
371 lines
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## Nim-Codex
## Copyright (c) 2022 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
import std/typetraits
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/chronicles
import pkg/upraises
import pkg/json_serialization
import pkg/json_serialization/std/options
import pkg/stint
import pkg/stew/byteutils
import pkg/nimcrypto
import pkg/questionable
import pkg/questionable/results
import ../utils/json
push: {.upraises: [].}
import pkg/datastore
import ../stores
import ../contracts/requests
export requests
topics = "reservations"
AvailabilityId* = distinct array[32, byte]
Availability* = object
id* {.serialize.}: AvailabilityId
size* {.serialize.}: UInt256
duration* {.serialize.}: UInt256
minPrice* {.serialize.}: UInt256
maxCollateral* {.serialize.}: UInt256
used*: bool
Reservations* = ref object
repo: RepoStore
onReservationAdded: ?OnReservationAdded
GetNext* = proc(): Future[?Availability] {.upraises: [], gcsafe, closure.}
OnReservationAdded* = proc(availability: Availability): Future[void] {.upraises: [], gcsafe.}
AvailabilityIter* = ref object
finished*: bool
next*: GetNext
AvailabilityError* = object of CodexError
AvailabilityAlreadyExistsError* = object of AvailabilityError
AvailabilityReserveFailedError* = object of AvailabilityError
AvailabilityReleaseFailedError* = object of AvailabilityError
AvailabilityDeleteFailedError* = object of AvailabilityError
AvailabilityGetFailedError* = object of AvailabilityError
AvailabilityUpdateFailedError* = object of AvailabilityError
SalesKey = (CodexMetaKey / "sales").tryGet # TODO: move to sales module
ReservationsKey = (SalesKey / "reservations").tryGet
proc new*(T: type Reservations,
repo: RepoStore): Reservations =
T(repo: repo)
proc init*(
_: type Availability,
size: UInt256,
duration: UInt256,
minPrice: UInt256,
maxCollateral: UInt256): Availability =
var id: array[32, byte]
doAssert randomBytes(id) == 32
Availability(id: AvailabilityId(id), size: size, duration: duration, minPrice: minPrice, maxCollateral: maxCollateral)
func toArray*(id: AvailabilityId): array[32, byte] =
array[32, byte](id)
proc `==`*(x, y: AvailabilityId): bool {.borrow.}
proc `==`*(x, y: Availability): bool = == and
x.size == y.size and
x.duration == y.duration and
x.maxCollateral == y.maxCollateral and
x.minPrice == y.minPrice
proc `$`*(id: AvailabilityId): string = id.toArray.toHex
proc toErr[E1: ref CatchableError, E2: AvailabilityError](
e1: E1,
_: type E2,
msg: string = e1.msg): ref E2 =
return newException(E2, msg, e1)
proc writeValue*(
writer: var JsonWriter,
value: AvailabilityId) {.upraises:[IOError].} =
mixin writeValue
writer.writeValue value.toArray
proc readValue*[T: AvailabilityId](
reader: var JsonReader,
value: var T) {.upraises: [SerializationError, IOError].} =
mixin readValue
value = T reader.readValue(T.distinctBase)
proc `onReservationAdded=`*(self: Reservations,
onReservationAdded: OnReservationAdded) =
self.onReservationAdded = some onReservationAdded
func key(id: AvailabilityId): ?!Key =
(ReservationsKey / id.toArray.toHex)
func key*(availability: Availability): ?!Key =
func available*(self: Reservations): uint = self.repo.available
func hasAvailable*(self: Reservations, bytes: uint): bool =
proc exists*(
self: Reservations,
id: AvailabilityId): Future[?!bool] {.async.} =
without key =? id.key, err:
return failure(err)
let exists = await self.repo.metaDs.contains(key)
return success(exists)
proc get*(
self: Reservations,
id: AvailabilityId): Future[?!Availability] {.async.} =
if exists =? (await self.exists(id)) and not exists:
let err = newException(AvailabilityGetFailedError,
"Availability does not exist")
return failure(err)
without key =? id.key, err:
return failure(err.toErr(AvailabilityGetFailedError))
without serialized =? await self.repo.metaDs.get(key), err:
return failure(err.toErr(AvailabilityGetFailedError))
without availability =? Json.decode(serialized, Availability).catch, err:
return failure(err.toErr(AvailabilityGetFailedError))
return success availability
proc update(
self: Reservations,
availability: Availability): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
trace "updating availability", id =, size = availability.size,
used = availability.used
without key =? availability.key, err:
return failure(err)
if err =? (await self.repo.metaDs.put(
return failure(err.toErr(AvailabilityUpdateFailedError))
return success()
proc delete(
self: Reservations,
id: AvailabilityId): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
trace "deleting availability", id
without availability =? (await self.get(id)), err:
return failure(err)
without key =? availability.key, err:
return failure(err)
if err =? (await self.repo.metaDs.delete(key)).errorOption:
return failure(err.toErr(AvailabilityDeleteFailedError))
return success()
proc reserve*(
self: Reservations,
availability: Availability): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
if exists =? (await self.exists( and exists:
let err = newException(AvailabilityAlreadyExistsError,
"Availability already exists")
return failure(err)
without key =? availability.key, err:
return failure(err)
let bytes = availability.size.truncate(uint)
if reserveErr =? (await self.repo.reserve(bytes)).errorOption:
return failure(reserveErr.toErr(AvailabilityReserveFailedError))
if updateErr =? (await self.update(availability)).errorOption:
# rollback the reserve
trace "rolling back reserve"
if rollbackErr =? (await self.repo.release(bytes)).errorOption:
rollbackErr.parent = updateErr
return failure(rollbackErr)
return failure(updateErr)
if onReservationAdded =? self.onReservationAdded:
await onReservationAdded(availability)
except CatchableError as e:
# we don't have any insight into types of errors that `onProcessSlot` can
# throw because it is caller-defined
warn "Unknown error during 'onReservationAdded' callback",
availabilityId =, error = e.msg
return success()
proc release*(
self: Reservations,
id: AvailabilityId,
bytes: uint): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
trace "releasing bytes and updating availability", bytes, id
without var availability =? (await self.get(id)), err:
return failure(err)
without key =? id.key, err:
return failure(err)
if releaseErr =? (await self.repo.release(bytes)).errorOption:
return failure(releaseErr.toErr(AvailabilityReleaseFailedError))
availability.size = (availability.size.truncate(uint) - bytes).u256
template rollbackRelease(e: ref CatchableError) =
trace "rolling back release"
if rollbackErr =? (await self.repo.reserve(bytes)).errorOption:
rollbackErr.parent = e
return failure(rollbackErr)
# remove completely used availabilities
if availability.size == 0.u256:
if err =? (await self.delete(
return failure(err)
return success()
# persist partially used availability with updated size
if err =? (await self.update(availability)).errorOption:
return failure(err)
return success()
proc markUsed*(
self: Reservations,
id: AvailabilityId): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
without var availability =? (await self.get(id)), err:
return failure(err)
availability.used = true
let r = await self.update(availability)
if r.isOk:
trace "availability marked used", id = id.toArray.toHex
return r
proc markUnused*(
self: Reservations,
id: AvailabilityId): Future[?!void] {.async.} =
without var availability =? (await self.get(id)), err:
return failure(err)
availability.used = false
let r = await self.update(availability)
if r.isOk:
trace "availability marked unused", id = id.toArray.toHex
return r
iterator items*(self: AvailabilityIter): Future[?Availability] =
while not self.finished:
proc availabilities*(
self: Reservations): Future[?!AvailabilityIter] {.async.} =
var iter = AvailabilityIter()
let query = Query.init(ReservationsKey)
without results =? await self.repo.metaDs.query(query), err:
return failure(err)
proc next(): Future[?Availability] {.async.} =
await idleAsync()
iter.finished = results.finished
if not results.finished and
r =? (await and
serialized =? and
serialized.len > 0:
return some Json.decode(string.fromBytes(serialized), Availability)
return none Availability = next
return success iter
proc unused*(r: Reservations): Future[?!seq[Availability]] {.async.} =
var ret: seq[Availability] = @[]
without availabilities =? (await r.availabilities), err:
return failure(err)
for a in availabilities:
if availability =? (await a) and not availability.used:
ret.add availability
return success(ret)
proc find*(
self: Reservations,
size, duration, minPrice, collateral: UInt256,
used: bool): Future[?Availability] {.async.} =
without availabilities =? (await self.availabilities), err:
error "failed to get all availabilities", error = err.msg
return none Availability
for a in availabilities:
if availability =? (await a):
if used == availability.used and
size <= availability.size and
duration <= availability.duration and
collateral <= availability.maxCollateral and
minPrice >= availability.minPrice:
trace "availability matched",
used, availUsed = availability.used,
size, availsize = availability.size,
duration, availDuration = availability.duration,
minPrice, availMinPrice = availability.minPrice,
collateral, availMaxCollateral = availability.maxCollateral
return some availability
trace "availiability did not match",
used, availUsed = availability.used,
size, availsize = availability.size,
duration, availDuration = availability.duration,
minPrice, availMinPrice = availability.minPrice,
collateral, availMaxCollateral = availability.maxCollateral