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tables, sets,
chronicles, chronos, eth/rlp, eth/common/eth_types,
../../rlpx, ../../private/p2p_types, private/les_types
maxSamples = 100000
rechargingScale = 1000000
lesStatsKey = "les.flow_control.stats"
lesStatsVer = 0
topics = "les flow_control"
# TODO: move this somewhere
proc pop[A, B](t: var Table[A, B], key: A): B =
result = t[key]
when LesTime is SomeInteger:
template `/`(lhs, rhs: LesTime): LesTime =
lhs div rhs
when defined(testing):
var lesTime* = LesTime(0)
template now(): LesTime = lesTime
template advanceTime(t) = lesTime += LesTime(t)
import times
let startTime = epochTime()
proc now(): LesTime =
return LesTime((times.epochTime() - startTime) * 1000.0)
proc addSample(ra: var StatsRunningAverage; x, y: float64) =
if ra.count >= maxSamples:
let decay = float64(ra.count + 1 - maxSamples) / maxSamples
template applyDecay(x) = x -= x * decay
applyDecay ra.sumX
applyDecay ra.sumY
applyDecay ra.sumXX
applyDecay ra.sumXY
ra.count = maxSamples - 1
inc ra.count
ra.sumX += x
ra.sumY += y
ra.sumXX += x * x
ra.sumXY += x * y
proc calc(ra: StatsRunningAverage): tuple[m, b: float] =
if ra.count == 0:
let count = float64(ra.count)
let d = count * ra.sumXX - ra.sumX * ra.sumX
if d < 0.001:
return (m: ra.sumY / count, b: 0.0)
result.m = (count * ra.sumXY - ra.sumX * ra.sumY) / d
result.b = (ra.sumY / count) - (result.m * ra.sumX / count)
proc currentRequestsCosts*(network: LesNetwork,
les: ProtocolInfo): seq[ReqCostInfo] =
# Make sure the message costs are already initialized
doAssert network.messageStats.len > les.messages[^1].id,
"Have you called `initFlowControl`"
for msg in les.messages:
var (m, b) = network.messageStats[msg.id].calc()
if m < 0:
b += m
m = 0
if b < 0:
b = 0
result.add ReqCostInfo(msgId: msg.id,
baseCost: ReqCostInt(b * 2),
reqCost: ReqCostInt(m * 2))
proc persistMessageStats*(db: AbstractChainDB,
network: LesNetwork) =
doAssert db != nil
# XXX: Because of the package_visible_types template magic, Nim complains
# when we pass the messageStats expression directly to `encodeList`
let stats = network.messageStats
db.setSetting(lesStatsKey, rlp.encodeList(lesStatsVer, stats))
proc loadMessageStats*(network: LesNetwork,
les: ProtocolInfo,
db: AbstractChainDB): bool =
block readFromDB:
if db == nil:
break readFromDB
var stats = db.getSetting(lesStatsKey)
if stats.len == 0:
notice "LES stats not present in the database"
break readFromDB
var statsRlp = rlpFromBytes(stats.toRange)
let version = statsRlp.read(int)
if version != lesStatsVer:
notice "Found outdated LES stats record"
break readFromDB
statsRlp >> network.messageStats
if network.messageStats.len <= les.messages[^1].id:
notice "Found incomplete LES stats record"
break readFromDB
return true
except RlpError:
error "Error while loading LES message stats",
err = getCurrentExceptionMsg()
newSeq(network.messageStats, les.messages[^1].id + 1)
return false
proc update(s: var FlowControlState, t: LesTime) =
let dt = max(t - s.lastUpdate, LesTime(0))
s.bufValue = min(
s.bufValue + s.minRecharge * dt,
s.lastUpdate = t
proc init(s: var FlowControlState,
bufLimit: BufValueInt, minRecharge: int, t: LesTime) =
s.bufValue = bufLimit
s.bufLimit = bufLimit
s.minRecharge = minRecharge
s.lastUpdate = t
func canMakeRequest(s: FlowControlState,
maxCost: ReqCostInt): (LesTime, float64) =
## Returns the required waiting time before sending a request and
## the estimated buffer level afterwards (as a fraction of the limit)
const safetyMargin = 50
var maxCost = min(
maxCost + safetyMargin * s.minRecharge,
if s.bufValue >= maxCost:
result[1] = float64(s.bufValue - maxCost) / float64(s.bufLimit)
result[0] = (maxCost - s.bufValue) / s.minRecharge
func canServeRequest(srv: LesNetwork): bool =
result = srv.reqCount < srv.maxReqCount and
srv.reqCostSum < srv.maxReqCostSum
proc rechargeReqCost(peer: LesPeer, t: LesTime) =
let dt = t - peer.lastRechargeTime
peer.reqCostVal += peer.reqCostGradient * dt / rechargingScale
peer.lastRechargeTime = t
if peer.isRecharging and t >= peer.rechargingEndsAt:
peer.isRecharging = false
peer.reqCostGradient = 0
peer.reqCostVal = 0
proc updateRechargingParams(peer: LesPeer, network: LesNetwork) =
peer.reqCostGradient = 0
if peer.reqCount > 0:
peer.reqCostGradient = rechargingScale / network.reqCount
if peer.isRecharging:
peer.reqCostGradient = (network.rechargingRate * (peer.rechargingPower /
peer.rechargingEndsAt = peer.lastRechargeTime +
LesTime(peer.reqCostVal * rechargingScale /
-peer.reqCostGradient )
proc trackRequests(network: LesNetwork, peer: LesPeer, reqCountChange: int) =
peer.reqCount += reqCountChange
network.reqCount += reqCountChange
doAssert peer.reqCount >= 0 and network.reqCount >= 0
if peer.reqCount == 0:
# All requests have been finished. Start recharging.
peer.isRecharging = true
network.totalRechargingPower += peer.rechargingPower
elif peer.reqCount == reqCountChange and peer.isRecharging:
# `peer.reqCount` must have been 0 for the condition above to hold.
# This is a transition from recharging to serving state.
peer.isRecharging = false
network.totalRechargingPower -= peer.rechargingPower
peer.startReqCostVal = peer.reqCostVal
updateRechargingParams peer, network
proc updateFlowControl(network: LesNetwork, t: LesTime) =
while true:
var firstTime = t
for peer in network.peers:
# TODO: perhaps use a bin heap here
if peer.isRecharging and peer.rechargingEndsAt < firstTime:
firstTime = peer.rechargingEndsAt
let rechargingEndedForSomePeer = firstTime < t
network.reqCostSum = 0
for peer in network.peers:
peer.rechargeReqCost firstTime
network.reqCostSum += peer.reqCostVal
if rechargingEndedForSomePeer:
for peer in network.peers:
if peer.isRecharging:
updateRechargingParams peer, network
network.lastUpdate = t
proc endPendingRequest*(network: LesNetwork, peer: LesPeer, t: LesTime) =
if peer.reqCount > 0:
network.updateFlowControl t
network.trackRequests peer, -1
network.updateFlowControl t
proc enlistInFlowControl*(network: LesNetwork,
peer: LesPeer,
peerRechargingPower = 100) =
let t = now()
doAssert peer.isServer or peer.isClient
# Each Peer must be potential communication partner for us.
# There will be useless peers on the network, but the logic
# should make sure to disconnect them earlier in `onPeerConnected`.
if peer.isServer:
peer.localFlowState.init network.bufferLimit, network.minRechargingRate, t
peer.pendingReqs = initTable[int, ReqCostInt]()
if peer.isClient:
peer.remoteFlowState.init network.bufferLimit, network.minRechargingRate, t
peer.lastRechargeTime = t
peer.rechargingEndsAt = t
peer.rechargingPower = peerRechargingPower
network.updateFlowControl t
proc delistFromFlowControl*(network: LesNetwork, peer: LesPeer) =
let t = now()
# XXX: perhaps this is not safe with our reqCount logic.
# The original code may depend on the binarity of the `serving` flag.
network.endPendingRequest peer, t
network.updateFlowControl t
proc initFlowControl*(network: LesNetwork, les: ProtocolInfo,
maxReqCount, maxReqCostSum, reqCostTarget: int,
db: AbstractChainDB = nil) =
network.rechargingRate = rechargingScale * (rechargingScale /
(100 * rechargingScale / reqCostTarget - rechargingScale))
network.maxReqCount = maxReqCount
network.maxReqCostSum = maxReqCostSum
if not network.loadMessageStats(les, db):
warn "Failed to load persisted LES message stats. " &
"Flow control will be re-initilized."
proc canMakeRequest(peer: var LesPeer, maxCost: int): (LesTime, float64) =
peer.localFlowState.update now()
return peer.localFlowState.canMakeRequest(maxCost)
template getRequestCost(peer: LesPeer, localOrRemote: untyped,
msgId, costQuantity: int): ReqCostInt =
baseCost = peer.`localOrRemote ReqCosts`[msgId].baseCost
reqCost = peer.`localOrRemote ReqCosts`[msgId].reqCost
min(baseCost + reqCost * costQuantity,
peer.`localOrRemote FlowState`.bufLimit)
proc trackOutgoingRequest*(network: LesNetwork, peer: LesPeer,
msgId, reqId, costQuantity: int) =
let maxCost = peer.getRequestCost(local, msgId, costQuantity)
peer.localFlowState.bufValue -= maxCost
peer.pendingReqsCost += maxCost
peer.pendingReqs[reqId] = peer.pendingReqsCost
proc trackIncomingResponse*(peer: LesPeer, reqId: int, bv: BufValueInt) =
let bv = min(bv, peer.localFlowState.bufLimit)
if not peer.pendingReqs.hasKey(reqId):
let costsSumAtSending = peer.pendingReqs.pop(reqId)
let costsSumChange = peer.pendingReqsCost - costsSumAtSending
peer.localFlowState.bufValue = if bv > costsSumChange: bv - costsSumChange
else: 0
peer.localFlowState.lastUpdate = now()
proc acceptRequest*(network: LesNetwork, peer: LesPeer,
msgId, costQuantity: int): Future[bool] {.async.} =
let t = now()
let reqCost = peer.getRequestCost(remote, msgId, costQuantity)
peer.remoteFlowState.update t
network.updateFlowControl t
while not network.canServeRequest:
await sleepAsync(10)
if peer notin network.peers:
# The peer was disconnected or the network
# was shut down while we waited
return false
network.trackRequests peer, +1
network.updateFlowControl network.lastUpdate
if reqCost > peer.remoteFlowState.bufValue:
error "LES peer sent request too early",
recharge = (reqCost - peer.remoteFlowState.bufValue) * rechargingScale /
return false
return true
proc bufValueAfterRequest*(network: LesNetwork, peer: LesPeer,
msgId: int, quantity: int): BufValueInt =
let t = now()
let costs = peer.remoteReqCosts[msgId]
var reqCost = costs.baseCost + quantity * costs.reqCost
peer.remoteFlowState.update t
peer.remoteFlowState.bufValue -= reqCost
network.endPendingRequest peer, t
let curReqCost = peer.reqCostVal
if curReqCost < peer.remoteFlowState.bufLimit:
let bv = peer.remoteFlowState.bufLimit - curReqCost
if bv > peer.remoteFlowState.bufValue:
peer.remoteFlowState.bufValue = bv
float64(curReqCost - peer.startReqCostVal))
return peer.remoteFlowState.bufValue
when defined(testing):
import unittest, random, ../../rlpx
proc isMax(s: FlowControlState): bool =
s.bufValue == s.bufLimit
p2pProtocol dummyLes(version = 1, shortName = "abc"):
proc a(p: Peer)
proc b(p: Peer)
proc c(p: Peer)
proc d(p: Peer)
proc e(p: Peer)
template fequals(lhs, rhs: float64, epsilon = 0.0001): bool =
abs(lhs-rhs) < epsilon
proc tests* =
suite "les flow control":
suite "running averages":
test "consistent costs":
var s: StatsRunningAverage
for i in 0..100:
s.addSample(5.0, 100.0)
let (cost, base) = s.calc
fequals(cost, 100.0)
fequals(base, 0.0)
test "randomized averages":
proc performTest(qBase, qRandom: int, cBase, cRandom: float64) =
s: StatsRunningAverage
expectedFinalCost = cBase + cRandom / 2
error = expectedFinalCost
for samples in [100, 1000, 10000]:
for i in 0..samples:
let q = float64(qBase + rand(10))
s.addSample(q, q * (cBase + rand(cRandom)))
let (newCost, newBase) = s.calc
# With more samples, our error should decrease, getting
# closer and closer to the average (unless we are already close enough)
let newError = abs(newCost - expectedFinalCost)
check newError < error
error = newError
# After enough samples we should be very close the the final result
check error < (expectedFinalCost * 0.02)
performTest(1, 10, 5.0, 100.0)
performTest(1, 4, 200.0, 1000.0)
suite "buffer value calculations":
type TestReq = object
peer: LesPeer
msgId, quantity: int
accepted: bool
var lesNetwork = new LesNetwork
lesNetwork.peers = initSet[LesPeer]()
reqCostTarget = 300,
maxReqCount = 5,
maxReqCostSum = 1000)
for i in 0 ..< lesNetwork.messageStats.len:
lesNetwork.messageStats[i].addSample(1.0, float(i) * 100.0)
var client = new LesPeer
client.isClient = true
var server = new LesPeer
server.isServer = true
var clientServer = new LesPeer
clientServer.isClient = true
clientServer.isServer = true
var client2 = new LesPeer
client2.isClient = true
var client3 = new LesPeer
client3.isClient = true
var bv: BufValueInt
template enlist(peer: LesPeer) {.dirty.} =
let reqCosts = currentRequestsCosts(lesNetwork, dummyLes.protocolInfo)
peer.remoteReqCosts = reqCosts
peer.localReqCosts = reqCosts
lesNetwork.peers.incl peer
lesNetwork.enlistInFlowControl peer
template startReq(p: LesPeer, msg, q: int): TestReq =
var req: TestReq
req.peer = p
req.msgId = msg
req.quantity = q
req.accepted = waitFor lesNetwork.acceptRequest(p, msg, q)
template endReq(req: TestReq): BufValueInt =
bufValueAfterRequest(lesNetwork, req.peer, req.msgId, req.quantity)
test "single peer recharging":
lesNetwork.bufferLimit = 1000
lesNetwork.minRechargingRate = 100
enlist client
client.rechargingPower > 0
advanceTime 100
let r1 = client.startReq(0, 100)
check r1.accepted
check client.isRecharging == false
advanceTime 50
let r2 = client.startReq(1, 1)
check r2.accepted
check client.isRecharging == false
advanceTime 25
bv = endReq r2
check client.isRecharging == false
advanceTime 130
bv = endReq r1
check client.isRecharging == true
advanceTime 300
lesNetwork.updateFlowControl now()
client.isRecharging == false