## Nim-Dagger ## Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH ## Licensed under either of ## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE)) ## * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT)) ## at your option. ## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to ## those terms. import std/sequtils import std/sets import pkg/chronos import pkg/chronicles import pkg/libp2p import ../stores/blockstore import ../blocktype as bt import ../utils import ./protobuf/blockexc import ./protobuf/presence import ./network import ./peers import ./engine/payments import ./engine/discovery import ./pendingblocks export peers, pendingblocks, payments, discovery logScope: topics = "dagger blockexc engine" const DefaultMaxPeersPerRequest* = 10 DefaultTaskQueueSize = 100 DefaultConcurrentTasks = 10 DefaultMaxRetries = 3 DefaultConcurrentDiscRequests = 10 DefaultConcurrentAdvertRequests = 10 DefaultDiscoveryTimeout = 1.minutes DefaultMaxQueriedBlocksCache = 1000 DefaultMinPeersPerBlock = 3 type TaskHandler* = proc(task: BlockExcPeerCtx): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} TaskScheduler* = proc(task: BlockExcPeerCtx): bool {.gcsafe.} BlockExcEngine* = ref object of RootObj localStore*: BlockStore # Local block store for this instance network*: BlockExcNetwork # Petwork interface peers*: PeerCtxStore # Peers we're currently actively exchanging with taskQueue*: AsyncHeapQueue[BlockExcPeerCtx] # Peers we're currently processing tasks for concurrentTasks: int # Number of concurrent peers we're serving at any given time blockexcTasks: seq[Future[void]] # Future to control blockexc task blockexcRunning: bool # Indicates if the blockexc task is running pendingBlocks*: PendingBlocksManager # Blocks we're awaiting to be resolved peersPerRequest: int # Max number of peers to request from wallet*: WalletRef # Nitro wallet for micropayments pricing*: ?Pricing # Optional bandwidth pricing discovery*: DiscoveryEngine Pricing* = object address*: EthAddress price*: UInt256 proc contains*(a: AsyncHeapQueue[Entry], b: Cid): bool = ## Convenience method to check for entry prepense ## a.anyIt( it.cid == b ) # attach task scheduler to engine proc scheduleTask(b: BlockExcEngine, task: BlockExcPeerCtx): bool {.gcsafe} = b.taskQueue.pushOrUpdateNoWait(task).isOk() proc blockexcTaskRunner(b: BlockExcEngine): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} proc start*(b: BlockExcEngine) {.async.} = ## Start the blockexc task ## await b.discovery.start() trace "Blockexc starting with concurrent tasks", tasks = b.concurrentTasks if b.blockexcRunning: warn "Starting blockexc twice" return b.blockexcRunning = true for i in 0.. 0: b.network.request.sendWantList( peer, cids, wantType = WantType.wantBlock) # we want this remote to send us a block # if none of the connected peers report our wants in their have list, # fire up discovery b.discovery.queueFindBlocksReq( toSeq(b.pendingBlocks.wantList) .filter do(cid: Cid) -> bool: not b.peers.anyIt( cid in it.peerHave )) proc scheduleTasks(b: BlockExcEngine, blocks: seq[bt.Block]) = trace "Schedule a task for new blocks" let cids = blocks.mapIt( it.cid ) # schedule any new peers to provide blocks to for p in b.peers: for c in cids: # for each cid # schedule a peer if it wants at least one # cid and we have it in our local store if c in p.peerWants and c in b.localStore: if b.scheduleTask(p): trace "Task scheduled for peer", peer = p.id else: trace "Unable to schedule task for peer", peer = p.id break # do next peer proc resolveBlocks*(b: BlockExcEngine, blocks: seq[bt.Block]) = ## Resolve pending blocks from the pending blocks manager ## and schedule any new task to be ran ## trace "Resolving blocks", blocks = blocks.len b.pendingBlocks.resolve(blocks) b.scheduleTasks(blocks) b.discovery.queueProvideBlocksReq(blocks.mapIt( it.cid )) proc payForBlocks(engine: BlockExcEngine, peer: BlockExcPeerCtx, blocks: seq[bt.Block]) = let sendPayment = engine.network.request.sendPayment if sendPayment.isNil: return let cids = blocks.mapIt(it.cid) if payment =? engine.wallet.pay(peer, peer.price(cids)): sendPayment(peer.id, payment) proc blocksHandler*( b: BlockExcEngine, peer: PeerID, blocks: seq[bt.Block]) {.async.} = ## handle incoming blocks ## trace "Got blocks from peer", peer, len = blocks.len for blk in blocks: if not (await b.localStore.putBlock(blk)): trace "Unable to store block", cid = blk.cid continue b.resolveBlocks(blocks) let peerCtx = b.peers.get(peer) if peerCtx != nil: b.payForBlocks(peerCtx, blocks) proc wantListHandler*( b: BlockExcEngine, peer: PeerID, wantList: WantList) {.async.} = ## Handle incoming want lists ## trace "Got want list for peer", peer let peerCtx = b.peers.get(peer) if isNil(peerCtx): return var dontHaves: seq[Cid] let entries = wantList.entries for e in entries: let idx = peerCtx.peerWants.find(e) if idx > -1: # peer doesn't want this block anymore if e.cancel: peerCtx.peerWants.del(idx) continue peerCtx.peerWants[idx] = e # update entry else: peerCtx.peerWants.add(e) trace "Added entry to peer's want list", peer = peerCtx.id, cid = $e.cid # peer might want to ask for the same cid with # different want params if e.sendDontHave and e.cid notin b.localStore: dontHaves.add(e.cid) # send don't have's to remote if dontHaves.len > 0: b.network.request.sendPresence( peer, dontHaves.mapIt( BlockPresence( cid: it.data.buffer, `type`: BlockPresenceType.presenceDontHave))) if not b.scheduleTask(peerCtx): trace "Unable to schedule task for peer", peer proc accountHandler*( engine: BlockExcEngine, peer: PeerID, account: Account) {.async.} = let context = engine.peers.get(peer) if context.isNil: return context.account = account.some proc paymentHandler*( engine: BlockExcEngine, peer: PeerId, payment: SignedState) {.async.} = without context =? engine.peers.get(peer).option and account =? context.account: return if channel =? context.paymentChannel: let sender = account.address discard engine.wallet.acceptPayment(channel, Asset, sender, payment) else: context.paymentChannel = engine.wallet.acceptChannel(payment).option proc setupPeer*(b: BlockExcEngine, peer: PeerID) = ## Perform initial setup, such as want ## list exchange ## trace "Setting up new peer", peer if peer notin b.peers: b.peers.add(BlockExcPeerCtx( id: peer )) # broadcast our want list, the other peer will do the same if b.pendingBlocks.len > 0: b.network.request.sendWantList(peer, toSeq(b.pendingBlocks.wantList), full = true) if address =? b.pricing.?address: b.network.request.sendAccount(peer, Account(address: address)) proc dropPeer*(b: BlockExcEngine, peer: PeerID) = ## Cleanup disconnected peer ## trace "Dropping peer", peer # drop the peer from the peers table b.peers.remove(peer) proc taskHandler*(b: BlockExcEngine, task: BlockExcPeerCtx) {.gcsafe, async.} = trace "Handling task for peer", peer = task.id var wantsBlocks = newAsyncHeapQueue[Entry](queueType = QueueType.Max) # get blocks and wants to send to the remote for e in task.peerWants: if e.wantType == WantType.wantBlock: await wantsBlocks.push(e) # TODO: There should be all sorts of accounting of # bytes sent/received here if wantsBlocks.len > 0: let blockFuts = await allFinished(wantsBlocks.mapIt( b.localStore.getBlock(it.cid) )) let blocks = blockFuts .filterIt((not it.failed) and it.read.isOk) .mapIt(!it.read) if blocks.len > 0: trace "Sending blocks to peer", peer = task.id, blocks = blocks.len b.network.request.sendBlocks( task.id, blocks) # Remove successfully sent blocks task.peerWants.keepIf( proc(e: Entry): bool = not blocks.anyIt( it.cid == e.cid ) ) var wants: seq[BlockPresence] # do not remove wants from the queue unless # we send the block or get a cancel for e in task.peerWants: if e.wantType == WantType.wantHave: var presence = Presence(cid: e.cid) presence.have = b.localStore.hasblock(presence.cid) if presence.have and price =? b.pricing.?price: presence.price = price wants.add(BlockPresence.init(presence)) if wants.len > 0: b.network.request.sendPresence(task.id, wants) proc blockexcTaskRunner(b: BlockExcEngine) {.async.} = ## process tasks ## trace "Starting blockexc task runner" while b.blockexcRunning: let peerCtx = await b.taskQueue.pop() trace "Got new task from queue", peerId = peerCtx.id await b.taskHandler(peerCtx) trace "Exiting blockexc task runner" proc new*( T: type BlockExcEngine, localStore: BlockStore, wallet: WalletRef, network: BlockExcNetwork, discovery: DiscoveryEngine, peerStore: PeerCtxStore, pendingBlocks: PendingBlocksManager, concurrentTasks = DefaultConcurrentTasks, peersPerRequest = DefaultMaxPeersPerRequest): T = let engine = BlockExcEngine( localStore: localStore, peers: peerStore, pendingBlocks: pendingBlocks, peersPerRequest: peersPerRequest, network: network, wallet: wallet, concurrentTasks: concurrentTasks, taskQueue: newAsyncHeapQueue[BlockExcPeerCtx](DefaultTaskQueueSize), discovery: discovery) proc peerEventHandler(peerId: PeerID, event: PeerEvent) {.async.} = if event.kind == PeerEventKind.Joined: engine.setupPeer(peerId) else: engine.dropPeer(peerId) if not isNil(network.switch): network.switch.addPeerEventHandler(peerEventHandler, PeerEventKind.Joined) network.switch.addPeerEventHandler(peerEventHandler, PeerEventKind.Left) proc blockWantListHandler( peer: PeerID, wantList: WantList): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} = engine.wantListHandler(peer, wantList) proc blockPresenceHandler( peer: PeerID, presence: seq[BlockPresence]): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} = engine.blockPresenceHandler(peer, presence) proc blocksHandler( peer: PeerID, blocks: seq[bt.Block]): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} = engine.blocksHandler(peer, blocks) proc accountHandler(peer: PeerId, account: Account): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} = engine.accountHandler(peer, account) proc paymentHandler(peer: PeerId, payment: SignedState): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} = engine.paymentHandler(peer, payment) network.handlers = BlockExcHandlers( onWantList: blockWantListHandler, onBlocks: blocksHandler, onPresence: blockPresenceHandler, onAccount: accountHandler, onPayment: paymentHandler) return engine