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## Nim-Dagger
## Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
import pkg/upraises
push: {.upraises: [].}
import pkg/chronicles
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/libp2p
import ../blocktype as bt
import ../utils/asyncheapqueue
import ./blockstore
import ../blockexchange/network
import ../blockexchange/engine
import ../blockexchange/peercontext
export blockstore, network, engine, asyncheapqueue
topics = "dagger networkstore"
NetworkStore* = ref object of BlockStore
engine*: BlockExcEngine # blockexc decision engine
localStore*: BlockStore # local block store
method getBlock*(
self: NetworkStore,
cid: Cid): Future[?!bt.Block] {.async.} =
## Get a block from a remote peer
trace "Getting block", cid
without var blk =? (await self.localStore.getBlock(cid)):
trace "Couldn't get from local store", cid
blk = try:
await self.engine.requestBlock(cid)
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "Exception requestig block", cid, exc = exc.msg
return failure(exc.msg)
trace "Retrieved block from local store", cid
return blk.success
method putBlock*(
self: NetworkStore,
blk: bt.Block): Future[bool] {.async.} =
trace "Puting block", cid = blk.cid
if not (await self.localStore.putBlock(blk)):
return false
return true
method delBlock*(
self: NetworkStore,
cid: Cid): Future[bool] =
## Delete a block/s from the block store
method hasBlock*(
self: NetworkStore,
cid: Cid): bool =
## Check if the block exists in the blockstore
proc new*(
T: type NetworkStore,
engine: BlockExcEngine,
localStore: BlockStore): T =
let b = NetworkStore(
localStore: localStore,
engine: engine)
return b