# confutils # Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH # Licensed under either of # * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE)) # * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT)) # at your option. # This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to # those terms. ## A simple lexer meant to tokenize an input string as a shell would do. import lexbase import options import streams import os import strutils type ShellLexer = object of BaseLexer preserveTrailingWs: bool mergeWordBreaks: bool wordBreakChars: string const WORDBREAKS = "\"'@><=;|&(:" SAFE_CHARS = {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '@', '%', '+', '=', ':', ',', '.', '/', '-'} {.push gcsafe, raises: [].} proc open(l: var ShellLexer, input: Stream, wordBreakChars: string = WORDBREAKS, preserveTrailingWs = true) {.gcsafe, raises: [IOError, OSError].} = lexbase.open(l, input) l.preserveTrailingWs = preserveTrailingWs l.mergeWordBreaks = false l.wordBreakChars = wordBreakChars proc parseQuoted(l: var ShellLexer, pos: int, isSingle: bool, output: var string): int {.gcsafe, raises: [IOError, OSError].} = var pos = pos while true: case l.buf[pos]: of '\c': pos = lexbase.handleCR(l, pos) of '\L': pos = lexbase.handleLF(l, pos) of lexbase.EndOfFile: break of '\\': # Consume the backslash and the following character inc(pos) if (isSingle and l.buf[pos] in {'\''}) or (not isSingle and l.buf[pos] in {'$', '`', '\\', '"'}): # Escape the character output.add(l.buf[pos]) else: # Rewrite the escape sequence as-is output.add('\\') output.add(l.buf[pos]) inc(pos) of '\"': inc(pos) if isSingle: output.add('\"') else: break of '\'': inc(pos) if isSingle: break else: output.add('\'') else: output.add(l.buf[pos]) inc(pos) return pos proc getTok(l: var ShellLexer): Option[string] {.gcsafe, raises: [IOError, OSError].} = var pos = l.bufpos # Skip the initial whitespace while true: case l.buf[pos]: of '\c': pos = lexbase.handleCR(l, pos) of '\L': pos = lexbase.handleLF(l, pos) of '#': # Skip everything until EOF/EOL while l.buf[pos] notin {'\c', '\L', lexbase.EndOfFile}: inc(pos) of lexbase.EndOfFile: # If we did eat up some whitespace return an empty token, this is needed # to find out if the string ends with whitespace. if l.preserveTrailingWs and l.bufpos != pos: l.bufpos = pos return some("") return none(string) of ' ', '\t': inc(pos) else: break var tokLit = "" # Parse the next token while true: case l.buf[pos]: of '\c': pos = lexbase.handleCR(l, pos) of '\L': pos = lexbase.handleLF(l, pos) of '\'': # Single-quoted string inc(pos) pos = parseQuoted(l, pos, true, tokLit) of '"': # Double-quoted string inc(pos) pos = parseQuoted(l, pos, false, tokLit) of '\\': # Escape sequence inc(pos) if l.buf[pos] != lexbase.EndOfFile: tokLit.add(l.buf[pos]) inc(pos) of '#', ' ', '\t', lexbase.EndOfFile: break else: let ch = l.buf[pos] if ch notin l.wordBreakChars: tokLit.add(l.buf[pos]) inc(pos) # Merge together runs of adjacent word-breaking characters if requested elif l.mergeWordBreaks: while l.buf[pos] in l.wordBreakChars: tokLit.add(l.buf[pos]) inc(pos) l.mergeWordBreaks = false break else: l.mergeWordBreaks = true break l.bufpos = pos return some(tokLit) proc splitCompletionLine*(): seq[string] = let comp_line = os.getEnv("COMP_LINE") var comp_point = try: parseInt(os.getEnv("COMP_POINT", "0")) except ValueError: return @[] if comp_point == len(comp_line): comp_point -= 1 if comp_point < 0 or comp_point > len(comp_line): return @[] # Take the useful part only var strm = newStringStream(comp_line[0..comp_point]) # Split the resulting string var l: ShellLexer try: l.open(strm) while true: let token = l.getTok() if token.isNone(): break result.add(token.get()) except IOError, OSError: return @[] proc shellQuote*(word: string): string = if len(word) == 0: return "''" if allCharsInSet(word, SAFE_CHARS): return word result.add('\'') for ch in word: if ch == '\'': result.add('\\') result.add(ch) result.add('\'') proc shellPathEscape*(path: string): string = if allCharsInSet(path, SAFE_CHARS): return path for ch in path: if ch notin SAFE_CHARS: result.add('\\') result.add(ch) {.pop.} when isMainModule: # Test data lifted from python's shlex unit-tests const data = """ foo bar|foo|bar| foo bar|foo|bar| foo bar |foo|bar| foo bar bla fasel|foo|bar|bla|fasel| x y z xxxx|x|y|z|xxxx| \x bar|x|bar| \ x bar| x|bar| \ bar| bar| foo \x bar|foo|x|bar| foo \ x bar|foo| x|bar| foo \ bar|foo| bar| foo "bar" bla|foo|bar|bla| "foo" "bar" "bla"|foo|bar|bla| "foo" bar "bla"|foo|bar|bla| "foo" bar bla|foo|bar|bla| foo 'bar' bla|foo|bar|bla| 'foo' 'bar' 'bla'|foo|bar|bla| 'foo' bar 'bla'|foo|bar|bla| 'foo' bar bla|foo|bar|bla| blurb foo"bar"bar"fasel" baz|blurb|foobarbarfasel|baz| blurb foo'bar'bar'fasel' baz|blurb|foobarbarfasel|baz| ""|| ''|| foo "" bar|foo||bar| foo '' bar|foo||bar| foo "" "" "" bar|foo||||bar| foo '' '' '' bar|foo||||bar| \"|"| "\""|"| "foo\ bar"|foo\ bar| "foo\\ bar"|foo\ bar| "foo\\ bar\""|foo\ bar"| "foo\\" bar\"|foo\|bar"| "foo\\ bar\" dfadf"|foo\ bar" dfadf| "foo\\\ bar\" dfadf"|foo\\ bar" dfadf| "foo\\\x bar\" dfadf"|foo\\x bar" dfadf| "foo\x bar\" dfadf"|foo\x bar" dfadf| \'|'| 'foo\ bar'|foo\ bar| 'foo\\ bar'|foo\\ bar| "foo\\\x bar\" df'a\ 'df"|foo\\x bar" df'a\ 'df| \"foo|"foo| \"foo\x|"foox| "foo\x"|foo\x| "foo\ "|foo\ | foo\ xx|foo xx| foo\ x\x|foo xx| foo\ x\x\"|foo xx"| "foo\ x\x"|foo\ x\x| "foo\ x\x\\"|foo\ x\x\| "foo\ x\x\\""foobar"|foo\ x\x\foobar| "foo\ x\x\\"\'"foobar"|foo\ x\x\'foobar| "foo\ x\x\\"\'"fo'obar"|foo\ x\x\'fo'obar| "foo\ x\x\\"\'"fo'obar" 'don'\''t'|foo\ x\x\'fo'obar|don't| "foo\ x\x\\"\'"fo'obar" 'don'\''t' \\|foo\ x\x\'fo'obar|don't|\| 'foo\ bar'|foo\ bar| 'foo\\ bar'|foo\\ bar| foo\ bar|foo bar| :-) ;-)|:-)|;-)| áéíóú|áéíóú| """ var corpus = newStringStream(data) var line = "" while corpus.readLine(line): let chunks = line.split('|') let expr = chunks[0] let expected = chunks[1..^2] var l: ShellLexer var strm = newStringStream(expr) var got: seq[string] l.open(strm, wordBreakChars="", preserveTrailingWs=false) while true: let x = l.getTok() if x.isNone(): break got.add(x.get()) if got != expected: echo "got ", got echo "expected ", expected doAssert(false) doAssert(shellQuote("") == "''") doAssert(shellQuote("\\\"") == "'\\\"'") doAssert(shellQuote("foobar") == "foobar") doAssert(shellQuote("foo$bar") == "'foo$bar'") doAssert(shellQuote("foo bar") == "'foo bar'") doAssert(shellQuote("foo'bar") == "'foo\\'bar'")