Merge pull request #247 from status-im/routing-table

Routing table work
This commit is contained in:
Kim De Mey 2020-06-24 22:29:41 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 0d591c6423
No known key found for this signature in database
10 changed files with 456 additions and 125 deletions

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@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ proc runP2pTests() =
runTest("tests/p2p/" & filename)

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@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ proc revalidateNode*(d: Protocol, n: Node)
# peers in the DHT
if n.record notin d.bootstrapRecords:
trace "Revalidation of node failed, removing node", record = n.record
# Remove shared secrets when removing the node from routing table.
# This might be to direct, so we could keep these longer. But better
# would be to simply not remove the nodes immediatly but only after x

View File

@ -3,22 +3,40 @@ import
stint, chronicles,
export options
{.push raises: [Defect].}
RoutingTable* = object
thisNode: Node
buckets: seq[KBucket]
bitsPerHop: int ## This value indicates how many bits (at minimum) you get
## closer to finding your target per query. Practically, it tells you also
## how often your "not in range" branch will split off. Setting this to 1
## is the basic, non accelerated version, which will never split off the
## not in range branch and which will result in log base2 n hops per lookup.
## Setting it higher will increase the amount of splitting on a not in range
## branch (thus holding more nodes with a better keyspace coverage) and this
## will result in an improvement of log base(2^b) n hops per lookup.
KBucket = ref object
istart, iend: NodeId
nodes: seq[Node]
replacementCache: seq[Node]
lastUpdated: float # epochTime
istart, iend: NodeId ## Range of NodeIds this KBucket covers. This is not a
## simple logarithmic distance as buckets can be split over a prefix that
## does not cover the `thisNode` id.
nodes: seq[Node] ## Node entries of the KBucket. Sorted according to last
## time seen. First entry (head) is considered the most recently seen node
## and the last entry (tail) is considered the least recently seen node.
## Here "seen" means a successful request-response. This can also not have
## occured yet.
replacementCache: seq[Node] ## Nodes that could not be added to the `nodes`
## seq as it is full and without stale nodes. This is practically a small
## LRU cache.
lastUpdated: float ## epochTime of last update to `nodes` in the KBucket.
ID_SIZE = 256
proc distanceTo(n: Node, id: NodeId): UInt256 =
@ -59,30 +77,56 @@ proc nodesByDistanceTo(k: KBucket, id: NodeId): seq[Node] =
sortedByIt(k.nodes, it.distanceTo(id))
proc len(k: KBucket): int {.inline.} = k.nodes.len
proc head(k: KBucket): Node {.inline.} = k.nodes[0]
proc tail(k: KBucket): Node {.inline.} = k.nodes[high(k.nodes)]
proc add(k: KBucket, n: Node): Node =
## Try to add the given node to this bucket.
## If the node is already present, it is moved to the tail of the list, and we return nil.
## If the node is not already present and the bucket has fewer than k entries, it is inserted
## at the tail of the list, and we return nil.
## If the bucket is full, we add the node to the bucket's replacement cache and return the
## node at the head of the list (i.e. the least recently seen), which should be evicted if it
## fails to respond to a ping.
## If the node is already present, nothing is done, as the node should only
## be moved in case of a new succesful request-reponse.
## If the node is not already present and the bucket has fewer than k entries,
## it is inserted as the last entry of the bucket (least recently seen node),
## and nil is returned.
## If the bucket is full, the node at the last entry of the bucket (least
## recently seen), which should be evicted if it fails to respond to a ping,
## is returned.
## Reasoning here is that adding nodes will happen for a big part from
## lookups, which do not necessarily return nodes that are (still) reachable.
## So, more trust is put in the own ordering and newly additions are added
## as least recently seen (in fact they are never seen yet from this node its
## perspective).
## However, in discovery v5 it can be that a node is added after a incoming
## request, and considering a handshake that needs to be done, it is likely
## that this node is reachable. An additional `addSeen` proc could be created
## for this,
k.lastUpdated = epochTime()
let nodeIdx = k.nodes.find(n)
if nodeIdx != -1:
return nil
elif k.len < BUCKET_SIZE:
return nil
return k.tail
proc addReplacement(k: KBucket, n: Node) =
## Add the node to the tail of the replacement cache of the KBucket.
## If the replacement cache is full, the oldest (first entry) node will be
## removed. If the node is already in the replacement cache, it will be moved
## to the tail.
let nodeIdx = k.replacementCache.find(n)
if nodeIdx != -1:
doAssert(k.replacementCache.len <= REPLACEMENT_CACHE_SIZE)
if k.replacementCache.len == REPLACEMENT_CACHE_SIZE:
return k.head
return nil
proc removeNode(k: KBucket, n: Node) =
let i = k.nodes.find(n)
@ -105,23 +149,21 @@ proc inRange(k: KBucket, n: Node): bool {.inline.} =
proc contains(k: KBucket, n: Node): bool = n in k.nodes
proc binaryGetBucketForNode(buckets: openarray[KBucket],
id: NodeId): KBucket {.inline.} =
## Given a list of ordered buckets, returns the bucket for a given node.
proc binaryGetBucketForNode*(buckets: openarray[KBucket],
id: NodeId): KBucket =
## Given a list of ordered buckets, returns the bucket for a given `NodeId`.
## Returns nil if no bucket in range for given `id` is found.
let bucketPos = lowerBound(buckets, id) do(a: KBucket, b: NodeId) -> int:
cmp(a.iend, b)
# Prevents edge cases where bisect_left returns an out of range index
# Prevent cases where `lowerBound` returns an out of range index e.g. at empty
# openarray, or when the id is out range for all buckets in the openarray.
if bucketPos < buckets.len:
let bucket = buckets[bucketPos]
if bucket.istart <= id and id <= bucket.iend:
result = bucket
# TODO: Is this really an error that should occur? Feels a lot like a work-
# around to another problem. Set to Defect for now.
if result.isNil:
raise (ref Defect)(msg: "No bucket found for node with id " & $id)
proc computeSharedPrefixBits(nodes: openarray[Node]): int =
proc computeSharedPrefixBits(nodes: openarray[NodeId]): int =
## Count the number of prefix bits shared by all nodes.
if nodes.len < 2:
return ID_SIZE
@ -131,18 +173,20 @@ proc computeSharedPrefixBits(nodes: openarray[Node]): int =
for i in 1 .. ID_SIZE:
mask = mask or (one shl (ID_SIZE - i))
let reference = nodes[0].id and mask
let reference = nodes[0] and mask
for j in 1 .. nodes.high:
if (nodes[j].id and mask) != reference: return i - 1
if (nodes[j] and mask) != reference: return i - 1
for n in nodes:
echo n.toHex()
# Reaching this would mean that all node ids are equal
doAssert(false, "Unable to calculate number of shared prefix bits")
proc init*(r: var RoutingTable, thisNode: Node) {.inline.} =
proc init*(r: var RoutingTable, thisNode: Node, bitsPerHop = 8) {.inline.} =
r.thisNode = thisNode
r.buckets = @[newKBucket(0.u256, high(Uint256))]
r.bitsPerHop = bitsPerHop
randomize() # for later `randomNodes` selection
proc splitBucket(r: var RoutingTable, index: int) =
@ -152,30 +196,57 @@ proc splitBucket(r: var RoutingTable, index: int) =
r.buckets.insert(b, index + 1)
proc bucketForNode(r: RoutingTable, id: NodeId): KBucket =
binaryGetBucketForNode(r.buckets, id)
result = binaryGetBucketForNode(r.buckets, id)
doAssert(not result.isNil(),
"Routing table should always cover the full id space")
proc removeNode*(r: var RoutingTable, n: Node) =
## Remove the node `n` from the routing table.
proc addNode*(r: var RoutingTable, n: Node): Node =
## Try to add the node to the routing table.
## First, an attempt will be done to add the node to the bucket in its range.
## If this fails, the bucket will be split if it is eligable for splitting.
## If so, a new attempt will be done to add the node. If not, the node will be
## added to the replacement cache.
if n == r.thisNode:
# warn "Trying to add ourselves to the routing table", node = n
let bucket = r.bucketForNode(
let evictionCandidate = bucket.add(n)
if not evictionCandidate.isNil:
# Split if the bucket has the local node in its range or if the depth is not congruent
# to 0 mod BITS_PER_HOP
let depth = computeSharedPrefixBits(bucket.nodes)
# TODO: Shouldn't the adding to replacement cache be done only if the bucket
# doesn't get split?
if bucket.inRange(r.thisNode) or (depth mod BITS_PER_HOP != 0 and depth != ID_SIZE):
# Split if the bucket has the local node in its range or if the depth is not
# congruent to 0 mod `bitsPerHop`
# Calculate the prefix shared by all nodes in the bucket's range, not the
# ones actually in the bucket.
let depth = computeSharedPrefixBits(@[bucket.istart, bucket.iend])
if bucket.inRange(r.thisNode) or
(depth mod r.bitsPerHop != 0 and depth != ID_SIZE):
return r.addNode(n) # retry
return r.addNode(n) # retry adding
# When bucket doesn't get split the node is added to the replacement cache
# Nothing added, ping evictionCandidate
return evictionCandidate
# Nothing added, return evictionCandidate
return evictionCandidate
proc replaceNode*(r: var RoutingTable, n: Node) =
## Replace node `n` with last entry in the replacement cache. If there are
## no entries in the replacement cache, node `n` will simply be removed.
# TODO: Kademlia paper recommends here to not remove nodes if there are no
# replacements. However, that would require a bit more complexity in the
# revalidation as you don't want to try pinging that node all the time.
let b = r.bucketForNode(
let idx = b.nodes.find(n)
if idx != -1:
if b.replacementCache.len > 0:
proc getNode*(r: RoutingTable, id: NodeId): Option[Node] =
let b = r.bucketForNode(id)
@ -222,7 +293,7 @@ proc neighboursAtDistance*(r: RoutingTable, distance: uint32,
proc len*(r: RoutingTable): int =
for b in r.buckets: result += b.len
proc moveRight[T](arr: var openarray[T], a, b: int) {.inline.} =
proc moveRight[T](arr: var openarray[T], a, b: int) =
## In `arr` move elements in range [a, b] right by 1.
var t: T
shallowCopy(t, arr[b + 1])
@ -231,19 +302,23 @@ proc moveRight[T](arr: var openarray[T], a, b: int) {.inline.} =
shallowCopy(arr[a], t)
proc setJustSeen*(r: RoutingTable, n: Node) =
# Move `n` to front of its bucket
## Move `n` to the head (most recently seen) of its bucket.
## If `n` is not in the routing table, do nothing.
let b = r.bucketForNode(
let idx = b.nodes.find(n)
doAssert(idx >= 0)
if idx != 0:
b.nodes.moveRight(0, idx - 1)
b.nodes[0] = n
b.lastUpdated = epochTime()
if idx >= 0:
if idx != 0:
b.nodes.moveRight(0, idx - 1)
b.lastUpdated = epochTime()
proc nodeToRevalidate*(r: RoutingTable): Node =
## Return a node to revalidate. The least recently seen node from a random
## bucket is selected.
var buckets = r.buckets
# TODO: Should we prioritize less-recently-updated buckets instead?
# TODO: Should we prioritize less-recently-updated buckets instead? Could use
# `lastUpdated` for this, but it would probably make more sense to only update
# that value on revalidation then and rename it to `lastValidated`.
for b in buckets:
if b.len > 0:
return b.nodes[^1]
@ -260,10 +335,16 @@ proc randomNodes*(r: RoutingTable, maxAmount: int,
result = newSeqOfCap[Node](maxAmount)
var seen = initHashSet[Node]()
# This is a rather inneficient way of randomizing nodes from all buckets, but even if we
# This is a rather inefficient way of randomizing nodes from all buckets, but even if we
# iterate over all nodes in the routing table, the time it takes would still be
# insignificant compared to the time it takes for the network roundtrips when connecting
# to nodes.
# However, "time it takes" might not be relevant, as there might be no point
# in providing more `randomNodes` as the routing table might not have anything
# new to provide. And there is no way for the calling code to know this. So
# while it will take less total time compared to e.g. an (async)
# randomLookup, the time might be wasted as all nodes are possibly seen
# already.
while len(seen) < maxAmount:
# TODO: Is it important to get a better random source for these sample calls?
let bucket = sample(r.buckets)

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
testutils/unittests, stew/shims/net, nimcrypto,
eth/[keys, rlp, trie/db],
eth/p2p/discoveryv5/[discovery_db, enr, node, types, routing_table, encoding],
eth/p2p/discoveryv5/protocol as discv5_protocol
proc localAddress*(port: int): Address =
Address(ip: ValidIpAddress.init(""), port: Port(port))
proc initDiscoveryNode*(privKey: PrivateKey, address: Address,
bootstrapRecords: openarray[Record] = [],
localEnrFields: openarray[FieldPair] = []):
discv5_protocol.Protocol =
var db = DiscoveryDB.init(newMemoryDB())
result = newProtocol(privKey, db,
address.port, address.port,
bootstrapRecords = bootstrapRecords,
localEnrFields = localEnrFields)
proc nodeIdInNodes*(id: NodeId, nodes: openarray[Node]): bool =
for n in nodes:
if id == return true
# Creating a random packet with specific nodeid each time
proc randomPacket*(tag: PacketTag): seq[byte] =
authTag: AuthTag
msg: array[44, byte]
check randomBytes(authTag) == authTag.len
check randomBytes(msg) == msg.len
proc generateNode*(privKey = PrivateKey.random()[], port: int = 20302,
localEnrFields: openarray[FieldPair] = []): Node =
let port = Port(port)
let enr = enr.Record.init(1, privKey, some(ValidIpAddress.init("")),
port, port, localEnrFields).expect("Properly intialized private key")
result = newNode(enr).expect("Properly initialized node")
proc nodeAtDistance*(n: Node, d: uint32): Node =
while true:
let node = generateNode()
if logDist(, == d:
return node
proc nodesAtDistance*(n: Node, d: uint32, amount: int): seq[Node] =
for i in 0..<amount:
result.add(nodeAtDistance(n, d))

View File

@ -30,18 +30,6 @@ proc setupTestNode*(capabilities: varargs[ProtocolInfo, `protocolInfo`]): Ethere
for capability in capabilities:
result.addCapability capability
template asyncTest*(name, body: untyped) =
test name:
proc scenario {.async.} = body
waitFor scenario()
template procSuite*(name, body: untyped) =
proc suitePayload =
suite name:
proc packData*(payload: openArray[byte], pk: PrivateKey): seq[byte] =
payloadSeq = @payload

View File

@ -1,60 +1,11 @@
unittest, chronos, sequtils, chronicles, tables, stint, nimcrypto,
stew/shims/net, eth/[keys, rlp], eth/trie/db,
eth/p2p/discoveryv5/[discovery_db, enr, node, types, routing_table, encoding],
chronos, chronicles, tables, stint, nimcrypto, testutils/unittests,
stew/shims/net, eth/keys,
eth/p2p/discoveryv5/[enr, node, types, routing_table, encoding],
eth/p2p/discoveryv5/protocol as discv5_protocol,
proc localAddress*(port: int): Address =
Address(ip: ValidIpAddress.init(""), port: Port(port))
proc initDiscoveryNode*(privKey: PrivateKey, address: Address,
bootstrapRecords: openarray[Record] = [],
localEnrFields: openarray[FieldPair] = []):
discv5_protocol.Protocol =
var db = DiscoveryDB.init(newMemoryDB())
result = newProtocol(privKey, db,
address.port, address.port,
bootstrapRecords = bootstrapRecords,
localEnrFields = localEnrFields)
proc nodeIdInNodes(id: NodeId, nodes: openarray[Node]): bool =
for n in nodes:
if id == return true
# Creating a random packet with specific nodeid each time
proc randomPacket(tag: PacketTag): seq[byte] =
authTag: AuthTag
msg: array[44, byte]
check randomBytes(authTag) == authTag.len
check randomBytes(msg) == msg.len
proc generateNode(privKey = PrivateKey.random()[], port: int = 20302,
localEnrFields: openarray[FieldPair] = []): Node =
let port = Port(port)
let enr = enr.Record.init(1, privKey, some(ValidIpAddress.init("")),
port, port, localEnrFields).expect("Properly intialized private key")
result = newNode(enr).expect("Properly initialized node")
proc nodeAtDistance(n: Node, d: uint32): Node =
while true:
let node = generateNode()
if logDist(, == d:
return node
proc nodesAtDistance(n: Node, d: uint32, amount: int): seq[Node] =
for i in 0..<amount:
result.add(nodeAtDistance(n, d))
suite "Discovery v5 Tests":
procSuite "Discovery v5 Tests":
asyncTest "GetNode":
# TODO: This could be tested in just a routing table only context

View File

@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
# MIT license (LICENSE-MIT)
unittest, tables, chronos, eth/p2p,
tables, chronos, testutils/unittests,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
eth/p2p/discoveryv5/[routing_table, node],
suite "Routing Table Tests":
test "Bucket splitting in range branch b=1":
let node = generateNode()
var table: RoutingTable
# bitsPerHop = 1 -> Split only the branch in range of own id
table.init(node, 1)
for j in 0..5'u32:
for i in 0..<BUCKET_SIZE:
check table.addNode(node.nodeAtDistance(256-j)) == nil
check table.addNode(node.nodeAtDistance(256-j)) != nil
test "Bucket splitting off range branch b=1":
let node = generateNode()
var table: RoutingTable
# bitsPerHop = 1 -> Split only the branch in range of own id
table.init(node, 1)
# Add 16 nodes, distance 256
for i in 0..<BUCKET_SIZE:
check table.addNode(node.nodeAtDistance(256)) == nil
# This should split the bucket in the distance 256 branch, and the distance
# <=255 branch. But not add the node, as distance 256 bucket is already full
# and b=1 will not allow it to spit any further
check table.addNode(node.nodeAtDistance(256)) != nil
# This add should be allowed as it is on the branch where the own node's id
# id belongs to.
check table.addNode(node.nodeAtDistance(255)) == nil
test "Bucket splitting off range branch b=2":
let node = generateNode()
var table: RoutingTable
# bitsPerHop = 2, allow not in range branch to split once (2 buckets).
table.init(node, 2)
# Add 16 nodes, distance 256 from `node`, but all with 2 bits shared prefix
# among themselves.
let firstNode = node.nodeAtDistance(256)
check table.addNode(firstNode) == nil
for n in 1..<BUCKET_SIZE:
check table.addNode(firstNode.nodeAtDistance(254)) == nil
# Add 16 more nodes with only 1 bit shared prefix with previous 16. This
# should cause the initial bucket to split and and fill the second bucket
# with the 16 new entries.
for n in 0..<BUCKET_SIZE:
check table.addNode(firstNode.nodeAtDistance(255)) == nil
# Adding another should fail as both buckets will be full and not be
# allowed to split another time.
check table.addNode(node.nodeAtDistance(256)) != nil
# And also when targetting one of the two specific buckets.
check table.addNode(firstNode.nodeAtDistance(255)) != nil
check table.addNode(firstNode.nodeAtDistance(254)) != nil
# This add should be allowed as it is on the branch where the own node's id
# id belongs to.
check table.addNode(node.nodeAtDistance(255)) == nil
test "Replacement cache":
let node = generateNode()
var table: RoutingTable
# bitsPerHop = 1 -> Split only the branch in range of own id
table.init(node, 1)
# create a full bucket
let bucketNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(256, BUCKET_SIZE)
for n in bucketNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == nil
# create a full replacement cache
let replacementNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(256, REPLACEMENT_CACHE_SIZE)
for n in replacementNodes:
check table.addNode(n) != nil
# Add one more node to replacement (would drop first one)
let lastNode = node.nodeAtDistance(256)
check table.addNode(lastNode) != nil
# This should replace the last node in the bucket, with the last one of
# the replacement cache.
# Should return the last node of the replacement cache successfully.
let result = table.getNode(
result.get() == lastNode
# This node should be removed
check (table.getNode(bucketNodes[bucketNodes.high].id)).isNone()
test "Empty bucket":
let node = generateNode()
var table: RoutingTable
# bitsPerHop = 1 -> Split only the branch in range of own id
table.init(node, 1)
check table.nodeToRevalidate().isNil()
# try to replace not existing node
check table.len == 0
let addedNode = generateNode()
check table.addNode(addedNode) == nil
check table.len == 1
# try to replace not existing node
check table.len == 1
check table.len == 0
test "Empty replacement cache":
let node = generateNode()
var table: RoutingTable
# bitsPerHop = 1 -> Split only the branch in range of own id
table.init(node, 1)
# create a full bucket TODO: no need to store bucketNodes
let bucketNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(256, BUCKET_SIZE)
for n in bucketNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == nil
# This node should still be removed
check (table.getNode(bucketNodes[bucketNodes.high].id)).isNone()
test "Double add":
let node = generateNode()
var table: RoutingTable
# bitsPerHop = 1 -> Split only the branch in range of own id
table.init(node, 1)
let doubleNode = node.nodeAtDistance(256)
# Try to add the node twice
check table.addNode(doubleNode) == nil
check table.addNode(doubleNode) == nil
for n in 0..<BUCKET_SIZE-1:
check table.addNode(node.nodeAtDistance(256)) == nil
check table.addNode(node.nodeAtDistance(256)) != nil
# Check when adding again once the bucket is full
check table.addNode(doubleNode) == nil
# Test if its order is preserved, there is one node in replacement cache
# which is why we run `BUCKET_SIZE` times.
for n in 0..<BUCKET_SIZE:
let result = table.getNode(
result.get() == doubleNode
table.len == 1
test "Double replacement add":
let node = generateNode()
var table: RoutingTable
# bitsPerHop = 1 -> Split only the branch in range of own id
table.init(node, 1)
# create a full bucket
let bucketNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(256, BUCKET_SIZE)
for n in bucketNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == nil
# create a full replacement cache
let replacementNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(256, REPLACEMENT_CACHE_SIZE)
for n in replacementNodes:
check table.addNode(n) != nil
check table.addNode(replacementNodes[0]) != nil
# Should return the last node of the replacement cache successfully.
let result = table.getNode(replacementNodes[0].id)
result.get() == replacementNodes[0]
# This node should be removed
check (table.getNode(bucketNodes[bucketNodes.high].id)).isNone()
test "Just seen":
let node = generateNode()
var table: RoutingTable
# bitsPerHop = 1 -> Split only the branch in range of own id
table.init(node, 1)
# create a full bucket
let bucketNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(256, BUCKET_SIZE)
for n in bucketNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == nil
# swap seen order
for n in bucketNodes:
for n in bucketNodes:
check (table.getNode(
test "Just seen replacement":
let node = generateNode()
var table: RoutingTable
# bitsPerHop = 1 -> Split only the branch in range of own id
table.init(node, 1)
# create a full bucket
let bucketNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(256, BUCKET_SIZE)
for n in bucketNodes:
check table.addNode(n) == nil
# create a full replacement cache
let replacementNodes = node.nodesAtDistance(256, REPLACEMENT_CACHE_SIZE)
for n in replacementNodes:
check table.addNode(n) != nil
for i in countdown(replacementNodes.high, 0):
for n in replacementNodes:
let result = table.getNode(
result.get() == n
for i in 0..<int(BUCKET_SIZE/2):
let result = table.getNode(bucketNodes[i].id)
result.get() == bucketNodes[i]

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@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
# MIT license (LICENSE-MIT)
sequtils, options, unittest, tables, chronos, eth/[keys, p2p],
eth/p2p/rlpx_protocols/whisper_protocol, eth/p2p/peer_pool,
sequtils, options, tables, chronos, testutils/unittests,
eth/[keys, p2p], eth/p2p/rlpx_protocols/whisper_protocol, eth/p2p/peer_pool,
proc resetMessageQueues(nodes: varargs[EthereumNode]) =

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
# MIT license (LICENSE-MIT)
sequtils, strformat, options, unittest,
sequtils, strformat, options, testutils/unittests,
chronicles, chronos, eth/[rlp, keys, p2p],