mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 21:30:50 +00:00
* Fix `cli` invocation from nimscript When calling `cli` macro from nimscript, there are compilation issues: - `nim-faststreams` is not available, therefore, `nim-serialization` does not work, due to `equalMem` being gated behind `notJSnotNims`. Dropping support for config files in nimscript contexts fixes that. - `std/strformat` raises `ValueError` for invalid format strings, but does so at runtime rather than checking types at compiletime. As it is only used for simple string concatenation in error cases, changing to simple concatenation avoids verbose error handling. - `getAppFilename()` is unavailable in `nimscript`. This was already fixed by replacing it with `appInvocation()` but two instances of direct `getAppFilename()` calls remained in default arguments. This is fixed by changing those default arguments as well. - The `!= nil` check on the `proc` in `loadImpl` does not work when called from nimscript. This is fixed by changing to `isNil`. - Passing `addr result` around to internal templates correctly creates the config, but the object ultimately being returned is not the same. Passing `var result` directly through the templates ensures that the correct `result` gets modified and is clearer than implicit capture. Applying these fixes fixes running `.nims` files with `cli` macro. * Add debugging output on failure * Update confutils.nimble * Update confutils.nim
1303 lines
41 KiB
1303 lines
41 KiB
# confutils
# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
# at your option.
# This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
# those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
std/[enumutils, options, strutils, wordwrap],
confutils/[defs, cli_parser, config_file]
options, defs, config_file
hasSerialization = not defined(nimscript)
useBufferedOutput = defined(nimscript)
noColors = useBufferedOutput or defined(confutils_no_colors)
hasCompletions = not defined(nimscript)
descPadding = 6
minNameWidth = 24 - descPadding
when hasSerialization:
import serialization
export serialization
when not defined(nimscript):
HelpAppInfo = ref object
appInvocation: string
copyrightBanner: string
hasAbbrs: bool
maxNameLen: int
terminalWidth: int
namesWidth: int
CmdInfo = ref object
name: string
desc: string
isHidden: bool
opts: seq[OptInfo]
OptKind = enum
OptInfo = ref object
name, abbr, desc, typename: string
separator: string
longDesc: string
idx: int
isHidden: bool
hasDefault: bool
defaultInHelpText: string
case kind: OptKind
of Discriminator:
isCommand: bool
isImplicitlySelectable: bool
subCmds: seq[CmdInfo]
defaultSubCmd: int
confutils_description_width {.intdefine.} = 80
confutils_narrow_terminal_width {.intdefine.} = 36
{.push gcsafe, raises: [].}
func getFieldName(caseField: NimNode): NimNode =
result = caseField
if result.kind == nnkIdentDefs: result = result[0]
if result.kind == nnkPragmaExpr: result = result[0]
if result.kind == nnkPostfix: result = result[1]
when defined(nimscript):
func scriptNameParamIdx: int =
for i in 1 ..< paramCount():
var param = paramStr(i)
if param.len > 0 and param[0] != '-':
return i
proc appInvocation: string =
let scriptNameIdx = scriptNameParamIdx()
"nim " & (if paramCount() > scriptNameIdx: paramStr(scriptNameIdx) else: "<nims-script>")
type stderr = object
template writeLine(T: type stderr, msg: string) =
echo msg
proc commandLineParams(): seq[string] =
for i in scriptNameParamIdx() + 1 .. paramCount():
result.add paramStr(i)
# TODO: Why isn't this available in NimScript?
proc getCurrentExceptionMsg(): string =
template terminalWidth: int =
template appInvocation: string =
except OSError:
when noColors:
styleBright = ""
fgYellow = ""
fgWhite = ""
fgGreen = ""
fgCyan = ""
fgBlue = ""
resetStyle = ""
when useBufferedOutput:
template helpOutput(args: varargs[string]) =
for arg in args:
help.add arg
template errorOutput(args: varargs[string]) =
template flushOutput =
echo help
template errorOutput(args: varargs[untyped]) =
styledWrite stderr, args
except IOError, ValueError:
template helpOutput(args: varargs[untyped]) =
styledWrite stdout, args
except IOError, ValueError:
template flushOutput =
fgSection = fgYellow
fgDefault = fgWhite
fgCommand = fgCyan
fgOption = fgBlue
fgArg = fgBlue
# TODO: Start using these:
# fgValue = fgGreen
# fgType = fgYellow
template flushOutputAndQuit(exitCode: int) =
quit exitCode
func isCliSwitch(opt: OptInfo): bool =
opt.kind == CliSwitch or
(opt.kind == Discriminator and opt.isCommand == false)
func hasOpts(cmd: CmdInfo): bool =
for opt in cmd.opts:
if opt.isCliSwitch and not opt.isHidden:
return true
return false
func hasArgs(cmd: CmdInfo): bool =
cmd.opts.len > 0 and cmd.opts[^1].kind == Arg
func firstArgIdx(cmd: CmdInfo): int =
# This will work correctly only if the command has arguments.
result = cmd.opts.len - 1
while result > 0:
if cmd.opts[result - 1].kind != Arg:
dec result
iterator args(cmd: CmdInfo): OptInfo =
if cmd.hasArgs:
for i in cmd.firstArgIdx ..< cmd.opts.len:
yield cmd.opts[i]
func getSubCmdDiscriminator(cmd: CmdInfo): OptInfo =
for i in countdown(cmd.opts.len - 1, 0):
let opt = cmd.opts[i]
if opt.kind != Arg:
if opt.kind == Discriminator and opt.isCommand:
return opt
return nil
template hasSubCommands(cmd: CmdInfo): bool =
getSubCmdDiscriminator(cmd) != nil
iterator subCmds(cmd: CmdInfo): CmdInfo =
let subCmdDiscriminator = cmd.getSubCmdDiscriminator
if subCmdDiscriminator != nil:
for cmd in subCmdDiscriminator.subCmds:
yield cmd
template isSubCommand(cmd: CmdInfo): bool =
cmd.name.len > 0
func maxNameLen(cmd: CmdInfo): int =
result = 0
for opt in cmd.opts:
if opt.kind == Arg or opt.kind == Discriminator and opt.isCommand:
result = max(result, opt.name.len)
if opt.kind == Discriminator:
for subCmd in opt.subCmds:
result = max(result, subCmd.maxNameLen)
func hasAbbrs(cmd: CmdInfo): bool =
for opt in cmd.opts:
if opt.kind == Arg or opt.kind == Discriminator and opt.isCommand:
if opt.abbr.len > 0:
return true
if opt.kind == Discriminator:
for subCmd in opt.subCmds:
if hasAbbrs(subCmd):
return true
func humaneName(opt: OptInfo): string =
if opt.name.len > 0: opt.name
else: opt.abbr
template padding(output: string, desiredWidth: int): string =
spaces(max(desiredWidth - output.len, 0))
proc writeDesc(help: var string,
appInfo: HelpAppInfo,
desc, defaultValue: string) =
const descSpacing = " "
descIndent = (5 + appInfo.namesWidth + descSpacing.len)
remainingColumns = appInfo.terminalWidth - descIndent
defaultValSuffix = if defaultValue.len == 0: ""
else: " [=" & defaultValue & "]"
fullDesc = desc & defaultValSuffix & "."
if remainingColumns < confutils_narrow_terminal_width:
helpOutput "\p ", wrapWords(fullDesc, appInfo.terminalWidth - 2,
newLine = "\p ")
let wrappingWidth = min(remainingColumns, confutils_description_width)
helpOutput descSpacing, wrapWords(fullDesc, wrappingWidth,
newLine = "\p" & spaces(descIndent))
proc writeLongDesc(help: var string,
appInfo: HelpAppInfo,
desc: string) =
let lines = split(desc, {'\n', '\r'})
for line in lines:
if line.len > 0:
helpOutput "\p"
helpOutput padding("", 5 + appInfo.namesWidth)
help.writeDesc appInfo, line, ""
proc describeInvocation(help: var string,
cmd: CmdInfo, cmdInvocation: string,
appInfo: HelpAppInfo) =
helpOutput styleBright, "\p", fgCommand, cmdInvocation
var longestArg = 0
if cmd.opts.len > 0:
if cmd.hasOpts: helpOutput " [OPTIONS]..."
let subCmdDiscriminator = cmd.getSubCmdDiscriminator
if subCmdDiscriminator != nil: helpOutput " command"
for arg in cmd.args:
helpOutput " <", arg.name, ">"
longestArg = max(longestArg, arg.name.len)
helpOutput "\p"
if cmd.desc.len > 0:
helpOutput "\p", cmd.desc, ".\p"
var argsSectionStarted = false
for arg in cmd.args:
if arg.desc.len > 0:
if not argsSectionStarted:
helpOutput "\p"
argsSectionStarted = true
let cliArg = " <" & arg.humaneName & ">"
helpOutput fgArg, styleBright, cliArg
helpOutput padding(cliArg, 6 + appInfo.namesWidth)
help.writeDesc appInfo, arg.desc, arg.defaultInHelpText
help.writeLongDesc appInfo, arg.longDesc
helpOutput "\p"
OptionsType = enum
proc describeOptions(help: var string,
cmd: CmdInfo, cmdInvocation: string,
appInfo: HelpAppInfo, optionsType = normalOpts) =
if cmd.hasOpts:
case optionsType
of normalOpts:
helpOutput "\pThe following options are available:\p\p"
of conditionalOpts:
helpOutput ", the following additional options are available:\p\p"
of defaultCmdOpts:
for opt in cmd.opts:
if opt.kind == Arg or
opt.kind == Discriminator or
opt.isHidden: continue
if opt.separator.len > 0:
helpOutput opt.separator
helpOutput "\p"
# Indent all command-line switches
helpOutput " "
if opt.abbr.len > 0:
helpOutput fgOption, styleBright, "-", opt.abbr, ", "
elif appInfo.hasAbbrs:
# Add additional indentatition, so all names are aligned
helpOutput " "
if opt.name.len > 0:
let switch = "--" & opt.name
helpOutput fgOption, styleBright,
switch, padding(switch, appInfo.namesWidth)
helpOutput spaces(2 + appInfo.namesWidth)
if opt.desc.len > 0:
help.writeDesc appInfo,
opt.desc.replace("%t", opt.typename),
help.writeLongDesc appInfo, opt.longDesc
helpOutput "\p"
if opt.kind == Discriminator:
for i, subCmd in opt.subCmds:
if not subCmd.hasOpts: continue
helpOutput "\pWhen ", styleBright, fgBlue, opt.humaneName, resetStyle, " = ", fgGreen, subCmd.name
if i == opt.defaultSubCmd: helpOutput " (default)"
help.describeOptions subCmd, cmdInvocation, appInfo, conditionalOpts
let subCmdDiscriminator = cmd.getSubCmdDiscriminator
if subCmdDiscriminator != nil:
let defaultCmdIdx = subCmdDiscriminator.defaultSubCmd
if defaultCmdIdx != -1:
let defaultCmd = subCmdDiscriminator.subCmds[defaultCmdIdx]
help.describeOptions defaultCmd, cmdInvocation, appInfo, defaultCmdOpts
helpOutput fgSection, "\pAvailable sub-commands:\p"
for i, subCmd in subCmdDiscriminator.subCmds:
if i != subCmdDiscriminator.defaultSubCmd:
let subCmdInvocation = cmdInvocation & " " & subCmd.name
help.describeInvocation subCmd, subCmdInvocation, appInfo
help.describeOptions subCmd, subCmdInvocation, appInfo
proc showHelp(help: var string,
appInfo: HelpAppInfo,
activeCmds: openArray[CmdInfo]) =
if appInfo.copyrightBanner.len > 0:
helpOutput appInfo.copyrightBanner, "\p\p"
let cmd = activeCmds[^1]
appInfo.maxNameLen = cmd.maxNameLen
appInfo.hasAbbrs = cmd.hasAbbrs
appInfo.terminalWidth =
except ValueError:
int.high # https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/21968
appInfo.namesWidth = min(minNameWidth, appInfo.maxNameLen) + descPadding
var cmdInvocation = appInfo.appInvocation
for i in 1 ..< activeCmds.len:
cmdInvocation.add " "
cmdInvocation.add activeCmds[i].name
# Write out the app or script name
helpOutput fgSection, "Usage: \p"
help.describeInvocation cmd, cmdInvocation, appInfo
help.describeOptions cmd, cmdInvocation, appInfo
helpOutput "\p"
flushOutputAndQuit QuitSuccess
func getNextArgIdx(cmd: CmdInfo, consumedArgIdx: int): int =
for i in 0 ..< cmd.opts.len:
if cmd.opts[i].kind == Arg and cmd.opts[i].idx > consumedArgIdx:
return cmd.opts[i].idx
proc noMoreArgsError(cmd: CmdInfo): string {.raises: [].} =
result =
if cmd.isSubCommand:
"The command '" & cmd.name & "'"
result.add " does not accept"
if cmd.hasArgs: result.add " additional"
result.add " arguments"
func findOpt(opts: openArray[OptInfo], name: string): OptInfo =
for opt in opts:
if cmpIgnoreStyle(opt.name, name) == 0 or
cmpIgnoreStyle(opt.abbr, name) == 0:
return opt
func findOpt(activeCmds: openArray[CmdInfo], name: string): OptInfo =
for i in countdown(activeCmds.len - 1, 0):
let found = findOpt(activeCmds[i].opts, name)
if found != nil: return found
func findCmd(cmds: openArray[CmdInfo], name: string): CmdInfo =
for cmd in cmds:
if cmpIgnoreStyle(cmd.name, name) == 0:
return cmd
func findSubCmd(cmd: CmdInfo, name: string): CmdInfo =
let subCmdDiscriminator = cmd.getSubCmdDiscriminator
if subCmdDiscriminator != nil:
let cmd = findCmd(subCmdDiscriminator.subCmds, name)
if cmd != nil: return cmd
return nil
func startsWithIgnoreStyle(s: string, prefix: string): bool =
# Similar in spirit to cmpIgnoreStyle, but compare only the prefix.
var i = 0
var j = 0
while true:
# Skip any underscore
while i < s.len and s[i] == '_': inc i
while j < prefix.len and prefix[j] == '_': inc j
if j == prefix.len:
# The whole prefix matches
return true
elif i == s.len:
# We've reached the end of `s` without matching the prefix
return false
elif toLowerAscii(s[i]) != toLowerAscii(prefix[j]):
return false
inc i
inc j
when defined(debugCmdTree):
proc printCmdTree(cmd: CmdInfo, indent = 0) =
let blanks = spaces(indent)
echo blanks, "> ", cmd.name
for opt in cmd.opts:
if opt.kind == Discriminator:
for subcmd in opt.subCmds:
printCmdTree(subcmd, indent + 2)
echo blanks, " - ", opt.name, ": ", opt.typename
template printCmdTree(cmd: CmdInfo) = discard
# TODO remove the overloads here to get better "missing overload" error message
proc parseCmdArg*(T: type InputDir, p: string): T {.raises: [ValueError].} =
if not dirExists(p):
raise newException(ValueError, "Directory doesn't exist")
proc parseCmdArg*(T: type InputFile, p: string): T {.raises: [ValueError].} =
# TODO this is needed only because InputFile cannot be made
# an alias of TypedInputFile at the moment, because of a generics
# caching issue
if not fileExists(p):
raise newException(ValueError, "File doesn't exist")
when not defined(nimscript):
let f = system.open(p, fmRead)
close f
except IOError:
raise newException(ValueError, "File not accessible")
proc parseCmdArg*(
T: type TypedInputFile, p: string): T {.raises: [ValueError].} =
var path = p
when T.defaultExt.len > 0:
path = path.addFileExt(T.defaultExt)
if not fileExists(path):
raise newException(ValueError, "File doesn't exist")
when not defined(nimscript):
let f = system.open(path, fmRead)
close f
except IOError:
raise newException(ValueError, "File not accessible")
func parseCmdArg*(T: type[OutDir|OutFile|OutPath], p: string): T =
proc parseCmdArg*[T](
_: type Option[T], s: string): Option[T] {.raises: [ValueError].} =
some(parseCmdArg(T, s))
template parseCmdArg*(T: type string, s: string): string =
func parseCmdArg*(
T: type SomeSignedInt, s: string): T {.raises: [ValueError].} =
T parseBiggestInt(s)
func parseCmdArg*(
T: type SomeUnsignedInt, s: string): T {.raises: [ValueError].} =
T parseBiggestUInt(s)
func parseCmdArg*(T: type SomeFloat, p: string): T {.raises: [ValueError].} =
func parseCmdArg*(T: type bool, p: string): T {.raises: [ValueError].} =
p.len == 0 or parseBool(p)
except CatchableError:
raise newException(ValueError, "'" & p & "' is not a valid boolean value. Supported values are on/off, yes/no, true/false or 1/0")
func parseCmdArg*(T: type enum, s: string): T {.raises: [ValueError].} =
proc parseCmdArgAux(T: type, s: string): T {.raises: [ValueError].} =
# The parseCmdArg procs are allowed to raise only `ValueError`.
# If you have provided your own specializations, please handle
# all other exception types.
mixin parseCmdArg
parseCmdArg(T, s)
except CatchableError as exc:
raise newException(ValueError, exc.msg)
func completeCmdArg*(T: type enum, val: string): seq[string] =
for e in low(T)..high(T):
let as_str = $e
if startsWithIgnoreStyle(as_str, val):
func completeCmdArg*(T: type SomeNumber, val: string): seq[string] =
func completeCmdArg*(T: type bool, val: string): seq[string] =
func completeCmdArg*(T: type string, val: string): seq[string] =
proc completeCmdArg*(T: type[InputFile|TypedInputFile|InputDir|OutFile|OutDir|OutPath],
val: string): seq[string] =
when not defined(nimscript):
let (dir, name, ext) = splitFile(val)
let tail = name & ext
# Expand the directory component for the directory walker routine
let dir_path = if dir == "": "." else: expandTilde(dir)
# Dotfiles are hidden unless the user entered a dot as prefix
let show_dotfiles = len(name) > 0 and name[0] == '.'
for kind, path in walkDir(dir_path, relative=true):
if not show_dotfiles and path[0] == '.':
# Do not show files if asked for directories, on the other hand we must show
# directories even if a file is requested to allow the user to select a file
# inside those
if type(T) is (InputDir or OutDir) and kind notin {pcDir, pcLinkToDir}:
# Note, no normalization is needed here
if path.startsWith(tail):
var match = dir_path / path
# Add a trailing slash so that completions can be chained
if kind in {pcDir, pcLinkToDir}:
match &= DirSep
except OSError:
func completeCmdArg*[T](_: type seq[T], val: string): seq[string] =
proc completeCmdArg*[T](_: type Option[T], val: string): seq[string] =
mixin completeCmdArg
return completeCmdArg(type(T), val)
proc completeCmdArgAux(T: type, val: string): seq[string] =
mixin completeCmdArg
return completeCmdArg(T, val)
template setField[T](
loc: var T, val: Option[string], defaultVal: untyped): untyped =
type FieldType = type(loc)
loc = if isSome(val): parseCmdArgAux(FieldType, val.get)
else: FieldType(defaultVal)
template setField[T](
loc: var seq[T], val: Option[string], defaultVal: untyped): untyped =
if val.isSome:
loc.add parseCmdArgAux(type(loc[0]), val.get)
type FieldType = type(loc)
loc = FieldType(defaultVal)
func makeDefaultValue*(T: type): T =
func requiresInput*(T: type): bool =
not ((T is seq) or (T is Option) or (T is bool))
func acceptsMultipleValues*(T: type): bool =
T is seq
template debugMacroResult(macroName: string) {.dirty.} =
when defined(debugMacros) or defined(debugConfutils):
echo "\n-------- ", macroName, " ----------------------"
echo result.repr
func parseEnumNormalized[T: enum](s: string): T {.raises: [ValueError].} =
# Note: In Nim 1.6 `parseEnum` normalizes the string except for the first
# character. Nim 1.2 would normalize for all characters. In config options
# the latter behaviour is required so this custom function is needed.
genEnumCaseStmt(T, s, default = nil, ord(low(T)), ord(high(T)), normalize)
proc generateFieldSetters(RecordType: NimNode): NimNode =
var recordDef = getImpl(RecordType)
let makeDefaultValue = bindSym"makeDefaultValue"
result = newTree(nnkStmtListExpr)
var settersArray = newTree(nnkBracket)
for field in recordFields(recordDef):
setterName = ident($field.name & "Setter")
fieldName = field.name
namePragma = field.readPragma"name"
paramName = if namePragma != nil: namePragma
else: fieldName
configVar = ident "config"
configField = newTree(nnkDotExpr, configVar, fieldName)
defaultValue = field.readPragma"defaultValue"
completerName = ident($field.name & "Complete")
if defaultValue == nil:
defaultValue = newCall(makeDefaultValue, newTree(nnkTypeOfExpr, configField))
# TODO: This shouldn't be necessary. The type symbol returned from Nim should
# be typed as a tyTypeDesc[tyString] instead of just `tyString`. To be filed.
var fixedFieldType = newTree(nnkTypeOfExpr, field.typ)
settersArray.add newTree(nnkTupleConstr,
setterName, completerName,
newCall(bindSym"requiresInput", fixedFieldType),
newCall(bindSym"acceptsMultipleValues", fixedFieldType))
result.add quote do:
{.push hint[XCannotRaiseY]: off.}
result.add quote do:
proc `completerName`(val: string): seq[string] {.
raises: []
.} =
return completeCmdArgAux(`fixedFieldType`, val)
proc `setterName`(`configVar`: var `RecordType`, val: Option[string]) {.
raises: [ValueError]
.} =
when `configField` is enum:
# TODO: For some reason, the normal `setField` rejects enum fields
# when they are used as case discriminators. File this as a bug.
if isSome(val):
`configField` = parseEnumNormalized[type(`configField`)](val.get)
`configField` = `defaultValue`
setField(`configField`, val, `defaultValue`)
result.add quote do:
result.add settersArray
debugMacroResult "Field Setters"
func checkDuplicate(cmd: CmdInfo, opt: OptInfo, fieldName: NimNode) =
for x in cmd.opts:
if opt.name == x.name:
error "duplicate name detected: " & opt.name, fieldName
if opt.abbr.len > 0 and opt.abbr == x.abbr:
error "duplicate abbr detected: " & opt.abbr, fieldName
func validPath(path: var seq[CmdInfo], parent, node: CmdInfo): bool =
for x in parent.opts:
if x.kind != Discriminator: continue
for y in x.subCmds:
if y == node:
path.add y
return true
if validPath(path, y, node):
path.add y
return true
func findPath(parent, node: CmdInfo): seq[CmdInfo] =
# find valid path from parent to node
result = newSeq[CmdInfo]()
doAssert validPath(result, parent, node)
result.add parent
func toText(n: NimNode): string =
if n == nil: ""
elif n.kind in {nnkStrLit..nnkTripleStrLit}: n.strVal
else: repr(n)
proc cmdInfoFromType(T: NimNode): CmdInfo =
result = CmdInfo()
recordDef = getImpl(T)
discriminatorFields = newSeq[OptInfo]()
fieldIdx = 0
for field in recordFields(recordDef):
isImplicitlySelectable = field.readPragma"implicitlySelectable" != nil
defaultValue = field.readPragma"defaultValue"
defaultValueDesc = field.readPragma"defaultValueDesc"
defaultInHelp = if defaultValueDesc != nil: defaultValueDesc
else: defaultValue
defaultInHelpText = toText(defaultInHelp)
separator = field.readPragma"separator"
longDesc = field.readPragma"longDesc"
isHidden = field.readPragma("hidden") != nil
abbr = field.readPragma"abbr"
name = field.readPragma"name"
desc = field.readPragma"desc"
optKind = if field.isDiscriminator: Discriminator
elif field.readPragma("argument") != nil: Arg
else: CliSwitch
var opt = OptInfo(kind: optKind,
idx: fieldIdx,
name: $field.name,
isHidden: isHidden,
hasDefault: defaultValue != nil,
defaultInHelpText: defaultInHelpText,
typename: field.typ.repr)
if desc != nil: opt.desc = desc.strVal
if name != nil: opt.name = name.strVal
if abbr != nil: opt.abbr = abbr.strVal
if separator != nil: opt.separator = separator.strVal
if longDesc != nil: opt.longDesc = longDesc.strVal
inc fieldIdx
if field.isDiscriminator:
discriminatorFields.add opt
let cmdType = field.typ.getImpl[^1]
if cmdType.kind != nnkEnumTy:
error "Only enums are supported as case object discriminators", field.name
opt.isImplicitlySelectable = isImplicitlySelectable
opt.isCommand = field.readPragma"command" != nil
for i in 1 ..< cmdType.len:
let enumVal = cmdType[i]
var name, desc: string
if enumVal.kind == nnkEnumFieldDef:
name = $enumVal[0]
desc = $enumVal[1]
name = $enumVal
if defaultValue != nil and eqIdent(name, defaultValue):
opt.defaultSubCmd = i - 1
opt.subCmds.add CmdInfo(name: name, desc: desc)
if defaultValue == nil:
opt.defaultSubCmd = -1
if opt.defaultSubCmd == -1:
error "The default value is not a valid enum value", defaultValue
if field.caseField != nil and field.caseBranch != nil:
let fieldName = field.caseField.getFieldName
var discriminator = findOpt(discriminatorFields, $fieldName)
if discriminator == nil:
error "Unable to find " & $fieldName
if field.caseBranch.kind == nnkElse:
error "Sub-command parameters cannot appear in an else branch. " &
"Please specify the sub-command branch precisely", field.caseBranch[0]
var branchEnumVal = field.caseBranch[0]
if branchEnumVal.kind == nnkDotExpr:
branchEnumVal = branchEnumVal[1]
var cmd = findCmd(discriminator.subCmds, $branchEnumVal)
# we respect subcommand hierarchy when looking for duplicate
let path = findPath(result, cmd)
for n in path:
checkDuplicate(n, opt, field.name)
# the reason we check for `ignore` pragma here and not using `continue` statement
# is we do respect option hierarchy of subcommands
if field.readPragma("ignore") == nil:
cmd.opts.add opt
checkDuplicate(result, opt, field.name)
if field.readPragma("ignore") == nil:
result.opts.add opt
macro configurationRtti(RecordType: type): untyped =
T = RecordType.getType[1]
cmdInfo = cmdInfoFromType T
fieldSetters = generateFieldSetters T
result = newTree(nnkPar, newLitFixed cmdInfo, fieldSetters)
when hasSerialization:
proc addConfigFile*(secondarySources: auto,
Format: type,
path: InputFile) {.raises: [ConfigurationError].} =
secondarySources.data.add loadFile(Format, string path,
except SerializationError as err:
raise newException(ConfigurationError, err.formatMsg(string path), err)
except IOError as err:
raise newException(ConfigurationError,
"Failed to read config file at '" & string(path) & "': " & err.msg)
proc addConfigFileContent*(secondarySources: auto,
Format: type,
content: string) {.raises: [ConfigurationError].} =
secondarySources.data.add decode(Format, content,
except SerializationError as err:
raise newException(ConfigurationError, err.formatMsg("<content>"), err)
except IOError:
raiseAssert "This should not be possible"
func constructEnvKey*(prefix: string, key: string): string {.raises: [].} =
## Generates env. variable names from keys and prefix following the
## IEEE Open Group env. variable spec: https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/000095399/basedefs/xbd_chap08.html
(prefix & "_" & key).toUpperAscii.multiReplace(("-", "_"), (" ", "_"))
# On Posix there is no portable way to get the command
# line from a DLL and thus the proc isn't defined in this environment.
# See https://nim-lang.org/docs/os.html#commandLineParams
when not declared(commandLineParams):
proc commandLineParams(): seq[string] = discard
proc loadImpl[C, SecondarySources](
Configuration: typedesc[C],
cmdLine = commandLineParams(),
version = "",
copyrightBanner = "",
printUsage = true,
quitOnFailure = true,
secondarySourcesRef: ref SecondarySources,
secondarySources: proc (
config: Configuration, sources: ref SecondarySources
) {.gcsafe, raises: [ConfigurationError].} = nil,
envVarsPrefix = appInvocation()
): Configuration {.raises: [ConfigurationError].} =
## Loads a program configuration by parsing command-line arguments
## and a standard set of config files that can specify:
## - working directory settings
## - user settings
## - system-wide setttings
## Supports multiple config files format (INI/TOML, YAML, JSON).
# This is an initial naive implementation that will be improved
# over time.
let (rootCmd, fieldSetters) = configurationRtti(Configuration)
var fieldCounters: array[fieldSetters.len, int]
printCmdTree rootCmd
var activeCmds = @[rootCmd]
template lastCmd: auto = activeCmds[^1]
var nextArgIdx = lastCmd.getNextArgIdx(-1)
var help = ""
proc suggestCallingHelp =
errorOutput "Try ", fgCommand, appInvocation() & " --help"
errorOutput " for more information.\p"
flushOutputAndQuit QuitFailure
template fail(args: varargs[untyped]): untyped =
if quitOnFailure:
errorOutput args
errorOutput "\p"
# TODO: populate this string
raise newException(ConfigurationError, "")
template applySetter(
conf: Configuration, setterIdx: int, cmdLineVal: string): untyped =
when defined(nimHasWarnBareExcept):
{.push warning[BareExcept]:off.}
fieldSetters[setterIdx][1](conf, some(cmdLineVal))
inc fieldCounters[setterIdx]
fail("Error while processing the ",
fgOption, fieldSetters[setterIdx][0],
"=", cmdLineVal, resetStyle, " parameter: ",
when defined(nimHasWarnBareExcept):
when hasCompletions:
template getArgCompletions(opt: OptInfo, prefix: string): seq[string] =
template required(opt: OptInfo): bool =
fieldSetters[opt.idx][3] and not opt.hasDefault
template activateCmd(
conf: Configuration, discriminator: OptInfo, activatedCmd: CmdInfo) =
let cmd = activatedCmd
conf.applySetter(discriminator.idx, if cmd.desc.len > 0: cmd.desc
else: cmd.name)
activeCmds.add cmd
nextArgIdx = cmd.getNextArgIdx(-1)
when hasCompletions:
ArgKindFilter = enum
proc showMatchingOptions(cmd: CmdInfo, prefix: string, filterKind: set[ArgKindFilter]) =
var matchingOptions: seq[OptInfo]
if len(prefix) > 0:
# Filter the options according to the input prefix
for opt in cmd.opts:
if argName in filterKind and len(opt.name) > 0:
if startsWithIgnoreStyle(opt.name, prefix):
if argAbbr in filterKind and len(opt.abbr) > 0:
if startsWithIgnoreStyle(opt.abbr, prefix):
matchingOptions = cmd.opts
for opt in matchingOptions:
# The trailing '=' means the switch accepts an argument
let trailing = if opt.typename != "bool": "=" else: ""
if argName in filterKind and len(opt.name) > 0:
stdout.writeLine("--", opt.name, trailing)
except IOError:
if argAbbr in filterKind and len(opt.abbr) > 0:
stdout.writeLine('-', opt.abbr, trailing)
except IOError:
let completion = splitCompletionLine()
# If we're not asked to complete a command line the result is an empty list
if len(completion) != 0:
var cmdStack = @[rootCmd]
# Try to understand what the active chain of commands is without parsing the
# whole command line
for tok in completion[1..^1]:
if not tok.startsWith('-'):
let subCmd = findSubCmd(cmdStack[^1], tok)
if subCmd != nil: cmdStack.add(subCmd)
let cur_word = completion[^1]
let prev_word = if len(completion) > 2: completion[^2] else: ""
let prev_prev_word = if len(completion) > 3: completion[^3] else: ""
if cur_word.startsWith('-'):
# Show all the options matching the prefix input by the user
let isFullName = cur_word.startsWith("--")
var option_word = cur_word
for i in countdown(cmdStack.len - 1, 0):
let argFilter =
if isFullName:
elif len(cur_word) > 1:
# If the user entered a single hypen then we show both long & short
# variants
{argName, argAbbr}
showMatchingOptions(cmdStack[i], option_word, argFilter)
elif (prev_word.startsWith('-') or
(prev_word == "=" and prev_prev_word.startsWith('-'))):
# Handle cases where we want to complete a switch choice
# -switch
# -switch=
var option_word = if len(prev_word) == 1: prev_prev_word else: prev_word
let opt = findOpt(cmdStack, option_word)
if opt != nil:
for arg in getArgCompletions(opt, cur_word):
except IOError:
elif cmdStack[^1].hasSubCommands:
# Show all the available subcommands
for subCmd in subCmds(cmdStack[^1]):
if startsWithIgnoreStyle(subCmd.name, cur_word):
except IOError:
# Full options listing
for i in countdown(cmdStack.len - 1, 0):
showMatchingOptions(cmdStack[i], "", {argName, argAbbr})
proc lazyHelpAppInfo: HelpAppInfo =
copyrightBanner: copyrightBanner,
appInvocation: appInvocation())
template processHelpAndVersionOptions(optKey: string) =
let key = optKey
if cmpIgnoreStyle(key, "help") == 0:
help.showHelp lazyHelpAppInfo(), activeCmds
elif version.len > 0 and cmpIgnoreStyle(key, "version") == 0:
help.helpOutput version, "\p"
flushOutputAndQuit QuitSuccess
for kind, key, val in getopt(cmdLine):
when key isnot string:
let key = string(key)
case kind
of cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption:
processHelpAndVersionOptions key
var opt = findOpt(activeCmds, key)
if opt == nil:
# We didn't find the option.
# Check if it's from the default command and activate it if necessary:
let subCmdDiscriminator = lastCmd.getSubCmdDiscriminator
if subCmdDiscriminator != nil:
if subCmdDiscriminator.defaultSubCmd != -1:
let defaultCmd = subCmdDiscriminator.subCmds[subCmdDiscriminator.defaultSubCmd]
opt = findOpt(defaultCmd.opts, key)
if opt != nil:
result.activateCmd(subCmdDiscriminator, defaultCmd)
if opt != nil:
result.applySetter(opt.idx, val)
fail "Unrecognized option '" & key & "'"
of cmdArgument:
if lastCmd.hasSubCommands:
processHelpAndVersionOptions key
block processArg:
let subCmdDiscriminator = lastCmd.getSubCmdDiscriminator
if subCmdDiscriminator != nil:
let subCmd = findCmd(subCmdDiscriminator.subCmds, key)
if subCmd != nil:
result.activateCmd(subCmdDiscriminator, subCmd)
break processArg
if nextArgIdx == -1:
fail lastCmd.noMoreArgsError
result.applySetter(nextArgIdx, key)
if not fieldSetters[nextArgIdx][4]:
nextArgIdx = lastCmd.getNextArgIdx(nextArgIdx)
let subCmdDiscriminator = lastCmd.getSubCmdDiscriminator
if subCmdDiscriminator != nil and
subCmdDiscriminator.defaultSubCmd != -1 and
fieldCounters[subCmdDiscriminator.idx] == 0:
let defaultCmd = subCmdDiscriminator.subCmds[subCmdDiscriminator.defaultSubCmd]
result.activateCmd(subCmdDiscriminator, defaultCmd)
# https://github.com/status-im/nim-confutils/pull/109#discussion_r1820076739
if not isNil(secondarySources): # Nim v2.0.10: `!= nil` broken in nimscript
secondarySources(result, secondarySourcesRef)
except ConfigurationError as err:
fail "Failed to load secondary sources: '" & err.msg & "'"
proc processMissingOpts(
conf: var Configuration, cmd: CmdInfo) {.raises: [ConfigurationError].} =
for opt in cmd.opts:
if fieldCounters[opt.idx] == 0:
let envKey = constructEnvKey(envVarsPrefix, opt.name)
if existsEnv(envKey):
let envContent = getEnv(envKey)
conf.applySetter(opt.idx, envContent)
elif secondarySourcesRef.setters[opt.idx](conf, secondarySourcesRef):
# all work is done in the config file setter,
# there is nothing left to do here.
elif opt.hasDefault:
fieldSetters[opt.idx][1](conf, none[string]())
elif opt.required:
fail "The required option '" & opt.name & "' was not specified"
except ValueError as err:
fail "Option '" & opt.name & "' failed to parse: '" & err.msg & "'"
for cmd in activeCmds:
template load*(
Configuration: type,
cmdLine = commandLineParams(),
version = "",
copyrightBanner = "",
printUsage = true,
quitOnFailure = true,
secondarySources: untyped = nil,
envVarsPrefix = appInvocation()): untyped =
let secondarySourcesRef = generateSecondarySources(Configuration)
loadImpl(Configuration, cmdLine, version,
copyrightBanner, printUsage, quitOnFailure,
secondarySourcesRef, secondarySources, envVarsPrefix)
func defaults*(Configuration: type): Configuration =
load(Configuration, cmdLine = @[], printUsage = false, quitOnFailure = false)
proc dispatchImpl(cliProcSym, cliArgs, loadArgs: NimNode): NimNode =
# Here, we'll create a configuration object with fields matching
# the CLI proc params. We'll also generate a call to the designated proc
let configType = genSym(nskType, "CliConfig")
let configFields = newTree(nnkRecList)
let configVar = genSym(nskLet, "config")
var dispatchCall = newCall(cliProcSym)
# The return type of the proc is skipped over
for i in 1 ..< cliArgs.len:
var arg = copy cliArgs[i]
# If an argument doesn't specify a type, we infer it from the default value
if arg[1].kind == nnkEmpty:
if arg[2].kind == nnkEmpty:
error "Please provide either a default value or type of the parameter", arg
arg[1] = newCall(bindSym"typeof", arg[2])
# Turn any default parameters into the confutils's `defaultValue` pragma
if arg[2].kind != nnkEmpty:
if arg[0].kind != nnkPragmaExpr:
arg[0] = newTree(nnkPragmaExpr, arg[0], newTree(nnkPragma))
arg[0][1].add newColonExpr(bindSym"defaultValue", arg[2])
arg[2] = newEmptyNode()
configFields.add arg
dispatchCall.add newTree(nnkDotExpr, configVar, skipPragma arg[0])
let cliConfigType = nnkTypeSection.newTree(
var loadConfigCall = newCall(bindSym"load", configType)
for p in loadArgs: loadConfigCall.add p
result = quote do:
let `configVar` = `loadConfigCall`
macro dispatch*(fn: typed, args: varargs[untyped]): untyped =
if fn.kind != nnkSym or
fn.symKind notin {nskProc, nskFunc, nskMacro, nskTemplate}:
error "The first argument to `confutils.dispatch` should be a callable symbol"
let fnImpl = fn.getImpl
result = dispatchImpl(fnImpl.name, fnImpl.params, args)
debugMacroResult "Dispatch Code"
macro cli*(args: varargs[untyped]): untyped =
if args.len == 0:
error "The cli macro expects a do block", args
let doBlock = args[^1]
if doBlock.kind notin {nnkDo, nnkLambda}:
error "The last argument to `confutils.cli` should be a do block", doBlock
args.del(args.len - 1)
# Create a new anonymous proc we'll dispatch to
let cliProcName = genSym(nskProc, "CLI")
var cliProc = newTree(nnkProcDef, cliProcName)
# Copy everything but the name from the do block:
for i in 1 ..< doBlock.len: cliProc.add doBlock[i]
# Generate the final code
result = newStmtList(cliProc, dispatchImpl(cliProcName, cliProc.params, args))
# TODO: remove this once Nim supports custom pragmas on proc params
for p in cliProc.params:
if p.kind == nnkEmpty: continue
p[0] = skipPragma p[0]
debugMacroResult "CLI Code"
func load*(f: TypedInputFile): f.ContentType =
when f.Format is Unspecified or f.ContentType is Unspecified:
{.fatal: "To use `InputFile.load`, please specify the Format and ContentType of the file".}
when f.Format is Txt:
# TODO: implement a proper Txt serialization format
mixin init
f.ContentType.init readFile(f.string).string
mixin loadFile
loadFile(f.Format, f.string, f.ContentType)