import std/[sequtils, strformat, os, options, importutils] import std/[times, os, strutils, terminal, parseopt, json] import pkg/questionable import pkg/questionable/results import pkg/serde/json except `%*`, `%` import pkg/circomcompat import pkg/poseidon2/io import ./utils import ./create_circuits import ./clitypes type CircomCircuit* = object r1csPath*: string wasmPath*: string zkeyPath*: string inputsPath*: string dir*: string circName*: string backendCfg: ptr CircomBn254Cfg vkp*: ptr VerifyingKey proc release*(self: CircomCircuit) = ## Release the ctx ## if not isNil(self.backendCfg): self.backendCfg.unsafeAddr.releaseCfg() if not isNil(self.vkp): self.vkp.unsafeAddr.release_key() proc initialize*(self: var CircomCircuit) = ## Create a new ctx ## var cfg: ptr CircomBn254Cfg var zkey = if self.zkeyPath.len > 0: self.zkeyPath.cstring else: nil if initCircomConfig( self.r1csPath.cstring, self.wasmPath.cstring, self.zkeyPath.cstring, cfg.addr ) != ERR_OK or cfg == nil: if cfg != nil: cfg.addr.releaseCfg() raiseAssert("failed to initialize circom compat config") var vkpPtr: ptr VerifyingKey = nil if cfg.getVerifyingKey(vkpPtr.addr) != ERR_OK or vkpPtr == nil: if vkpPtr != nil: vkpPtr.addr.releaseKey() raiseAssert("Failed to get verifying key") self.backendCfg = cfg self.vkp = vkpPtr proc parseJsons( ctx: var ptr CircomCompatCtx, key: string, value: JsonNode ) = if value.kind == JString: var num = value.parseBigInt() echo "Big NUM: ", num if ctx.pushInputU256Array(key.cstring, num.addr, 1) != ERR_OK: raise newException(ValueError, "Failed to push BigInt from dec string") elif value.kind == JInt: var num = value.getInt().uint64 echo "NUM: ", num, " orig: ", value.getInt() if ctx.pushInputU64(key.cstring, num) != ERR_OK: raise newException(ValueError, "Failed to push JInt") elif value.kind == JArray: var inputs = newSeq[UInt256]() for item in value: if item.kind == JString: inputs.add item.parseBigInt() elif item.kind == JArray: for subitem in item: doAssert subitem.kind == JString inputs.add subitem.parseBigInt() if ctx.pushInputU256Array(key.cstring, inputs[0].addr, inputs.len.uint) != ERR_OK: raise newException(ValueError, "Failed to push BigInt from dec string") else: echo "unhandled val: " & $value raise newException(ValueError, "Failed to push Json of " & $value.kind) proc initCircomCtx*( self: CircomCircuit, input: JsonNode ): ptr CircomCompatCtx = # TODO: All parameters should match circom's static parametter var ctx: ptr CircomCompatCtx if initCircomCompat(self.backendCfg, addr ctx) != ERR_OK or ctx == nil: raiseAssert("failed to initialize CircomCircuit ctx") for key, value in input: echo "KEY: ", key, " VAL: ", value.kind ctx.parseJsons(key, value) return ctx proc prove*( self: CircomCircuit, ctx: ptr CircomCompatCtx ): CircomProof = ## Encode buffers using a ctx ## var proofPtr: ptr Proof = nil let proof: Proof = try: if (let res = self.backendCfg.proveCircuit(ctx, proofPtr.addr); res != ERR_OK) or proofPtr == nil: echo "Failed to prove - err code: " & $res proofPtr[] finally: if proofPtr != nil: proofPtr.addr.releaseProof() # echo "Proof:" # echo proof echo "\nProof:json: " let g16proof: Groth16Proof = proof.toGroth16Proof() echo pretty(%*(g16proof)) return proof proc verify*( self: CircomCircuit, ctx: ptr CircomCompatCtx, proof: CircomProof, ): bool = ## Verify a proof using a ctx var inputs: ptr Inputs doAssert ctx.get_pub_inputs(inputs.addr) == ERR_OK try: let res = verifyCircuit(proof.unsafeAddr, inputs, self.vkp) if res == ERR_OK: result = true elif res == ERR_FAILED_TO_VERIFY_PROOF: result = false else: raise newException(ValueError, "Failed to verify proof - err code: " & $res) echo "proof verification result: ", result finally: release_inputs(inputs.addr) proc printHelp() = echo "usage:" echo " ./circom_ark_prover_cli [options] " echo "" echo "available options:" echo " -h, --help : print this help" echo " -v, --verbose : verbose output (print the actual parameters)" echo " --r1cs:$FILE : r1cs file path" echo " --wasm:$FILE : wasm file path" echo " --zkey:$FILE : zkey file path" echo " --inputs:$FILE : inputs.json file path" echo "" echo "Must provide files options. Use either:" echo " --dir:$CIRCUIT_DIR --name:$CIRCUIT_NAME" echo "or:" echo " --r1cs:$R1CS --wasm:$WASM --zkey:$ZKEY" echo "" quit(1) proc parseCliOptions(self: var CircomCircuit) = var argCtr: int = 0 template expectPath(val: string): string = if val == "": echo "ERROR: expected path a but got empty for: ", key printHelp() val.absolutePath let params = @[ "--dir:benchmarks/circuit_bench_depth32_maxslots256_cellsize2048_blocksize65536_nsamples1_entropy1234567_seed12345_nslots11_ncells512_index3/", "--name:proof_main" ] for kind, key, value in getOpt(params): case kind # Positional arguments of cmdArgument: echo "\nERROR: got unexpected arg: ", key, "\n" printHelp() # Switches of cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption: case key of "h", "help": printHelp() of "r1cs": self.r1csPath = value.expectPath() of "wasm": self.wasmPath = value.expectPath() of "zkey": self.zkeyPath = value.expectPath() of "inputs": self.inputsPath = value.expectPath() of "dir": self.dir = value.expectPath() of "name": self.circName = value else: echo "Unknown option: ", key echo "use --help to get a list of options" quit() of cmdEnd: discard proc run*() = ## Run Codex Ark/Circom based prover ## echo "Running prover" # prove wasm ${CIRCUIT_MAIN}.zkey witness.wtns proof.json public.json var self = CircomCircuit() parseCliOptions(self) let dir = if self.dir != "": self.dir else: getCurrentDir() if self.circName != "": if self.r1csPath == "": self.r1csPath = dir / fmt"{self.circName}.r1cs" if self.wasmPath == "": self.wasmPath = dir / fmt"{self.circName}.wasm" if self.zkeyPath == "": self.zkeyPath = dir / fmt"{self.circName}.zkey" if self.inputsPath == "": self.inputsPath = dir / fmt"input.json" echo "Got file args: ", self var fileErrors = false template checkFile(file, name: untyped) = if file == "" or not file.fileExists(): echo "\nERROR: must provide `" & name & "` file" fileErrors = true checkFile self.inputsPath, "inputs.json" checkFile self.r1csPath, "r1cs" checkFile self.wasmPath, "wasm" checkFile self.zkeyPath, "zkey" if fileErrors: echo "ERROR: couldn't find all files" printHelp() self.initialize() var inputData = self.inputsPath.readFile() inputs: JsonNode = !JsonNode.parse(inputData) var ctx = initCircomCtx(self, inputs) defer: if ctx != nil: ctx.addr.releaseCircomCompat() let proof = prove(self, ctx) let verified = verify(self, ctx, proof) when isMainModule: run()