# Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE)) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT)) # at your option. # This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to # those terms. {.push raises: [].} import std/[options, strutils, tables, sets], confutils, confutils/std/net, chronicles, chronicles/topics_registry, chronos, metrics, metrics/chronos_httpserver, stew/byteutils, stew/bitops2, ./eth/keys, ./eth/net/nat, ./eth/p2p/discoveryv5/[enr, node], ./eth/p2p/discoveryv5/protocol as discv5_protocol type DiscoveryCmd* = enum noCommand ping findNode talkReq DiscoveryConf* = object logLevel* {. defaultValue: LogLevel.DEBUG desc: "Sets the log level" name: "log-level" .}: LogLevel udpPort* {. defaultValue: 9009 desc: "UDP listening port" name: "udp-port" .}: uint16 listenAddress* {. defaultValue: defaultListenAddress(config) desc: "Listening address for the Discovery v5 traffic" name: "listen-address" }: ValidIpAddress persistingFile* {. defaultValue: "peerstore.csv", desc: "File where the tool will keep the discovered records" name: "persisting-file" .}: string bootnodes* {. desc: "ENR URI of node to bootstrap discovery with. Argument may be repeated" name: "bootnode" .}: seq[enr.Record] nat* {. desc: "Specify method to use for determining public address. " & "Must be one of: any, none, upnp, pmp, extip:" defaultValue: NatConfig(hasExtIp: false, nat: NatAny) name: "nat" .}: NatConfig enrAutoUpdate* {. defaultValue: false desc: "Discovery can automatically update its ENR with the IP address " & "and UDP port as seen by other nodes it communicates with. " & "This option allows to enable/disable this functionality" name: "enr-auto-update" .}: bool nodeKey* {. desc: "P2P node private key as hex", defaultValue: PrivateKey.random(keys.newRng()[]) name: "nodekey" .}: PrivateKey metricsEnabled* {. defaultValue: false desc: "Enable the metrics server" name: "metrics" .}: bool metricsAddress* {. defaultValue: defaultAdminListenAddress(config) desc: "Listening address of the metrics server" name: "metrics-address" .}: ValidIpAddress metricsPort* {. defaultValue: 8008 desc: "Listening HTTP port of the metrics server" name: "metrics-port" .}: Port case cmd* {. command defaultValue: noCommand }: DiscoveryCmd of noCommand: discard of ping: pingTarget* {. argument desc: "ENR URI of the node to a send ping message" name: "node" .}: Node of findNode: distance* {. defaultValue: 255 desc: "Distance parameter for the findNode message" name: "distance" .}: uint16 # TODO: Order here matters as else the help message does not show all the # information, see: https://github.com/status-im/nim-confutils/issues/15 findNodeTarget* {. argument desc: "ENR URI of the node to send a findNode message" name: "node" .}: Node of talkReq: talkReqTarget* {. argument desc: "ENR URI of the node to send a talkReq message" name: "node" .}: Node func defaultListenAddress*(conf: DiscoveryConf): ValidIpAddress = (static ValidIpAddress.init("")) func defaultAdminListenAddress*(conf: DiscoveryConf): ValidIpAddress = (static ValidIpAddress.init("")) proc parseCmdArg*(T: type enr.Record, p: string): T {.raises: [ValueError].} = if not fromURI(result, p): raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid ENR") proc completeCmdArg*(T: type enr.Record, val: string): seq[string] = return @[] proc parseCmdArg*(T: type Node, p: string): T {.raises: [ValueError].} = var record: enr.Record if not fromURI(record, p): raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid ENR") let n = newNode(record) if n.isErr: raise newException(ValueError, $n.error) if n[].address.isNone(): raise newException(ValueError, "ENR without address") n[] proc completeCmdArg*(T: type Node, val: string): seq[string] = return @[] proc parseCmdArg*(T: type PrivateKey, p: string): T {.raises: [ValueError].} = try: result = PrivateKey.fromHex(string(p)).tryGet() except CatchableError: raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid private key") proc completeCmdArg*(T: type PrivateKey, val: string): seq[string] = return @[] proc discover(d: discv5_protocol.Protocol, psFile: string) {.async.} = info "Starting peer-discovery in Ethereum - persisting peers at: ", psFile var ethNodes: HashSet[seq[byte]] let ps = open(psFile, fmWrite) defer: ps.close() ps.write("pubkey,node_id,fork_digest,ip:port,attnets,attnets_number\n") while true: let iTime = now(chronos.Moment) let discovered = await d.queryRandom() let qDuration = now(chronos.Moment) - iTime info "Lookup finished", query_time = qDuration.secs, new_nodes = discovered.len, tot_peers=len(ethNodes) for dNode in discovered: let eth2 = dNode.record.tryGet("eth2", seq[byte]) let pubkey = dNode.record.tryGet("secp256k1", seq[byte]) let attnets = dNode.record.tryGet("attnets", seq[byte]) if eth2.isNone or attnets.isNone or pubkey.isNone: continue if pubkey.get() in ethNodes: continue ethNodes.incl(pubkey.get()) let forkDigest = eth2.get() var bits = 0 for byt in attnets.get(): bits.inc(countOnes(byt.uint)) let str = "$#,$#,$#,$#,$#,$#\n" let newLine = str % [pubkey.get().toHex, dNode.id.toHex, forkDigest[0..3].toHex, $dNode.address.get(), attnets.get().toHex, $bits] ps.write(newLine) await sleepAsync(1000) # 1 sec of delay proc run(config: DiscoveryConf) {.raises: [CatchableError].} = let bindIp = config.listenAddress udpPort = Port(config.udpPort) # TODO: allow for no TCP port mapping! (extIp, _, extUdpPort) = setupAddress(config.nat, config.listenAddress, udpPort, udpPort, "dcli") let d = newProtocol(config.nodeKey, extIp, none(Port), extUdpPort, bootstrapRecords = config.bootnodes, bindIp = bindIp, bindPort = udpPort, enrAutoUpdate = config.enrAutoUpdate) d.open() if config.metricsEnabled: let address = config.metricsAddress port = config.metricsPort notice "Starting metrics HTTP server", url = "http://" & $address & ":" & $port & "/metrics" try: chronos_httpserver.startMetricsHttpServer($address, port) except CatchableError as exc: raise exc except Exception as exc: raiseAssert exc.msg # TODO fix metrics case config.cmd of ping: let pong = waitFor d.ping(config.pingTarget) if pong.isOk(): echo pong[] else: echo "No Pong message returned" of findNode: let nodes = waitFor d.findNode(config.findNodeTarget, @[config.distance]) if nodes.isOk(): echo "Received valid records:" for node in nodes[]: echo $node.record & " - " & shortLog(node) else: echo "No Nodes message returned" of talkReq: let talkresp = waitFor d.talkReq(config.talkReqTarget, @[], @[]) if talkresp.isOk(): echo talkresp[] else: echo "No Talk Response message returned" of noCommand: d.start() waitFor(discover(d, config.persistingFile)) when isMainModule: {.pop.} let config = DiscoveryConf.load() {.push raises: [].} setLogLevel(config.logLevel) run(config)