54 lines
1.3 KiB
54 lines
1.3 KiB
import std/times
import std/options
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/questionable
import pkg/questionable/results
import pkg/sqlite3_abi
from pkg/stew/results as stewResults import isErr
import pkg/upraises
import pkg/datastore
import ./rocksdb
push: {.upraises: [].}
RocksDbDatastore* = ref object of Datastore
db: RocksDbReadWriteRef
func toByteSeq(str: string): seq[byte] {.inline.} =
@(str.toOpenArrayByte(0, str.high))
func toString(bytes: openArray[byte]): string {.inline.} =
let length = bytes.len
if length > 0:
result = newString(length)
copyMem(result.cstring, bytes[0].unsafeAddr, length)
method get*(self: RocksDbDatastore, key: Key): Future[?!seq[byte]] {.async, locks: "unknown".} =
let keyBytes = toByteSeq($key)
let res = self.db.get(keyBytes)
if res.isErr():
return failure(res.error())
return success(res.value())
method put*(self: RocksDbDatastore, key: Key, data: seq[byte]): Future[?!void] {.async, locks: "unknown".} =
let keyBytes = toByteSeq($key)
let res = self.db.put(keyBytes, data)
if res.isErr():
return failure("failed to put!")
return success()
proc new*(T: type RocksDbDatastore, dbName: string): ?!T =
let res = openRocksDb(dbName)
if res.isErr():
return failure(res.error())
let db = res.value()
success T(
db: db