# Protocol of data exchange between Codex nodes # and Protobuf encoder/decoder for these messages. # # Eventually all this code should be auto-generated from message.proto. import std/sugar import pkg/libp2p/protobuf/minprotobuf import pkg/libp2p/cid import pkg/questionable import ../../units import ../../merkletree import ../../blocktype const MaxBlockSize* = 100.MiBs.uint MaxMessageSize* = 100.MiBs.uint type WantType* = enum WantBlock = 0, WantHave = 1 WantListEntry* = object address*: BlockAddress priority*: int32 # The priority (normalized). default to 1 cancel*: bool # Whether this revokes an entry wantType*: WantType # Note: defaults to enum 0, ie Block sendDontHave*: bool # Note: defaults to false WantList* = object entries*: seq[WantListEntry] # A list of wantList entries full*: bool # Whether this is the full wantList. default to false BlockDelivery* = object blk*: Block address*: BlockAddress proof*: ?MerkleProof # Present only if `address.leaf` is true BlockPresenceType* = enum Have = 0, DontHave = 1 BlockPresence* = object address*: BlockAddress `type`*: BlockPresenceType price*: seq[byte] # Amount of assets to pay for the block (UInt256) AccountMessage* = object address*: seq[byte] # Ethereum address to which payments should be made StateChannelUpdate* = object update*: seq[byte] # Signed Nitro state, serialized as JSON Message* = object wantList*: WantList payload*: seq[BlockDelivery] blockPresences*: seq[BlockPresence] pendingBytes*: uint account*: AccountMessage payment*: StateChannelUpdate # # Encoding Message into seq[byte] in Protobuf format # proc write*(pb: var ProtoBuffer, field: int, value: BlockAddress) = var ipb = initProtoBuffer() ipb.write(1, value.leaf.uint) if value.leaf: ipb.write(2, value.treeCid.data.buffer) ipb.write(3, value.index.uint64) else: ipb.write(4, value.cid.data.buffer) ipb.finish() pb.write(field, ipb) proc write*(pb: var ProtoBuffer, field: int, value: WantListEntry) = var ipb = initProtoBuffer() ipb.write(1, value.address) ipb.write(2, value.priority.uint64) ipb.write(3, value.cancel.uint) ipb.write(4, value.wantType.uint) ipb.write(5, value.sendDontHave.uint) ipb.finish() pb.write(field, ipb) proc write*(pb: var ProtoBuffer, field: int, value: WantList) = var ipb = initProtoBuffer() for v in value.entries: ipb.write(1, v) ipb.write(2, value.full.uint) ipb.finish() pb.write(field, ipb) proc write*(pb: var ProtoBuffer, field: int, value: BlockDelivery) = var ipb = initProtoBuffer(maxSize = MaxBlockSize) ipb.write(1, value.blk.cid.data.buffer) ipb.write(2, value.blk.data) ipb.write(3, value.address) if value.address.leaf: if proof =? value.proof: ipb.write(4, proof.encode()) ipb.finish() pb.write(field, ipb) proc write*(pb: var ProtoBuffer, field: int, value: BlockPresence) = var ipb = initProtoBuffer() ipb.write(1, value.address) ipb.write(2, value.`type`.uint) ipb.write(3, value.price) ipb.finish() pb.write(field, ipb) proc write*(pb: var ProtoBuffer, field: int, value: AccountMessage) = var ipb = initProtoBuffer() ipb.write(1, value.address) ipb.finish() pb.write(field, ipb) proc write*(pb: var ProtoBuffer, field: int, value: StateChannelUpdate) = var ipb = initProtoBuffer() ipb.write(1, value.update) ipb.finish() pb.write(field, ipb) proc protobufEncode*(value: Message): seq[byte] = var ipb = initProtoBuffer(maxSize = MaxMessageSize) ipb.write(1, value.wantList) for v in value.payload: ipb.write(3, v) for v in value.blockPresences: ipb.write(4, v) ipb.write(5, value.pendingBytes) ipb.write(6, value.account) ipb.write(7, value.payment) ipb.finish() ipb.buffer # # Decoding Message from seq[byte] in Protobuf format # proc decode*(_: type BlockAddress, pb: ProtoBuffer): ProtoResult[BlockAddress] = var value: BlockAddress leaf: bool field: uint64 cidBuf = newSeq[byte]() if ? pb.getField(1, field): leaf = bool(field) if leaf: var treeCid: Cid index: Natural if ? pb.getField(2, cidBuf): treeCid = ? Cid.init(cidBuf).mapErr(x => ProtoError.IncorrectBlob) if ? pb.getField(3, field): index = field value = BlockAddress(leaf: true, treeCid: treeCid, index: index) else: var cid: Cid if ? pb.getField(4, cidBuf): cid = ? Cid.init(cidBuf).mapErr(x => ProtoError.IncorrectBlob) value = BlockAddress(leaf: false, cid: cid) ok(value) proc decode*(_: type WantListEntry, pb: ProtoBuffer): ProtoResult[WantListEntry] = var value = WantListEntry() field: uint64 ipb: ProtoBuffer buf = newSeq[byte]() if ? pb.getField(1, ipb): value.address = ? BlockAddress.decode(ipb) if ? pb.getField(2, field): value.priority = int32(field) if ? pb.getField(3, field): value.cancel = bool(field) if ? pb.getField(4, field): value.wantType = WantType(field) if ? pb.getField(5, field): value.sendDontHave = bool(field) ok(value) proc decode*(_: type WantList, pb: ProtoBuffer): ProtoResult[WantList] = var value = WantList() field: uint64 sublist: seq[seq[byte]] if ? pb.getRepeatedField(1, sublist): for item in sublist: value.entries.add(? WantListEntry.decode(initProtoBuffer(item))) if ? pb.getField(2, field): value.full = bool(field) ok(value) proc decode*(_: type BlockDelivery, pb: ProtoBuffer): ProtoResult[BlockDelivery] = var value = BlockDelivery() field: uint64 dataBuf = newSeq[byte]() cidBuf = newSeq[byte]() cid: Cid ipb: ProtoBuffer if ? pb.getField(1, cidBuf): cid = ? Cid.init(cidBuf).mapErr(x => ProtoError.IncorrectBlob) if ? pb.getField(2, dataBuf): value.blk = ? Block.new(cid, dataBuf, verify = true).mapErr(x => ProtoError.IncorrectBlob) if ? pb.getField(3, ipb): value.address = ? BlockAddress.decode(ipb) if value.address.leaf: var proofBuf = newSeq[byte]() if ? pb.getField(4, proofBuf): let proof = ? MerkleProof.decode(proofBuf).mapErr(x => ProtoError.IncorrectBlob) value.proof = proof.some else: value.proof = MerkleProof.none else: value.proof = MerkleProof.none ok(value) proc decode*(_: type BlockPresence, pb: ProtoBuffer): ProtoResult[BlockPresence] = var value = BlockPresence() field: uint64 ipb: ProtoBuffer if ? pb.getField(1, ipb): value.address = ? BlockAddress.decode(ipb) if ? pb.getField(2, field): value.`type` = BlockPresenceType(field) discard ? pb.getField(3, value.price) ok(value) proc decode*(_: type AccountMessage, pb: ProtoBuffer): ProtoResult[AccountMessage] = var value = AccountMessage() discard ? pb.getField(1, value.address) ok(value) proc decode*(_: type StateChannelUpdate, pb: ProtoBuffer): ProtoResult[StateChannelUpdate] = var value = StateChannelUpdate() discard ? pb.getField(1, value.update) ok(value) proc protobufDecode*(_: type Message, msg: seq[byte]): ProtoResult[Message] = var value = Message() pb = initProtoBuffer(msg, maxSize = MaxMessageSize) ipb: ProtoBuffer sublist: seq[seq[byte]] if ? pb.getField(1, ipb): value.wantList = ? WantList.decode(ipb) if ? pb.getRepeatedField(3, sublist): for item in sublist: value.payload.add(? BlockDelivery.decode(initProtoBuffer(item, maxSize = MaxBlockSize))) if ? pb.getRepeatedField(4, sublist): for item in sublist: value.blockPresences.add(? BlockPresence.decode(initProtoBuffer(item))) discard ? pb.getField(5, value.pendingBytes) if ? pb.getField(6, ipb): value.account = ? AccountMessage.decode(ipb) if ? pb.getField(7, ipb): value.payment = ? StateChannelUpdate.decode(ipb) ok(value)