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## Nim-Codex
## Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
import pkg/upraises
push: {.upraises: [].}
import std/options
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/chronicles
import pkg/datastore/sqlite_datastore
import pkg/libp2p
import pkg/questionable
import pkg/questionable/results
import ./blockstore
import ./cachestore
export blockstore, sqlite_datastore
topics = "codex sqlitestore"
SQLiteStore* = ref object of BlockStore
cache: BlockStore
datastore: SQLiteDatastore
allBlocks = when (let keyRes = Key.init("*"); true):
if keyRes.isOk: Query.init(keyRes.get)
else: raise (ref Defect)(msg: keyRes.error.msg)
proc new*(
T: type SQLiteStore,
repoDir: string,
cache: BlockStore = CacheStore.new()): T =
datastoreRes = SQLiteDatastore.new(repoDir)
if datastoreRes.isErr:
raise (ref Defect)(msg: datastoreRes.error.msg)
T(cache: cache, datastore: datastoreRes.get)
proc datastore*(self: SQLiteStore): SQLiteDatastore =
proc blockKey*(blockCid: Cid): ?!Key =
keyRes = Key.init($blockCid)
if keyRes.isErr:
trace "Unable to construct CID from key", cid = blockCid, error = keyRes.error.msg
method getBlock*(
self: SQLiteStore,
cid: Cid): Future[?!(?Block)] {.async.} =
## Get a block from the cache or database.
## Save a copy to the cache if present in the database but not in the cache
trace "Getting block from cache or database", cid
if cid.isEmpty:
trace "Empty block, ignoring"
return success cid.emptyBlock.some
without cachedBlkOpt =? await self.cache.getBlock(cid), error:
trace "Unable to read block from cache", cid, error = error.msg
if cachedBlkOpt.isSome:
return success cachedBlkOpt
without blkKey =? blockKey(cid), error:
return failure error
without dataOpt =? await self.datastore.get(blkKey), error:
trace "Unable to read block from database", key = blkKey.id, error = error.msg
return failure error
without data =? dataOpt:
return success Block.none
without blk =? Block.new(cid, data), error:
trace "Unable to construct block from data", cid, error = error.msg
return failure error
putCachedRes = await self.cache.putBlock(blk)
if putCachedRes.isErr:
trace "Unable to store block in cache", cid, error = putCachedRes.error.msg
return success blk.some
method putBlock*(
self: SQLiteStore,
blk: Block): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
## Write a block's contents to the database with key based on blk.cid.
## Save a copy to the cache
trace "Putting block into database and cache", cid = blk.cid
if blk.isEmpty:
trace "Empty block, ignoring"
return success()
without blkKey =? blockKey(blk.cid), error:
return failure error
putRes = await self.datastore.put(blkKey, blk.data)
if putRes.isErr:
trace "Unable to store block in database", key = blkKey.id, error = putRes.error.msg
return failure putRes.error
putCachedRes = await self.cache.putBlock(blk)
if putCachedRes.isErr:
trace "Unable to store block in cache", cid = blk.cid, error = putCachedRes.error.msg
return success()
method delBlock*(
self: SQLiteStore,
cid: Cid): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
## Delete a block from the database and cache
trace "Deleting block from cache and database", cid
if cid.isEmpty:
trace "Empty block, ignoring"
return success()
delCachedRes = await self.cache.delBlock(cid)
if delCachedRes.isErr:
trace "Unable to delete block from cache", cid, error = delCachedRes.error.msg
without blkKey =? blockKey(cid), error:
return failure error
delRes = await self.datastore.delete(blkKey)
if delRes.isErr:
trace "Unable to delete block from database", key = blkKey.id, error = delRes.error.msg
return failure delRes.error
return success()
method hasBlock*(
self: SQLiteStore,
cid: Cid): Future[?!bool] {.async.} =
## Check if a block exists in the database
trace "Checking database for block existence", cid
if cid.isEmpty:
trace "Empty block, ignoring"
return true.success
without blkKey =? blockKey(cid), error:
return failure error
return await self.datastore.contains(blkKey)
method listBlocks*(
self: SQLiteStore,
onBlock: OnBlock): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
## Process list of all blocks in the database via callback.
## This is an intensive operation
for kd in self.datastore.query(allBlocks):
(key, _) = await kd
cidRes = Cid.init(key.name)
if cidRes.isOk:
await onBlock(cidRes.get)
trace "Unable to construct CID from key", key = key.id, error = $cidRes.error
return success()
method close*(self: SQLiteStore): Future[void] {.async.} =
## Close the underlying cache and SQLite datastore
if not self.cache.isNil: await self.cache.close
if not self.datastore.isNil: self.datastore.close