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## Nim-Codex
## Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
import std/sequtils
import std/sets
import std/options
import std/algorithm
import std/sugar
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/libp2p/[cid, switch, multihash, multicodec]
import pkg/metrics
import pkg/stint
import pkg/questionable
import ../../rng
import ../../stores/blockstore
import ../../blocktype
import ../../utils
import ../../utils/exceptions
import ../../utils/trackedfutures
import ../../merkletree
feat: create logging proxy (#663) * implement a logging proxy The logging proxy: - prevents the need to import chronicles (as well as export except toJson), - prevents the need to override `writeValue` or use or import nim-json-seralization elsewhere in the codebase, allowing for sole use of utils/json for de/serialization, - and handles json formatting correctly in chronicles json sinks * Rename logging -> logutils to avoid ambiguity with common names * clean up * add setProperty for JsonRecord, remove nim-json-serialization conflict * Allow specifying textlines and json format separately Not specifying a LogFormat will apply the formatting to both textlines and json sinks. Specifying a LogFormat will apply the formatting to only that sink. * remove unneeded usages of std/json We only need to import utils/json instead of std/json * move serialization from rest/json to utils/json so it can be shared * fix NoColors ambiguity Was causing unit tests to fail on Windows. * Remove nre usage to fix Windows error Windows was erroring with `could not load: pcre64.dll`. Instead of fixing that error, remove the pcre usage :) * Add logutils module doc * Shorten logutils.formatIt for `NBytes` Both json and textlines formatIt were not needed, and could be combined into one formatIt * remove debug integration test config debug output and logformat of json for integration test logs * Use ## module doc to support docgen * bump nim-poseidon2 to export fromBytes Before the changes in this branch, fromBytes was likely being resolved by nim-stew, or other dependency. With the changes in this branch, that dependency was removed and fromBytes could no longer be resolved. By exporting fromBytes from nim-poseidon, the correct resolution is now happening. * fixes to get compiling after rebasing master * Add support for Result types being logged using formatIt
2024-01-23 18:35:03 +11:00
import ../../logutils
import ../../manifest
import ../protobuf/blockexc
import ../protobuf/presence
import ../network
import ../peers
import ./payments
import ./discovery
import ./advertiser
import ./pendingblocks
export peers, pendingblocks, payments, discovery
topics = "codex blockexcengine"
2023-11-03 17:21:54 +02:00
codex_block_exchange_want_have_lists_sent, "codex blockexchange wantHave lists sent"
"codex blockexchange wantHave lists received",
codex_block_exchange_want_block_lists_sent, "codex blockexchange wantBlock lists sent"
"codex blockexchange wantBlock lists received",
declareCounter(codex_block_exchange_blocks_sent, "codex blockexchange blocks sent")
codex_block_exchange_blocks_received, "codex blockexchange blocks received"
DefaultMaxPeersPerRequest* = 10
DefaultTaskQueueSize = 100
DefaultConcurrentTasks = 10
TaskHandler* = proc(task: BlockExcPeerCtx): Future[void] {.gcsafe.}
TaskScheduler* = proc(task: BlockExcPeerCtx): bool {.gcsafe.}
BlockExcEngine* = ref object of RootObj
localStore*: BlockStore # Local block store for this instance
network*: BlockExcNetwork # Petwork interface
peers*: PeerCtxStore # Peers we're currently actively exchanging with
taskQueue*: AsyncHeapQueue[BlockExcPeerCtx]
# Peers we're currently processing tasks for
concurrentTasks: int # Number of concurrent peers we're serving at any given time
trackedFutures: TrackedFutures # Tracks futures of blockexc tasks
blockexcRunning: bool # Indicates if the blockexc task is running
pendingBlocks*: PendingBlocksManager # Blocks we're awaiting to be resolved
wallet*: WalletRef # Nitro wallet for micropayments
pricing*: ?Pricing # Optional bandwidth pricing
discovery*: DiscoveryEngine
advertiser*: Advertiser
Pricing* = object
address*: EthAddress
price*: UInt256
# attach task scheduler to engine
proc scheduleTask(self: BlockExcEngine, task: BlockExcPeerCtx): bool {.gcsafe.} =
proc blockexcTaskRunner(self: BlockExcEngine) {.async: (raises: []).}
proc start*(self: BlockExcEngine) {.async.} =
## Start the blockexc task
await self.discovery.start()
await self.advertiser.start()
trace "Blockexc starting with concurrent tasks", tasks = self.concurrentTasks
if self.blockexcRunning:
warn "Starting blockexc twice"
self.blockexcRunning = true
for i in 0 ..< self.concurrentTasks:
let fut = self.blockexcTaskRunner()
proc stop*(self: BlockExcEngine) {.async.} =
## Stop the blockexc blockexc
await self.trackedFutures.cancelTracked()
await self.network.stop()
await self.discovery.stop()
await self.advertiser.stop()
trace "NetworkStore stop"
if not self.blockexcRunning:
warn "Stopping blockexc without starting it"
self.blockexcRunning = false
trace "NetworkStore stopped"
proc sendWantHave(
self: BlockExcEngine, addresses: seq[BlockAddress], peers: seq[BlockExcPeerCtx]
): Future[void] {.async.} =
for p in peers:
let toAsk = addresses.filterIt(it notin p.peerHave)
trace "Sending wantHave request", toAsk, peer = p.id
await self.network.request.sendWantList(p.id, toAsk, wantType = WantType.WantHave)
proc sendWantBlock(
self: BlockExcEngine, addresses: seq[BlockAddress], blockPeer: BlockExcPeerCtx
): Future[void] {.async.} =
trace "Sending wantBlock request to", addresses, peer = blockPeer.id
await self.network.request.sendWantList(
blockPeer.id, addresses, wantType = WantType.WantBlock
) # we want this remote to send us a block
proc randomPeer(peers: seq[BlockExcPeerCtx]): BlockExcPeerCtx =
proc downloadInternal(
self: BlockExcEngine, address: BlockAddress
) {.async: (raises: []).} =
address = address
let handle = self.pendingBlocks.getWantHandle(address)
trace "Downloading block"
while address in self.pendingBlocks:
retries = self.pendingBlocks.retries(address)
interval = self.pendingBlocks.retryInterval
if self.pendingBlocks.retriesExhausted(address):
trace "Error retries exhausted"
handle.fail(newException(RetriesExhaustedError, "Error retries exhausted"))
trace "Running retry handle"
let peers = self.peers.getPeersForBlock(address)
peersWith = peers.with.len
peersWithout = peers.without.len
trace "Peers for block"
if peers.with.len > 0:
self.pendingBlocks.setInFlight(address, true)
await self.sendWantBlock(@[address], peers.with.randomPeer)
self.pendingBlocks.setInFlight(address, false)
if peers.without.len > 0:
await self.sendWantHave(@[address], peers.without)
await (handle or sleepAsync(self.pendingBlocks.retryInterval))
if handle.finished:
trace "Handle for block finished", failed = handle.failed
except CancelledError as exc:
trace "Block download cancelled"
if not handle.finished:
await handle.cancelAndWait()
except CatchableError as exc:
warn "Error downloadloading block", exc = exc.msg
if not handle.finished:
self.pendingBlocks.setInFlight(address, false)
proc requestBlock*(
self: BlockExcEngine, address: BlockAddress
): Future[?!Block] {.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} =
if address notin self.pendingBlocks:
let handle = self.pendingBlocks.getWantHandle(address)
success await handle
except CancelledError as err:
warn "Block request cancelled", address
raise err
except CatchableError as err:
error "Block request failed", address, err = err.msg
failure err
proc requestBlock*(
self: BlockExcEngine, cid: Cid
): Future[?!Block] {.async: (raw: true, raises: [CancelledError]).} =
proc blockPresenceHandler*(
self: BlockExcEngine, peer: PeerId, blocks: seq[BlockPresence]
) {.async.} =
trace "Received block presence from peer", peer, blocks = blocks.mapIt($it)
peerCtx = self.peers.get(peer)
ourWantList = toSeq(self.pendingBlocks.wantList)
if peerCtx.isNil:
for blk in blocks:
if presence =? Presence.init(blk):
peerHave = peerCtx.peerHave
dontWantCids = peerHave.filterIt(it notin ourWantList)
if dontWantCids.len > 0:
let ourWantCids = ourWantList.filter do(address: BlockAddress) -> bool:
if address in peerHave and not self.pendingBlocks.retriesExhausted(address) and
not self.pendingBlocks.isInFlight(address):
self.pendingBlocks.setInFlight(address, true)
if ourWantCids.len > 0:
trace "Peer has blocks in our wantList", peer, wants = ourWantCids
await self.sendWantBlock(ourWantCids, peerCtx)
proc scheduleTasks(self: BlockExcEngine, blocksDelivery: seq[BlockDelivery]) {.async.} =
let cids = blocksDelivery.mapIt(it.blk.cid)
# schedule any new peers to provide blocks to
for p in self.peers:
for c in cids: # for each cid
# schedule a peer if it wants at least one cid
# and we have it in our local store
if c in p.peerWantsCids:
if await (c in self.localStore):
if self.scheduleTask(p):
trace "Task scheduled for peer", peer = p.id
warn "Unable to schedule task for peer", peer = p.id
break # do next peer
proc cancelBlocks(self: BlockExcEngine, addrs: seq[BlockAddress]) {.async.} =
## Tells neighboring peers that we're no longer interested in a block.
if self.peers.len == 0:
trace "Sending block request cancellations to peers",
addrs, peers = self.peers.peerIds
proc mapPeers(peerCtx: BlockExcPeerCtx): Future[BlockExcPeerCtx] {.async.} =
let blocks = addrs.filter do(a: BlockAddress) -> bool:
a in peerCtx.blocks
if blocks.len > 0:
trace "Sending block request cancellations to peer", peer = peerCtx.id, blocks
await self.network.request.sendWantCancellations(
peer = peerCtx.id, addresses = blocks
let failed = (await allFinished(map(toSeq(self.peers.peers.values), mapPeers))).filterIt(
if failed.len > 0:
warn "Failed to send block request cancellations to peers", peers = failed.len
trace "Block request cancellations sent to peers", peers = self.peers.len
proc resolveBlocks*(
self: BlockExcEngine, blocksDelivery: seq[BlockDelivery]
) {.async.} =
await self.scheduleTasks(blocksDelivery)
await self.cancelBlocks(blocksDelivery.mapIt(it.address))
proc resolveBlocks*(self: BlockExcEngine, blocks: seq[Block]) {.async.} =
await self.resolveBlocks(
BlockDelivery(blk: it, address: BlockAddress(leaf: false, cid: it.cid))
proc payForBlocks(
self: BlockExcEngine, peer: BlockExcPeerCtx, blocksDelivery: seq[BlockDelivery]
) {.async.} =
sendPayment = self.network.request.sendPayment
price = peer.price(blocksDelivery.mapIt(it.address))
if payment =? self.wallet.pay(peer, price):
trace "Sending payment for blocks", price, len = blocksDelivery.len
await sendPayment(peer.id, payment)
proc validateBlockDelivery(self: BlockExcEngine, bd: BlockDelivery): ?!void =
if bd.address notin self.pendingBlocks:
return failure("Received block is not currently a pending block")
if bd.address.leaf:
without proof =? bd.proof:
return failure("Missing proof")
if proof.index != bd.address.index:
return failure(
"Proof index " & $proof.index & " doesn't match leaf index " & $bd.address.index
without leaf =? bd.blk.cid.mhash.mapFailure, err:
return failure("Unable to get mhash from cid for block, nested err: " & err.msg)
without treeRoot =? bd.address.treeCid.mhash.mapFailure, err:
failure("Unable to get mhash from treeCid for block, nested err: " & err.msg)
Rework merkle tree (#654) * rework merkle tree support * deps * rename merkletree -> codexmerkletree * treed and proof encoding/decoding * small change to invoke proof verification * rename merkletree to codexmerkletree * style * adding codex merkle and coders tests * fixup imports * remove new codecs for now * bump deps * adding trace statement * properly serde of manifest block codecs * use default hash codec * add more trace logging to aid debugging * misc * remove double import * revert un-needded change * proof size changed * bump poseidon2 * add from nodes test * shorte file names * remove upraises * wip poseidon tree * adjust file names * misc * shorten file names * fix bad `elements` iter * don't do asserts * add fromNodes and converters * root and getProof now return result * add poseidon2 tree tests * root now returns result * misc * had to make merkletree a ref, because nim blows up otherwise * root returns a result * root returns a result * import poseidon tests * bump * merkle poseidon2 digest * misc * add merkle digest tests * bump * don't use checksuite * Update tests/codex/merkletree/generictreetests.nim Co-authored-by: markspanbroek <mark@spanbroek.net> Signed-off-by: Dmitriy Ryajov <dryajov@gmail.com> * Update codex/merkletree/merkletree.nim Co-authored-by: markspanbroek <mark@spanbroek.net> Signed-off-by: Dmitriy Ryajov <dryajov@gmail.com> * Update codex/merkletree/merkletree.nim Co-authored-by: markspanbroek <mark@spanbroek.net> Signed-off-by: Dmitriy Ryajov <dryajov@gmail.com> * Update tests/codex/merkletree/generictreetests.nim Co-authored-by: markspanbroek <mark@spanbroek.net> Signed-off-by: Dmitriy Ryajov <dryajov@gmail.com> * missing return * make toBool private (it's still needed otherwise comparison won't work) * added `digestTree` that returns a tree and `digest` for root * test against both poseidon trees - codex and poseidon2 * shorten merkle tree names * don't compare trees - it's going to be too slow * move comparison to mekrle helper * remove merkle utils --------- Signed-off-by: Dmitriy Ryajov <dryajov@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: markspanbroek <mark@spanbroek.net>
2023-12-21 00:41:43 -06:00
if err =? proof.verify(leaf, treeRoot).errorOption:
return failure("Unable to verify proof for block, nested err: " & err.msg)
else: # not leaf
if bd.address.cid != bd.blk.cid:
return failure(
"Delivery cid " & $bd.address.cid & " doesn't match block cid " & $bd.blk.cid
return success()
proc blocksDeliveryHandler*(
self: BlockExcEngine, peer: PeerId, blocksDelivery: seq[BlockDelivery]
) {.async.} =
trace "Received blocks from peer", peer, blocks = (blocksDelivery.mapIt(it.address))
var validatedBlocksDelivery: seq[BlockDelivery]
for bd in blocksDelivery:
peer = peer
address = bd.address
if err =? self.validateBlockDelivery(bd).errorOption:
warn "Block validation failed", msg = err.msg
if err =? (await self.localStore.putBlock(bd.blk)).errorOption:
error "Unable to store block", err = err.msg
if bd.address.leaf:
without proof =? bd.proof:
error "Proof expected for a leaf block delivery"
Integrate slot builder (#666) * rework merkle tree support * rename merkletree -> codexmerkletree * treed and proof encoding/decoding * style * adding codex merkle and coders tests * use default hash codec * proof size changed * add from nodes test * shorte file names * wip poseidon tree * shorten file names * root returns a result * import poseidon tests * fix merge issues and cleanup a few warnings * setting up slot builder * Getting cids in slot * ensures blocks are devisable by number of slots * wip * Implements indexing strategies * Swaps in indexing strategy into erasure. * wires slot and indexing tests up * Fixes issue where indexing strategy stepped gives wrong values for smallest of ranges * debugs indexing strategies * Can select slot blocks * finding number of pad cells * Implements building slot tree * finishes implementing slot builder * Adds check that block size is a multiple of cell size * Cleanup slotbuilder * Review comments by Tomasz * Fixes issue where ecK was used as numberOfSlots. * rework merkle tree support * deps * rename merkletree -> codexmerkletree * treed and proof encoding/decoding * style * adding codex merkle and coders tests * remove new codecs for now * proof size changed * add from nodes test * shorte file names * wip poseidon tree * shorten file names * fix bad `elements` iter * bump * bump * wip * reworking slotbuilder * move out of manifest * expose getCidAndProof * import index strat... * remove getMHash * remove unused artifacts * alias zero * add digest for multihash * merge issues * remove unused hashes * add option to result converter * misc * fix tests * add helper to derive EC block count * rename method * misc * bump * extract slot root building into own proc * revert to manifest to accessor --------- Co-authored-by: benbierens <thatbenbierens@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 16:52:46 -06:00
if err =? (
await self.localStore.putCidAndProof(
Integrate slot builder (#666) * rework merkle tree support * rename merkletree -> codexmerkletree * treed and proof encoding/decoding * style * adding codex merkle and coders tests * use default hash codec * proof size changed * add from nodes test * shorte file names * wip poseidon tree * shorten file names * root returns a result * import poseidon tests * fix merge issues and cleanup a few warnings * setting up slot builder * Getting cids in slot * ensures blocks are devisable by number of slots * wip * Implements indexing strategies * Swaps in indexing strategy into erasure. * wires slot and indexing tests up * Fixes issue where indexing strategy stepped gives wrong values for smallest of ranges * debugs indexing strategies * Can select slot blocks * finding number of pad cells * Implements building slot tree * finishes implementing slot builder * Adds check that block size is a multiple of cell size * Cleanup slotbuilder * Review comments by Tomasz * Fixes issue where ecK was used as numberOfSlots. * rework merkle tree support * deps * rename merkletree -> codexmerkletree * treed and proof encoding/decoding * style * adding codex merkle and coders tests * remove new codecs for now * proof size changed * add from nodes test * shorte file names * wip poseidon tree * shorten file names * fix bad `elements` iter * bump * bump * wip * reworking slotbuilder * move out of manifest * expose getCidAndProof * import index strat... * remove getMHash * remove unused artifacts * alias zero * add digest for multihash * merge issues * remove unused hashes * add option to result converter * misc * fix tests * add helper to derive EC block count * rename method * misc * bump * extract slot root building into own proc * revert to manifest to accessor --------- Co-authored-by: benbierens <thatbenbierens@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 16:52:46 -06:00
bd.address.treeCid, bd.address.index, bd.blk.cid, proof
Integrate slot builder (#666) * rework merkle tree support * rename merkletree -> codexmerkletree * treed and proof encoding/decoding * style * adding codex merkle and coders tests * use default hash codec * proof size changed * add from nodes test * shorte file names * wip poseidon tree * shorten file names * root returns a result * import poseidon tests * fix merge issues and cleanup a few warnings * setting up slot builder * Getting cids in slot * ensures blocks are devisable by number of slots * wip * Implements indexing strategies * Swaps in indexing strategy into erasure. * wires slot and indexing tests up * Fixes issue where indexing strategy stepped gives wrong values for smallest of ranges * debugs indexing strategies * Can select slot blocks * finding number of pad cells * Implements building slot tree * finishes implementing slot builder * Adds check that block size is a multiple of cell size * Cleanup slotbuilder * Review comments by Tomasz * Fixes issue where ecK was used as numberOfSlots. * rework merkle tree support * deps * rename merkletree -> codexmerkletree * treed and proof encoding/decoding * style * adding codex merkle and coders tests * remove new codecs for now * proof size changed * add from nodes test * shorte file names * wip poseidon tree * shorten file names * fix bad `elements` iter * bump * bump * wip * reworking slotbuilder * move out of manifest * expose getCidAndProof * import index strat... * remove getMHash * remove unused artifacts * alias zero * add digest for multihash * merge issues * remove unused hashes * add option to result converter * misc * fix tests * add helper to derive EC block count * rename method * misc * bump * extract slot root building into own proc * revert to manifest to accessor --------- Co-authored-by: benbierens <thatbenbierens@gmail.com>
2024-01-08 16:52:46 -06:00
error "Unable to store proof and cid for a block"
await self.resolveBlocks(validatedBlocksDelivery)
let peerCtx = self.peers.get(peer)
if peerCtx != nil:
await self.payForBlocks(peerCtx, blocksDelivery)
## shouldn't we remove them from the want-list instead of this:
proc wantListHandler*(
self: BlockExcEngine, peer: PeerId, wantList: WantList
) {.async.} =
trace "Received want list from peer", peer, wantList = wantList.entries.len
let peerCtx = self.peers.get(peer)
if peerCtx.isNil:
presence: seq[BlockPresence]
schedulePeer = false
for e in wantList.entries:
let idx = peerCtx.peerWants.findIt(it.address == e.address)
peer = peerCtx.id
address = e.address
wantType = $e.wantType
if idx < 0: # Adding new entry to peer wants
have = await e.address in self.localStore
price = @(self.pricing.get(Pricing(price: 0.u256)).price.toBytesBE)
if e.cancel:
trace "Received cancelation for untracked block, skipping", address = e.address
trace "Processing want list entry", wantList = $e
case e.wantType
of WantType.WantHave:
if have:
address: e.address, `type`: BlockPresenceType.Have, price: price
if e.sendDontHave:
address: e.address, `type`: BlockPresenceType.DontHave, price: price
of WantType.WantBlock:
schedulePeer = true
2023-11-03 17:21:54 +02:00
else: # Updating existing entry in peer wants
# peer doesn't want this block anymore
if e.cancel:
trace "Canceling want for block", address = e.address
trace "Canceled block request", address = e.address, len = peerCtx.peerWants.len
if e.wantType == WantType.WantBlock:
schedulePeer = true
# peer might want to ask for the same cid with
# different want params
trace "Updating want for block", address = e.address
peerCtx.peerWants[idx] = e # update entry
trace "Updated block request", address = e.address, len = peerCtx.peerWants.len
if presence.len > 0:
trace "Sending presence to remote", items = presence.mapIt($it).join(",")
await self.network.request.sendPresence(peer, presence)
if schedulePeer and not self.scheduleTask(peerCtx):
warn "Unable to schedule task for peer", peer
proc accountHandler*(self: BlockExcEngine, peer: PeerId, account: Account) {.async.} =
let context = self.peers.get(peer)
if context.isNil:
context.account = account.some
proc paymentHandler*(
self: BlockExcEngine, peer: PeerId, payment: SignedState
) {.async.} =
trace "Handling payments", peer
without context =? self.peers.get(peer).option and account =? context.account:
trace "No context or account for peer", peer
if channel =? context.paymentChannel:
let sender = account.address
discard self.wallet.acceptPayment(channel, Asset, sender, payment)
context.paymentChannel = self.wallet.acceptChannel(payment).option
proc setupPeer*(self: BlockExcEngine, peer: PeerId) {.async.} =
## Perform initial setup, such as want
## list exchange
trace "Setting up peer", peer
if peer notin self.peers:
trace "Setting up new peer", peer
self.peers.add(BlockExcPeerCtx(id: peer))
trace "Added peer", peers = self.peers.len
# broadcast our want list, the other peer will do the same
if self.pendingBlocks.wantListLen > 0:
trace "Sending our want list to a peer", peer
let cids = toSeq(self.pendingBlocks.wantList)
await self.network.request.sendWantList(peer, cids, full = true)
if address =? self.pricing .? address:
await self.network.request.sendAccount(peer, Account(address: address))
proc dropPeer*(self: BlockExcEngine, peer: PeerId) =
## Cleanup disconnected peer
trace "Dropping peer", peer
# drop the peer from the peers table
proc taskHandler*(self: BlockExcEngine, task: BlockExcPeerCtx) {.gcsafe, async.} =
# Send to the peer blocks he wants to get,
# if they present in our local store
# TODO: There should be all sorts of accounting of
# bytes sent/received here
var wantsBlocks =
task.peerWants.filterIt(it.wantType == WantType.WantBlock and not it.inFlight)
proc updateInFlight(addresses: seq[BlockAddress], inFlight: bool) =
for peerWant in task.peerWants.mitems:
if peerWant.address in addresses:
peerWant.inFlight = inFlight
if wantsBlocks.len > 0:
# Mark wants as in-flight.
let wantAddresses = wantsBlocks.mapIt(it.address)
updateInFlight(wantAddresses, true)
proc localLookup(e: WantListEntry): Future[?!BlockDelivery] {.async.} =
if e.address.leaf:
(await self.localStore.getBlockAndProof(e.address.treeCid, e.address.index)).map(
Rework merkle tree (#654) * rework merkle tree support * deps * rename merkletree -> codexmerkletree * treed and proof encoding/decoding * small change to invoke proof verification * rename merkletree to codexmerkletree * style * adding codex merkle and coders tests * fixup imports * remove new codecs for now * bump deps * adding trace statement * properly serde of manifest block codecs * use default hash codec * add more trace logging to aid debugging * misc * remove double import * revert un-needded change * proof size changed * bump poseidon2 * add from nodes test * shorte file names * remove upraises * wip poseidon tree * adjust file names * misc * shorten file names * fix bad `elements` iter * don't do asserts * add fromNodes and converters * root and getProof now return result * add poseidon2 tree tests * root now returns result * misc * had to make merkletree a ref, because nim blows up otherwise * root returns a result * root returns a result * import poseidon tests * bump * merkle poseidon2 digest * misc * add merkle digest tests * bump * don't use checksuite * Update tests/codex/merkletree/generictreetests.nim Co-authored-by: markspanbroek <mark@spanbroek.net> Signed-off-by: Dmitriy Ryajov <dryajov@gmail.com> * Update codex/merkletree/merkletree.nim Co-authored-by: markspanbroek <mark@spanbroek.net> Signed-off-by: Dmitriy Ryajov <dryajov@gmail.com> * Update codex/merkletree/merkletree.nim Co-authored-by: markspanbroek <mark@spanbroek.net> Signed-off-by: Dmitriy Ryajov <dryajov@gmail.com> * Update tests/codex/merkletree/generictreetests.nim Co-authored-by: markspanbroek <mark@spanbroek.net> Signed-off-by: Dmitriy Ryajov <dryajov@gmail.com> * missing return * make toBool private (it's still needed otherwise comparison won't work) * added `digestTree` that returns a tree and `digest` for root * test against both poseidon trees - codex and poseidon2 * shorten merkle tree names * don't compare trees - it's going to be too slow * move comparison to mekrle helper * remove merkle utils --------- Signed-off-by: Dmitriy Ryajov <dryajov@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: markspanbroek <mark@spanbroek.net>
2023-12-21 00:41:43 -06:00
(blkAndProof: (Block, CodexProof)) =>
address: e.address, blk: blkAndProof[0], proof: blkAndProof[1].some
(await self.localStore.getBlock(e.address)).map(
Rework merkle tree (#654) * rework merkle tree support * deps * rename merkletree -> codexmerkletree * treed and proof encoding/decoding * small change to invoke proof verification * rename merkletree to codexmerkletree * style * adding codex merkle and coders tests * fixup imports * remove new codecs for now * bump deps * adding trace statement * properly serde of manifest block codecs * use default hash codec * add more trace logging to aid debugging * misc * remove double import * revert un-needded change * proof size changed * bump poseidon2 * add from nodes test * shorte file names * remove upraises * wip poseidon tree * adjust file names * misc * shorten file names * fix bad `elements` iter * don't do asserts * add fromNodes and converters * root and getProof now return result * add poseidon2 tree tests * root now returns result * misc * had to make merkletree a ref, because nim blows up otherwise * root returns a result * root returns a result * import poseidon tests * bump * merkle poseidon2 digest * misc * add merkle digest tests * bump * don't use checksuite * Update tests/codex/merkletree/generictreetests.nim Co-authored-by: markspanbroek <mark@spanbroek.net> Signed-off-by: Dmitriy Ryajov <dryajov@gmail.com> * Update codex/merkletree/merkletree.nim Co-authored-by: markspanbroek <mark@spanbroek.net> Signed-off-by: Dmitriy Ryajov <dryajov@gmail.com> * Update codex/merkletree/merkletree.nim Co-authored-by: markspanbroek <mark@spanbroek.net> Signed-off-by: Dmitriy Ryajov <dryajov@gmail.com> * Update tests/codex/merkletree/generictreetests.nim Co-authored-by: markspanbroek <mark@spanbroek.net> Signed-off-by: Dmitriy Ryajov <dryajov@gmail.com> * missing return * make toBool private (it's still needed otherwise comparison won't work) * added `digestTree` that returns a tree and `digest` for root * test against both poseidon trees - codex and poseidon2 * shorten merkle tree names * don't compare trees - it's going to be too slow * move comparison to mekrle helper * remove merkle utils --------- Signed-off-by: Dmitriy Ryajov <dryajov@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: markspanbroek <mark@spanbroek.net>
2023-12-21 00:41:43 -06:00
(blk: Block) =>
BlockDelivery(address: e.address, blk: blk, proof: CodexProof.none)
blocksDeliveryFut = await allFinished(wantsBlocks.map(localLookup))
blocksDelivery =
blocksDeliveryFut.filterIt(it.completed and it.read.isOk).mapIt(it.read.get)
# All the wants that failed local lookup must be set to not-in-flight again.
successAddresses = blocksDelivery.mapIt(it.address)
failedAddresses = wantAddresses.filterIt(it notin successAddresses)
updateInFlight(failedAddresses, false)
if blocksDelivery.len > 0:
trace "Sending blocks to peer",
peer = task.id, blocks = (blocksDelivery.mapIt(it.address))
await self.network.request.sendBlocksDelivery(task.id, blocksDelivery)
task.peerWants.keepItIf(it.address notin successAddresses)
proc blockexcTaskRunner(self: BlockExcEngine) {.async: (raises: []).} =
## process tasks
trace "Starting blockexc task runner"
while self.blockexcRunning:
let peerCtx = await self.taskQueue.pop()
await self.taskHandler(peerCtx)
except CancelledError:
break # do not propagate as blockexcTaskRunner was asyncSpawned
except CatchableError as e:
error "error running block exchange task", error = e.msgDetail
info "Exiting blockexc task runner"
proc new*(
T: type BlockExcEngine,
localStore: BlockStore,
wallet: WalletRef,
network: BlockExcNetwork,
discovery: DiscoveryEngine,
advertiser: Advertiser,
peerStore: PeerCtxStore,
pendingBlocks: PendingBlocksManager,
concurrentTasks = DefaultConcurrentTasks,
): BlockExcEngine =
## Create new block exchange engine instance
let self = BlockExcEngine(
localStore: localStore,
peers: peerStore,
pendingBlocks: pendingBlocks,
network: network,
wallet: wallet,
concurrentTasks: concurrentTasks,
trackedFutures: TrackedFutures(),
taskQueue: newAsyncHeapQueue[BlockExcPeerCtx](DefaultTaskQueueSize),
discovery: discovery,
advertiser: advertiser,
proc peerEventHandler(peerId: PeerId, event: PeerEvent) {.async.} =
if event.kind == PeerEventKind.Joined:
await self.setupPeer(peerId)
if not isNil(network.switch):
network.switch.addPeerEventHandler(peerEventHandler, PeerEventKind.Joined)
network.switch.addPeerEventHandler(peerEventHandler, PeerEventKind.Left)
proc blockWantListHandler(peer: PeerId, wantList: WantList): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} =
self.wantListHandler(peer, wantList)
proc blockPresenceHandler(
peer: PeerId, presence: seq[BlockPresence]
): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} =
self.blockPresenceHandler(peer, presence)
proc blocksDeliveryHandler(
peer: PeerId, blocksDelivery: seq[BlockDelivery]
): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} =
self.blocksDeliveryHandler(peer, blocksDelivery)
proc accountHandler(peer: PeerId, account: Account): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} =
self.accountHandler(peer, account)
proc paymentHandler(peer: PeerId, payment: SignedState): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} =
self.paymentHandler(peer, payment)
network.handlers = BlockExcHandlers(
onWantList: blockWantListHandler,
onBlocksDelivery: blocksDeliveryHandler,
onPresence: blockPresenceHandler,
onAccount: accountHandler,
onPayment: paymentHandler,
return self