import std/hashes, nimcrypto, stint, chronos, stew/shims/net, chronicles, ../../keys, ./enr export stint {.push raises: [Defect].} type NodeId* = UInt256 Address* = object ip*: ValidIpAddress port*: Port Node* = ref object id*: NodeId pubkey*: PublicKey address*: Option[Address] record*: Record seen*: bool ## Indicates if there was at least one successful ## request-response with this node. func toNodeId*(pk: PublicKey): NodeId = ## Convert public key to a node identifier. readUintBE[256](keccak256.digest(pk.toRaw()).data) func newNode*(r: Record): Result[Node, cstring] = ## Create a new `Node` from a `Record`. # TODO: Handle IPv6 let pk = r.get(PublicKey) # This check is redundant for a properly created record as the deserialization # of a record will fail at `verifySignature` if there is no public key. if pk.isNone(): return err("Could not recover public key from ENR") # Also this can not fail for a properly created record as id is checked upon # deserialization. let tr = ? r.toTypedRecord() if tr.ip.isSome() and tr.udp.isSome(): let a = Address(ip: ipv4(tr.ip.get()), port: Port(tr.udp.get())) ok(Node(id: pk.get().toNodeId(), pubkey: pk.get() , record: r, address: some(a))) else: ok(Node(id: pk.get().toNodeId(), pubkey: pk.get(), record: r, address: none(Address))) func update*(n: Node, pk: PrivateKey, ip: Option[ValidIpAddress], tcpPort, udpPort: Option[Port] = none[Port](), extraFields: openarray[FieldPair] = []): Result[void, cstring] = ? n.record.update(pk, ip, tcpPort, udpPort, extraFields) if ip.isSome(): if udpPort.isSome(): let a = Address(ip: ip.get(), port: udpPort.get()) n.address = some(a) elif n.address.isSome(): let a = Address(ip: ip.get(), port: n.address.get().port) n.address = some(a) else: n.address = none(Address) else: n.address = none(Address) ok() func hash*(n: Node): hashes.Hash = hash(n.pubkey.toRaw) func `==`*(a, b: Node): bool = (a.isNil and b.isNil) or (not a.isNil and not b.isNil and a.pubkey == b.pubkey) proc random*(T: type NodeId, rng: var BrHmacDrbgContext): T = var id: NodeId brHmacDrbgGenerate(addr rng, addr id, csize_t(sizeof(id))) id func toBytes*(id: NodeId): array[32, byte] = id.toByteArrayBE() func `$`*(id: NodeId): string = id.toHex() func shortLog*(id: NodeId): string = ## Returns compact string representation of ``id``. var sid = $id if len(sid) <= 10: result = sid else: result = newStringOfCap(10) for i in 0..<2: result.add(sid[i]) result.add("*") for i in (len(sid) - 6)..sid.high: result.add(sid[i]) chronicles.formatIt(NodeId): shortLog(it) func hash*(a: Address): hashes.Hash = hashData(unsafeAddr a, sizeof(a)) func `$`*(a: Address): string = result.add($a.ip) result.add(":" & $a.port) func shortLog*(n: Node): string = if n.isNil: "uninitialized" elif n.address.isNone(): shortLog( & ":unaddressable" else: shortLog( & ":" & $n.address.get() chronicles.formatIt(Node): shortLog(it) func shortLog*(nodes: seq[Node]): string = result = "[" var first = true for n in nodes: if first: first = false else: result.add(", ") result.add(shortLog(n)) result.add("]") chronicles.formatIt(seq[Node]): shortLog(it)