mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 04:10:42 +00:00
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## Nim-Codex
## Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
## Licensed under either of
## * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
## at your option.
## This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
## those terms.
import pkg/upraises
{.upraises: [].}
import std/sequtils
import mimetypes
import os
import pkg/questionable
import pkg/questionable/results
import pkg/chronos
import pkg/presto except toJson
import pkg/metrics except toJson
import pkg/stew/base10
import pkg/stew/byteutils
import pkg/confutils
import pkg/libp2p
import pkg/libp2p/routing_record
import pkg/codexdht/discv5/spr as spr
import ../logutils
import ../node
import ../blocktype
import ../conf
import ../contracts
import ../erasure/erasure
import ../manifest
import ../streams/asyncstreamwrapper
import ../stores
import ../utils/options
import ./coders
import ./json
topics = "codex restapi"
declareCounter(codex_api_uploads, "codex API uploads")
declareCounter(codex_api_downloads, "codex API downloads")
proc validate(pattern: string, value: string): int {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].} =
proc formatManifest(cid: Cid, manifest: Manifest): RestContent =
return RestContent.init(cid, manifest)
proc formatManifestBlocks(node: CodexNodeRef): Future[JsonNode] {.async.} =
var content: seq[RestContent]
proc addManifest(cid: Cid, manifest: Manifest) =
content.add(formatManifest(cid, manifest))
await node.iterateManifests(addManifest)
return %RestContentList.init(content)
proc retrieveCid(
node: CodexNodeRef, cid: Cid, local: bool = true, resp: HttpResponseRef
): Future[RestApiResponse] {.async.} =
## Download a file from the node in a streaming
## manner
var stream: LPStream
var bytes = 0
without stream =? (await node.retrieve(cid, local)), error:
if error of BlockNotFoundError:
resp.status = Http404
return await resp.sendBody("")
resp.status = Http500
return await resp.sendBody(error.msg)
# It is ok to fetch again the manifest because it will hit the cache
without manifest =? (await node.fetchManifest(cid)), err:
error "Failed to fetch manifest", err = err.msg
resp.status = Http404
return await resp.sendBody(err.msg)
if manifest.mimetype.isSome:
resp.setHeader("Content-Type", manifest.mimetype.get())
resp.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
if manifest.filename.isSome:
"attachment; filename=\"" & manifest.filename.get() & "\"",
resp.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment")
await resp.prepareChunked()
while not stream.atEof:
buff = newSeqUninitialized[byte](DefaultBlockSize.int)
len = await stream.readOnce(addr buff[0], buff.len)
if buff.len <= 0:
bytes += buff.len
await resp.sendChunk(addr buff[0], buff.len)
await resp.finish()
except CatchableError as exc:
warn "Excepting streaming blocks", exc = exc.msg
resp.status = Http500
return await resp.sendBody("")
info "Sent bytes", cid = cid, bytes
if not stream.isNil:
await stream.close()
proc buildCorsHeaders(
httpMethod: string, allowedOrigin: Option[string]
): seq[(string, string)] =
var headers: seq[(string, string)] = newSeq[(string, string)]()
if corsOrigin =? allowedOrigin:
headers.add(("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", corsOrigin))
headers.add(("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", httpMethod & ", OPTIONS"))
headers.add(("Access-Control-Max-Age", "86400"))
return headers
proc setCorsHeaders(resp: HttpResponseRef, httpMethod: string, origin: string) =
resp.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", origin)
resp.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", httpMethod & ", OPTIONS")
resp.setHeader("Access-Control-Max-Age", "86400")
proc getFilenameFromContentDisposition(contentDisposition: string): ?string =
if not ("filename=" in contentDisposition):
return string.none
let parts = contentDisposition.split("filename=\"")
if parts.len < 2:
return string.none
let filename = parts[1].strip()
return filename[0 ..^ 2].some
proc initDataApi(node: CodexNodeRef, repoStore: RepoStore, router: var RestRouter) =
let allowedOrigin = router.allowedOrigin # prevents capture inside of api defintion
router.api(MethodOptions, "/api/codex/v1/data") do(
resp: HttpResponseRef
) -> RestApiResponse:
if corsOrigin =? allowedOrigin:
resp.setCorsHeaders("POST", corsOrigin)
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "content-type, content-disposition"
resp.status = Http204
await resp.sendBody("")
router.rawApi(MethodPost, "/api/codex/v1/data") do() -> RestApiResponse:
## Upload a file in a streaming manner
trace "Handling file upload"
var bodyReader = request.getBodyReader()
if bodyReader.isErr():
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500)
# Attempt to handle `Expect` header
# some clients (curl), wait 1000ms
# before giving up
await request.handleExpect()
var mimetype = request.headers.getString(ContentTypeHeader).some
if mimetype.get() != "":
var m = newMimetypes()
let extension = m.getExt(mimetype.get(), "")
if extension == "":
return RestApiResponse.error(Http422, "The MIME type is not valid.")
mimetype = string.none
const ContentDispositionHeader = "Content-Disposition"
let contentDisposition = request.headers.getString(ContentDispositionHeader)
let filename = getFilenameFromContentDisposition(contentDisposition)
if filename.isSome and not isValidFilename(filename.get()):
return RestApiResponse.error(Http422, "The filename is not valid.")
# Here we could check if the extension matches the filename if needed
let reader = bodyReader.get()
without cid =? (
await node.store(
AsyncStreamWrapper.new(reader = AsyncStreamReader(reader)),
filename = filename,
mimetype = mimetype,
), error:
error "Error uploading file", exc = error.msg
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500, error.msg)
trace "Uploaded file", cid
return RestApiResponse.response($cid)
except CancelledError:
trace "Upload cancelled error"
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500)
except AsyncStreamError:
trace "Async stream error"
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500)
await reader.closeWait()
trace "Something went wrong error"
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500)
router.api(MethodGet, "/api/codex/v1/data") do() -> RestApiResponse:
let json = await formatManifestBlocks(node)
return RestApiResponse.response($json, contentType = "application/json")
router.api(MethodGet, "/api/codex/v1/data/{cid}") do(
cid: Cid, resp: HttpResponseRef
) -> RestApiResponse:
var headers = buildCorsHeaders("GET", allowedOrigin)
## Download a file from the local node in a streaming
## manner
if cid.isErr:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http400, $cid.error(), headers = headers)
if corsOrigin =? allowedOrigin:
resp.setCorsHeaders("GET", corsOrigin)
resp.setHeader("Access-Control-Headers", "X-Requested-With")
await node.retrieveCid(cid.get(), local = true, resp = resp)
router.api(MethodPost, "/api/codex/v1/data/{cid}/network") do(
cid: Cid, resp: HttpResponseRef
) -> RestApiResponse:
## Download a file from the network to the local node
var headers = buildCorsHeaders("GET", allowedOrigin)
if cid.isErr:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http400, $cid.error(), headers = headers)
without manifest =? (await node.fetchManifest(cid.get())), err:
error "Failed to fetch manifest", err = err.msg
return RestApiResponse.error(Http404, err.msg, headers = headers)
proc fetchDatasetAsync(): Future[void] {.async.} =
if err =? (await node.fetchBatched(manifest)).errorOption:
error "Unable to fetch dataset", cid = cid.get(), err = err.msg
except CatchableError as exc:
error "CatchableError when fetching dataset", cid = cid.get(), exc = exc.msg
asyncSpawn fetchDatasetAsync()
let json = %formatManifest(cid.get(), manifest)
return RestApiResponse.response($json, contentType = "application/json")
router.api(MethodGet, "/api/codex/v1/data/{cid}/network/stream") do(
cid: Cid, resp: HttpResponseRef
) -> RestApiResponse:
## Download a file from the network in a streaming
## manner
var headers = buildCorsHeaders("GET", allowedOrigin)
if cid.isErr:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http400, $cid.error(), headers = headers)
if corsOrigin =? allowedOrigin:
resp.setCorsHeaders("GET", corsOrigin)
resp.setHeader("Access-Control-Headers", "X-Requested-With")
await node.retrieveCid(cid.get(), local = false, resp = resp)
router.api(MethodGet, "/api/codex/v1/data/{cid}/network/manifest") do(
cid: Cid, resp: HttpResponseRef
) -> RestApiResponse:
## Download only the manifest.
var headers = buildCorsHeaders("GET", allowedOrigin)
if cid.isErr:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http400, $cid.error(), headers = headers)
without manifest =? (await node.fetchManifest(cid.get())), err:
error "Failed to fetch manifest", err = err.msg
return RestApiResponse.error(Http404, err.msg, headers = headers)
let json = %formatManifest(cid.get(), manifest)
return RestApiResponse.response($json, contentType = "application/json")
router.api(MethodGet, "/api/codex/v1/space") do() -> RestApiResponse:
let json =
totalBlocks: repoStore.totalBlocks,
quotaMaxBytes: repoStore.quotaMaxBytes,
quotaUsedBytes: repoStore.quotaUsedBytes,
quotaReservedBytes: repoStore.quotaReservedBytes,
return RestApiResponse.response($json, contentType = "application/json")
proc initSalesApi(node: CodexNodeRef, router: var RestRouter) =
let allowedOrigin = router.allowedOrigin
router.api(MethodGet, "/api/codex/v1/sales/slots") do() -> RestApiResponse:
var headers = buildCorsHeaders("GET", allowedOrigin)
## Returns active slots for the host
without contracts =? node.contracts.host:
return RestApiResponse.error(
Http503, "Persistence is not enabled", headers = headers
let json = %(await contracts.sales.mySlots())
return RestApiResponse.response(
$json, contentType = "application/json", headers = headers
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "Excepting processing request", exc = exc.msg
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500, headers = headers)
router.api(MethodGet, "/api/codex/v1/sales/slots/{slotId}") do(
slotId: SlotId
) -> RestApiResponse:
## Returns active slot with id {slotId} for the host. Returns 404 if the
## slot is not active for the host.
var headers = buildCorsHeaders("GET", allowedOrigin)
without contracts =? node.contracts.host:
RestApiResponse.error(Http503, "Persistence is not enabled", headers = headers)
without slotId =? slotId.tryGet.catch, error:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http400, error.msg, headers = headers)
without agent =? await contracts.sales.activeSale(slotId):
RestApiResponse.error(Http404, "Provider not filling slot", headers = headers)
let restAgent = RestSalesAgent(
state: agent.state() |? "none",
slotIndex: agent.data.slotIndex,
requestId: agent.data.requestId,
request: agent.data.request,
reservation: agent.data.reservation,
return RestApiResponse.response(
restAgent.toJson, contentType = "application/json", headers = headers
router.api(MethodGet, "/api/codex/v1/sales/availability") do() -> RestApiResponse:
## Returns storage that is for sale
var headers = buildCorsHeaders("GET", allowedOrigin)
without contracts =? node.contracts.host:
return RestApiResponse.error(
Http503, "Persistence is not enabled", headers = headers
without avails =? (await contracts.sales.context.reservations.all(Availability)),
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500, err.msg, headers = headers)
let json = %avails
return RestApiResponse.response(
$json, contentType = "application/json", headers = headers
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "Excepting processing request", exc = exc.msg
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500, headers = headers)
router.rawApi(MethodPost, "/api/codex/v1/sales/availability") do() -> RestApiResponse:
## Add available storage to sell.
## Every time Availability's offer finishes, its capacity is returned to the availability.
## totalSize - size of available storage in bytes
## duration - maximum time the storage should be sold for (in seconds)
## minPrice - minimal price paid (in amount of tokens) for the whole hosted request's slot for the request's duration
## maxCollateral - maximum collateral user is willing to pay per filled Slot (in amount of tokens)
var headers = buildCorsHeaders("POST", allowedOrigin)
without contracts =? node.contracts.host:
return RestApiResponse.error(
Http503, "Persistence is not enabled", headers = headers
let body = await request.getBody()
without restAv =? RestAvailability.fromJson(body), error:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http400, error.msg, headers = headers)
let reservations = contracts.sales.context.reservations
if restAv.totalSize == 0:
return RestApiResponse.error(
Http400, "Total size must be larger then zero", headers = headers
if not reservations.hasAvailable(restAv.totalSize.truncate(uint)):
RestApiResponse.error(Http422, "Not enough storage quota", headers = headers)
without availability =? (
await reservations.createAvailability(
restAv.totalSize, restAv.duration, restAv.minPrice, restAv.maxCollateral
), error:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500, error.msg, headers = headers)
return RestApiResponse.response(
contentType = "application/json",
headers = headers,
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "Excepting processing request", exc = exc.msg
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500, headers = headers)
router.api(MethodOptions, "/api/codex/v1/sales/availability/{id}") do(
id: AvailabilityId, resp: HttpResponseRef
) -> RestApiResponse:
if corsOrigin =? allowedOrigin:
resp.setCorsHeaders("PATCH", corsOrigin)
resp.status = Http204
await resp.sendBody("")
router.rawApi(MethodPatch, "/api/codex/v1/sales/availability/{id}") do(
id: AvailabilityId
) -> RestApiResponse:
## Updates Availability.
## The new parameters will be only considered for new requests.
## Existing Requests linked to this Availability will continue as is.
## totalSize - size of available storage in bytes. When decreasing the size, then lower limit is the currently `totalSize - freeSize`.
## duration - maximum time the storage should be sold for (in seconds)
## minPrice - minimum price to be paid (in amount of tokens)
## maxCollateral - maximum collateral user is willing to pay per filled Slot (in amount of tokens)
without contracts =? node.contracts.host:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http503, "Persistence is not enabled")
without id =? id.tryGet.catch, error:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http400, error.msg)
without keyId =? id.key.tryGet.catch, error:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http400, error.msg)
body = await request.getBody()
reservations = contracts.sales.context.reservations
type OptRestAvailability = Optionalize(RestAvailability)
without restAv =? OptRestAvailability.fromJson(body), error:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http400, error.msg)
without availability =? (await reservations.get(keyId, Availability)), error:
if error of NotExistsError:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http404, "Availability not found")
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500, error.msg)
if isSome restAv.freeSize:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http400, "Updating freeSize is not allowed")
if size =? restAv.totalSize:
# we don't allow lowering the totalSize bellow currently utilized size
if size < (availability.totalSize - availability.freeSize):
return RestApiResponse.error(
"New totalSize must be larger then current totalSize - freeSize, which is currently: " &
$(availability.totalSize - availability.freeSize),
availability.freeSize += size - availability.totalSize
availability.totalSize = size
if duration =? restAv.duration:
availability.duration = duration
if minPrice =? restAv.minPrice:
availability.minPrice = minPrice
if maxCollateral =? restAv.maxCollateral:
availability.maxCollateral = maxCollateral
if err =? (await reservations.update(availability)).errorOption:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500, err.msg)
return RestApiResponse.response(Http200)
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "Excepting processing request", exc = exc.msg
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500)
router.rawApi(MethodGet, "/api/codex/v1/sales/availability/{id}/reservations") do(
id: AvailabilityId
) -> RestApiResponse:
## Gets Availability's reservations.
var headers = buildCorsHeaders("GET", allowedOrigin)
without contracts =? node.contracts.host:
return RestApiResponse.error(
Http503, "Persistence is not enabled", headers = headers
without id =? id.tryGet.catch, error:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http400, error.msg, headers = headers)
without keyId =? id.key.tryGet.catch, error:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http400, error.msg, headers = headers)
let reservations = contracts.sales.context.reservations
let market = contracts.sales.context.market
if error =? (await reservations.get(keyId, Availability)).errorOption:
if error of NotExistsError:
RestApiResponse.error(Http404, "Availability not found", headers = headers)
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500, error.msg, headers = headers)
without availabilitysReservations =? (await reservations.all(Reservation, id)),
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500, err.msg, headers = headers)
# TODO: Expand this structure with information about the linked StorageRequest not only RequestID
return RestApiResponse.response(
contentType = "application/json",
headers = headers,
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "Excepting processing request", exc = exc.msg
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500, headers = headers)
proc initPurchasingApi(node: CodexNodeRef, router: var RestRouter) =
let allowedOrigin = router.allowedOrigin
router.rawApi(MethodPost, "/api/codex/v1/storage/request/{cid}") do(
cid: Cid
) -> RestApiResponse:
var headers = buildCorsHeaders("POST", allowedOrigin)
## Create a request for storage
## cid - the cid of a previously uploaded dataset
## duration - the duration of the request in seconds
## proofProbability - how often storage proofs are required
## reward - the maximum amount of tokens paid per second per slot to hosts the client is willing to pay
## expiry - specifies threshold in seconds from now when the request expires if the Request does not find requested amount of nodes to host the data
## nodes - number of nodes the content should be stored on
## tolerance - allowed number of nodes that can be lost before content is lost
## colateral - requested collateral from hosts when they fill slot
without contracts =? node.contracts.client:
return RestApiResponse.error(
Http503, "Persistence is not enabled", headers = headers
without cid =? cid.tryGet.catch, error:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http400, error.msg, headers = headers)
let body = await request.getBody()
without params =? StorageRequestParams.fromJson(body), error:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http400, error.msg, headers = headers)
let nodes = params.nodes |? 3
let tolerance = params.tolerance |? 1
if tolerance == 0:
return RestApiResponse.error(
Http400, "Tolerance needs to be bigger then zero", headers = headers
# prevent underflow
if tolerance > nodes:
return RestApiResponse.error(
"Invalid parameters: `tolerance` cannot be greater than `nodes`",
headers = headers,
let ecK = nodes - tolerance
let ecM = tolerance # for readability
# ensure leopard constrainst of 1 < K ≥ M
if ecK <= 1 or ecK < ecM:
return RestApiResponse.error(
"Invalid parameters: parameters must satify `1 < (nodes - tolerance) ≥ tolerance`",
headers = headers,
without expiry =? params.expiry:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http400, "Expiry required", headers = headers)
if expiry <= 0 or expiry >= params.duration:
return RestApiResponse.error(
"Expiry needs value bigger then zero and smaller then the request's duration",
headers = headers,
without purchaseId =?
await node.requestStorage(
cid, params.duration, params.proofProbability, nodes, tolerance,
params.reward, params.collateral, expiry,
), error:
if error of InsufficientBlocksError:
return RestApiResponse.error(
"Dataset too small for erasure parameters, need at least " &
$(ref InsufficientBlocksError)(error).minSize.int & " bytes",
headers = headers,
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500, error.msg, headers = headers)
return RestApiResponse.response(purchaseId.toHex)
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "Excepting processing request", exc = exc.msg
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500, headers = headers)
router.api(MethodGet, "/api/codex/v1/storage/purchases/{id}") do(
id: PurchaseId
) -> RestApiResponse:
var headers = buildCorsHeaders("GET", allowedOrigin)
without contracts =? node.contracts.client:
return RestApiResponse.error(
Http503, "Persistence is not enabled", headers = headers
without id =? id.tryGet.catch, error:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http400, error.msg, headers = headers)
without purchase =? contracts.purchasing.getPurchase(id):
return RestApiResponse.error(Http404, headers = headers)
let json =
state: purchase.state |? "none",
error: purchase.error .? msg,
request: purchase.request,
requestId: purchase.requestId,
return RestApiResponse.response(
$json, contentType = "application/json", headers = headers
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "Excepting processing request", exc = exc.msg
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500, headers = headers)
router.api(MethodGet, "/api/codex/v1/storage/purchases") do() -> RestApiResponse:
var headers = buildCorsHeaders("GET", allowedOrigin)
without contracts =? node.contracts.client:
return RestApiResponse.error(
Http503, "Persistence is not enabled", headers = headers
let purchaseIds = contracts.purchasing.getPurchaseIds()
return RestApiResponse.response(
$ %purchaseIds, contentType = "application/json", headers = headers
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "Excepting processing request", exc = exc.msg
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500, headers = headers)
proc initNodeApi(node: CodexNodeRef, conf: CodexConf, router: var RestRouter) =
let allowedOrigin = router.allowedOrigin
## various node management api's
router.api(MethodGet, "/api/codex/v1/spr") do() -> RestApiResponse:
## Returns node SPR in requested format, json or text.
var headers = buildCorsHeaders("GET", allowedOrigin)
without spr =? node.discovery.dhtRecord:
return RestApiResponse.response(
"", status = Http503, contentType = "application/json", headers = headers
if $preferredContentType().get() == "text/plain":
return RestApiResponse.response(
spr.toURI, contentType = "text/plain", headers = headers
return RestApiResponse.response(
$ %*{"spr": spr.toURI}, contentType = "application/json", headers = headers
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "Excepting processing request", exc = exc.msg
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500, headers = headers)
router.api(MethodGet, "/api/codex/v1/peerid") do() -> RestApiResponse:
## Returns node's peerId in requested format, json or text.
var headers = buildCorsHeaders("GET", allowedOrigin)
let id = $node.switch.peerInfo.peerId
if $preferredContentType().get() == "text/plain":
RestApiResponse.response(id, contentType = "text/plain", headers = headers)
return RestApiResponse.response(
$ %*{"id": id}, contentType = "application/json", headers = headers
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "Excepting processing request", exc = exc.msg
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500, headers = headers)
router.api(MethodGet, "/api/codex/v1/connect/{peerId}") do(
peerId: PeerId, addrs: seq[MultiAddress]
) -> RestApiResponse:
## Connect to a peer
## If `addrs` param is supplied, it will be used to
## dial the peer, otherwise the `peerId` is used
## to invoke peer discovery, if it succeeds
## the returned addresses will be used to dial
## `addrs` the listening addresses of the peers to dial, eg the one specified with `--listen-addrs`
var headers = buildCorsHeaders("GET", allowedOrigin)
if peerId.isErr:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http400, $peerId.error(), headers = headers)
let addresses =
if addrs.isOk and addrs.get().len > 0:
without peerRecord =? (await node.findPeer(peerId.get())):
RestApiResponse.error(Http400, "Unable to find Peer!", headers = headers)
await node.connect(peerId.get(), addresses)
RestApiResponse.response("Successfully connected to peer", headers = headers)
except DialFailedError:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http400, "Unable to dial peer", headers = headers)
except CatchableError:
RestApiResponse.error(Http500, "Unknown error dialling peer", headers = headers)
proc initDebugApi(node: CodexNodeRef, conf: CodexConf, router: var RestRouter) =
let allowedOrigin = router.allowedOrigin
router.api(MethodGet, "/api/codex/v1/debug/info") do() -> RestApiResponse:
## Print rudimentary node information
var headers = buildCorsHeaders("GET", allowedOrigin)
let table = RestRoutingTable.init(node.discovery.protocol.routingTable)
let json =
"id": $node.switch.peerInfo.peerId,
"addrs": node.switch.peerInfo.addrs.mapIt($it),
"repo": $conf.dataDir,
if node.discovery.dhtRecord.isSome:
"announceAddresses": node.discovery.announceAddrs,
"table": table,
"codex": {"version": $codexVersion, "revision": $codexRevision},
# return pretty json for human readability
return RestApiResponse.response(
json.pretty(), contentType = "application/json", headers = headers
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "Excepting processing request", exc = exc.msg
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500, headers = headers)
router.api(MethodPost, "/api/codex/v1/debug/chronicles/loglevel") do(
level: Option[string]
) -> RestApiResponse:
## Set log level at run time
## e.g. `chronicles/loglevel?level=DEBUG`
## `level` - chronicles log level
var headers = buildCorsHeaders("POST", allowedOrigin)
without res =? level and level =? res:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http400, "Missing log level", headers = headers)
except CatchableError as exc:
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500, exc.msg, headers = headers)
return RestApiResponse.response("")
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "Excepting processing request", exc = exc.msg
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500, headers = headers)
when codex_enable_api_debug_peers:
router.api(MethodGet, "/api/codex/v1/debug/peer/{peerId}") do(
peerId: PeerId
) -> RestApiResponse:
var headers = buildCorsHeaders("GET", allowedOrigin)
trace "debug/peer start"
without peerRecord =? (await node.findPeer(peerId.get())):
trace "debug/peer peer not found!"
RestApiResponse.error(Http400, "Unable to find Peer!", headers = headers)
let json = %RestPeerRecord.init(peerRecord)
trace "debug/peer returning peer record"
return RestApiResponse.response($json, headers = headers)
except CatchableError as exc:
trace "Excepting processing request", exc = exc.msg
return RestApiResponse.error(Http500, headers = headers)
proc initRestApi*(
node: CodexNodeRef,
conf: CodexConf,
repoStore: RepoStore,
corsAllowedOrigin: ?string,
): RestRouter =
var router = RestRouter.init(validate, corsAllowedOrigin)
initDataApi(node, repoStore, router)
initSalesApi(node, router)
initPurchasingApi(node, router)
initNodeApi(node, conf, router)
initDebugApi(node, conf, router)
return router