proc getState(peer: Peer, proto: ProtocolInfo): RootRef = peer.protocolStates[proto.index] template state*(peer: Peer, Protocol: type): untyped = ## Returns the state object of a particular protocol for a ## particular connection. mixin State bind getState cast[Protocol.State](getState(peer, Protocol.protocolInfo)) proc getNetworkState(node: EthereumNode, proto: ProtocolInfo): RootRef = node.protocolStates[proto.index] template protocolState*(node: EthereumNode, Protocol: type): untyped = mixin NetworkState bind getNetworkState cast[Protocol.NetworkState](getNetworkState(node, Protocol.protocolInfo)) template networkState*(connection: Peer, Protocol: type): untyped = ## Returns the network state object of a particular protocol for a ## particular connection. protocolState(, Protocol) proc initProtocolState*[T](state: T, x: Peer|EthereumNode) {.gcsafe.} = discard proc createPeerState[ProtocolState](peer: Peer): RootRef = var res = new ProtocolState mixin initProtocolState initProtocolState(res, peer) return cast[RootRef](res) proc createNetworkState[NetworkState](network: EthereumNode): RootRef {.gcsafe.} = var res = new NetworkState mixin initProtocolState initProtocolState(res, network) return cast[RootRef](res) proc chooseFieldType(n: NimNode): NimNode = ## Examines the parameter types used in the message signature ## and selects the corresponding field type for use in the ## message object type (i.e. `p2p.hello`). ## ## For now, only openarray types are remapped to sequences. result = n if n.kind == nnkBracketExpr and eqIdent(n[0], "openarray"): result = n.copyNimTree result[0] = ident("seq") proc popTimeoutParam(n: NimNode): NimNode = var lastParam = n.params[^1] if eqIdent(lastParam[0], "timeout"): if lastParam[2].kind == nnkEmpty: macros.error "You must specify a default value for the `timeout` parameter", lastParam result = lastParam n.params.del(n.params.len - 1) proc verifyStateType(t: NimNode): NimNode = result = t[1] if result.kind == nnkSym and $result == "nil": return nil if result.kind != nnkBracketExpr or $result[0] != "ref": macros.error($result & " must be a ref type") proc newFuture[T](location: var Future[T]) = location = newFuture[T]()