var gProtocols: seq[ProtocolInfo] # The variables above are immutable RTTI information. We need to tell # Nim to not consider them GcSafe violations: template allProtocols*: auto = {.gcsafe.}: gProtocols proc getState*(peer: Peer, proto: ProtocolInfo): RootRef = peer.protocolStates[proto.index] template state*(peer: Peer, Protocol: type): untyped = ## Returns the state object of a particular protocol for a ## particular connection. mixin State bind getState cast[Protocol.State](getState(peer, Protocol.protocolInfo)) proc getNetworkState*(node: EthereumNode, proto: ProtocolInfo): RootRef = node.protocolStates[proto.index] template protocolState*(node: EthereumNode, Protocol: type): untyped = mixin NetworkState bind getNetworkState cast[Protocol.NetworkState](getNetworkState(node, Protocol.protocolInfo)) template networkState*(connection: Peer, Protocol: type): untyped = ## Returns the network state object of a particular protocol for a ## particular connection. protocolState(, Protocol) proc initProtocolState*[T](state: T, x: Peer|EthereumNode) {.gcsafe.} = discard proc initProtocolStates(peer: Peer, protocols: openarray[ProtocolInfo]) = # Initialize all the active protocol states newSeq(peer.protocolStates, allProtocols.len) for protocol in protocols: let peerStateInit = protocol.peerStateInitializer if peerStateInit != nil: peer.protocolStates[protocol.index] = peerStateInit(peer) proc resolveFuture[MsgType](msg: pointer, future: FutureBase) {.gcsafe.} = var f = Future[MsgType](future) doAssert(not f.finished()) f.complete(cast[ptr MsgType](msg)[]) proc requestResolver[MsgType](msg: pointer, future: FutureBase) {.gcsafe.} = var f = Future[Option[MsgType]](future) if not f.finished: if msg != nil: f.complete some(cast[ptr MsgType](msg)[]) else: f.complete none(MsgType) else: # This future was already resolved, but let's do some sanity checks # here. The only reasonable explanation is that the request should # have timed out. if msg != nil: if doAssert false, "trying to resolve a request twice" else: doAssert false, "trying to resolve a timed out request with a value" else: try: if not doAssert false, "a request timed out twice" # This can except when the future still completes with an error. # E.g. the `sendMsg` fails because of an already closed transport or a # broken pipe except TransportOsError: # E.g. broken pipe trace "TransportOsError during request", err = getCurrentExceptionMsg() except TransportError: trace "Transport got closed during request" except: debug "Exception in requestResolver()", exc = getCurrentException().name, err = getCurrentExceptionMsg() raise proc linkSendFailureToReqFuture[S, R](sendFut: Future[S], resFut: Future[R]) = sendFut.addCallback() do (arg: pointer): if not sendFut.error.isNil: proc messagePrinter[MsgType](msg: pointer): string {.gcsafe.} = result = "" # TODO: uncommenting the line below increases the compile-time # tremendously (for reasons not yet known) # result = $(cast[ptr MsgType](msg)[]) proc disconnectAndRaise(peer: Peer, reason: DisconnectionReason, msg: string) {.async.} proc handshakeImpl[T](peer: Peer, sendFut: Future[void], responseFut: Future[T], timeout: Duration): Future[T] {.async.} = sendFut.addCallback do (arg: pointer) {.gcsafe.}: if sendFut.failed: debug "Handshake message not delivered", peer doAssert timeout.milliseconds > 0 yield responseFut or sleepAsync(timeout) if not responseFut.finished: await disconnectAndRaise(peer, HandshakeTimeout, "Protocol handshake was not received in time.") elif responseFut.failed: raise responseFut.error else: return