* Indicate that slot is being repaired when trying to download
* Fix tests
* Apply nph
* Calculate the repair collateral when adding the item into the queue
* Add slotCollateral calculation with getRequest cache and remove populationItem function
* Update with pricePerByte
* Simplify StorageAsk parameter
* Minor fixes
* Move cache request to another PR
* Rename SlotQueueItem collateral and required in init
* Use override func to optimise calls when the slot state is known
* Remove unused code
* Cosmetic change
* Use raiseMarketError helper
* Add exceptions to async pragma
* Cosmetic change
* Use raiseMarketError helper
* Let slotCollateral determines the slot sate
* Use configSync to avoid async pragma in onStorageRequested
* Add loadConfig function
* Add CatchableError to async pragma
* Add missing pragma raises errors
* Move loadConfig
* Avoid swallow CancelledError
* Avoid swallowing CancelledError
* Avoid swallowing CancelledError
* Update error messages
* Except MarketError instead of CatchableError
* Fix merge issue
* Log fatal when configuration cannot be loaded
* Propagate MarketError in slotCollateral
* Remove useless configSync
* Use result with explicit error
* Fix syntax
Signed-off-by: Arnaud <arnaud@status.im>
* openAPI: StorageRequestCreation: reward => pricePerByte, collateral => collateralPerByte
* purchasing: reward => pricePerByte, collateral => collateralPerByte
* Updates availabilities and reservations to use totalCollateral, minPricePerByte, and maxCollateralPerByte
* Uses correct div operator when operating on UInt256
* proposal updating totalCollateral in availability
* makes sure that reading currentCollateral happens before freeing slot
* Updates naming
* fixes tests: unit and contracts
* uses feat/price-per-byte branch for codex-contracts-eth
* temporarily disables integration tests on CI
* introduces high level <<totalCollateral>> property for a cleaner external interface
* updates integration tests
* Applies review comments
* Updates description of totalCollateral in SalesAvailability
* updates codex-contracts-eth (price-per-byte)
- cleans up all instances of `.track` to use the `module.trackedfutures.track(future)` procedure, for better readability
- removes the `track` override that is no longer used in the codebase
* add seen flag
* Add MockSlotQueueItem and better prioritisation tests
* Update seen priority, and include in SlotQueueItem.init
* Re-add processed slots to queue
Re-add processed slots to queue if the sale was ignored or errored
* add pausing of queue
- when processing slots in queue, pause queue if item was marked seen
- if availability size is increased, trigger onAvailabilityAdded callback
- in sales, on availability added, clear 'seen' flags, then unpause the queue
- when items pushed to the queue, unpause the queue
* remove unused NoMatchingAvailabilityError from slotqueue
The slot queue should also have nothing to do with availabilities
* when all availabilities are empty, pause the queue
An empty availability is defined as size < DefaultBlockSize as this means even the smallest possible request could not be served. However, this is up for discussion.
* remove availability from onAvailabilitiesEmptied callback
* refactor onAvailabilityAdded and onAvailabilitiesEmptied
onAvailabilityAdded and onAvailabilitiesEmptied are now only called from reservations.update (and eventually reservations.delete once implemented).
- Add empty routine for Availability and Reservation
- Add allEmpty routine for Availability and Reservation, which returns true when all all Availability or Reservation objects in the datastore are empty.
* SlotQueue test support updates
* Sales module test support updates
* Reservations module tests for queue pausing
* Sales module tests for queue pausing
Includes tests for sales states cancelled, errored, ignored to ensure onCleanUp is called with correct parameters
* SlotQueue module tests for queue pausing
* fix existing sales test
* PR feedback
- indent `self.unpause`
- update comment for `clearSeenFlags`
* reprocessSlot in SaleErrored only when coming from downloading
* remove pausing of queue when availabilities are "emptied"
Queue pausing when all availiabilies are "emptied" is not necessary, given that the node would not be able to service slots once all its availabilities' freeSize are too small for the slots in the queue, and would then be paused anyway.
Add test that asserts the queue is paused once the freeSpace of availabilities drops too low to fill slots in the queue.
* Update clearing of seen flags
The asyncheapqueue update overload would need to check index bounds and ultimately a different solution was found using the mitems iterator.
* fix test
request.id was different before updating request.ask.slots, and that id was used to set the state in mockmarket.
* Change filled/cleanup future to nil, so no await is needed
* add wait to allow items to be added to queue
* do not unpause queue when seen items are pushed
* re-add seen item back to queue once paused
Previously, when a seen item was processed, it was first popped off the queue, then the queue was paused waiting to process that item once the queue was unpaused. Now, when a seen item is processed, it is popped off the queue, the queue is paused, then the item is re-added to the queue and the queue will wait until unpaused before it will continue popping items off the queue. If the item was not re-added to the queue, it would have been processed immediately once unpaused, however there may have been other items with higher priority pushed to the queue in the meantime. The queue would not be unpaused if those added items were already seen. In particular, this may happen when ignored items due to lack of availability are re-added to a paused queue. Those ignored items will likely have a higher priority than the item that was just seen (due to it having been processed first), causing the queue to the be paused.
* address PR comments
* integration: move REST API tests into their own module
* integration: move upload and download tests into their own module
* integration: move purchasing tests into their own module
* integration: move marketplace tests to the right module
* integration: mine a block *after* starting nodes
To ensure that tests involving multiple nodes do
not start with out-of-sync clocks
* Fix: do not swallow CancellationErrors
* integration: avoid underflow in UInt256
* network: remove unnecessary error handling
No Exceptions can occur, only Defects, because everything
is asyncSpawned.
Co-authored-by: Dmitriy Ryajov <dryajov@gmail.com>
* network: do not raise in asyncSpawned proc
Co-authored-by: Dmitriy Ryajov <dryajov@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Dmitriy Ryajov <dryajov@gmail.com>
* implement a logging proxy
The logging proxy:
- prevents the need to import chronicles (as well as export except toJson),
- prevents the need to override `writeValue` or use or import nim-json-seralization elsewhere in the codebase, allowing for sole use of utils/json for de/serialization,
- and handles json formatting correctly in chronicles json sinks
* Rename logging -> logutils to avoid ambiguity with common names
* clean up
* add setProperty for JsonRecord, remove nim-json-serialization conflict
* Allow specifying textlines and json format separately
Not specifying a LogFormat will apply the formatting to both textlines and json sinks.
Specifying a LogFormat will apply the formatting to only that sink.
* remove unneeded usages of std/json
We only need to import utils/json instead of std/json
* move serialization from rest/json to utils/json so it can be shared
* fix NoColors ambiguity
Was causing unit tests to fail on Windows.
* Remove nre usage to fix Windows error
Windows was erroring with `could not load: pcre64.dll`. Instead of fixing that error, remove the pcre usage :)
* Add logutils module doc
* Shorten logutils.formatIt for `NBytes`
Both json and textlines formatIt were not needed, and could be combined into one formatIt
* remove debug integration test config
debug output and logformat of json for integration test logs
* Use ## module doc to support docgen
* bump nim-poseidon2 to export fromBytes
Before the changes in this branch, fromBytes was likely being resolved by nim-stew, or other dependency. With the changes in this branch, that dependency was removed and fromBytes could no longer be resolved. By exporting fromBytes from nim-poseidon, the correct resolution is now happening.
* fixes to get compiling after rebasing master
* Add support for Result types being logged using formatIt
* implement a logging proxy
The logging proxy:
- prevents the need to import chronicles (as well as export except toJson),
- prevents the need to override `writeValue` or use or import nim-json-seralization elsewhere in the codebase, allowing for sole use of utils/json for de/serialization,
- and handles json formatting correctly in chronicles json sinks
* Rename logging -> logutils to avoid ambiguity with common names
* clean up
* add setProperty for JsonRecord, remove nim-json-serialization conflict
* Allow specifying textlines and json format separately
Not specifying a LogFormat will apply the formatting to both textlines and json sinks.
Specifying a LogFormat will apply the formatting to only that sink.
* remove unneeded usages of std/json
We only need to import utils/json instead of std/json
* move serialization from rest/json to utils/json so it can be shared
* fix NoColors ambiguity
Was causing unit tests to fail on Windows.
* Remove nre usage to fix Windows error
Windows was erroring with `could not load: pcre64.dll`. Instead of fixing that error, remove the pcre usage :)
* Add logutils module doc
* Shorten logutils.formatIt for `NBytes`
Both json and textlines formatIt were not needed, and could be combined into one formatIt
* remove debug integration test config
debug output and logformat of json for integration test logs
* Use ## module doc to support docgen
* [sales] remove availability check before adding to slot queue
* [sales] add missing return statement
* [tests] remove 'eventuallyCheck' helper
* [sales] remove reservations from slot queue
* [tests] rename module `eventually` -> `always`
* [sales] increase slot queue size
Because it will now also hold items for which we haven't
checked availability yet.
* Simplify `.then` (promise api) and tests
* Remove tracked future when cancelled. Add tracked future tests
* Track and cancel statemachine futures
The futures created in each asyncstatemachine instance are tracked, and each future is cancelled and waited in `stop`.
Change `asyncstatemachine.stop` to be async so `machine.trackedFutures.cancelAndWait` could be called.
Add a constructor for `asyncstatemachine` that initialises the `trackedFutures` instance, and call the constructor from derived class constructors.
## Slot queue
Adds a slot queue, as per the [slot queue design](https://github.com/codex-storage/codex-research/blob/master/design/sales.md#slot-queue).
Any time storage is requested, all slots from that request are immediately added to the queue. Finished, Canclled, Failed requests remove all slots with that request id from the queue. SlotFreed events add a new slot to the queue and SlotFilled events remove the slot from the queue. This allows popping of a slot each time one is processed, making things much simpler.
When an entire request of slots is added to the queue, the slot indices are shuffled randomly to hopefully prevent nodes that pick up the same storage requested event from clashing on the first processed slot index. This allowed removal of assigning a random slot index in the SalePreparing state and it also ensured that all SalesAgents will have a slot index assigned to them at the start thus the removal of the optional slotIndex.
Remove slotId from SlotFreed event as it was not being used. RequestId and slotIndex were added to the SlotFreed event earlier and those are now being used
The slot queue invariant that prioritises queue items added to the queue relies on a scoring mechanism to sort them based on the [sort order in the design document](https://github.com/codex-storage/codex-research/blob/master/design/sales.md#sort-order).
When a storage request is handled by the sales module, a slot index was randomly assigned and then the slot was filled. Now, a random slot index is only assigned when adding an entire request to the slot queue. Additionally, the slot is checked that its state is `SlotState.Free` before continuing with the download process.
SlotQueue should always ensure the underlying AsyncHeapQueue has one less than the maximum items, ensuring the SlotQueue can always have space to add an additional item regardless if it’s full or not.
Constructing `SlotQueue.workers` in `SlotQueue.new` calls `newAsyncQueue` which causes side effects, so the construction call had to be moved to `SlotQueue.start`.
Prevent loading request from contract (network request) if there is an existing item in queue for that request.
Check availability before adding request to queue.
Add ability to query market contract for past events. When new availabilities are added, the `onReservationAdded` callback is triggered in which past `StorageRequested` events are queried, and those slots are added to the queue (filtered by availability on `push` and filtered by state in `SalePreparing`).
#### Request Workers
Limit the concurrent requests being processed in the queue by using a limited pool of workers (default = 3). Workers are in a data structure of type `AsyncQueue[SlotQueueWorker]`. This allows us to await a `popFirst` for available workers inside of the main SlotQueue event loop
Add an `onCleanUp` that stops the agents and removes them from the sales module agent list. `onCleanUp` is called from sales end states (eg ignored, cancelled, finished, failed, errored).
Add a `doneProcessing` future to `SlotQueueWorker` to be completed in the `OnProcessSlot` callback. Each `doneProcessing` future created is cancelled and awaited in `SlotQueue.stop` (thanks to `TrackableFuturees`), which forced `stop` to become async.
- Cancel dispatched workers and the `onProcessSlot` callbacks, prevents zombie callbacks
#### Add TrackableFutures
Allow tracking of futures in a module so they can be cancelled at a later time. Useful for asyncSpawned futures, but works for any future.
### Sales module
The sales module needed to subscribe to request events to ensure that the request queue was managed correctly on each event. In the process of doing this, the sales agents were updated to avoid subscribing to events in each agent, and instead dispatch received events from the sales module to all created sales agents. This would prevent memory leaks on having too many eventemitters subscribed to.
- prevent removal of agents from sales module while stopping, otherwise the agents seq len is modified while iterating
An additional sales agent state was added, `SalePreparing`, that handles all state machine setup, such as retrieving the request and subscribing to events that were previously in the `SaleDownloading` state.
Once agents have parked in an end state (eg ignored, cancelled, finished, failed, errored), they were not getting cleaned up and the sales module was keeping a handle on their reference. An `onCleanUp` callback was created to be called after the state machine enters an end state, which could prevent a memory leak if the number of requests coming in is high.
Move the SalesAgent callback raises pragmas from the Sales module to the proc definition in SalesAgent. This avoids having to catch `Exception`.
- remove unneeded error handling as pragmas were moved
Move sales.subscriptions from an object containing named subscriptions to a `seq[Subscription]` directly on the sales object.
Sales tests: shut down repo after sales stop, to fix SIGABRT in CI
### Add async Promise API
- modelled after JavaScript Promise API
- alternative to `asyncSpawn` that allows handling of async calls in a synchronous context (including access to the synchronous closure) with less additional procs to be declared
- Write less code, catch errors that would otherwise defect in asyncspawn, and execute a callback after completion
- Add cancellation callbacks to utils/then, ensuring cancellations are handled properly
## Dependencies
- bump codex-contracts-eth to support slot queue (https://github.com/codex-storage/codex-contracts-eth/pull/61)
- bump nim-ethers to 0.5.0
- Bump nim-json-rpc submodule to 0bf2bcb
Co-authored-by: Jaremy Creechley <creechley@gmail.com>