Antonis Geralis fd7c1aedba update
2022-08-26 11:19:49 +03:00

54 lines
1.8 KiB

mode = ScriptMode.Verbose
version = "0.1.0"
author = "Dr. Chaos Team"
description = "A powerful and easy-to-use fuzzing framework in Nim for C/C++/Obj-C targets"
license = "Apache License 2.0"
srcDir = "."
skipDirs = @["tests", "benchmarks", "examples", "experiments"]
requires "nim >= 1.4.0"
proc buildBinary(name: string, srcDir = "./", params = "", lang = "c") =
if not dirExists "build":
mkDir "build"
# allow something like "nim nimbus --verbosity:0 --hints:off nimbus.nims"
var extra_params = params
when compiles(commandLineParams):
for param in commandLineParams:
extra_params &= " " & param
for i in 2..<paramCount():
extra_params &= " " & paramStr(i)
exec "nim " & lang & " --out:build/" & name & " " & extra_params & " " & srcDir & name & ".nim"
proc test(name: string, srcDir = "tests/", args = "", lang = "c") =
buildBinary name, srcDir, "--mm:arc -d:danger"
# Should ideally run inside build/ because of the artifacts, but it doesn't work!
exec "build/" & name & " -max_total_time=3 -runs=10000" & args
task testDrChaosExamples, "Build & run Dr. Chaos examples":
let examples = @["fuzz_graph"]
for ex in examples:
test ex, "examples/"
task testDrChaos, "Build & run Dr. Chaos tests":
for filePath in listFiles("tests/"):
if filePath[^4..^1] == ".nim":
test filePath[len("tests/")..^5], args = " -error_exitcode=0"
task testDrChaosNoCrash, "Build & run Dr. Chaos tests that should not crash":
for filePath in listFiles("tests/no_crash/"):
if filePath[^4..^1] == ".nim":
test filePath[len("tests/no_crash/")..^5], "tests/no_crash/"
task test, "Run basic tests":
task testAll, "Run all tests":