
157 lines
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{.push raises: [].}
import std/tables
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/questionable
import pkg/questionable/results
import ./key
import ./query
import ./datastore
export key, query
MountedStore* = object
store*: Datastore
key*: Key
MountedDatastore* = ref object of Datastore
stores*: Table[Key, MountedStore]
method mount*(self: MountedDatastore, key: Key, store: Datastore): ?!void {.base.} =
## Mount a store on a namespace - namespaces are only `/`
if key in self.stores:
return failure("Key already has store mounted!")
self.stores[key] = MountedStore(store: store, key: key)
return success()
func findStore*(self: MountedDatastore, key: Key): ?!MountedStore =
## Find a store mounted under a particular key
for (k, v) in self.stores.pairs:
mounted = key
while mounted.len > 0:
if ?k.path == ?mounted.path:
return success v
if mounted.parent.isErr:
mounted = mounted.parent.get
failure newException(DatastoreKeyNotFound, "No datastore found for key")
proc dispatch(
self: MountedDatastore,
key: Key): ?!tuple[store: MountedStore, relative: Key] =
## Helper to retrieve the store and corresponding relative key
mounted = ?self.findStore(key)
return success (store: mounted, relative: ?key.relative(mounted.key))
method has*(
self: MountedDatastore,
key: Key): Future[?!bool] {.async.} =
without mounted =? self.dispatch(key):
return failure "No mounted datastore found"
return (await
method delete*(
self: MountedDatastore,
key: Key): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
without mounted =? self.dispatch(key), error:
return failure(error)
return (await
method delete*(
self: MountedDatastore,
keys: seq[Key]): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
for key in keys:
if err =? (await self.delete(key)).errorOption:
return failure err
return success()
method get*(
self: MountedDatastore,
key: Key): Future[?!seq[byte]] {.async.} =
without mounted =? self.dispatch(key), error:
return failure(error)
return await
method put*(
self: MountedDatastore,
key: Key,
data: seq[byte]): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
without mounted =? self.dispatch(key), error:
return failure(error)
return (await, data))
method put*(
self: MountedDatastore,
batch: seq[BatchEntry]): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
for entry in batch:
if err =? (await self.put(entry.key,
return failure err
return success()
method modifyGet*(
self: MountedDatastore,
key: Key,
fn: ModifyGet): Future[?!seq[byte]] {.async.} =
without mounted =? self.dispatch(key), error:
return failure(error)
return await, fn)
method modify*(
self: MountedDatastore,
key: Key,
fn: Modify): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
without mounted =? self.dispatch(key), error:
return failure(error)
return await, fn)
method close*(self: MountedDatastore): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
for s in self.stores.values:
discard await
# TODO: how to handle failed close?
return success()
func new*(
T: type MountedDatastore,
stores: Table[Key, Datastore] = initTable[Key, Datastore]()): ?!T =
var self = T()
for (k, v) in stores.pairs:
self.stores[?k.path] = MountedStore(store: v, key: k)
success self