138 lines
4.3 KiB
138 lines
4.3 KiB
import std/hashes
import std/tables
import pkg/stint
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/questionable
import pkg/nimcrypto
import ./market
import ./clock
export questionable
export market
Purchasing* = ref object
market: Market
clock: Clock
purchases: Table[PurchaseId, Purchase]
proofProbability*: UInt256
requestExpiryInterval*: UInt256
Purchase* = ref object
future: Future[void]
market: Market
clock: Clock
request*: StorageRequest
PurchaseTimeout* = Timeout
RequestState* = enum
New = 1, # [default] waiting to fill slots
Started = 2, # all slots filled, accepting regular proofs
Cancelled = 3, # not enough slots filled before expiry
Finished = 4, # successfully completed
Failed = 5 # too many nodes have failed to provide proofs, data lost
PurchaseId* = distinct array[32, byte]
const DefaultProofProbability = 100.u256
const DefaultRequestExpiryInterval = (10 * 60).u256
proc start(purchase: Purchase) {.gcsafe.}
func id*(purchase: Purchase): PurchaseId
proc `==`*(x, y: PurchaseId): bool {.borrow.}
proc hash*(x: PurchaseId): Hash {.borrow.}
# Using {.borrow.} for toHex does not borrow correctly and causes a
# C-compilation error, so we must do it long form
proc toHex*(x: PurchaseId): string = array[32, byte](x).toHex
proc new*(_: type Purchasing, market: Market, clock: Clock): Purchasing =
market: market,
clock: clock,
proofProbability: DefaultProofProbability,
requestExpiryInterval: DefaultRequestExpiryInterval,
proc populate*(purchasing: Purchasing, request: StorageRequest): StorageRequest =
result = request
if result.ask.proofProbability == 0.u256:
result.ask.proofProbability = purchasing.proofProbability
if result.expiry == 0.u256:
result.expiry = (purchasing.clock.now().u256 + purchasing.requestExpiryInterval)
if result.nonce == Nonce.default:
var id = result.nonce.toArray
doAssert randomBytes(id) == 32
result.nonce = Nonce(id)
proc purchase*(purchasing: Purchasing, request: StorageRequest): Purchase =
let request = purchasing.populate(request)
let purchase = Purchase(
request: request,
market: purchasing.market,
clock: purchasing.clock,
purchasing.purchases[purchase.id] = purchase
func getPurchase*(purchasing: Purchasing, id: PurchaseId): ?Purchase =
if purchasing.purchases.hasKey(id):
some purchasing.purchases[id]
none Purchase
proc run(purchase: Purchase) {.async.} =
let market = purchase.market
let clock = purchase.clock
var state = RequestState.New
proc requestStorage {.async.} =
purchase.request = await market.requestStorage(purchase.request)
proc waitUntilFulfilled {.async.} =
let done = newFuture[void]()
proc callback(_: RequestId) =
let request = purchase.request
let subscription = await market.subscribeFulfillment(request.id, callback)
await done
await subscription.unsubscribe()
state = RequestState.Started
proc withTimeout(future: Future[void]) {.async.} =
let expiry = purchase.request.expiry.truncate(int64)
await future.withTimeout(clock, expiry)
await requestStorage()
await waitUntilFulfilled().withTimeout()
except PurchaseTimeout as e:
if state != RequestState.Started:
# If contract was fulfilled, the state would be RequestState.Started.
# Otherwise, the request would have timed out and should be considered
# cancelled. However, the request state hasn't been updated to
# RequestState.Cancelled yet so we can't check for that state or listen for
# an event emission. Instead, the state will be updated when the client
# requests to withdraw funds from the storage request.
await market.withdrawFunds(purchase.request.id)
state = RequestState.Cancelled
raise e
proc start(purchase: Purchase) =
purchase.future = purchase.run()
proc wait*(purchase: Purchase) {.async.} =
await purchase.future
func id*(purchase: Purchase): PurchaseId =
func cancelled*(purchase: Purchase): bool =
func finished*(purchase: Purchase): bool =
func error*(purchase: Purchase): ?(ref CatchableError) =
if purchase.future.failed:
some purchase.future.error
none (ref CatchableError)