import macros template rlpIgnore* {.pragma.} ## Specifies that a certain field should be ignored for the purposes ## of RLP serialization template rlpInline* {.pragma.} ## This can be specified on a record field in order to avoid the ## default behavior of wrapping the record in a RLP list. template rlpCustomSerialization* {.pragma.} ## This pragma can be applied to a record field to enable the ## use of custom `read` and `append` overloads that also take ## a reference to the object holding the field. template enumerateRlpFields*[T](x: T, op: untyped) = for f in fields(x): when not hasCustomPragma(f, rlpIgnore): op(f) proc rlpFieldsCount*(T: type): int = mixin enumerateRlpFields proc helper: int = var dummy: T template countFields(x) = inc result enumerateRlpFields(dummy, countFields) const res = helper() return res macro rlpFields*(T: typedesc, fields: varargs[untyped]): untyped = var body = newStmtList() let ins = genSym(nskParam, "instance") op = genSym(nskParam, "op") for field in fields: body.add quote do: `op`(`ins`.`field`) result = quote do: template enumerateRlpFields*(`ins`: `T`, `op`: untyped) {.inject.} = `body`