
175 lines
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## Nim-Dagger
## Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
import std/sequtils
import pkg/chronicles
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/libp2p
import pkg/libp2p/errors
import ../blocktype as bt
import ../utils/asyncheapqueue
import ./blockstore
import ../blockexchange/network
import ../blockexchange/engine
import ../blockexchange/peercontext
import ../blockexchange/protobuf/blockexc as pb
export blockstore, network, engine, asyncheapqueue
topics = "dagger blockexc"
DefaultTaskQueueSize = 100
DefaultConcurrentTasks = 10
DefaultMaxRetries = 3
BlockExc* = ref object of BlockStore
engine*: BlockExcEngine # blockexc decision engine
taskQueue*: AsyncHeapQueue[BlockExcPeerCtx] # peers we're currently processing tasks for
blockexcTasks: seq[Future[void]] # future to control blockexc task
blockexcRunning: bool # indicates if the blockexc task is running
concurrentTasks: int # number of concurrent peers we're serving at any given time
maxRetries: int # max number of tries for a failed block
taskHandler: TaskHandler # handler provided by the engine called by the runner
proc blockexcTaskRunner(b: BlockExc) {.async.} =
## process tasks
while b.blockexcRunning:
let peerCtx = await b.taskQueue.pop()
asyncSpawn b.taskHandler(peerCtx)
trace "Exiting blockexc task runner"
proc start*(b: BlockExc) {.async.} =
## Start the blockexc task
trace "blockexc start"
if b.blockexcTasks.len > 0:
warn "Starting blockexc twice"
b.blockexcRunning = true
for i in 0..<b.concurrentTasks:
proc stop*(b: BlockExc) {.async.} =
## Stop the blockexc blockexc
trace "BlockExc stop"
if b.blockexcTasks.len <= 0:
warn "Stopping blockexc without starting it"
b.blockexcRunning = false
for t in b.blockexcTasks:
if not t.finished:
trace "Awaiting task to stop"
trace "Task stopped"
trace "BlockExc stopped"
method getBlocks*(b: BlockExc, cid: seq[Cid]): Future[seq[bt.Block]] {.async.} =
## Get a block from a remote peer
let blocks = await allFinished(b.engine.requestBlocks(cid))
return blocks.filterIt(
not it.failed
method putBlocks*(b: BlockExc, blocks: seq[bt.Block]) =
procCall BlockStore(b).putBlocks(blocks)
proc new*(
T: type BlockExc,
localStore: BlockStore,
wallet: WalletRef,
network: BlockExcNetwork,
concurrentTasks = DefaultConcurrentTasks,
maxRetries = DefaultMaxRetries,
peersPerRequest = DefaultMaxPeersPerRequest): T =
let engine =
localStore = localStore,
wallet = wallet,
peersPerRequest = peersPerRequest,
request = network.request,
let b = BlockExc(
engine: engine,
taskQueue: newAsyncHeapQueue[BlockExcPeerCtx](DefaultTaskQueueSize),
concurrentTasks: concurrentTasks,
maxRetries: maxRetries,
# attach engine's task handler
b.taskHandler = proc(task: BlockExcPeerCtx): Future[void] {.gcsafe.} =
# attach task scheduler to engine
engine.scheduleTask = proc(task: BlockExcPeerCtx): bool {.gcsafe} =
proc peerEventHandler(peerId: PeerID, event: PeerEvent) {.async.} =
# TODO: temporary until libp2p moves back to PeerID
if event.kind == PeerEventKind.Joined:
network.switch.addPeerEventHandler(peerEventHandler, PeerEventKind.Joined)
network.switch.addPeerEventHandler(peerEventHandler, PeerEventKind.Left)
proc blockWantListHandler(
peer: PeerID,
wantList: WantList) {.gcsafe.} =
engine.wantListHandler(peer, wantList)
proc blockPresenceHandler(
peer: PeerID,
presence: seq[BlockPresence]) {.gcsafe.} =
engine.blockPresenceHandler(peer, presence)
proc blocksHandler(
peer: PeerID,
blocks: seq[bt.Block]) {.gcsafe.} =
engine.blocksHandler(peer, blocks)
proc accountHandler(peer: PeerId, account: Account) =
engine.accountHandler(peer, account)
proc paymentHandler(peer: PeerId, payment: SignedState) =
engine.paymentHandler(peer, payment)
network.handlers = BlockExcHandlers(
onWantList: blockWantListHandler,
onBlocks: blocksHandler,
onPresence: blockPresenceHandler,
onAccount: accountHandler,
onPayment: paymentHandler
return b