WIP outline of the Blockchain sync procedure using the ETH wire protocol

This commit is contained in:
Zahary Karadjov 2018-07-09 01:26:14 +03:00
parent 4d17ab1ee5
commit 96cf717778
2 changed files with 167 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ import
rlp/types, stint, rlpx, eth_common
P = UInt256
NewBlockHashesAnnounce* = object
hash: KeccakHash
number: uint
@ -22,34 +20,76 @@ type
header: BlockHeader
body {.rlpInline.}: BlockBody
NetworkState = object
syncing: bool
PeerState = object
reportedTotalDifficulty: Difficulty
latestBlockHash: KeccakHash
maxStateFetch = 384
maxBodiesFetch = 128
maxReceiptsFetch = 256
maxHeadersFetch = 192
rlpxProtocol eth, 63:
useRequestIds = false
proc status(p: Peer, protocolVersion, networkId, td: P,
proc status(peer: Peer,
protocolVersion, networkId: uint,
totalDifficulty: Difficulty,
bestHash, genesisHash: KeccakHash) =
# verify that the peer is on the same chain:
if peer.network.id != networkId or
peer.network.chain.genesisHash != genesisHash:
proc newBlockHashes(p: Peer, hashes: openarray[NewBlockHashesAnnounce]) =
p.state.reportedTotalDifficulty = totalDifficulty
proc newBlockHashes(peer: Peer, hashes: openarray[NewBlockHashesAnnounce]) =
proc transactions(p: Peer, transactions: openarray[Transaction]) =
proc getBlockHeaders(p: Peer, hash: BlocksRequest) =
proc getBlockHeaders(peer: Peer, request: BlocksRequest) =
if request.maxResults > maxHeadersFetch:
proc blockHeaders(p: Peer, hashes: openarray[BlockHeader]) =
var foundBlock = peer.network.chain.locateBlock(startBlock)
if not foundBlock.isNil:
var headers = newSeqOfCap[BlockHeader](request.maxResults)
while headers.len < request.maxResults:
headers.add peer.network.chain.getBlockHeader(foundBlock)
foundBlock = foundBlock.nextBlock()
if foundBlock.isNil: break
discard await peer.blockHeaders(headers)
proc blockHeaders(p: Peer, headers: openarray[BlockHeader])
proc getBlockBodies(p: Peer, hashes: openarray[KeccakHash]) =
if hashes.len > maxBodiesFetch:
proc blockBodies(p: Peer, blocks: openarray[BlockBody]) =
var blockBodies = newSeqOfCap[BlockBody](hashes.len)
for hash in hashes:
let blockBody = peer.network.chain.getBlockBody(hash)
if not blockBody.isNil:
blockBodies.add deref(blockBody)
proc newBlock(p: Peer, bh: NewBlockAnnounce, totalDificulty: P) =
discard await peer.blockBodies(blockBodies)
proc blockBodies(p: Peer, blocks: openarray[BlockBody])
proc newBlock(p: Peer, bh: NewBlockAnnounce, totalDifficulty: Difficulty) =
nextID 13
@ -68,3 +108,40 @@ rlpxProtocol eth, 63:
proc receipts(p: Peer, receipts: openarray[Receipt]) =
proc fastBlockchainSync*(network: EthereumNode) {.async.} =
# 1. obtain last N block headers from all peers
var latestBlocksRequest: BlocksRequest
var requests = newSeqOfCap[Future[eth.blockHeaders]](32)
for peer in network.peerPool:
if peer.supports(eth):
requests.add peer.getBlockHeaders(latestBlocksRequest)
await all(requests)
# 2. find out what is the block with best total difficulty
var bestBlockDifficulty: Difficulty = 0
for req in requests:
if req.read.isNone: continue
for header in req.read.get.headers:
if header.difficulty > bestBlockDifficulty:
# 3. establish the highest valid block for each peer
# keep in mind that some of the peers may report an alternative history, so
# we must find the last block where each peer agreed with the best peer
# 4. Start making requests in parallel for the block headers that we are
# missing (by requesting blocks from peers while honoring maxHeadersFetch).
# Make sure the blocks hashes add up. Don't count on everyone replying, ask
# a different peer in case of time-out. Handle invalid or incomplete replies
# properly. The peer may response with fewer headers than requested (or with
# different ones if the peer is not behaving properly).
# 5. Store the obtained headers in the blockchain DB
# 6. Once the sync is complete, repeat from 1. until to further progress is
# possible
# 7. Start downloading the blockchain state in parallel
# (maybe this could start earlier).

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
rlp/types, rlpx, eth_common
rlp/types, rlpx, eth_common, times
ProofRequest* = object
@ -40,8 +40,79 @@ type
status*: TransactionStatus
data*: Blob
PeerState = object
buffer: int
lastRequestTime: float
reportedTotalDifficulty: Difficulty
KeyValuePair = object
key: string
value: Rlp
maxHeadersFetch = 192
maxBodiesFetch = 32
maxReceiptsFetch = 128
maxCodeFetch = 64
maxProofsFetch = 64
maxHeaderProofsFetch = 64
# Handshake properties:
# https://github.com/zsfelfoldi/go-ethereum/wiki/Light-Ethereum-Subprotocol-(LES)
keyProtocolVersion = "protocolVersion"
## P: is 1 for the LPV1 protocol version.
keyNetworkId = "networkId"
## P: should be 0 for testnet, 1 for mainnet.
keyHeadTotalDifficulty = "headTd"
## P: Total Difficulty of the best chain.
## Integer, as found in block header.
keyHeadHash = "headHash"
## B_32: the hash of the best (i.e. highest TD) known block.
keyHeadNumber = "headNum"
## P: the number of the best (i.e. highest TD) known block.
keyGenesisHash = "genesisHash"
## B_32: the hash of the Genesis block.
keyServeHeaders = "serveHeaders"
## (optional, no value)
## present if the peer can serve header chain downloads.
keyServeChainSince = "serveChainSince"
## P (optional)
## present if the peer can serve Body/Receipts ODR requests
## starting from the given block number.
keyServeStateSince = "serveStateSince"
## P (optional):
## present if the peer can serve Proof/Code ODR requests
## starting from the given block number.
keyRelaysTransactions = "txRelay"
## (optional, no value)
## present if the peer can relay transactions to the ETH network.
keyFlowControlBL = "flowControl/BL"
keyFlowControlMRC = "flowControl/MRC"
keyFlowControlMRR = "flowControl/MRR"
## see Client Side Flow Control:
## https://github.com/zsfelfoldi/go-ethereum/wiki/Client-Side-Flow-Control-model-for-the-LES-protocol
rechargeRate = 0.3
proc getPeerWithNewestChain(pool: PeerPool): Peer =
rlpxProtocol les, 2:
type State = PeerState
## Handshake
@ -52,8 +123,11 @@ rlpxProtocol les, 2:
proc announce(p: Peer, headHash: KeccakHash,
headNumber, headTd, reorgDepth: P,
values: openarray[KeyValuePair], announceType: uint) =
headNumber: BlockNumber,
headTotalDifficulty: Difficulty,
reorgDepth: BlockNumber,
values: openarray[KeyValuePair],
announceType: uint) =