23 lines
986 B
23 lines
986 B
import pkg/ethers/erc20
import codex/contracts
import ../contracts/token
proc mint*(signer: Signer, amount = 1_000_000.u256) {.async.} =
## Mints a considerable amount of tokens and approves them for transfer to
## the Marketplace contract.
let deployment = Deployment.init()
let token = TestToken.new(!deployment.address(TestToken), signer)
let marketplace = Marketplace.new(!deployment.address(Marketplace), signer)
await token.mint(await signer.getAddress(), amount)
proc deposit*(signer: Signer) {.async.} =
## Deposits sufficient collateral into the Marketplace contract.
let deployment = Deployment.init()
let marketplace = Marketplace.new(!deployment.address(Marketplace), signer)
let config = await marketplace.config()
let tokenAddress = await marketplace.token()
let token = Erc20Token.new(tokenAddress, signer)
await token.approve(marketplace.address, config.collateral.initialAmount)
await marketplace.deposit(config.collateral.initialAmount)