import streams, posix, strutils, chronicles, macros, stew/ranges/ptr_arith template fuzz(body) = # For code we want to fuzz, SIGSEGV is needed on unwanted exceptions. # However, this is only needed when fuzzing with afl. when defined(afl): try: body except Exception as e: error "Fuzzer input created exception",, trace=e.repr, msg=e.msg discard kill(getpid(), SIGSEGV) else: body proc readStdin(): seq[byte] = # Read input from stdin (fastest for AFL) let s = newFileStream(stdin) if s.isNil: error "Error opening stdin" discard kill(getpid(), SIGSEGV) # We use binary files as with hex we can get lots of "not hex" failures var input = s.readAll() s.close() # Remove newline if it is there input.removeSuffix result = cast[seq[byte]](input) proc NimMain() {.importc: "NimMain".} # The default init, gets redefined when init template is used. template initImpl(): untyped = when not defined(libFuzzer): discard else: proc fuzzerInit(): cint {.exportc: "LLVMFuzzerInitialize".} = NimMain() return 0 template init*(body: untyped) = ## Init block to do any initialisation for the fuzzing test. ## ## For AFL this is currently only cosmetic and will be run each time, before ## the test block. ## ## For libFuzzer this will only be run once. So only put data which is ## stateless or make sure everything gets properply reset for each new run in ## the test block. when not defined(libFuzzer): template initImpl(): untyped = fuzz: `body` else: template initImpl() = proc fuzzerInit(): cint {.exportc: "LLVMFuzzerInitialize".} = NimMain() `body` return 0 template test*(body: untyped): untyped = ## Test block to do the actual test that will be fuzzed in a loop. ## ## Within this test block there is access to the payload OpenArray which ## contains the payload provided by the fuzzer. mixin initImpl initImpl() when not defined(libFuzzer): var payload {.inject.} = readStdin() fuzz: `body` else: proc fuzzerCall(data: ptr byte, len: csize): cint {.exportc: "LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput".} = template payload(): auto = makeOpenArray(data, len) `body` when defined(clangfast): ## Can be used for deferred instrumentation. ## Should be placed on a suitable location in the code where the delayed ## cloning can take place (e.g. NOT after creation of threads) proc aflInit*() {.importc: "__AFL_INIT", noDecl.} ## Can be used for persistent mode. ## Should be used as value for controlling a loop around a test case. ## Test case should be able to handle repeated inputs. No repeated fork() will ## be done. # TODO: Lets use this in the test block when afl-clang-fast is used? proc aflLoopImpl(count: cuint): cint {.importc: "__AFL_LOOP", noDecl.} template aflLoop*(body: untyped): untyped = while aflLoopImpl(1000) != 0: `body` else: proc aflInit*() = discard template aflLoop*(body: untyped): untyped = `body`