mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 06:58:52 +00:00
- add a TestManager property to IntegrationTest, so manager does not need to be passed into all functions - cleanup: - remove unneeded stopHardhat function - add hardhat instance to manager outside of startHardhat
483 lines
16 KiB
483 lines
16 KiB
import std/os
import std/strformat
import std/terminal
from std/unicode import toUpper
import std/unittest
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/chronos/asyncproc
import pkg/codex/logutils
import pkg/questionable
import pkg/questionable/results
import ./hardhatprocess
import ./utils
import ../examples
Hardhat = ref object
process: HardhatProcess
output: seq[string]
port: int
TestManager* = ref object
configs: seq[IntegrationTestConfig]
tests: seq[IntegrationTest]
hardhats: seq[Hardhat]
lastHardhatPort: int
lastCodexApiPort: int
lastCodexDiscPort: int
debugTestHarness: bool # output chronicles logs for the manager and multinodes harness
debugHardhat: bool
debugCodexNodes: bool # output chronicles logs for the codex nodes running in the tests
timeStart: Moment
timeEnd: Moment
codexPortLock: AsyncLock
hardhatPortLock: AsyncLock
testTimeout: Duration # individual test timeout
IntegrationTestConfig* = object
startHardhat: bool
testFile: string
name: string
IntegrationTestStatus = enum ## The status of a test when it is done.
Ok, # Test file launched, and exited with 0. Indicates all tests completed and passed.
Failed, # Test file launched, but exited with a non-zero exit code. Indicates either the test file did not compile, or one or more of the tests in the file failed
Timeout, # Test file launched, but the tests did not complete before the timeout.
Error # Test file did not launch correctly. Indicates an error occurred running the tests (usually an error in the harness).
IntegrationTest = ref object
manager: TestManager
config: IntegrationTestConfig
process: Future[CommandExResponse].Raising([AsyncProcessError, AsyncProcessTimeoutError, CancelledError])
timeStart: Moment
timeEnd: Moment
output: ?!CommandExResponse
testId: string # when used in datadir path, prevents data dir clashes
status: IntegrationTestStatus
TestManagerError* = object of CatchableError
Border {.pure.} = enum
Left, Right
Align {.pure.} = enum
Left, Right
MarkerPosition {.pure.} = enum
{.push raises: [].}
topics = "testing integration testmanager"
proc raiseTestManagerError(msg: string, parent: ref CatchableError = nil) {.raises: [TestManagerError].} =
raise newException(TestManagerError, msg, parent)
template echoStyled(args: varargs[untyped]) =
styledEcho args
except CatchableError as parent:
# no need to re-raise this, as it'll eventually have to be logged only
error "failed to print to terminal", error = parent.msg
proc new*(
_: type TestManager,
configs: seq[IntegrationTestConfig],
debugTestHarness = false,
debugHardhat = false,
debugCodexNodes = false,
testTimeout = 60.minutes): TestManager =
if debugTestHarness:
when enabledLogLevel != LogLevel.TRACE:
echoStyled bgWhite, fgBlack, styleBright, "\n\n ",
resetStyle, bgWhite, fgBlack, styleBright, """
More integration test harness logs available by running with
-d:chronicles_log_level=TRACE, eg:""",
resetStyle, bgWhite, fgBlack,
"\n\n nim c -d:chronicles_log_level=TRACE -r ./testIntegration.nim\n\n"
if debugCodexNodes:
echoStyled bgWhite, fgBlack, styleBright, "\n\n ",
styleUnderscore, "ENABLE CODEX LOGGING\n\n",
resetStyle, bgWhite, fgBlack, styleBright, """
For integration test suites that are multinodesuites, or for
tests launching a CodexProcess, ensure that CodexConfig.debug
is enabled.
configs: configs,
lastHardhatPort: 8545,
lastCodexApiPort: 8000,
lastCodexDiscPort: 9000,
debugTestHarness: debugTestHarness,
debugHardhat: debugHardhat,
debugCodexNodes: debugCodexNodes,
testTimeout: testTimeout
func init*(
_: type IntegrationTestConfig,
testFile: string,
startHardhat: bool,
name = ""): IntegrationTestConfig =
testFile: testFile,
name: if name == "":
startHardhat: startHardhat
template withLock*(lock: AsyncLock, body: untyped) =
if lock.isNil:
lock = newAsyncLock()
await lock.acquire()
await sleepAsync(1.millis)
except AsyncLockError as parent:
raiseTestManagerError "lock error", parent
proc duration(manager: TestManager): Duration =
manager.timeEnd - manager.timeStart
proc duration(test: IntegrationTest): Duration =
test.timeEnd - test.timeStart
proc startHardhat(
test: IntegrationTest): Future[Hardhat] {.async: (raises: [CancelledError, TestManagerError]).} =
var args: seq[string] = @[]
var port: int
let hardhat = Hardhat.new()
manager.hardhats.add hardhat
proc onOutputLineCaptured(line: string) {.raises: [].} =
hardhat.output.add line
port = await nextFreePort(test.manager.lastHardhatPort + 10)
test.manager.lastHardhatPort = port
trace "starting hardhat process on port ", port
let node = await HardhatProcess.startNode(
"hardhat for '" & config.name & "'",
await node.waitUntilStarted()
hardhat.process = node
hardhat.port = port
return hardhat
except CancelledError as e:
raise e
except CatchableError as e:
raiseTestManagerError "hardhat node failed to start: " & e.msg, e
proc printResult(
test: IntegrationTest,
colour: ForegroundColor) =
echoStyled styleBright, colour, &"[{toUpper $test.status}] ",
resetStyle, test.config.name,
resetStyle, styleDim, &" ({test.duration})"
proc printOutputMarker(
test: IntegrationTest,
position: MarkerPosition,
msg: string) =
if position == MarkerPosition.Start:
echo ""
echoStyled styleBright, bgWhite, fgBlack,
&"----- {toUpper $position} {test.config.name} {msg} -----"
if position == MarkerPosition.Finish:
echo ""
proc printResult(
test: IntegrationTest,
printStdOut = false,
printStdErr = false) =
if test.status == IntegrationTestStatus.Error and
error =? test.output.errorOption:
if printStdErr:
test.printOutputMarker(MarkerPosition.Start, "test harness errors")
echo "Error during test execution: ", error.msg
echo "Stacktrace: ", error.getStackTrace()
test.printOutputMarker(MarkerPosition.Finish, "test harness errors")
elif test.status == IntegrationTestStatus.Failed:
if output =? test.output:
if printStdErr: #manager.debugTestHarness
"test harness errors (stderr)")
echo output.stdError
"test harness errors (stderr)")
if printStdOut:
"codex node output (stdout)")
echo output.stdOutput
"codex node output (stdout)")
elif test.status == IntegrationTestStatus.Timeout:
elif test.status == IntegrationTestStatus.Ok:
if printStdOut and
output =? test.output:
"codex node output (stdout)")
echo output.stdOutput
"codex node output (stdout)")
proc printSummary(test: IntegrationTest) =
test.printResult(printStdOut = false, printStdErr = false)
proc printStart(test: IntegrationTest) =
echoStyled styleBright, fgMagenta, &"[Integration test started] ", resetStyle, test.config.name
proc buildCommand(
test: IntegrationTest,
hardhatPort: ?int): Future[string] {.async: (raises:[CancelledError, TestManagerError]).} =
var apiPort, discPort: int
# TODO: needed? nextFreePort should take care of this
# inc by 20 to allow each test to run 20 codex nodes (clients, SPs,
# validators) giving a good chance the port will be free
apiPort = await nextFreePort(test.manager.lastCodexApiPort + 20)
test.manager.lastCodexApiPort = apiPort
discPort = await nextFreePort(test.manager.lastCodexDiscPort + 20)
test.manager.lastCodexDiscPort = discPort
var logging = ""
if test.manager.debugTestHarness:
logging = "-d:chronicles_log_level=TRACE " &
"-d:chronicles_disabled_topics=websock " &
"-d:chronicles_default_output_device=stdout " &
let strHardhatPort =
if not test.config.startHardhat: ""
without port =? hardhatPort:
raiseTestManagerError "hardhatPort required when 'config.startHardhat' is true"
"-d:HardhatPort=" & $port
var testFile: string
testFile = absolutePath(
root = currentSourcePath().parentDir().parentDir())
except ValueError as parent:
raiseTestManagerError "bad file name, testFile: " & test.config.testFile, parent
var command: string
return "nim c " &
&"-d:CodexApiPort={apiPort} " &
&"-d:CodexDiscPort={discPort} " &
&"{strHardhatPort} " &
&"-d:TestId={test.testId} " &
&"{logging} " &
"--verbosity:0 " &
"--hints:off " &
"-d:release " &
"-r " &
except ValueError as parent:
raiseTestManagerError "bad command --\n" &
", apiPort: " & $apiPort &
", discPort: " & $discPort &
", logging: " & logging &
", testFile: " & testFile &
", error: " & parent.msg,
proc runTest(
manager: TestManager,
config: IntegrationTestConfig) {.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} =
trace "Running test"
var test = IntegrationTest(
manager: manager,
config: config,
testId: $ uint16.example
test.timeStart = Moment.now()
manager.tests.add test
var hardhat: Hardhat
var hardhatPort = int.none
var command: string
if config.startHardhat:
hardhat = await test.startHardhat()
hardhatPort = hardhat.port.some
manager.hardhats.add hardhat
command = await test.buildCommand(hardhatPort)
except TestManagerError as e:
error "Failed to start hardhat and build command", error = e.msg
test.timeEnd = Moment.now()
test.status = IntegrationTestStatus.Error
test.output = CommandExResponse.failure(e)
test.printResult(printStdOut = manager.debugCodexNodes,
printStdErr = manager.debugTestHarness)
trace "Starting parallel integration test", command
test.process = execCommandEx(
command = command,
timeout = manager.testTimeout
let output = await test.process # waits on waitForExit
test.output = success(output)
if output.status != 0:
test.status = IntegrationTestStatus.Failed
test.status = IntegrationTestStatus.Ok
except CancelledError as e:
raise e
except AsyncProcessTimeoutError as e:
test.timeEnd = Moment.now()
error "Test timed out", name = config.name, duration = test.timeEnd - test.timeStart
test.output = CommandExResponse.failure(e)
test.status = IntegrationTestStatus.Timeout
test.printResult(printStdOut = manager.debugCodexNodes,
printStdErr = manager.debugTestHarness)
except AsyncProcessError as e:
test.timeEnd = Moment.now()
error "Test failed to complete", name = config.name,duration = test.timeEnd - test.timeStart
test.output = CommandExResponse.failure(e)
test.status = IntegrationTestStatus.Error
test.printResult(printStdOut = manager.debugCodexNodes,
printStdErr = manager.debugTestHarness)
if config.startHardhat and not hardhat.isNil:
trace "Stopping hardhat", name = config.name
await hardhat.process.stop()
except CatchableError as e:
warn "Failed to stop hardhat node, continuing",
error = e.msg, test = test.config.name
if manager.debugHardhat:
test.printOutputMarker(MarkerPosition.Start, "Hardhat stdout")
for line in hardhat.output:
echo line
test.printOutputMarker(MarkerPosition.Finish, "Hardhat stdout")
manager.hardhats.keepItIf( it != hardhat )
test.timeEnd = Moment.now()
info "Test completed", name = config.name, duration = test.timeEnd - test.timeStart
test.printResult(printStdOut = manager.debugCodexNodes,
printStdErr = manager.debugTestHarness)
proc runTests(manager: TestManager) {.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} =
var testFutures: seq[Future[void].Raising([CancelledError])]
manager.timeStart = Moment.now()
echoStyled styleBright, bgWhite, fgBlack,
"\n[Integration Test Manager] Starting parallel integration tests"
for config in manager.configs:
testFutures.add manager.runTest(config)
await allFutures testFutures
manager.timeEnd = Moment.now()
proc withBorder(
msg: string,
align = Align.Left,
width = 67,
borders = {Border.Left, Border.Right}): string =
if borders.contains(Border.Left):
result &= "| "
if align == Align.Left:
result &= msg.alignLeft(width)
elif align == Align.Right:
result &= msg.align(width)
if borders.contains(Border.Right):
result &= " |"
proc printResult(manager: TestManager) {.raises: [TestManagerError].}=
var successes = 0
var totalDurationSerial: Duration
for test in manager.tests:
totalDurationSerial += test.duration
if test.status == IntegrationTestStatus.Ok:
inc successes
# estimated time saved as serial execution with a single hardhat instance
# incurs less overhead
let relativeTimeSaved = ((totalDurationSerial - manager.duration).nanos * 100) div
let passingStyle = if successes < manager.tests.len:
echo "\n▢=====================================================================▢"
echoStyled "| ", styleBright, styleUnderscore, "INTEGRATION TEST SUMMARY", resetStyle, "".withBorder(Align.Right, 43, {Border.Right})
echo "".withBorder()
echoStyled styleBright, "| TOTAL TIME : ", resetStyle, ($manager.duration).withBorder(Align.Right, 49, {Border.Right})
echoStyled styleBright, "| TIME SAVED (EST): ", resetStyle, (&"{relativeTimeSaved}%").withBorder(Align.Right, 49, {Border.Right})
echoStyled "| ", styleBright, passingStyle, "PASSING : ", resetStyle, passingStyle, (&"{successes} / {manager.tests.len}").align(49), resetStyle, " |"
echo "▢=====================================================================▢"
proc start*(manager: TestManager) {.async: (raises: [CancelledError, TestManagerError]).} =
await manager.runTests()
proc stop*(manager: TestManager) {.async: (raises: [CancelledError]).} =
for test in manager.tests:
if not test.process.isNil and not test.process.finished:
await test.process.cancelAndWait()
for hardhat in manager.hardhats:
await hardhat.process.stop()
except CatchableError as e:
trace "failed to stop hardhat node", error = e.msg |