import times, chronos type FullNodeSyncer* = ref object chaindb: ChainDB FastChainSyncer = ref object RegularChainSyncer = ref object # How old (in seconds) must our local head be to cause us to start with a fast-sync before we # switch to regular-sync. const FAST_SYNC_CUTOFF = 60 * 60 * 24 proc run(s: FullNodeSyncer) {.async.} = let head = await s.chaindb.getCanonicalHead() # We're still too slow at block processing, so if our local head is older than # FAST_SYNC_CUTOFF we first do a fast-sync run to catch up with the rest of the network. # See for more details if head.timestamp < epochTime() - FAST_SYNC_CUTOFF: # Fast-sync chain data."Starting fast-sync; current head: #%d", head.block_number) chain_syncer = FastChainSyncer(self.chaindb, self.peer_pool, self.cancel_token) await # Ensure we have the state for our current head. head = await self.wait(self.chaindb.coro_get_canonical_head()) if head.state_root != BLANK_ROOT_HASH and head.state_root not in self.base_db: "Missing state for current head (#%d), downloading it", head.block_number) downloader = StateDownloader( self.base_db, head.state_root, self.peer_pool, self.cancel_token) await # Now, loop forever, fetching missing blocks and applying them."Starting regular sync; current head: #%d", head.block_number) # This is a bit of a hack, but self.chain is stuck in the past as during the fast-sync we # did not use it to import the blocks, so we need this to get a Chain instance with our # latest head so that we can start importing blocks. new_chain = type(self.chain)(self.base_db) chain_syncer = RegularChainSyncer( new_chain, self.chaindb, self.peer_pool, self.cancel_token) await