# Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed and distributed under either of # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. # uTP packet format as specified in: # https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0029.html {.push raises: [Defect].} import faststreams, chronos, stew/[endians2, results, objects], ../p2p/discoveryv5/random2 export results, random2 const minimalHeaderSize = 20 minimalHeaderSizeWithSelectiveAck = 26 protocolVersion = 1 zeroMoment = Moment.init(0, Nanosecond) acksArrayLength: uint8 = 4 type PacketType* = enum ST_DATA = 0, ST_FIN = 1, ST_STATE = 2, ST_RESET = 3, ST_SYN = 4 MicroSeconds = uint32 PacketHeaderV1* = object pType*: PacketType version*: uint8 extension*: uint8 connectionId*: uint16 timestamp*: MicroSeconds timestampDiff*: MicroSeconds wndSize*: uint32 seqNr*: uint16 ackNr*: uint16 SelectiveAckExtension* = object acks*: array[4, byte] Packet* = object header*: PacketHeaderV1 eack*: Option[SelectiveAckExtension] payload*: seq[uint8] TimeStampInfo* = object moment*: Moment timestamp*: uint32 # Important timing assumptions for uTP protocol here: # 1. Microsecond precisions # 2. Monotonicity # Reference lib has a lot of checks to assume that this is monotonic on # every system, and warnings when monotonic clock is not available. proc getMonoTimestamp*(): TimeStampInfo = let currentMoment = Moment.now() # Casting this value from int64 to uint32, may lead to some sudden spikes in # timestamp numeric values, i.e it is possible that the timestamp will # suddenly change from 4294967296 to for example 10. This may lead to sudden # spikes in calculated delays. # The uTP implementation is resistant to those spikes are as it keeps a # history of several last delays and uses the smallest one for calculating # the ledbat window, thus any outlier value will be ignored. let timestamp = uint32((currentMoment - zeroMoment).microseconds()) TimeStampInfo(moment: currentMoment, timestamp: timestamp) # Simple generator, not useful for cryptography proc randUint16*(rng: var HmacDrbgContext): uint16 = uint16(rand(rng, int(high(uint16)))) # Simple generator, not useful for cryptography proc randUint32*(rng: var HmacDrbgContext): uint32 = uint32(rand(rng, int(high(uint32)))) func encodeTypeVer(h: PacketHeaderV1): uint8 = var typeVer = 0'u8 let typeOrd = uint8(ord(h.pType)) typeVer = (typeVer and 0xf0) or (h.version and 0xf) typeVer = (typeVer and 0xf) or (typeOrd shl 4) typeVer proc encodeHeaderStream(s: var OutputStream, h: PacketHeaderV1) = try: s.write(encodeTypeVer(h)) s.write(h.extension) s.write(h.connectionId.toBytesBE()) s.write(h.timestamp.toBytesBE()) s.write(h.timestampDiff.toBytesBE()) s.write(h.wndSize.toBytesBE()) s.write(h.seqNr.toBytesBE()) s.write(h.ackNr.toBytesBE()) except IOError as e: # This should not happen in case of in-memory streams raiseAssert e.msg proc encodeExtensionStream(s: var OutputStream, e: SelectiveAckExtension) = try: # writing always 0 as there are no other extensions (only selective ack) s.write(0'u8) s.write(acksArrayLength) s.write(e.acks) except IOError as e: # This should not happen in case of in-memory streams raiseAssert e.msg proc encodePacket*(p: Packet): seq[byte] = var s = memoryOutput().s try: encodeHeaderStream(s, p.header) if (p.eack.isSome()): encodeExtensionStream(s, p.eack.unsafeGet()) if (len(p.payload) > 0): s.write(p.payload) s.getOutput() except IOError as e: # This should not happen in case of in-memory streams raiseAssert e.msg func decodePacket*(bytes: openArray[byte]): Result[Packet, string] = let receivedBytesLength = len(bytes) if receivedBytesLength < minimalHeaderSize: return err("Invalid header size") let version = bytes[0] and 0xf if version != protocolVersion: return err("Invalid packet version") var kind: PacketType if not checkedEnumAssign(kind, (bytes[0] shr 4)): return err("Invalid message type") let extensionByte = bytes[1] if (not (extensionByte == 0 or extensionByte == 1)): return err("Invalid extension type") let header = PacketHeaderV1( pType: kind, version: version, extension: extensionByte, connection_id: fromBytesBE(uint16, bytes.toOpenArray(2, 3)), timestamp: fromBytesBE(uint32, bytes.toOpenArray(4, 7)), timestamp_diff: fromBytesBE(uint32, bytes.toOpenArray(8, 11)), wnd_size: fromBytesBE(uint32, bytes.toOpenArray(12, 15)), seq_nr: fromBytesBE(uint16, bytes.toOpenArray(16, 17)), ack_nr: fromBytesBE(uint16, bytes.toOpenArray(18, 19)), ) if extensionByte == 0: # packet without extensions let payload = if (receivedBytesLength == minimalHeaderSize): @[] else: bytes[minimalHeaderSize..^1] return ok(Packet( header: header, eack: none[SelectiveAckExtension](), payload: payload)) else: # packet with the selective ack extension if (receivedBytesLength < minimalHeaderSizeWithSelectiveAck): return err("Packet too short for selective ack extension: " & "len = " & $receivedBytesLength) let nextExtension = bytes[20] let extLength = bytes[21] # The byte for nextExtension must be 0 as selective ack is currently the # only supported extension. # For extLength, the specification states that it must be at least 4, and # in multiples of 4. However, the reference implementation always uses a 4 # bytes bit mask, which makes sense as a 4 byte bit mask is able to ack # 32 packets in the future, which is sounds more than enough. if (nextExtension != 0 or extLength != 4): return err("Bad format of selective ack extension: " & "extension = " & $nextExtension & " len = " & $extLength) let extension = SelectiveAckExtension( acks: toArray(4, bytes.toOpenArray(22, 25)) ) let payload = if (receivedBytesLength == minimalHeaderSizeWithSelectiveAck): @[] else: bytes[minimalHeaderSizeWithSelectiveAck..^1] return ok(Packet(header: header, eack: some(extension), payload: payload)) proc modifyTimeStampAndAckNr*( packetBytes: var seq[byte], newTimestamp: uint32, newAckNr: uint16) = ## Modifies timestamp and ack nr of already encoded packets. These fields ## must be filled right before sending, so when re-sending the packet they ## can be updated without decoding and re-encoding the packet. doAssert(len(packetBytes) >= minimalHeaderSize) packetBytes[4..7] = toBytesBE(newTimestamp) packetBytes[18..19] = toBytesBE(newAckNr) proc synPacket*( seqNr: uint16, rcvConnectionId: uint16, bufferSize: uint32): Packet = # rcvConnectionId - should be a random, not already used, number # bufferSize - should be a pre-configured initial buffer size for the socket # SYN packets are special and have the conn_id_recv in the conn_id field, # instead of conn_id_send. let h = PacketHeaderV1( pType: ST_SYN, version: protocolVersion, extension: 0'u8, connectionId: rcvConnectionId, timestamp: getMonoTimestamp().timestamp, timestampDiff: 0'u32, wndSize: bufferSize, seqNr: seqNr, ackNr: 0'u16 # At start, no acks have been received ) Packet(header: h, eack: none[SelectiveAckExtension](), payload: @[]) proc ackPacket*( seqNr: uint16, sndConnectionId: uint16, ackNr: uint16, bufferSize: uint32, timestampDiff: uint32, acksBitmask: Option[array[4, byte]] = none[array[4, byte]]() ): Packet = let (extensionByte, extensionData) = if acksBitmask.isSome(): (1'u8, some(SelectiveAckExtension(acks: acksBitmask.unsafeGet()))) else: (0'u8, none[SelectiveAckExtension]()) let h = PacketHeaderV1( pType: ST_STATE, version: protocolVersion, extension: extensionByte, connectionId: sndConnectionId, timestamp: getMonoTimestamp().timestamp, timestampDiff: timestampDiff, wndSize: bufferSize, seqNr: seqNr, ackNr: ackNr ) Packet(header: h, eack: extensionData, payload: @[]) proc dataPacket*( seqNr: uint16, sndConnectionId: uint16, ackNr: uint16, bufferSize: uint32, payload: seq[byte], timestampDiff: uint32 ): Packet = let h = PacketHeaderV1( pType: ST_DATA, version: protocolVersion, extension: 0'u8, # data packets always have extension field set to 0 connectionId: sndConnectionId, timestamp: getMonoTimestamp().timestamp, timestampDiff: timestampDiff, wndSize: bufferSize, seqNr: seqNr, ackNr: ackNr ) Packet(header: h, eack: none[SelectiveAckExtension](), payload: payload) proc resetPacket*( seqNr: uint16, sndConnectionId: uint16, ackNr: uint16): Packet = let h = PacketHeaderV1( pType: ST_RESET, version: protocolVersion, extension: 0'u8, # reset packets always have extension field set to 0 connectionId: sndConnectionId, timestamp: getMonoTimestamp().timestamp, # reset packet informs remote about lack of state for given connection, # therefore the remote is not informed about its delay. timestampDiff: 0, wndSize: 0, seqNr: seqNr, ackNr: ackNr ) Packet(header: h, eack: none[SelectiveAckExtension](), payload: @[]) proc finPacket*( seqNr: uint16, sndConnectionId: uint16, ackNr: uint16, bufferSize: uint32, timestampDiff: uint32 ): Packet = let h = PacketHeaderV1( pType: ST_FIN, version: protocolVersion, extension: 0'u8, # fin packets always have extension field set to 0 connectionId: sndConnectionId, timestamp: getMonoTimestamp().timestamp, timestampDiff: timestampDiff, wndSize: bufferSize, seqNr: seqNr, ackNr: ackNr ) Packet(header: h, eack: none[SelectiveAckExtension](), payload: @[])