Fix bucket ordering and add comments on this

This commit is contained in:
kdeme 2020-06-05 22:56:23 +02:00
parent 7e35b329b4
commit 6c85a48b4c
1 changed files with 49 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -11,10 +11,18 @@ type
buckets: seq[KBucket]
KBucket = ref object
istart, iend: NodeId
nodes: seq[Node]
replacementCache: seq[Node]
lastUpdated: float # epochTime
istart, iend: NodeId ## Range of NodeIds this KBucket covers. This is not a
## simple logarithmic distance as buckets can be split over a prefix that
## does not cover the `thisNode` id.
nodes: seq[Node] ## Node entries of the KBucket. Sorted according to last
## time seen. First entry (head) is considered the most recently seen node
## and the last entry (tail) is considered the least recently seen node.
## Here "seen" means a successful request-response. This can also not have
## occured yet.
replacementCache: seq[Node] ## Nodes that could not be added to the `nodes`
## seq as it is full and without stale nodes.
lastUpdated: float ## epochTime of last update to the KBucket
# TODO: Should this update be about changes made only in `nodes`?
@ -60,36 +68,46 @@ proc nodesByDistanceTo(k: KBucket, id: NodeId): seq[Node] =
sortedByIt(k.nodes, it.distanceTo(id))
proc len(k: KBucket): int {.inline.} = k.nodes.len
proc head(k: KBucket): Node {.inline.} = k.nodes[0]
proc tail(k: KBucket): Node {.inline.} = k.nodes[high(k.nodes)]
proc add(k: KBucket, n: Node): Node =
## Try to add the given node to this bucket.
## If the node is already present, it is moved to the tail of the list, and
## nil is returned.
## If the node is already present, nothing is done, as the node should only
## be moved in case of a new succesful request-reponse.
## If the node is not already present and the bucket has fewer than k entries,
## it is inserted at the tail of the list, and nil is returned.
## it is inserted as the last entry of the bucket (least recently seen node),
## and nil is returned.
## If the bucket is full, the node is added to the bucket's replacement cache
## and the node at the head of the list (i.e. the least recently seen), which
## and the node at the last entry of the bucket (least recently seen), which
## should be evicted if it fails to respond to a ping, is returned.
## If the replacement cache is also full, the node at the head of the
## list is returned. The new node is nowhere stored and thus lost.
k.lastUpdated = epochTime()
## If the replacement cache is also full, the node at the last entry of the
## bucket is returned. The new node is nowhere stored and thus lost.
## Reasoning here is that adding nodes will happen for a big part from
## lookups, which do not necessarily return nodes that are (still) reachable.
## So, more trust is put in the own ordering and newly additions are added
## as least recently seen (in fact they are never seen yet from this node its
## perspective).
## However, in discovery v5 it can be that a node is added after a incoming
## request, and considering a handshake that needs to be done, it is likely
## that this node is reachable. An additional `addSeen` proc could be created
## for this,
k.lastUpdated = epochTime() # TODO: only when an actual update is done?
let nodeIdx = k.nodes.find(n)
if nodeIdx != -1:
return nil
elif k.len < BUCKET_SIZE:
return nil
elif k.replacementCache.len < REPLACEMENT_CACHE_SIZE:
return k.head
return k.tail
return k.head
return nil
return k.tail
proc removeNode(k: KBucket, n: Node) =
let i = k.nodes.find(n)
@ -238,13 +256,14 @@ proc moveRight[T](arr: var openarray[T], a, b: int) {.inline.} =
shallowCopy(arr[a], t)
proc setJustSeen*(r: RoutingTable, n: Node) =
# Move `n` to front of its bucket
## Move `n` to the head (most recently seen) of its bucket.
let b = r.bucketForNode(
let idx = b.nodes.find(n)
# TODO: This assert might be troublesome if we start using it for every
# message response & then ping a node that is not in our table (e.g. in tests)
doAssert(idx >= 0)
if idx != 0:
b.nodes.moveRight(0, idx - 1)
b.nodes[0] = n
b.lastUpdated = epochTime()
proc nodeToRevalidate*(r: RoutingTable): Node =
@ -267,10 +286,16 @@ proc randomNodes*(r: RoutingTable, maxAmount: int,
result = newSeqOfCap[Node](maxAmount)
var seen = initHashSet[Node]()
# This is a rather inneficient way of randomizing nodes from all buckets, but even if we
# This is a rather inefficient way of randomizing nodes from all buckets, but even if we
# iterate over all nodes in the routing table, the time it takes would still be
# insignificant compared to the time it takes for the network roundtrips when connecting
# to nodes.
# However, "time it takes" might not be relevant, as there might be no point
# in providing more `randomNodes` as the routing table might not have anything
# new to provide. And there is no way for the calling code to know this. So
# while it will take less total time compared to e.g. an (async)
# randomLookup, the time might be wasted as all nodes are possibly seen
# already.
while len(seen) < maxAmount:
# TODO: Is it important to get a better random source for these sample calls?
let bucket = sample(r.buckets)