Remove duplicated code in waku_protocol by importing whisper_types

This commit is contained in:
kdeme 2019-11-19 13:53:38 +01:00 committed by zah
parent b4638a5867
commit 8d45b22033

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@ -35,25 +35,17 @@
## else there will be no peers to send and receive messages from. ## else there will be no peers to send and receive messages from.
import import
algorithm, bitops, math, options, sequtils, strutils, tables, times, chronos, options, tables, times, chronos, chronicles,
secp256k1, chronicles, hashes, stew/[byteutils, endians2], eth/[keys, async_utils, p2p], whisper/whisper_types
nimcrypto/[bcmode, hash, keccak, rijndael, sysrand],
eth/common/eth_types, eth/[keys, rlp, async_utils, p2p], eth/p2p/ecies export
logScope: logScope:
topics = "waku" topics = "waku"
const const
flagsLen = 1 ## payload flags field length, bytes
gcmIVLen = 12 ## Length of IV (seed) used for AES
gcmTagLen = 16 ## Length of tag used to authenticate AES-GCM-encrypted message
padMaxLen = 256 ## payload will be padded to multiples of this by default
payloadLenLenBits = 0b11'u8 ## payload flags length-of-length mask
signatureBits = 0b100'u8 ## payload flags signature mask
bloomSize = 512 div 8
defaultQueueCapacity = 256 defaultQueueCapacity = 256
defaultFilterQueueCapacity = 64
# XXX: Crashes if version is set to 0, P2P DSL bug or spec concern?
wakuVersion* = 0 ## Waku version. wakuVersion* = 0 ## Waku version.
wakuVersionStr* = $wakuVersion ## Waku version. wakuVersionStr* = $wakuVersion ## Waku version.
defaultMinPow* = 0.2'f64 ## The default minimum PoW requirement for this node. defaultMinPow* = 0.2'f64 ## The default minimum PoW requirement for this node.
@ -65,461 +57,25 @@ const
## queue is pruned, in ms. ## queue is pruned, in ms.
type type
Hash* = MDigest[256]
SymKey* = array[256 div 8, byte] ## AES256 key.
Topic* = array[4, byte] ## 4 bytes that can be used to filter messages on.
Bloom* = array[bloomSize, byte] ## A bloom filter that can be used to identify
## a number of topics that a peer is interested in.
# XXX: nim-eth-bloom has really quirky API and fixed
# bloom size.
# stint is massive overkill / poor fit - a bloom filter is an array of bits,
# not a number
Payload* = object
## Payload is what goes in the data field of the Envelope.
src*: Option[PrivateKey] ## Optional key used for signing message
dst*: Option[PublicKey] ## Optional key used for asymmetric encryption
symKey*: Option[SymKey] ## Optional key used for symmetric encryption
payload*: Bytes ## Application data / message contents
padding*: Option[Bytes] ## Padding - if unset, will automatically pad up to
## nearest maxPadLen-byte boundary
DecodedPayload* = object
## The decoded payload of a received message.
src*: Option[PublicKey] ## If the message was signed, this is the public key
## of the source
payload*: Bytes ## Application data / message contents
padding*: Option[Bytes] ## Message padding
Envelope* = object
## What goes on the wire in the waku protocol - a payload and some
## book-keeping
# Don't touch field order, there's lots of macro magic that depends on it
expiry*: uint32 ## Unix timestamp when message expires
ttl*: uint32 ## Time-to-live, seconds - message was created at (expiry - ttl)
topic*: Topic
data*: Bytes ## Payload, as given by user
nonce*: uint64 ## Nonce used for proof-of-work calculation
Message* = object
## An Envelope with a few cached properties
env*: Envelope
hash*: Hash ## Hash, as calculated for proof-of-work
size*: uint32 ## RLP-encoded size of message
pow*: float64 ## Calculated proof-of-work
bloom*: Bloom ## Filter sent to direct peers for topic-based filtering
isP2P: bool
ReceivedMessage* = object
## A received message that matched a filter and was possible to decrypt.
## Contains the decoded payload and additional information.
decoded*: DecodedPayload
timestamp*: uint32
ttl*: uint32
topic*: Topic
pow*: float64
hash*: Hash
dst*: Option[PublicKey]
Queue* = object
## Bounded message repository
## Waku uses proof-of-work to judge the usefulness of a message staying
## in the "cloud" - messages with low proof-of-work will be removed to make
## room for those with higher pow, even if they haven't expired yet.
## Larger messages and those with high time-to-live will require more pow.
items*: seq[Message] ## Sorted by proof-of-work
itemHashes*: HashSet[Message] ## For easy duplication checking
# XXX: itemHashes is added for easy message duplication checking and for
# easy pruning of the peer received message sets. It does have an impact on
# adding and pruning of items however.
# Need to give it some more thought and check where most time is lost in
# typical cases, perhaps we are better of with one hash table (lose PoW
# sorting however), or perhaps there is a simpler solution...
capacity*: int ## Max messages to keep. \
## XXX: really big messages can cause excessive mem usage when using msg \
## count
FilterMsgHandler* = proc(msg: ReceivedMessage) {.gcsafe, closure.}
Filter* = object
src*: Option[PublicKey]
privateKey*: Option[PrivateKey]
symKey*: Option[SymKey]
topics*: seq[Topic]
powReq*: float64
allowP2P*: bool
bloom: Bloom # Cached bloom filter of all topics of filter
handler: FilterMsgHandler
queue: seq[ReceivedMessage]
Filters* = Table[string, Filter]
WakuConfig* = object WakuConfig* = object
powRequirement*: float64 powRequirement*: float64
bloom*: Bloom bloom*: Bloom
isLightNode*: bool isLightNode*: bool
maxMsgSize*: uint32 maxMsgSize*: uint32
# Utilities -------------------------------------------------------------------- WakuPeer = ref object
initialized: bool # when successfully completed the handshake
powRequirement*: float64
bloom*: Bloom
isLightNode*: bool
trusted*: bool
received: HashSet[Message]
WakuNetwork = ref object
queue*: Queue
filters*: Filters
config*: WakuConfig
proc leadingZeroBits(hash: MDigest): int =
## Number of most significant zero bits before the first one
for h in
static: doAssert sizeof(h) == 1
if h == 0:
result += 8
result += countLeadingZeroBits(h)
proc calcPow*(size, ttl: uint64, hash: Hash): float64 =
## Waku proof-of-work is defined as the best bit of a hash divided by
## encoded size and time-to-live, such that large and long-lived messages get
## penalized
let bits = leadingZeroBits(hash)
return pow(2.0, bits.float64) / (size.float64 * ttl.float64)
proc topicBloom*(topic: Topic): Bloom =
## Waku uses 512-bit bloom filters meaning 9 bits of indexing - 3 9-bit
## indexes into the bloom are created using the first 3 bytes of the topic and
## complementing each byte with an extra bit from the last topic byte
for i in 0..<3:
var idx = uint16(topic[i])
if (topic[3] and byte(1 shl i)) != 0: # fetch the 9'th bit from the last byte
idx = idx + 256
doAssert idx <= 511
result[idx div 8] = result[idx div 8] or byte(1 shl (idx and 7'u16))
proc generateRandomID*(): string =
var bytes: array[256 div 8, byte]
while true: # XXX: error instead of looping?
if randomBytes(bytes) == 256 div 8:
result = toHex(bytes)
proc `or`(a, b: Bloom): Bloom =
for i in 0..<a.len:
result[i] = a[i] or b[i]
proc bytesCopy(bloom: var Bloom, b: Bytes) =
doAssert b.len == bloomSize
copyMem(addr bloom[0], unsafeAddr b[0], bloomSize)
proc toBloom*(topics: openArray[Topic]): Bloom =
for topic in topics:
result = result or topicBloom(topic)
proc bloomFilterMatch(filter, sample: Bloom): bool =
for i in 0..<filter.len:
if (filter[i] or sample[i]) != filter[i]:
return false
return true
proc fullBloom*(): Bloom =
## Returns a fully set bloom filter. To be used when allowing all topics.
# There is no setMem exported in system, assume compiler is smart enough?
for i in 0..<result.len:
result[i] = 0xFF
proc encryptAesGcm(plain: openarray[byte], key: SymKey,
iv: array[gcmIVLen, byte]): Bytes =
## Encrypt using AES-GCM, making sure to append tag and iv, in that order
var gcm: GCM[aes256]
result = newSeqOfCap[byte](plain.len + gcmTagLen + iv.len)
result.setLen plain.len
gcm.init(key, iv, [])
gcm.encrypt(plain, result)
var tag: array[gcmTagLen, byte]
result.add tag
result.add iv
proc decryptAesGcm(cipher: openarray[byte], key: SymKey): Option[Bytes] =
## Decrypt AES-GCM ciphertext and validate authenticity - assumes
## cipher-tag-iv format of the buffer
if cipher.len < gcmTagLen + gcmIVLen:
debug "cipher missing tag/iv", len = cipher.len
let plainLen = cipher.len - gcmTagLen - gcmIVLen
var gcm: GCM[aes256]
var res = newSeq[byte](plainLen)
let iv = cipher[^gcmIVLen .. ^1]
let tag = cipher[^(gcmIVLen + gcmTagLen) .. ^(gcmIVLen + 1)]
gcm.init(key, iv, [])
gcm.decrypt(cipher[0 ..< ^(gcmIVLen + gcmTagLen)], res)
var tag2: array[gcmTagLen, byte]
if tag != tag2:
debug "cipher tag mismatch", len = cipher.len, tag, tag2
return some(res)
# Payloads ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Several differences between geth and parity - this code is closer to geth
# simply because that makes it closer to EIP 627 - see also:
proc encode*(self: Payload): Option[Bytes] =
## Encode a payload according so as to make it suitable to put in an Envelope
## The format follows EIP 627 -
# XXX is this limit too high? We could limit it here but the protocol
# technically supports it..
if self.payload.len >= 256*256*256:
notice "Payload exceeds max length", len = self.payload.len
# length of the payload length field :)
let payloadLenLen =
if self.payload.len >= 256*256: 3'u8
elif self.payload.len >= 256: 2'u8
else: 1'u8
let signatureLen =
if self.src.isSome(): keys.RawSignatureSize
else: 0
# useful data length
let dataLen = flagsLen + + self.payload.len + signatureLen
let padLen =
if self.padding.isSome(): self.padding.get().len
# is there a reason why 256 bytes are padded when the dataLen is 256?
else: padMaxLen - (dataLen mod padMaxLen)
# buffer space that we need to allocate
let totalLen = dataLen + padLen
var plain = newSeqOfCap[byte](totalLen)
let signatureFlag =
if self.src.isSome(): signatureBits
else: 0'u8
# byte 0: flags with payload length length and presence of signature
plain.add payloadLenLen or signatureFlag
# next, length of payload - little endian (who comes up with this stuff? why
# can't the world just settle on one endian?)
let payloadLenLE = self.payload.len.uint32.toBytesLE
# No, I have no love for nim closed ranges - such a mess to remember the extra
# < or risk off-by-ones when working with lengths..
plain.add payloadLenLE[0..<payloadLenLen]
plain.add self.payload
if self.padding.isSome():
plain.add self.padding.get()
var padding = newSeq[byte](padLen)
if randomBytes(padding) != padLen:
notice "Generation of random padding failed"
plain.add padding
if self.src.isSome(): # Private key present - signature requested
let hash = keccak256.digest(plain)
var sig: Signature
let err = signRawMessage(, self.src.get(), sig)
if err != EthKeysStatus.Success:
notice "Signing message failed", err
plain.add sig.getRaw()
if self.dst.isSome(): # Asymmetric key present - encryption requested
var res = newSeq[byte](eciesEncryptedLength(plain.len))
let err = eciesEncrypt(plain, res, self.dst.get())
if err != EciesStatus.Success:
notice "Encryption failed", err
return some(res)
if self.symKey.isSome(): # Symmetric key present - encryption requested
var iv: array[gcmIVLen, byte]
if randomBytes(iv) != gcmIVLen:
notice "Generation of random IV failed"
return some(encryptAesGcm(plain, self.symKey.get(), iv))
# No encryption!
return some(plain)
proc decode*(data: openarray[byte], dst = none[PrivateKey](),
symKey = none[SymKey]()): Option[DecodedPayload] =
## Decode data into payload, potentially trying to decrypt if keys are
## provided
# Careful throughout - data coming from unknown source - malformatted data
# expected
var res: DecodedPayload
var plain: Bytes
if dst.isSome():
# XXX: eciesDecryptedLength is pretty fragile, API-wise.. is this really the
# way to check for errors / sufficient length?
let plainLen = eciesDecryptedLength(data.len)
if plainLen < 0:
debug "Not enough data to decrypt", len = data.len
if eciesDecrypt(data, plain, dst.get()) != EciesStatus.Success:
debug "Couldn't decrypt using asymmetric key", len = data.len
elif symKey.isSome():
let tmp = decryptAesGcm(data, symKey.get())
if tmp.isNone():
debug "Couldn't decrypt using symmetric key", len = data.len
plain = tmp.get()
else: # No encryption!
plain = @data
if plain.len < 2: # Minimum 1 byte flags, 1 byte payload len
debug "Missing flags or payload length", len = plain.len
var pos = 0
let payloadLenLen = int(plain[pos] and 0b11'u8)
let hasSignature = (plain[pos] and 0b100'u8) != 0
pos += 1
if plain.len < pos + payloadLenLen:
debug "Missing payload length", len = plain.len, pos, payloadLenLen
var payloadLenLE: array[4, byte]
for i in 0..<payloadLenLen: payloadLenLE[i] = plain[pos + i]
pos += payloadLenLen
let payloadLen = int(fromBytesLE(uint32, payloadLenLE))
if plain.len < pos + payloadLen:
debug "Missing payload", len = plain.len, pos, payloadLen
res.payload = plain[pos ..< pos + payloadLen]
pos += payloadLen
if hasSignature:
if plain.len < (keys.RawSignatureSize + pos):
debug "Missing expected signature", len = plain.len
let sig = plain[^keys.RawSignatureSize .. ^1]
let hash = keccak256.digest(plain[0 ..< ^keys.RawSignatureSize])
var key: PublicKey
let err = recoverSignatureKey(sig,, key)
if err != EthKeysStatus.Success:
debug "Failed to recover signature key", err
res.src = some(key)
if hasSignature:
if plain.len > pos + keys.RawSignatureSize:
res.padding = some(plain[pos .. ^(keys.RawSignatureSize+1)])
if plain.len > pos:
res.padding = some(plain[pos .. ^1])
return some(res)
# Envelopes --------------------------------------------------------------------
proc valid*(self: Envelope, now = epochTime()): bool =
if self.expiry.float64 < now: return false # expired
if self.ttl <= 0: return false # this would invalidate pow calculation
let created = self.expiry - self.ttl
if created.float64 > (now + 2.0): return false # created in the future
return true
proc len(self: Envelope): int = 20 +
proc toShortRlp*(self: Envelope): Bytes =
## RLP-encoded message without nonce is used during proof-of-work calculations
rlp.encodeList(self.expiry, self.ttl, self.topic,
proc toRlp(self: Envelope): Bytes =
## What gets sent out over the wire includes the nonce
proc minePow*(self: Envelope, seconds: float, bestBitTarget: int = 0): (uint64, Hash) =
## For the given envelope, spend millis milliseconds to find the
## best proof-of-work and return the nonce
let bytes = self.toShortRlp()
var ctx: keccak256
var bestBit: int = 0
let mineEnd = epochTime() + seconds
var i: uint64
while epochTime() < mineEnd or bestBit == 0: # At least one round
var tmp = ctx # copy hash calculated so far - we'll reuse that for each iter
# XXX:a random nonce here would not leak number of iters
let hash = tmp.finish()
let zeroBits = leadingZeroBits(hash)
if zeroBits > bestBit: # XXX: could also compare hashes as numbers instead
bestBit = zeroBits
result = (i, hash)
if bestBitTarget > 0 and bestBit >= bestBitTarget:
proc calcPowHash*(self: Envelope): Hash =
## Calculate the message hash, as done during mining - this can be used to
## verify proof-of-work
let bytes = self.toShortRlp()
var ctx: keccak256
return ctx.finish()
# Messages ---------------------------------------------------------------------
proc cmpPow(a, b: Message): int =
## Biggest pow first, lowest at the end (for easy popping)
if a.pow > b.pow: 1
elif a.pow == b.pow: 0
else: -1
proc initMessage*(env: Envelope, powCalc = true): Message =
result.env = env
result.size = env.toRlp().len().uint32 # XXX: calc len without creating RLP
result.bloom = topicBloom(env.topic)
if powCalc:
result.hash = env.calcPowHash()
result.pow = calcPow(result.env.len.uint32, result.env.ttl, result.hash)
trace "Message PoW", pow = result.pow.formatFloat(ffScientific)
proc hash*(msg: Message): hashes.Hash = hash(
proc allowed*(msg: Message, config: WakuConfig): bool = proc allowed*(msg: Message, config: WakuConfig): bool =
# Check max msg size, already happens in RLPx but there is a specific waku # Check max msg size, already happens in RLPx but there is a specific waku
@ -538,203 +94,6 @@ proc allowed*(msg: Message, config: WakuConfig): bool =
return true return true
# NOTE: Hashing and leading zeroes calculation is now the same between geth,
# parity and this implementation.
# However, there is still a difference in the size calculation.
# See also here:
# This implementation is not conform EIP-627 as we do not use the size of the
# RLP-encoded envelope, but the size of the envelope object itself.
# This is done to be able to correctly calculate the bestBitTarget.
# Other options would be:
# - work directly with powTarget in minePow, but this requires recalculation of
# rlp size + calcPow
# - Use worst case size of envelope nonce
# - Mine PoW for x interval, calcPow of best result, if target not met .. repeat
proc sealEnvelope(msg: var Message, powTime: float, powTarget: float): bool =
let size = msg.env.len
if powTarget > 0:
let x = powTarget * size.float * msg.env.ttl.float
var bestBitTarget: int
if x <= 1: # log() would return negative numbers or 0
bestBitTarget = 1
bestBitTarget = ceil(log(x, 2)).int
(msg.env.nonce, msg.hash) = msg.env.minePow(powTime, bestBitTarget)
# If no target is set, we are certain of executed powTime
msg.env.expiry += powTime.uint32
(msg.env.nonce, msg.hash) = msg.env.minePow(powTime)
msg.pow = calcPow(size.uint32, msg.env.ttl, msg.hash)
trace "Message PoW", pow = msg.pow
if msg.pow < powTarget:
return false
return true
# Queues -----------------------------------------------------------------------
proc initQueue*(capacity: int): Queue =
result.items = newSeqOfCap[Message](capacity)
result.capacity = capacity
proc prune(self: var Queue) {.raises: [].} =
## Remove items that are past their expiry time
let now = epochTime().uint32
# keepIf code + pruning of hashset
var pos = 0
for i in 0 ..< len(self.items):
if self.items[i].env.expiry > now:
if pos != i:
shallowCopy(self.items[pos], self.items[i])
else: self.itemHashes.excl(self.items[i])
setLen(self.items, pos)
proc add*(self: var Queue, msg: Message): bool =
## Add a message to the queue.
## If we're at capacity, we will be removing, in order:
## * expired messages
## * lowest proof-of-work message - this may be `msg` itself!
if self.items.len >= self.capacity:
self.prune() # Only prune if needed
if self.items.len >= self.capacity:
# Still no room - go by proof-of-work quantity
let last = self.items[^1]
if last.pow > msg.pow or
(last.pow == msg.pow and last.env.expiry > msg.env.expiry):
# The new message has less pow or will expire earlier - drop it
return false
self.items.del(self.items.len() - 1)
# check for duplicate
if self.itemHashes.containsOrIncl(msg):
return false
self.items.insert(msg, self.items.lowerBound(msg, cmpPow))
return true
# Filters ----------------------------------------------------------------------
proc newFilter*(src = none[PublicKey](), privateKey = none[PrivateKey](),
symKey = none[SymKey](), topics: seq[Topic] = @[],
powReq = 0.0, allowP2P = false): Filter =
# Zero topics will give an empty bloom filter which is fine as this bloom
# filter is only used to `or` with existing/other bloom filters. Not to do
# matching.
Filter(src: src, privateKey: privateKey, symKey: symKey, topics: topics,
powReq: powReq, allowP2P: allowP2P, bloom: toBloom(topics))
proc subscribeFilter*(filters: var Filters, filter: Filter,
handler:FilterMsgHandler = nil): string =
# NOTE: Should we allow a filter without a key? Encryption is mandatory in v6?
# Check if asymmetric _and_ symmetric key? Now asymmetric just has precedence.
let id = generateRandomID()
var filter = filter
if handler.isNil():
filter.queue = newSeqOfCap[ReceivedMessage](defaultFilterQueueCapacity)
filter.handler = handler
filters.add(id, filter)
debug "Filter added", filter = id
return id
proc notify*(filters: var Filters, msg: Message) {.gcsafe.} =
var decoded: Option[DecodedPayload]
var keyHash: Hash
var dst: Option[PublicKey]
for filter in filters.mvalues:
if not filter.allowP2P and msg.isP2P:
# if message is direct p2p PoW doesn't matter
if msg.pow < filter.powReq and not msg.isP2P:
if filter.topics.len > 0:
if msg.env.topic notin filter.topics:
# Decode, if already decoded previously check if hash of key matches
if decoded.isNone():
decoded = decode(, dst = filter.privateKey,
symKey = filter.symKey)
if decoded.isNone():
if filter.privateKey.isSome():
keyHash = keccak256.digest(filter.privateKey.get().data)
# TODO: Get rid of the hash and just use pubkey to compare?
dst = some(getPublicKey(filter.privateKey.get()))
elif filter.symKey.isSome():
keyHash = keccak256.digest(filter.symKey.get())
# else:
# NOTE: In this case the message was not encrypted
if filter.privateKey.isSome():
if keyHash != keccak256.digest(filter.privateKey.get().data):
elif filter.symKey.isSome():
if keyHash != keccak256.digest(filter.symKey.get()):
# else:
# NOTE: In this case the message was not encrypted
# When decoding is done we can check the src (signature)
if filter.src.isSome():
let src: Option[PublicKey] = decoded.get().src
if not src.isSome():
elif src.get() != filter.src.get():
let receivedMsg = ReceivedMessage(decoded: decoded.get(),
timestamp: msg.env.expiry - msg.env.ttl,
ttl: msg.env.ttl,
topic: msg.env.topic,
pow: msg.pow,
hash: msg.hash,
dst: dst)
# Either run callback or add to queue
if filter.handler.isNil():
proc getFilterMessages*(filters: var Filters, filterId: string): seq[ReceivedMessage] =
result = @[]
if filters.contains(filterId):
if filters[filterId].handler.isNil():
shallowCopy(result, filters[filterId].queue)
filters[filterId].queue =
proc toBloom*(filters: Filters): Bloom =
for filter in filters.values:
if filter.topics.len > 0:
result = result or filter.bloom
WakuPeer = ref object
initialized: bool # when successfully completed the handshake
powRequirement*: float64
bloom*: Bloom
isLightNode*: bool
trusted*: bool
received: HashSet[Message]
WakuNetwork = ref object
queue*: Queue
filters*: Filters
config*: WakuConfig
proc run(peer: Peer) {.gcsafe, async.} proc run(peer: Peer) {.gcsafe, async.}
proc run(node: EthereumNode, network: WakuNetwork) {.gcsafe, async.} proc run(node: EthereumNode, network: WakuNetwork) {.gcsafe, async.}