2019-02-05 12:01:10 +00:00
json, strutils, eth/rlp
proc append(output: var RlpWriter, js: JsonNode) =
case js.kind
of JNull, JFloat, JObject:
raise newException(ValueError, "Unsupported JSON value type " & $js.kind)
of JBool:
output.append js.bval.int
of JInt:
output.append int(js.num)
of JString:
output.append js.str
of JArray:
output.append js.elems
proc hexRepr*(bytes: BytesRange|Bytes): string =
result = newStringOfCap(bytes.len * 2)
for byte in bytes:
result.add(toHex(int(byte), 2).toLowerAscii)
proc `==`(lhs: JsonNode, rhs: string): bool =
lhs.kind == JString and lhs.str == rhs
proc runTests*(filename: string) =
let js = json.parseFile(filename)
for testname, testdata in js:
template testStatus(status: string) =
echo status, " ", filename, " :: ", testname
input = testdata{"in"}
output = testdata{"out"}
if input.isNil or output.isNil or output.kind != JString:
testStatus "IGNORED"
if input == "VALID":
var rlp = rlpFromHex(output.str)
discard rlp.inspect
elif input == "INVALID":
var success = false
var inspectOutput = ""
var rlp = rlpFromHex(output.str)
inspectOutput = rlp.inspect(1)
discard rlp.getType
while rlp.hasData: discard rlp.toNodes
2019-05-30 15:33:59 +00:00
except MalformedRlpError, UnsupportedRlpError, ValueError:
2019-02-05 12:01:10 +00:00
success = true
if not success:
testStatus "FAILED"
echo " ACCEPTED MALFORMED BYTES: ", output.str
echo " INTERPRETATION:\n", inspectOutput
2019-10-16 14:42:48 +00:00
program_result = 1
2019-02-05 12:01:10 +00:00
if input.kind == JString and input.str.len != 0 and input.str[0] == '#':
var outRlp = initRlpWriter()
outRlp.append input
actual = outRlp.finish.hexRepr
expected = output.str
if actual != expected:
testStatus "FAILED"
echo " EXPECTED BYTES: ", expected
echo " ACTUAL BYTES: ", actual
2019-10-16 14:42:48 +00:00
program_result = 1
2019-02-05 12:01:10 +00:00
testStatus "OK"