
34 lines
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import pkg/chronos
import pkg/codex/sales
import pkg/codex/stores
import pkg/questionable/results
MockReservations* = ref object of Reservations
createReservationThrowBytesOutOfBoundsError: bool
proc new*(
T: type MockReservations,
repo: RepoStore
): MockReservations =
## Create a mock clock instance
MockReservations(availabilityLock: newAsyncLock(), repo: repo)
proc setCreateReservationThrowBytesOutOfBoundsError*(self: MockReservations, flag: bool) =
self.createReservationThrowBytesOutOfBoundsError = flag
method createReservation*(
self: MockReservations,
availabilityId: AvailabilityId,
slotSize: UInt256,
requestId: RequestId,
slotIndex: UInt256): Future[?!Reservation] {.async.} =
if self.createReservationThrowBytesOutOfBoundsError:
let error = newException(
"trying to reserve an amount of bytes that is greater than the total size of the Availability")
return failure(error)
return await procCall createReservation(Reservations(self), availabilityId, slotSize, requestId, slotIndex)