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2024-05-02 00:12:24 +03:00
import std/[hashes, json, strutils, strformat, os, osproc]
2024-04-24 13:00:05 +03:00
2024-05-02 00:12:24 +03:00
CircuitEnv* = object
nimCircuitCli =
"vendor" / "codex-storage-proofs-circuits" / "reference" / "nim" / "proof_input" /
circuitDirIncludes = "vendor" / "codex-storage-proofs-circuits" / "circuit"
ptauDefPath = "benchmarks" / "ceremony" / "powersOfTau28_hez_final_23.ptau"
ptauDefUrl = ""
codexProjDir = ""
CircArgs* = object
depth*: int
maxslots*: int
cellsize*: int
blocksize*: int
nsamples*: int
entropy*: int
seed*: int
nslots*: int
ncells*: int
index*: int
2024-05-02 00:21:45 +03:00
template withDir(dir: string, blk: untyped) =
let prev = getCurrentDir()
proc findCodexProjectDir(prev = getCurrentDir()): string =
## check that the CWD of script is in the codex parent
if not "codex.nimble".fileExists():
if prev == getCurrentDir():
echo "\nERROR: Codex project folder not found (could not find codex.nimble)"
echo "\nBenchmark must be run from within the Codex project folder"
quit 1
proc checkEnv*(env: CircuitEnv) =
## check that the CWD of script is in the codex parent
codexProjDir = findCodexProjectDir()
echo "\n\nFound project dir: ", codexProjDir
let snarkjs = findExe("snarkjs")
if snarkjs == "":
echo dedent"""
ERROR: must install snarkjs first
npm install -g snarkjs@latest
let circom = findExe("circom")
if circom == "":
echo dedent"""
ERROR: must install circom first
git clone
cargo install --path circom
if snarkjs == "" or circom == "":
quit 2
echo "Found SnarkJS: ", snarkjs
echo "Found Circom: ", circom
if not nimCircuitCli.fileExists:
echo "Nim Circuit reference cli not found: ", nimCircuitCli
echo "Building Circuit reference cli...\n"
discard execShellCmd("nimble build -d:release --styleCheck:off cli")
echo "CWD: ", getCurrentDir()
assert nimCircuitCli.fileExists()
nimCircuitCli = nimCircuitCli.absolutePath()
echo "Found NimCircuitCli: ", nimCircuitCli
circuitDirIncludes = circuitDirIncludes.absolutePath
echo "Found Circuit Path: ", circuitDirIncludes
ptauDefPath = ptauDefPath.absolutePath
echo "Found PTAU file: ", ptauDefPath
proc downloadPtau*(ptauPath, ptauUrl: string) =
2024-05-02 00:22:36 +03:00
## download ptau file using curl if needed
if not ptauPath.fileExists:
echo "Ceremony file not found, downloading..."
2024-04-29 14:00:49 +03:00
let cmd = fmt"curl --output '{ptauPath}' '{ptauUrl}'"
echo "curl cmd: ", cmd
let res = execShellCmd(cmd)
2024-04-29 13:55:08 +03:00
assert res == 0
echo "Found PTAU file at: ", ptauPath
proc getCircuitBenchPath*(args: CircArgs): string =
2024-04-24 17:28:53 +03:00
var an = ""
for f, v in fieldPairs(args):
an &= "_" & f & $v
absolutePath("benchmarks/circuit_bench" & an)
2024-04-24 15:24:35 +03:00
proc generateCircomAndSamples*(args: CircArgs, name: string) =
## run nim circuit and sample generator
var cliCmd = nimCircuitCli
for f, v in fieldPairs(args):
cliCmd &= " --" & f & "=" & $v
if not "input.json".fileExists:
echo "Generating Circom Files..."
cliCmd &= fmt" -v --circom={name}.circom --output=input.json"
echo "CWD: ", getCurrentDir()
echo "CLI_CMD: ", cliCmd
let cliRes = execShellCmd(cliCmd)
echo "RES: ", cliRes
assert cliRes == 0
proc createCircuit*(
args: CircArgs,
name = "proof_main",
circBenchDir = getCircuitBenchPath(args),
circuitDirIncludes = circuitDirIncludes,
ptauPath = ptauDefPath,
2024-04-29 13:55:08 +03:00
ptauUrl = ptauDefUrl & ptauPath.splitPath.tail,
someEntropy = "some_entropy_75289v3b7rcawcsyiur",
2024-05-02 00:12:24 +03:00
doGenerateWitness = false,
2024-04-24 15:11:55 +03:00
): tuple[dir: string, name: string] =
## Generates all the files needed for to run a proof circuit. Downloads the PTAU file if needed.
let circdir = circBenchDir
downloadPtau(ptauPath, ptauUrl)
echo "Creating circuit dir: ", circdir
withDir circdir:
writeFile("circuit_params.json", pretty(%*args))
2024-05-02 00:12:24 +03:00
inputs = circdir / "input.json"
zkey = circdir / fmt"{name}.zkey"
wasm = circdir / fmt"{name}.wasm"
r1cs = circdir / fmt"{name}.r1cs"
2024-05-02 00:12:24 +03:00
wtns = circdir / fmt"{name}.wtns"
2024-04-24 15:24:35 +03:00
generateCircomAndSamples(args, name)
if not wasm.fileExists or not r1cs.fileExists:
let cmd = fmt"circom --r1cs --wasm --O2 -l{circuitDirIncludes} {name}.circom"
echo "CMD: ", cmd
let cmdRes = execShellCmd(cmd)
echo "RES: ", cmdRes
assert cmdRes == 0
moveFile(fmt"{name}_js" / fmt"{name}.wasm", fmt"{name}.wasm")
echo "Found wasm: ", wasm
echo "Found r1cs: ", r1cs
if not zkey.fileExists:
echo "Zkey not found, generating..."
putEnv("NODE_OPTIONS", "--max-old-space-size=8192")
discard execShellCmd("echo $NODE_OPTIONS")
if not fmt"{name}_0000.zkey".fileExists:
let cmd = fmt"snarkjs groth16 setup {r1cs} {ptauPath} {name}_0000.zkey"
echo "CMD: ", cmd
let cmdRes = execShellCmd(cmd)
assert cmdRes == 0
echo fmt"Generated {name}_0000.zkey"
let cmd =
fmt"snarkjs zkey contribute {name}_0000.zkey {name}_0001.zkey --name='1st Contributor Name'"
echo "CMD: ", cmd
let cmdRes = execCmdEx(cmd, options = {}, input = someEntropy & "\n")
assert cmdRes.exitCode == 0
2024-04-24 13:00:05 +03:00
moveFile(fmt"{name}_0001.zkey", fmt"{name}.zkey")
2024-04-24 13:00:05 +03:00
2024-05-02 00:12:24 +03:00
if not wtns.fileExists and doGenerateWitness:
let cmd = fmt"node generate_witness.js {wtns} ../input.json ../witness.wtns"
2024-04-24 15:11:55 +03:00
return (circdir, name)
when isMainModule:
2024-05-02 00:21:45 +03:00
## test run creating a circuit
2024-04-24 13:00:05 +03:00
let args = CircArgs(
depth: 32, # maximum depth of the slot tree
maxslots: 256, # maximum number of slots
cellsize: 2048, # cell size in bytes
blocksize: 65536, # block size in bytes
nsamples: 5, # number of samples to prove
entropy: 1234567, # external randomness
seed: 12345, # seed for creating fake data
nslots: 11, # number of slots in the dataset
index: 3, # which slot we prove (0..NSLOTS-1)
ncells: 512, # number of cells in this slot
2024-04-24 15:11:55 +03:00
let benchenv = createCircuit(args)
2024-05-02 00:12:24 +03:00
echo "\nBench dir:\n", benchenv