mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 07:00:42 +00:00
Currently only setting `--styleCheck:hint` as there are some dependency fixes required and the compiler seems to trip over the findnode MessageKind, findnode Message field and the findNode proc. Also over protocol.Protocol usage.
477 lines
14 KiB
477 lines
14 KiB
## This module implements RLP encoding and decoding as
## defined in Appendix B of the Ethereum Yellow Paper:
## https://ethereum.github.io/yellowpaper/paper.pdf
std/[macros, strutils],
./rlp/[writer, object_serialization],
writer, object_serialization
Rlp* = object
bytes: seq[byte]
position*: int
RlpNodeType* = enum
RlpNode* = object
case kind*: RlpNodeType
of rlpBlob:
bytes*: seq[byte]
of rlpList:
elems*: seq[RlpNode]
RlpError* = object of CatchableError
MalformedRlpError* = object of RlpError
UnsupportedRlpError* = object of RlpError
RlpTypeMismatch* = object of RlpError
proc rlpFromBytes*(data: seq[byte]): Rlp =
Rlp(bytes: data, position: 0)
proc rlpFromBytes*(data: openArray[byte]): Rlp =
const zeroBytesRlp* = Rlp()
proc rlpFromHex*(input: string): Rlp =
proc hasData*(self: Rlp): bool =
self.position < self.bytes.len
proc currentElemEnd*(self: Rlp): int {.gcsafe.}
template rawData*(self: Rlp): openArray[byte] =
self.bytes.toOpenArray(self.position, self.currentElemEnd - 1)
proc isBlob*(self: Rlp): bool =
self.hasData() and self.bytes[self.position] < LIST_START_MARKER
proc isEmpty*(self: Rlp): bool =
### Contains a blob or a list of zero length
self.hasData() and (self.bytes[self.position] == BLOB_START_MARKER or
self.bytes[self.position] == LIST_START_MARKER)
proc isList*(self: Rlp): bool =
self.hasData() and self.bytes[self.position] >= LIST_START_MARKER
template eosError =
raise newException(MalformedRlpError, "Read past the end of the RLP stream")
template requireData {.dirty.} =
if not self.hasData():
raise newException(MalformedRlpError, "Illegal operation over an empty RLP stream")
proc getType*(self: Rlp): RlpNodeType =
return if self.isBlob(): rlpBlob else: rlpList
proc lengthBytesCount(self: Rlp): int =
var marker = self.bytes[self.position]
if self.isBlob() and marker > LEN_PREFIXED_BLOB_MARKER:
return int(marker - LEN_PREFIXED_BLOB_MARKER)
if self.isList() and marker > LEN_PREFIXED_LIST_MARKER:
return int(marker - LEN_PREFIXED_LIST_MARKER)
return 0
proc isSingleByte*(self: Rlp): bool =
self.hasData() and self.bytes[self.position] < BLOB_START_MARKER
proc getByteValue*(self: Rlp): byte =
doAssert self.isSingleByte()
return self.bytes[self.position]
proc payloadOffset(self: Rlp): int =
if self.isSingleByte(): 0 else: 1 + self.lengthBytesCount()
template readAheadCheck(numberOfBytes: int) =
# important to add nothing to the left side of the equation as `numberOfBytes`
# can in theory be at max size of its type already
if numberOfBytes > self.bytes.len - self.position - self.payloadOffset():
template nonCanonicalNumberError =
raise newException(MalformedRlpError, "Small number encoded in a non-canonical way")
proc payloadBytesCount(self: Rlp): int =
if not self.hasData():
return 0
var marker = self.bytes[self.position]
if marker < BLOB_START_MARKER:
return 1
result = int(marker - BLOB_START_MARKER)
if result == 1:
if self.bytes[self.position + 1] < BLOB_START_MARKER:
template readInt(startMarker, lenPrefixMarker) =
lengthBytes = int(marker - lenPrefixMarker)
remainingBytes = self.bytes.len - self.position
if remainingBytes <= lengthBytes:
if remainingBytes > 1 and self.bytes[self.position + 1] == 0:
raise newException(MalformedRlpError, "Number encoded with a leading zero")
# check if the size is not bigger than the max that result can hold
if lengthBytes > sizeof(result) or
(lengthBytes == sizeof(result) and self.bytes[self.position + 1].int > 127):
raise newException(UnsupportedRlpError, "Message too large to fit in memory")
for i in 1 .. lengthBytes:
result = (result shl 8) or int(self.bytes[self.position + i])
# must be greater than the short-list size list
if marker < LIST_START_MARKER:
result = int(marker - LIST_START_MARKER)
proc blobLen*(self: Rlp): int =
if self.isBlob(): self.payloadBytesCount() else: 0
proc isInt*(self: Rlp): bool =
if not self.hasData():
return false
var marker = self.bytes[self.position]
if marker < BLOB_START_MARKER:
return marker != 0
if marker == BLOB_START_MARKER:
return true
return self.bytes[self.position + 1] != 0
if marker < LIST_START_MARKER:
let offset = self.position + int(marker + 1 - LEN_PREFIXED_BLOB_MARKER)
if offset >= self.bytes.len: eosError()
return self.bytes[offset] != 0
return false
template maxBytes*(o: type[Ordinal | uint64 | uint]): int = sizeof(o)
proc toInt*(self: Rlp, IntType: type): IntType =
# XXX: work-around a Nim issue with type parameters
type OutputType = IntType
mixin maxBytes, to
# XXX: self insertions are not working in generic procs
# https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/5053
if not self.hasData():
raise newException(RlpTypeMismatch, "Attempt to read an Int value past the RLP end")
if self.isList():
raise newException(RlpTypeMismatch, "Int expected, but found a List")
payloadStart = self.payloadOffset()
payloadSize = self.payloadBytesCount()
if payloadSize > maxBytes(IntType):
raise newException(RlpTypeMismatch, "The RLP contains a larger than expected Int value")
for i in payloadStart ..< (payloadStart + payloadSize):
result = (result shl 8) or OutputType(self.bytes[self.position + i])
proc toString*(self: Rlp): string =
if not self.isBlob():
raise newException(RlpTypeMismatch, "String expected, but the source RLP is not a blob")
payloadOffset = self.payloadOffset()
payloadLen = self.payloadBytesCount()
result = newString(payloadLen)
for i in 0 ..< payloadLen:
# XXX: switch to copyMem here
result[i] = char(self.bytes[self.position + payloadOffset + i])
proc toBytes*(self: Rlp): seq[byte] =
if not self.isBlob():
raise newException(RlpTypeMismatch,
"Bytes expected, but the source RLP in not a blob")
let payloadLen = self.payloadBytesCount()
if payloadLen > 0:
payloadOffset = self.payloadOffset()
ibegin = self.position + payloadOffset
iend = ibegin + payloadLen - 1
result = self.bytes[ibegin..iend]
proc currentElemEnd*(self: Rlp): int =
doAssert self.hasData()
result = self.position
if self.isSingleByte():
result += 1
elif self.isBlob() or self.isList():
result += self.payloadOffset() + self.payloadBytesCount()
proc enterList*(self: var Rlp): bool =
if not self.isList():
return false
self.position += self.payloadOffset()
return true
proc tryEnterList*(self: var Rlp) =
if not self.enterList():
raise newException(RlpTypeMismatch, "List expected, but source RLP is not a list")
proc skipElem*(rlp: var Rlp) =
rlp.position = rlp.currentElemEnd
iterator items*(self: var Rlp): var Rlp =
doAssert self.isList()
payloadOffset = self.payloadOffset()
payloadEnd = self.position + payloadOffset + self.payloadBytesCount()
if payloadEnd > self.bytes.len:
raise newException(MalformedRlpError, "List length extends past the end of the stream")
self.position += payloadOffset
while self.position < payloadEnd:
let elemEnd = self.currentElemEnd()
yield self
self.position = elemEnd
proc listElem*(self: Rlp, i: int): Rlp =
doAssert self.isList()
payloadOffset = self.payloadOffset()
# This will only check if there is some data, not if it is correct according
# to list length. Could also run here payloadBytesCount() instead.
if self.position + payloadOffset + 1 > self.bytes.len: eosError()
let payload = self.bytes[self.position + payloadOffset..^1]
result = rlpFromBytes payload
var pos = 0
while pos < i and result.hasData:
result.position = result.currentElemEnd()
inc pos
proc listLen*(self: Rlp): int =
if not self.isList():
return 0
var rlp = self
for elem in rlp:
inc result
proc readImpl(rlp: var Rlp, T: type string): string =
result = rlp.toString
proc readImpl(rlp: var Rlp, T: type Integer): Integer =
result = rlp.toInt(T)
proc readImpl(rlp: var Rlp, T: type[enum]): T =
let value = rlp.toInt(int)
if value < ord(T.low) or value > ord(T.high):
raise newException(RlpTypeMismatch,
"Enum expected, but the source RLP is not in valid range.")
result = type(result)(value)
proc readImpl(rlp: var Rlp, T: type bool): T =
result = rlp.toInt(int) != 0
proc readImpl(rlp: var Rlp, T: type float64): T =
# This is not covered in the RLP spec, but Geth uses Go's
# `math.Float64bits`, which is defined here:
# https://github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/blob/master/compiler/natives/src/math/math.go
let uint64bits = rlp.toInt(uint64)
var uint32parts = [uint32(uint64bits), uint32(uint64bits shr 32)]
return cast[ptr float64](unsafeAddr uint32parts)[]
proc readImpl[R, E](rlp: var Rlp, T: type array[R, E]): T =
mixin read
when E is (byte or char):
if not rlp.isBlob:
raise newException(RlpTypeMismatch, "Bytes array expected, but the source RLP is not a blob.")
var bytes = rlp.toBytes
if result.len != bytes.len:
raise newException(RlpTypeMismatch, "Fixed-size array expected, but the source RLP contains a blob of different length")
copyMem(addr result[0], unsafeAddr bytes[0], bytes.len)
if not rlp.isList:
raise newException(RlpTypeMismatch, "List expected, but the source RLP is not a list.")
if result.len != rlp.listLen:
raise newException(RlpTypeMismatch, "Fixed-size array expected, but the source RLP contains a list of different length")
var i = 0
for elem in rlp:
result[i] = rlp.read(E)
inc i
proc readImpl[E](rlp: var Rlp, T: type seq[E]): T =
mixin read
when E is (byte or char):
result = rlp.toBytes
if not rlp.isList:
raise newException(RlpTypeMismatch, "Sequence expected, but the source RLP is not a list.")
result = newSeqOfCap[E](rlp.listLen)
for elem in rlp:
result.add rlp.read(E)
proc readImpl[E](rlp: var Rlp, T: type openArray[E]): seq[E] =
result = readImpl(rlp, seq[E])
proc readImpl(rlp: var Rlp, T: type[object|tuple],
wrappedInList = wrapObjsInList): T =
mixin enumerateRlpFields, read
if wrappedInList:
if not rlp.isList:
raise newException(RlpTypeMismatch,
"List expected, but the source RLP is not a list.")
payloadOffset = rlp.payloadOffset()
# there's an exception-raising side effect in there *sigh*
discard rlp.payloadBytesCount()
rlp.position += payloadOffset
template op(field) =
when hasCustomPragma(field, rlpCustomSerialization):
field = rlp.read(result, type(field))
field = rlp.read(type(field))
enumerateRlpFields(result, op)
proc toNodes*(self: var Rlp): RlpNode =
if self.isList():
result.kind = rlpList
newSeq result.elems, 0
for e in self:
result.elems.add e.toNodes
doAssert self.isBlob()
result.kind = rlpBlob
result.bytes = self.toBytes()
self.position = self.currentElemEnd()
# We define a single `read` template with a pretty low specifity
# score in order to facilitate easier overloading with user types:
template read*(rlp: var Rlp, T: type): auto =
readImpl(rlp, T)
proc `>>`*[T](rlp: var Rlp, location: var T) =
mixin read
location = rlp.read(T)
template readRecordType*(rlp: var Rlp, T: type, wrappedInList: bool): auto =
readImpl(rlp, T, wrappedInList)
proc decode*(bytes: openArray[byte]): RlpNode =
var rlp = rlpFromBytes(bytes)
template decode*(bytes: openArray[byte], T: type): untyped =
mixin read
var rlp = rlpFromBytes(bytes)
template decode*(bytes: seq[byte], T: type): untyped =
mixin read
var rlp = rlpFromBytes(bytes)
proc append*(writer: var RlpWriter; rlp: Rlp) =
appendRawBytes(writer, rlp.rawData)
proc isPrintable(s: string): bool =
for c in s:
if ord(c) < 32 or ord(c) >= 128:
return false
return true
proc inspectAux(self: var Rlp, depth: int, hexOutput: bool, output: var string) =
if not self.hasData():
template indent =
for i in 0..<depth:
output.add " "
if self.isSingleByte:
output.add "byte "
output.add $self.bytes[self.position]
elif self.isBlob:
let str = self.toString
if str.isPrintable:
output.add '"'
output.add str
output.add '"'
output.add "blob(" & $str.len & ") ["
for c in str:
if hexOutput:
output.add toHex(int(c), 2)
output.add $ord(c)
output.add ","
if hexOutput:
output.add ']'
output[^1] = ']'
output.add "{\n"
for subitem in self:
inspectAux(subitem, depth + 1, hexOutput, output)
output.add "\n"
output.add "}"
proc inspect*(self: Rlp, indent = 0, hexOutput = true): string =
var rlpCopy = self
result = newStringOfCap(self.bytes.len)
inspectAux(rlpCopy, indent, hexOutput, result)