = 32 * 8
testKey = kv_pairs[0].key
badKey = kv_pairs[1].key
testValue = "testValue"
testValue2 = "testValue2"
badValue = "badValue"
badProof = makeBadProof(MaxBadProof)
trie[testKey] = testValue
var proof = trie.prove(testKey)
check proof.len == treeHeight
check verifyProof(proof, trie.getRootHash(), testKey, testValue) == true
check verifyProof(proof, trie.getRootHash(), testKey, badValue) == false
check verifyProof(proof, trie.getRootHash(), badKey, testValue) == false
check verifyProof(badProof, trie.getRootHash(), testKey, testValue) == false
testKey2 = kv_pairs[2].key
testKey3 = kv_pairs[3].key
defaultValue = zeroBytesRange
trie.set(testKey2, testValue)
proof = trie.prove(testKey)
check verifyProof(proof, trie.getRootHash(), testKey, testValue) == true
check verifyProof(proof, trie.getRootHash(), testKey, badValue) == false
check verifyProof(proof, trie.getRootHash(), testKey2, testValue) == false
check verifyProof(badProof, trie.getRootHash(), testKey, testValue) == false
proof = trie.prove(testKey2)
check verifyProof(proof, trie.getRootHash(), testKey2, testValue) == true
check verifyProof(proof, trie.getRootHash(), testKey2, badValue) == false
check verifyProof(proof, trie.getRootHash(), testKey3, testValue) == false
check verifyProof(badProof, trie.getRootHash(), testKey, testValue) == false
var compactProof = compactProof(proof)
var decompactedProof = decompactProof(compactProof)
check decompactedProof.len == proof.len
for i, c in proof:
check decompactedProof[i] == c
badProof2 = makeBadProof(MaxBadProof + 1)
badProof3 = makeBadProof(MaxBadProof - 1)
badProof4 = makeBadProof(MaxBadProof, 31)
badProof5 = makeBadProof(MaxBadProof, 33)
badProof6 = makeBadProof(MaxBadProof, 1)
check verifyProof(badProof2, trie.getRootHash(), testKey3, defaultValue) == false
check verifyProof(badProof3, trie.getRootHash(), testKey3, defaultValue) == false
check verifyProof(badProof4, trie.getRootHash(), testKey3, defaultValue) == false
check verifyProof(badProof5, trie.getRootHash(), testKey3, defaultValue) == false
check verifyProof(badProof6, trie.getRootHash(), testKey3, defaultValue) == false
check compactProof(badProof2).len == 0
check compactProof(badProof3).len == 0
check decompactProof(badProof3).len == 0
var zeroProof: seq[BytesRange]
check decompactProof(zeroProof).len == 0
proof = trie.proveCompact(testKey2)
check verifyCompactProof(proof, trie.getRootHash(), testKey2, testValue) == true
check verifyCompactProof(proof, trie.getRootHash(), testKey2, badValue) == false
check verifyCompactProof(proof, trie.getRootHash(), testKey3, testValue) == false
check verifyCompactProof(badProof, trie.getRootHash(), testKey, testValue) == false
var root = trie.getRootHash()
trie.set(testKey2, testValue2)
proof = trie.proveCompact(testKey2, root)
check verifyCompactProof(proof, root, testKey2, testValue) == true
check verifyCompactProof(proof, root, testKey2, badValue) == false
check verifyCompactProof(proof, root, testKey3, testValue) == false
check verifyCompactProof(badProof, root, testKey, testValue) == false
proof = trie.prove(testKey2, root)
check verifyProof(proof, root, testKey2, testValue) == true
check verifyProof(proof, root, testKey2, badValue) == false
check verifyProof(proof, root, testKey3, testValue) == false
check verifyProof(badProof, root, testKey, testValue) == false
proof = trie.prove(testKey3)
check proof.len == 0
check verifyProof(proof, trie.getRootHash(), testKey3, defaultValue) == false
check verifyProof(proof, trie.getRootHash(), testKey3, badValue) == false
check verifyProof(proof, trie.getRootHash(), testKey2, defaultValue) == false
check verifyProof(badProof, trie.getRootHash(), testKey, testValue) == false
test "examples":
key1 = "01234567890123456789"
key2 = "abcdefghijklmnopqrst"
trie.set(key1, "value1")
trie.set(key2, "value2")
check trie.get(key1) == "value1".toRange
check trie.get(key2) == "value2".toRange
check trie.get(key1) == zeroBytesRange
check trie[key2] == zeroBytesRange
value1 = "hello world"
badValue = "bad value"
trie[key1] = value1
var proof = trie.prove(key1)
check verifyProof(proof, trie.getRootHash(), key1, value1) == true
check verifyProof(proof, trie.getRootHash(), key1, badValue) == false
check verifyProof(proof, trie.getRootHash(), key2, value1) == false