# # Ethereum P2P # (c) Copyright 2018 # Status Research & Development GmbH # # See the file "LICENSE", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # ## This module implements ECIES method encryption/decryption. import ecc, nimcrypto/sha2, nimcrypto/hash, nimcrypto/hmac import nimcrypto/rijndael, nimcrypto/utils, nimcrypto/sysrand import nimcrypto/bcmode, nimcrypto/utils const emptyMac* = array[0, byte]([]) type EciesException* = object of Exception EciesStatus* = enum Success, ## Operation was successful BufferOverrun, ## Output buffer size is too small RandomError, ## Could not obtain random data EcdhError, ## ECDH shared secret could not be calculated WrongHeader, ## ECIES header is incorrect IncorrectKey, ## Recovered public key is invalid IncorrectTag, ## ECIES tag verification failed IncompleteError ## Decryption needs more data EciesHeader* = object {.packed.} version*: byte pubkey*: array[PublicKeyLength, byte] iv*: array[aes128.sizeBlock, byte] data*: byte template eciesOverheadLength*(): int = ## Return data overhead size for ECIES encrypted message 1 + sizeof(PublicKey) + aes128.sizeBlock + sha256.sizeDigest template eciesEncryptedLength*(size: int): int = ## Return size of encrypted message for message with size `size`. size + eciesOverheadLength() template eciesDecryptedLength*(size: int): int = ## Return size of decrypted message for encrypted message with size `size`. size - eciesOverheadLength() template eciesMacLength(size: int): int = ## Return size of authenticated data size + aes128.sizeBlock template eciesMacPos(size: int): int = ## Return position of MAC code in encrypted block size - sha256.sizeDigest template eciesDataPos(): int = ## Return position of encrypted data in block 1 + sizeof(PublicKey) + aes128.sizeBlock template eciesIvPos(): int = ## Return position of IV in block 1 + sizeof(PublicKey) template eciesTagPos(size: int): int = 1 + sizeof(PublicKey) + aes128.sizeBlock + size proc kdf*(data: openarray[byte]): array[KeyLength, byte] {.noInit.} = ## NIST SP 800-56a Concatenation Key Derivation Function (see section 5.8.1) var ctx: sha256 var counter: uint32 var counterLe: uint32 let reps = ((KeyLength + 7) * 8) div (int(ctx.sizeBlock) * 8) var offset = 0 var storage = newSeq[byte](int(ctx.sizeDigest) * (reps + 1)) while counter <= uint32(reps): counter = counter + 1 counterLe = LSWAP(counter) ctx.init() ctx.update(cast[ptr byte](addr counterLe), uint(sizeof(uint32))) ctx.update(unsafeAddr data[0], uint(len(data))) var hash = ctx.finish() copyMem(addr storage[offset], addr hash.data[0], ctx.sizeDigest) offset += int(ctx.sizeDigest) ctx.clear() # clean ctx copyMem(addr result[0], addr storage[0], KeyLength) proc eciesEncrypt*(input: openarray[byte], output: var openarray[byte], pubkey: PublicKey, sharedmac: openarray[byte] = emptyMac): EciesStatus = ## Encrypt data with ECIES method using given public key `pubkey`. ## ``input`` - input data ## ``output`` - output data ## ``pubkey`` - ECC public key ## ``sharedmac`` - additional data used to calculate encrypted message MAC ## Length of output data can be calculated using ``eciesEncryptedLength()`` ## template. var encKey: array[aes128.sizeKey, byte] cipher: CTR[aes128] ctx: HMAC[sha256] iv: array[aes128.sizeBlock, byte] secret: SharedSecret material: array[KeyLength, byte] if len(output) < eciesEncryptedLength(len(input)): return(BufferOverrun) if randomBytes(iv) != aes128.sizeBlock: return(RandomError) var ephemeral = newKeyPair() var epub = ephemeral.pubkey.getRaw() if ecdhAgree(ephemeral.seckey, pubkey, secret) != EccStatus.Success: return(EcdhError) material = kdf(secret) burnMem(secret) copyMem(addr encKey[0], addr material[0], aes128.sizeKey) var macKey = sha256.digest(material, ostart = KeyLength div 2) burnMem(material) var header = cast[ptr EciesHeader](addr output[0]) header.version = 0x04 header.pubkey = epub.data header.iv = iv var so = eciesDataPos() var eo = so + len(input) cipher.init(encKey, iv) cipher.encrypt(input, toOpenArray(output, so, eo)) burnMem(encKey) cipher.clear() so = eciesIvPos() eo = so + aes128.sizeBlock + len(input) - 1 ctx.init(macKey.data) ctx.update(toOpenArray(output, so, eo)) if len(sharedmac) > 0: ctx.update(sharedmac) var tag = ctx.finish() so = eciesTagPos(len(input)) # ctx.sizeDigest() crash compiler copyMem(addr output[so], addr tag.data[0], sha256.sizeDigest) ctx.clear() result = Success proc eciesDecrypt*(input: openarray[byte], output: var openarray[byte], seckey: PrivateKey, sharedmac: openarray[byte] = emptyMac): EciesStatus = ## Decrypt data with ECIES method using given private key `seckey`. ## ``input`` - input data ## ``output`` - output data ## ``pubkey`` - ECC private key ## ``sharedmac`` - additional data used to calculate encrypted message MAC ## Length of output data can be calculated using ``eciesDecryptedLength()`` ## template. var pubkey: PublicKey encKey: array[aes128.sizeKey, byte] cipher: CTR[aes128] ctx: HMAC[sha256] secret: SharedSecret if len(input) == 0: return(IncompleteError) var header = cast[ptr EciesHeader](unsafeAddr input[0]) if header.version != 0x04: return(WrongHeader) if len(input) <= eciesOverheadLength(): return(IncompleteError) if len(input) - eciesOverheadLength() > len(output): return(BufferOverrun) if recoverPublicKey(header.pubkey, pubkey) != EccStatus.Success: return(IncorrectKey) if ecdhAgree(seckey, pubkey, secret) != EccStatus.Success: return(EcdhError) var material = kdf(secret) burnMem(secret) copyMem(addr encKey[0], addr material[0], aes128.sizeKey) var macKey = sha256.digest(material, ostart = KeyLength div 2) burnMem(material) let macsize = eciesMacLength(len(input) - eciesOverheadLength()) let datsize = eciesDecryptedLength(len(input)) ctx.init(macKey.data) burnMem(macKey) ctx.update(toOpenArray(input, eciesIvPos(), eciesIvPos() + macsize - 1)) if len(sharedmac) > 0: ctx.update(sharedmac) var tag = ctx.finish() ctx.clear() if not equalMem(addr tag.data[0], unsafeAddr input[eciesMacPos(len(input))], sha256.sizeDigest): return(IncorrectTag) cipher.init(encKey, header.iv) burnMem(encKey) cipher.decrypt(toOpenArray(input, eciesDataPos(), eciesDataPos() + datsize - 1), output) cipher.clear() result = Success