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## Implementation of KvStore based on sqlite3
{.push raises: [].}
{.pragma: callback, gcsafe, raises: [].}
std/[os, options, strformat, typetraits],
export kvstore, typetraits
RawStmtPtr = ptr sqlite3_stmt
AutoDisposed[T: ptr|ref] = object
val: T
# TODO: These should become AutoDisposed
# This is currently considered risky due to the destructor
# problem found in FastStreams (triggered when objects in
# the GC heap have destructors)
Sqlite* = ptr sqlite3
SqliteStmt*[Params; Result] = distinct RawStmtPtr
NoParams* = tuple # this is the empty tuple
ResultHandler*[T] = proc(val: T) {.callback.}
SqStoreRef* = ref object
# Handle for a single database - from here, keyspaces and statements
# can be created
env: Sqlite
managedStmts: seq[RawStmtPtr]
readOnly*: bool
SqStoreCheckpointKind* {.pure.} = enum
passive, full, restart, truncate
SqKeyspace* = object of RootObj
# A Keyspace is a single key-value table - it is generally efficient to
# create separate keyspaces for each type of data stored
open: bool
env: Sqlite
getStmt, putStmt, delStmt, clearStmt, containsStmt,
findStmt0, findStmt1, findStmt2: RawStmtPtr
SqKeyspaceRef* = ref SqKeyspace
CustomFunction* =
proc (
a: openArray[byte],
b: openArray[byte]
): Result[seq[byte], cstring] {.noSideEffect, cdecl, callback.}
template dispose(db: Sqlite) =
discard sqlite3_close(db)
template dispose(db: RawStmtPtr) =
discard sqlite3_finalize(db)
template dispose*(s: SqliteStmt) =
if RawStmtPtr(s) != nil:
discard sqlite3_finalize(RawStmtPtr s)
template env(s: RawStmtPtr): Sqlite = sqlite3_db_handle(s)
func isInsideTransaction*(db: SqStoreRef): bool =
sqlite3_get_autocommit(db.env) == 0
proc release[T](x: var AutoDisposed[T]): T =
result = x.val
x.val = nil
proc disposeIfUnreleased[T](x: var AutoDisposed[T]) =
mixin dispose
if x.val != nil:
func toErrorString(env: ptr sqlite3, v: cint): string =
var err = $sqlite3_errstr(v)
if v in [SQLITE_CANTOPEN, SQLITE_IOERR] and not isNil(env):
let errno = sqlite3_system_errno(env)
if errno != 0:
err &= ": " & osErrorMsg(OSErrorCode(errno))
template checkErr(env: ptr sqlite3, op, cleanup: untyped) =
if (let v = (op); v != SQLITE_OK):
return err(toErrorString(env, v))
template checkErr(env: ptr sqlite3, op: untyped) =
checkErr(env, op): discard
proc prepareStmt*(db: SqStoreRef,
stmt: string,
Params: type,
Res: type,
managed = true): KvResult[SqliteStmt[Params, Res]] =
mixin env
var s: RawStmtPtr
checkErr db.env, sqlite3_prepare_v2(db.env, stmt, stmt.len.cint, addr s, nil)
if managed: db.managedStmts.add s
ok SqliteStmt[Params, Res](s)
proc bindParam(s: RawStmtPtr, n: int, val: auto): cint =
when val is openArray[byte]|seq[byte]:
if val.len > 0:
sqlite3_bind_blob(s, n.cint, unsafeAddr val[0], val.len.cint, nil)
sqlite3_bind_blob(s, n.cint, nil, 0.cint, nil)
elif val is array:
when val.items.typeof is byte:
# Prior to Nim 1.4 and view types array[N, byte] in tuples
# don't match with openArray[byte]
if val.len > 0:
sqlite3_bind_blob(s, n.cint, unsafeAddr val[0], val.len.cint, nil)
sqlite3_bind_blob(s, n.cint, nil, 0.cint, nil)
{.fatal: "Please add support for the '" & $typeof(val) & "' type".}
elif val is SomeInteger:
sqlite3_bind_int64(s, n.cint, val.clong)
elif val is Option:
if val.isNone():
sqlite3_bind_null(s, n.cint)
bindParam(s, n, val.get())
{.fatal: "Please add support for the '" & $typeof(val) & "' type".}
template bindParams(s: RawStmtPtr, params: auto) =
mixin env
when params is tuple:
when params.type.arity > 0:
var i = 1
for param in fields(params):
checkErr s.env, bindParam(s, i, param)
inc i
checkErr s.env, bindParam(s, 1, params)
proc exec*[P](s: SqliteStmt[P, void], params: P): KvResult[void] =
mixin env
let s = RawStmtPtr s
bindParams(s, params)
let res =
if (let v = sqlite3_step(s); v != SQLITE_DONE):
err(toErrorString(s.env, v))
# release implicit transaction
discard sqlite3_reset(s) # same return information as step
discard sqlite3_clear_bindings(s) # no errors possible
template readSimpleResult(s: RawStmtPtr, column: cint, T: type): auto =
when T is int64:
sqlite3_column_int64(s, column)
elif T is SomeInteger:
# sqlite integers are "up to" 8 bytes in size, so rather than silently
# truncate them, we support only 64-bit integers when reading and let the
# calling code deal with it - careful though, anything that is not an
# integer (ie TEXT) is returned as 0
{.fatal: "Use int64 for reading integers".}
elif T is openArray[byte]:
p = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[byte]](sqlite3_column_blob(s, column))
l = sqlite3_column_bytes(s, column)
toOpenArray(p, 0, l-1)
elif T is seq[byte]:
var res: seq[byte]
let len = sqlite3_column_bytes(s, column)
if len > 0:
copyMem(addr res[0], sqlite3_column_blob(s, column), len)
elif T is array:
# array[N, byte]. "genericParams(T)[1]" requires 1.4 to handle nnkTypeOfExpr
when typeof(default(T)[0]) is byte:
var res: T
let colLen = sqlite3_column_bytes(s, column)
# truncate if the type is too small
# TODO: warning/error? We assume that users always properly dimension buffers
let copyLen = min(colLen, res.len)
if copyLen > 0:
copyMem(addr res[0], sqlite3_column_blob(s, column), copyLen)
{.fatal: "Please add support for the '" & $(T) & "' type".}
{.fatal: "Please add support for the '" & $(T) & "' type".}
template readResult(s: RawStmtPtr, column: cint, T: type): auto =
when T is Option:
if sqlite3_column_type(s, column) == SQLITE_NULL:
some(readSimpleResult(s, column, typeof(default(T).get())))
readSimpleResult(s, column, T)
template readResult(s: RawStmtPtr, T: type): auto =
when T is tuple:
var res: T
var i = cint 0
for field in fields(res):
field = readResult(s, i, typeof(field))
inc i
readResult(s, 0.cint, T)
proc exec*[Params, Res](s: SqliteStmt[Params, Res],
params: Params,
onData: ResultHandler[Res]): KvResult[bool] =
let s = RawStmtPtr s
bindParams(s, params)
var gotResults = false
while true:
let v = sqlite3_step(s)
case v
if onData != nil:
onData(readResult(s, Res))
gotResults = true
return err(toErrorString(s.env, v))
return ok gotResults
# release implicit transaction
discard sqlite3_reset(s) # same return information as step
discard sqlite3_clear_bindings(s) # no errors possible
iterator exec*[Params, Res](s: SqliteStmt[Params, Res],
params: Params, item: var Res): KvResult[void] =
let s = RawStmtPtr s
# we use a mutable `res` variable here to avoid the code bloat that multiple
# `yield` statements cause when inlining the loop body
var res = KvResult[void].ok()
when params is tuple:
var i = 1
for param in fields(params):
if (let v = bindParam(s, i, param); v != SQLITE_OK):
res = KvResult[void].err(toErrorString(s.env, v))
inc i
if (let v = bindParam(s, 1, params); v != SQLITE_OK):
res = KvResult[void].err(toErrorString(s.env, v))
# release implicit transaction
discard sqlite3_reset(s) # same return information as step
discard sqlite3_clear_bindings(s) # no errors possible
while res.isOk():
let v = sqlite3_step(s)
case v
item = readResult(s, Res)
yield KvResult[void].ok()
res = KvResult[void].err(toErrorString(s.env, v))
if not res.isOk():
yield res
iterator exec*[Res](s: SqliteStmt[NoParams, Res], item: var Res): KvResult[void] =
for r in exec(s, (), item):
yield r
template exec*(s: SqliteStmt[NoParams, void]): KvResult[void] =
exec(s, ())
template exec*[Res](s: SqliteStmt[NoParams, Res],
onData: ResultHandler[Res]): KvResult[bool] =
exec(s, (), onData)
proc exec*[Params: tuple](db: SqStoreRef,
stmt: string,
params: Params): KvResult[void] =
let stmt = ? db.prepareStmt(stmt, Params, void, managed = false)
result = exec(stmt, params)
let finalizeStatus = sqlite3_finalize(RawStmtPtr stmt)
if finalizeStatus != SQLITE_OK and result.isOk:
return err(toErrorString(db.env, finalizeStatus))
proc exec*[Params: tuple, Res](db: SqStoreRef,
stmt: string,
params: Params,
onData: ResultHandler[Res]): KvResult[bool] =
let stmt = ? db.prepareStmt(stmt, Params, Res, managed = false)
result = exec(stmt, params, onData)
let finalizeStatus = sqlite3_finalize(RawStmtPtr stmt)
if finalizeStatus != SQLITE_OK and result.isOk:
return err(toErrorString(db.env, finalizeStatus))
template exec*(db: SqStoreRef, stmt: string): KvResult[void] =
exec(db, stmt, ())
proc get*(db: SqKeyspaceRef,
key: openArray[byte],
onData: DataProc): KvResult[bool] =
if not db.open: return err("sqlite: database closed")
let getStmt = db.getStmt
if getStmt == nil: return ok(false) # no such table
checkErr db.env, bindParam(getStmt, 1, key)
v = sqlite3_step(getStmt)
res = case v
p = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[byte]](sqlite3_column_blob(getStmt, 0))
l = sqlite3_column_bytes(getStmt, 0)
onData(toOpenArray(p, 0, l-1))
err(toErrorString(db.env, v))
# release implicit transaction
discard sqlite3_reset(getStmt) # same return information as step
discard sqlite3_clear_bindings(getStmt) # no errors possible
func nextPrefix(prefix: openArray[byte], next: var seq[byte]): bool =
# Return a seq that is greater than all strings starting with `prefix` when
# doing a lexicographical compare - we're looking for the string that
# increments the last byte by 1, removing any bytes from the back that
# cannot be incremented (0xff)
for i in 0..<prefix.len():
if prefix[^(i+1)] == high(byte):
if i == 0:
return false
next = prefix[0..<i]
next[^1] += 1'u8
return true
false # Empty
proc find*(
db: SqKeyspaceRef,
prefix: openArray[byte],
onFind: KeyValueProc): KvResult[int] =
if not db.open: return err("sqlite: database closed")
var next: seq[byte] # extended lifetime of bound param
let findStmt =
if prefix.len == 0:
if db.findStmt0 == nil: return ok(0) # no such table
db.findStmt0 # all rows
if not nextPrefix(prefix, next):
# For example when looking for the prefix [byte 255], there are no
# prefixes that lexicographically are greater, thus we use the
# query that only does the >= comparison
if db.findStmt1 == nil: return ok(0) # no such table
checkErr db.env, bindParam(db.findStmt1, 1, prefix)
if db.findStmt2 == nil: return ok(0) # no such table
checkErr db.env, bindParam(db.findStmt2, 1, prefix)
checkErr db.env, bindParam(db.findStmt2, 2, next)
total = 0
while true:
v = sqlite3_step(findStmt)
case v
kp = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[byte]](sqlite3_column_blob(findStmt, 0))
kl = sqlite3_column_bytes(findStmt, 0)
vp = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[byte]](sqlite3_column_blob(findStmt, 1))
vl = sqlite3_column_bytes(findStmt, 1)
if onFind != nil:
onFind(kp.toOpenArray(0, kl - 1), vp.toOpenArray(0, vl - 1))
total += 1
# release implicit transaction (could use a defer, but it's slow)
discard sqlite3_reset(findStmt) # same return information as step
discard sqlite3_clear_bindings(findStmt) # no errors possible
return err(toErrorString(db.env, v))
# release implicit transaction
discard sqlite3_reset(findStmt) # same return information as step
discard sqlite3_clear_bindings(findStmt) # no errors possible
proc put*(db: SqKeyspaceRef, key, value: openArray[byte]): KvResult[void] =
if not db.open: return err("sqlite: database closed")
let putStmt = db.putStmt
if putStmt == nil: return err("sqlite: cannot write to read-only database")
checkErr db.env, bindParam(putStmt, 1, key)
checkErr db.env, bindParam(putStmt, 2, value)
let res =
if (let v = sqlite3_step(putStmt); v != SQLITE_DONE):
err(toErrorString(db.env, v))
# release implict transaction
discard sqlite3_reset(putStmt) # same return information as step
discard sqlite3_clear_bindings(putStmt) # no errors possible
proc contains*(db: SqKeyspaceRef, key: openArray[byte]): KvResult[bool] =
if not db.open: return err("sqlite: database closed")
let containsStmt = db.containsStmt
if containsStmt == nil: return ok(false) # no such table
checkErr db.env, bindParam(containsStmt, 1, key)
v = sqlite3_step(containsStmt)
res = case v
of SQLITE_ROW: ok(true)
of SQLITE_DONE: ok(false)
else: err(toErrorString(db.env, v))
# release implicit transaction
discard sqlite3_reset(containsStmt) # same return information as step
discard sqlite3_clear_bindings(containsStmt) # no errors possible
proc del*(db: SqKeyspaceRef, key: openArray[byte]): KvResult[bool] =
if not db.open: return err("sqlite: database closed")
let delStmt = db.delStmt
if delStmt == nil: return ok(false) # no such table
checkErr db.env, bindParam(delStmt, 1, key)
let res =
if (let v = sqlite3_step(delStmt); v != SQLITE_DONE):
err(toErrorString(db.env, v))
ok(sqlite3_changes(db.env) > 0)
# release implict transaction
discard sqlite3_reset(delStmt) # same return information as step
discard sqlite3_clear_bindings(delStmt) # no errors possible
proc clear*(db: SqKeyspaceRef): KvResult[bool] =
if not db.open: return err("sqlite: database closed")
let clearStmt = db.clearStmt
if clearStmt == nil: return ok(false) # no such table
let res =
if (let v = sqlite3_step(clearStmt); v != SQLITE_DONE):
err(toErrorString(db.env, v))
ok(sqlite3_changes(db.env) > 0)
# release implicit transaction
discard sqlite3_reset(clearStmt) # same return information as step
proc close*(db: var SqKeyspace) =
# Calling with null stmt is harmless
discard sqlite3_finalize(db.putStmt)
discard sqlite3_finalize(db.getStmt)
discard sqlite3_finalize(db.delStmt)
discard sqlite3_finalize(db.clearStmt)
discard sqlite3_finalize(db.containsStmt)
discard sqlite3_finalize(db.findStmt0)
discard sqlite3_finalize(db.findStmt1)
discard sqlite3_finalize(db.findStmt2)
db = SqKeyspace()
proc close*(db: SqKeyspaceRef) =
proc close*(db: SqStoreRef) =
for stmt in db.managedStmts:
discard sqlite3_finalize(stmt)
# Lazy-v2-close allows closing the keyspaces in any order
discard sqlite3_close_v2(db.env)
db[] = SqStoreRef()[]
proc checkpoint*(db: SqStoreRef, kind = SqStoreCheckpointKind.passive) =
let mode: cint = case kind
of SqStoreCheckpointKind.passive: SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE
of SqStoreCheckpointKind.full: SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_FULL
of SqStoreCheckpointKind.restart: SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_RESTART
of SqStoreCheckpointKind.truncate: SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_TRUNCATE
discard sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2(db.env, nil, mode, nil, nil)
template prepare(env: ptr sqlite3, q: string): ptr sqlite3_stmt =
var s: ptr sqlite3_stmt
checkErr env, sqlite3_prepare_v2(env, cstring(q), q.len.cint, addr s, nil):
template prepare(env: ptr sqlite3, q: string, cleanup: untyped): ptr sqlite3_stmt =
var s: ptr sqlite3_stmt
checkErr env, sqlite3_prepare_v2(env, cstring(q), q.len.cint, addr s, nil)
template checkExec(env: ptr sqlite3, s: ptr sqlite3_stmt) =
if (let x = sqlite3_step(s); x != SQLITE_DONE):
discard sqlite3_finalize(s)
return err(toErrorString(env, x))
if (let x = sqlite3_finalize(s); x != SQLITE_OK):
return err(toErrorString(env, x))
template checkExec(env: ptr sqlite3, q: string) =
let s = prepare(env, q): discard
checkExec(env, s)
proc isClosed*(db: SqStoreRef): bool =
db.env != nil
proc init*(
T: type SqStoreRef,
basePath: string,
name: string,
readOnly = false,
inMemory = false,
manualCheckpoint = false): KvResult[T] =
var env: AutoDisposed[ptr sqlite3]
defer: disposeIfUnreleased(env)
name =
if inMemory: ":memory:"
else: basePath / name & ".sqlite3"
flags =
# For some reason, opening multiple in-memory databases doesn't work if
# one of them is read-only - for now, disable read-only mode for them
if readOnly and not inMemory: SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY
if not inMemory:
except OSError, IOError:
return err("sqlite: cannot create database directory")
checkErr env.val, sqlite3_open_v2(cstring name, addr env.val, flags.cint, nil)
template checkWalPragmaResult(
env: ptr sqlite3, journalModePragma: ptr sqlite3_stmt) =
if (let x = sqlite3_step(journalModePragma); x != SQLITE_ROW):
discard sqlite3_finalize(journalModePragma)
return err(toErrorString(env, x))
if (let x = sqlite3_column_type(journalModePragma, 0); x != SQLITE3_TEXT):
discard sqlite3_finalize(journalModePragma)
return err(toErrorString(env, x))
if (let x = sqlite3_column_text(journalModePragma, 0);
x != "memory" and x != "wal"):
discard sqlite3_finalize(journalModePragma)
return err("Invalid pragma result: " & $x)
if not readOnly:
# user_version = 1: single kvstore table without rowid
# user_version = 2: single kvstore table with rowid
# user_version = 3: multiple named kvstore tables via openKvStore
checkExec env.val, "PRAGMA user_version = 3;"
let journalModePragma = prepare(env.val, "PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;")
checkWalPragmaResult(env.val, journalModePragma)
checkExec env.val, journalModePragma
if manualCheckpoint:
checkErr env.val, sqlite3_wal_autocheckpoint(env.val, 0)
# In manual checkpointing mode, we relax synchronization to NORMAL -
# this is safe in WAL mode leaving us with a consistent database at all
# times, though potentially losing any data written between checkpoints.
# http://www3.sqlite.org/wal.html#performance_considerations
checkExec env.val, "PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL;"
env: env.release,
readOnly: readOnly
proc hasTable*(db: SqStoreRef, name: string): KvResult[bool] =
sql = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='" &
name & "';"
db.exec(sql, (), proc(_: openArray[byte]) {.callback.} = discard)
proc openKvStore*(
db: SqStoreRef, name = "kvstore", withoutRowid = false,
readOnly = false): KvResult[SqKeyspaceRef] =
## Open a new Key-Value store in the SQLite database
## withoutRowid: Create the table without rowid - this is more efficient when
## rows are small (<200 bytes) but very inefficient with larger
## rows (the row being the sum of key and value) - see
## https://www.sqlite.org/withoutrowid.html
let hasTable = if db.readOnly or readOnly:
? db.hasTable(name)
let createSql = """
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '""" & name & """' (
value BLOB
checkExec db.env,
if withoutRowid: createSql & " WITHOUT ROWID;" else: createSql & ";"
tmp = SqKeyspace(env: db.env)
# We'll "move" ownership to the return value, effectively disabling "close"
tmp.open = true
if hasTable:
tmp.getStmt =
prepare(db.env, "SELECT value FROM '" & name & "' WHERE key = ?;")
tmp.putStmt =
prepare(db.env, "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO '" & name & "'(key, value) VALUES (?, ?);")
tmp.delStmt = prepare(db.env, "DELETE FROM '" & name & "' WHERE key = ?;")
tmp.clearStmt = prepare(db.env, "DELETE FROM '" & name & "';")
tmp.containsStmt = prepare(db.env, "SELECT 1 FROM '" & name & "' WHERE key = ?;")
tmp.findStmt0 = prepare(db.env, "SELECT key, value FROM '" & name & "';")
tmp.findStmt1 = prepare(db.env, "SELECT key, value FROM '" & name & "' WHERE key >= ?;")
tmp.findStmt2 = prepare(db.env, "SELECT key, value FROM '" & name & "' WHERE key >= ? and key < ?;")
var res = SqKeyspaceRef()
res[] = tmp
tmp = SqKeyspace() # make close harmless
ok res
proc customScalarBlobFunction(ctx: ptr sqlite3_context, n: cint, v: ptr ptr sqlite3_value) {.cdecl, callback.} =
let ptrs = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[ptr sqlite3_value]](v)
let blob1 = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[byte]](sqlite3_value_blob(ptrs[][0]))
let blob2 = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[byte]](sqlite3_value_blob(ptrs[][1]))
let blob1Len = sqlite3_value_bytes(ptrs[][0])
let blob2Len = sqlite3_value_bytes(ptrs[][1])
# sqlite3_user_data retrieves data which was pointed by 5th param to
# sqlite3_create_function functions, which in our case is custom function
# provided by user
let usrFun = cast[CustomFunction](sqlite3_user_data(ctx))
let s = usrFun(
toOpenArray(blob1, 0, blob1Len - 1),
toOpenArray(blob2, 0, blob2Len - 1)
if s.isOk():
let bytes = s.unsafeGet()
# try is necessary as otherwise nim marks SQLITE_TRANSIENT as throwing
# unlisted exception.
# Using SQLITE_TRANSIENT destructor type, as it inform sqlite that data
# under provided pointer may be deleted at any moment, which is the case
# for seq[byte] as it is managed by nim gc. With this flag sqlite copy bytes
# under pointer and then releases them itself.
sqlite3_result_blob(ctx, unsafeAddr bytes[0], bytes.len.cint, SQLITE_TRANSIENT)
let errMsg = s.error
sqlite3_result_error(ctx, errMsg, -1)
proc registerCustomScalarFunction*(db: SqStoreRef, name: string, fun: CustomFunction): KvResult[void] =
## Register custom function inside sqlite engine. Registered function can
## be used in further queries by its name. Function should be side-effect
## free and depends only on provided arguments.
## Name of the function should be valid utf8 string.
# Using SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC flag to inform sqlite that provided function
# won't have any side effect this may enable additional optimisations.
let deterministicUtf8Func = cint(SQLITE_UTF8 or SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC)
checkErr db.env, sqlite3_create_function(
when defined(metrics):
import locks, tables, times,
chronicles, metrics
type Sqlite3Info = ref object of Gauge
proc newSqlite3Info*(name: string, help: string, registry = defaultRegistry): Sqlite3Info {.raises: [Exception].} =
result = Sqlite3Info(name: name,
help: help,
typ: "gauge",
creationThreadId: getThreadId())
var sqlite3Info* {.global.} = newSqlite3Info("sqlite3_info", "SQLite3 info")
method collect*(collector: Sqlite3Info): Metrics =
result = initOrderedTable[Labels, seq[Metric]]()
result[@[]] = @[]
let timestamp = getTime().toMilliseconds()
var currentMem, highwaterMem: int64
if (let res = sqlite3_status64(SQLITE_STATUS_MEMORY_USED, currentMem.addr, highwaterMem.addr, 0); res != SQLITE_OK):
error "SQLite3 error", msg = sqlite3_errstr(res)
result[@[]] = @[
name: "sqlite3_memory_used_bytes",
value: currentMem.float64,
timestamp: timestamp,