## Nim-Codex ## Copyright (c) 2022 Status Research & Development GmbH ## Licensed under either of ## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE)) ## * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT)) ## at your option. ## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to ## those terms. {.push raises: [].} import std/sequtils import std/tables import std/algorithm import std/sequtils import pkg/chronos import pkg/libp2p import ../protobuf/blockexc import ../../blocktype import ../../logutils import ./peercontext export peercontext logScope: topics = "codex peerctxstore" type PeerCtxStore* = ref object of RootObj peers*: OrderedTable[PeerId, BlockExcPeerCtx] PeersForBlock* = tuple[with: seq[BlockExcPeerCtx], without: seq[BlockExcPeerCtx]] iterator items*(self: PeerCtxStore): BlockExcPeerCtx = for p in self.peers.values: yield p proc contains*(a: openArray[BlockExcPeerCtx], b: PeerId): bool = ## Convenience method to check for peer precense ## a.anyIt(it.id == b) func peerIds*(self: PeerCtxStore): seq[PeerId] = toSeq(self.peers.keys) func contains*(self: PeerCtxStore, peerId: PeerId): bool = peerId in self.peers func add*(self: PeerCtxStore, peer: BlockExcPeerCtx) = self.peers[peer.id] = peer func remove*(self: PeerCtxStore, peerId: PeerId) = self.peers.del(peerId) func get*(self: PeerCtxStore, peerId: PeerId): BlockExcPeerCtx = self.peers.getOrDefault(peerId, nil) func len*(self: PeerCtxStore): int = self.peers.len func peersHave*(self: PeerCtxStore, address: BlockAddress): seq[BlockExcPeerCtx] = toSeq(self.peers.values).filterIt(it.peerHave.anyIt(it == address)) func peersHave*(self: PeerCtxStore, cid: Cid): seq[BlockExcPeerCtx] = toSeq(self.peers.values).filterIt(it.peerHave.anyIt(it.cidOrTreeCid == cid)) func peersWant*(self: PeerCtxStore, address: BlockAddress): seq[BlockExcPeerCtx] = toSeq(self.peers.values).filterIt(it.peerWants.anyIt(it == address)) func peersWant*(self: PeerCtxStore, cid: Cid): seq[BlockExcPeerCtx] = toSeq(self.peers.values).filterIt(it.peerWants.anyIt(it.address.cidOrTreeCid == cid)) proc getPeersForBlock*(self: PeerCtxStore, address: BlockAddress): PeersForBlock = var res: PeersForBlock = (@[], @[]) for peer in self: if peer.peerHave.anyIt(it == address): res.with.add(peer) else: res.without.add(peer) res proc new*(T: type PeerCtxStore): PeerCtxStore = ## create new instance of a peer context store PeerCtxStore(peers: initOrderedTable[PeerId, BlockExcPeerCtx]())