
350 lines
8.7 KiB

import std/json except `%`, `%*`
import std/macros
import std/options
import std/strutils
import std/strformat
import std/tables
import std/typetraits
from pkg/ethers import Address
from pkg/libp2p import Cid, PeerId, SignedPeerRecord, MultiAddress, AddressInfo, init, `$`
import pkg/contractabi
import pkg/codexdht/discv5/node as dn
import pkg/stew/byteutils
import pkg/stint
import pkg/questionable/results
import ../errors
export json except `%`, `%*`
SerializationError = object of CodexError
UnexpectedKindError = object of SerializationError
template serialize* {.pragma.}
proc newUnexpectedKindError(
expectedType: type,
expectedKinds: string,
json: JsonNode
): ref UnexpectedKindError =
let kind = if json.isNil: "nil"
else: $json.kind
&"deserialization to {$expectedType} failed: expected {expectedKinds} " &
&"but got {kind}")
proc newUnexpectedKindError(
expectedType: type,
expectedKinds: set[JsonNodeKind],
json: JsonNode
): ref UnexpectedKindError =
newUnexpectedKindError(expectedType, $expectedKinds, json)
proc newUnexpectedKindError(
expectedType: type,
expectedKind: JsonNodeKind,
json: JsonNode
): ref UnexpectedKindError =
newUnexpectedKindError(expectedType, {expectedKind}, json)
template expectJsonKind(
expectedType: type,
expectedKinds: set[JsonNodeKind],
json: JsonNode
) =
if json.isNil or json.kind notin expectedKinds:
return failure(newUnexpectedKindError(expectedType, expectedKinds, json))
template expectJsonKind(
expectedType: type,
expectedKind: JsonNodeKind,
json: JsonNode
) =
expectJsonKind(expectedType, {expectedKind}, json)
proc fromJson*(
T: type enum,
json: JsonNode
): ?!T =
expectJsonKind(string, JString, json)
catch parseEnum[T](json.str)
proc fromJson*(
_: type string,
json: JsonNode
): ?!string =
if json.isNil:
let err = newException(ValueError, "'json' expected, but was nil")
return failure(err)
elif json.kind == JNull:
return success("null")
elif json.isNil or json.kind != JString:
return failure(newUnexpectedKindError(string, JString, json))
catch json.getStr
proc fromJson*(
_: type bool,
json: JsonNode
): ?!bool =
expectJsonKind(bool, JBool, json)
catch json.getBool
proc fromJson*(
_: type int,
json: JsonNode
): ?!int =
expectJsonKind(int, JInt, json)
catch json.getInt
proc fromJson*[T: SomeInteger](
_: type T,
json: JsonNode
): ?!T =
when T is uint|uint64 or (not defined(js) and int.sizeof == 4):
expectJsonKind(T, {JInt, JString}, json)
case json.kind
of JString:
let x = parseBiggestUInt(json.str)
return success cast[T](x)
return success T(json.num)
expectJsonKind(T, {JInt}, json)
return success cast[T](json.num)
proc fromJson*[T: SomeFloat](
_: type T,
json: JsonNode
): ?!T =
expectJsonKind(T, {JInt, JFloat, JString}, json)
if json.kind == JString:
case json.str
of "nan":
let b = NaN
return success T(b)
# dst = NaN # would fail some tests because range conversions would cause CT error
# in some cases; but this is not a hot-spot inside this branch and backend can optimize this.
of "inf":
let b = Inf
return success T(b)
of "-inf":
let b = -Inf
return success T(b)
let err = newUnexpectedKindError(T, "'nan|inf|-inf'", json)
return failure(err)
if json.kind == JFloat:
return success T(json.fnum)
return success T(json.num)
proc fromJson*(
_: type seq[byte],
json: JsonNode
): ?!seq[byte] =
expectJsonKind(seq[byte], JString, json)
proc fromJson*[N: static[int], T: array[N, byte]](
_: type T,
json: JsonNode
): ?!T =
expectJsonKind(T, JString, json)
proc fromJson*[T: distinct](
_: type T,
json: JsonNode
): ?!T =
success T(? T.distinctBase.fromJson(json))
proc fromJson*[N: static[int], T: StUint[N]](
_: type T,
json: JsonNode
): ?!T =
expectJsonKind(T, JString, json)
catch parse(json.getStr, T)
proc fromJson*[T](
_: type Option[T],
json: JsonNode
): ?! Option[T] =
if json.isNil or json.kind == JNull:
return success(none T)
without val =? T.fromJson(json), error:
return failure(error)
proc fromJson*(
_: type Cid,
json: JsonNode
): ?!Cid =
expectJsonKind(Cid, JString, json)
proc fromJson*[T](
_: type seq[T],
json: JsonNode
): ?! seq[T] =
expectJsonKind(seq[T], JArray, json)
var arr: seq[T] = @[]
for elem in json.elems:
arr.add(? T.fromJson(elem))
success arr
proc fromJson*[T: ref object or object](
_: type T,
json: JsonNode
): ?!T =
expectJsonKind(T, JObject, json)
var res = when type(T) is ref: else: T.default
# Leave this in, it's good for debugging:
# trace "deserializing object", to = $T, json
for name, value in fieldPairs(when type(T) is ref: res[] else: res):
if json{name} != nil:
without parsed =? type(value).fromJson(json{name}), e:
error "error deserializing field",
field = $T & "." & name,
json = json{name},
error = e.msg
return failure(e)
value = parsed
proc fromJson*[T: object](
_: type T,
bytes: seq[byte]
): ?!T =
let json = ?catch parseJson(string.fromBytes(bytes))
proc fromJson*[T: ref object](
_: type T,
bytes: seq[byte]
): ?!T =
let json = ?catch parseJson(string.fromBytes(bytes))
func `%`*(s: string): JsonNode = newJString(s)
func `%`*(n: uint): JsonNode =
if n > cast[uint](int.high):
func `%`*(n: int): JsonNode = newJInt(n)
func `%`*(n: BiggestUInt): JsonNode =
if n > cast[BiggestUInt](BiggestInt.high):
func `%`*(n: BiggestInt): JsonNode = newJInt(n)
func `%`*(n: float): JsonNode =
if n != n: newJString("nan")
elif n == Inf: newJString("inf")
elif n == -Inf: newJString("-inf")
else: newJFloat(n)
func `%`*(b: bool): JsonNode = newJBool(b)
func `%`*(keyVals: openArray[tuple[key: string, val: JsonNode]]): JsonNode =
if keyVals.len == 0: return newJArray()
let jObj = newJObject()
for key, val in items(keyVals): jObj.fields[key] = val
template `%`*(j: JsonNode): JsonNode = j
func `%`*[T](table: Table[string, T]|OrderedTable[string, T]): JsonNode =
let jObj = newJObject()
for k, v in table: jObj[k] = ? %v
func `%`*[T](opt: Option[T]): JsonNode =
if opt.isSome: %(opt.get) else: newJNull()
func `%`*[T: object](obj: T): JsonNode =
let jsonObj = newJObject()
for name, value in obj.fieldPairs:
when value.hasCustomPragma(serialize):
jsonObj[name] = %value
func `%`*[T: ref object](obj: T): JsonNode =
let jsonObj = newJObject()
for name, value in obj[].fieldPairs:
when value.hasCustomPragma(serialize):
jsonObj[name] = %(value)
proc `%`*(o: enum): JsonNode = % $o
func `%`*(stint: StInt|StUint): JsonNode = %stint.toString
func `%`*(cstr: cstring): JsonNode = % $cstr
func `%`*(arr: openArray[byte]): JsonNode = % arr.to0xHex
func `%`*[T](elements: openArray[T]): JsonNode =
let jObj = newJArray()
for elem in elements: jObj.add(%elem)
func `%`*[T: distinct](id: T): JsonNode =
type baseType = T.distinctBase
% baseType(id)
func `%`*(cid: Cid): JsonNode = % $cid
func `%`*(obj: PeerId): JsonNode = % $obj
func `%`*(obj: SignedPeerRecord): JsonNode = % $obj
func `%`*(obj: dn.Address): JsonNode = % $obj
func `%`*(obj: AddressInfo): JsonNode = % $obj.address
func `%`*(obj: MultiAddress): JsonNode = % $obj
func `%`*(address: ethers.Address): JsonNode = % $address
func toJson*[T](item: T): string = $(%item)
proc toJsnImpl(x: NimNode): NimNode =
case x.kind
of nnkBracket: # array
if x.len == 0: return newCall(bindSym"newJArray")
result = newNimNode(nnkBracket)
for i in 0 ..< x.len:
result = newCall(bindSym("%", brOpen), result)
of nnkTableConstr: # object
if x.len == 0: return newCall(bindSym"newJObject")
result = newNimNode(nnkTableConstr)
for i in 0 ..< x.len:
x[i].expectKind nnkExprColonExpr
result.add newTree(nnkExprColonExpr, x[i][0], toJsnImpl(x[i][1]))
result = newCall(bindSym("%", brOpen), result)
of nnkCurly: # empty object
result = newCall(bindSym"newJObject")
of nnkNilLit:
result = newCall(bindSym"newJNull")
of nnkPar:
if x.len == 1: result = toJsnImpl(x[0])
else: result = newCall(bindSym("%", brOpen), x)
result = newCall(bindSym("%", brOpen), x)
macro `%*`*(x: untyped): JsonNode =
## Convert an expression to a JsonNode directly, without having to specify
## `%` for every element.
result = toJsnImpl(x)